They're Gone
I was watching this video^^ when the idea for this chapter struck me so.....enjoy I love (though there are only a few of them) this artist/youtuber's work - Danasauurr!!
Hermione is staring at the empty room for a second before she starts screaming, "ROSE! HUGO!" She could barely breath and starts to hyperventilate. "HARRY! RON!"
There are loud quick steps on the stairs and the boys run into the room to find Hermione on her knees on the floor crying, Draco's not too far behind them with the others right behind.
"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Ron asks desperately, kneeling next to her trying to comfort his desperate wife. He hadn't see her like this in a very long time and was not very happy with her current state. "What happened?"
"I couldn't stop them, I just stood there," Hermione cries desperately as she turns and weeps into Ron's Christmas jumper.
"Stop who? What's happened Hermione?" Harry asks stepping forward placing his hand on her head in a small way of comfort. But Hermione jumps up and throws her arms around his neck, now crying into his chest.
Harry looks at Ron desperately, having no clue why to do. "They took it Harry! They spun it! I don't know where they are!" Hermione rambles against Harry's chest confusing him along with everyone else.
"What did who take?" Harry asks worried we won't like her answer. She pulls back and stares right into his eyes with watery yet dead serious ones. Then her words set in and he was right, he didn't like the answer. "No."
Hermione nods tears streaming down her face. "Who?" Harry asks quietly definitely not wanting the answer.
"All of them," Hermione gasps our crying in his chest again. "All five of them!"
Harry's eyes grow wide and his own tears start to fall down his face as they both collapse in a crying heap on the floor.
"Can someone place explain what is happening here!?!" Draco demands looking at his husband and friend crying on the floor. He looks back at the other family members who look just as confused as he does. Then he looks at Ron who seems to have no clues either. "Babe, what's wrong?"
"The kids," Harry gasps out turning to look at Draco who jolts suddenly remembering he hadn't seen the kids in a little while.
"What about them?" Draco asks a bit more hesitant as he crouches next to Harry who reaches out and clutches the front of Draco's Christmas sweater. This was definitely not the way he likes to see his husband, he prefers him happy.
"They're gone," Hermione answers looking at Draco then at Ron telling him that theirs are included in this.
"What do you mean gone?" Ron asks desperately crouching down again while the rest of the family files into the room.
Hermione sighs sniffling before pulling away from Harry who does the same. They both stand up again straightening their clothes before Harry pulls Draco into a desperate hug breathing in his familiar smell.
"Okay. So, in our third year I was under a lot of stress and took on more work than I could handle when Minnie then offered me something that would help me get to all my classes on time. She had to do a lot of paper work with the ministry but ultimately I got to keep it. Then later that year Buckbeak and Sirius were going to be killed so I told Harry and we saved them. I haven't used it since that year knowing how much damage it could do but I've kept it locked away all this time," Hermione stops for a minute trying to reign in her breath that was becoming shorter as she spoke when Ron pulled her into a comforting hug. She took a deep breath before continuing. "The kids somehow got into my drawers and as I was walking in looking for them they spin it. It's a Time-turner."
"No!" Ron gasps holding her at arms lengths to look at her face while tears begin to once again to leak from her eyes as she nods. He stares at her completely frozen before pulling her to his chest once again and letting a few tears loose.
"No, no, th-that can't be t-true," Draco demands not wanting to believe her as he tightens his grip on Harry. Harry wordlessly nods against him and Draco let a few tears fall.
Those in the room who had previously not spoken a word are gasping while the younger children are asking what it was. "Sweethearts, I'm so sorry," Molly says covering her mouth trying to stay strong as Arther comforts her.
Once it is explained to Teddy what had happened he walks up and hugs Harry and Draco, joining in the comforting huddle. "I hope their okay," He says softly not wanting to upset anyone.
Harry who is now clutching Draco with his left hand and Teddy with his right while his head is resting on Draco's shoulder, takes a deep breath to respond, "I do too."
"I think they'll be okay they are all extremely smart and at least they have each other," Percy speaks up placing a comforting hand on Ron's shoulder.
"I'm just worried they may have gotten split up or one of them has been injured. What if they lost the turner or it broke? They don't know how to use it. How will they get back? When are they?" Hermione is rambling now saying so much so quick few can keep up. She does this often when she is over stimulated and needs to release whatever is pent up.
"Mione, please calm down," Ron begs as she is now getting him even more worried than he was before. He rubs her back and takes deep breaths to gain some much needed control of his emotions.
They all decide to stay in the burrow longer than they had planned since that was the last place they had seen them. No one wants to leave in case they possibly come back but it's been a few days now and they are still gone.
"I'm scared," Draco admits one night as he pushes himself closer to Harry's chest. He has never been one to show weakness in front of people, other than Harry, so these past few days have given the Weasleys a new view of Draco. "What if they can't get back? What if they change something? What it changes so much that we don't end up together and you marry Ginny and have three kids with her instead?"
"Woah, woah, woah. Where did me marrying Ginny come from?" Harry stops him from continuing as he turns Draco around to get a better look at his husband.
"Well, I mean you were together before me, I would just imagine you would have gotten married if I hadn't come along and stolen you," Draco answers looking away from Harry trying to pretend he hadn't thought about it.
"How much have you thought about this worrying isn't good for the baby," Harry responds placing his hands on Draco's barely showing stomach. A blush creeps up on Draco's cheeks but he can't deny that he loves it when Harry touched his stomach when he feels himself to be ugly because of it. But during his pregnancy with Scorpius Harry assured him that he found it extremely sexy that he was having his child.
"I guess I sometimes wonder about what life would have been like if we hadn't gotten together. You would have been happily married with the Weaslette but I wonder where I would be. Prison, unhappily married, or maybe I would be dead," Draco slumps down as he speaks as if no longer able to keep up his false bravado. "I just sometimes wonder if you would have been happier without me."
"Don't say that! Don you ever say that!" Harry demands gently yet firmly, forcing Draco to look him in the eyes. "You are and always have been the best thing to happen to me. How could you possibly deny that? You were the only one who looked at me as a normal human being! Not the savior of the world or the boy who lived but as a simply unhappy and reckless boy who always seemed to get himself into trouble."
Draco chuckles softly as tears appear in his eyes and Harry brushes them away before threading his fingers through his hair. Draco almost purrs in welcome of the feeling of his fingers. He has always loved it when someone rubs his head, since his mother had done it as a child.
"I love you with all of me not just my heart," Harry whispers into his ear making Draco shiver.
"I know," Draco sighs pecking him on the lips. "And I love you as well, I'm just worried."
"We all are but we'll get through this, they'll come home," Harry responds resting his forehead against Draco's before they fall asleep a moment later.
Hermione jults awake as a memory had returned to her but it is one she had never known she had before. She bursts through her bedroom door with her confused and tired husband far behind her. She slams her office door open and rushes to open a drawer in her desk she's never opened before, or at least she thought she hadn't. Inside is an envelope with nothing written on the outside but she could feel some sort of energy from it.
She takes out her wand, points it as the envelope, and mutters, "Specialis Revelio." And words appear on the outside as it is addressed to Hermione in her own teenage hand writing. She picks it up desperately and tears it open.
"Dear Hermione,
I'm sorry I didn't some how warn you sooner of what is to happen but know that it was necessary. I know not of what will happen in the future fully but I know these children have made a big difference from what could have happened. They are safe and in our care so I wish you not to worry. They have arrived in our fifth year which I think is a better time then if they had arrived before. The Time-turner was lost at their arrival but be assured we are doing everything to find it. They will see you soon and have told me to tell you they love you all very much.
P.S. - love you mommy and daddy"
Hermione is so relieved to read that their kids are alright but she starts crying at the messy hand writing of Hugo who probably had help to spell everything correct.
A few seconds later Ron sleepily stumbles into the room looking at Hermione in confusion. "What's the matter?" He asks hoping there isn't more bad news but she smiles at him handing over the letter. He reads is as a watery grin appears on his face. "At least they're okay, but how did you not notice this before?"
"I think I had placed a spell on it for me to not really notice it so I wouldn't open it until needed but still believe it to be important enough to not throw it away," Hermione says smiling at the letter now placed on the desk to show the others in the morning.
"Now that that is settled will you finally get some sleep?" Ron asks worried because she hasn't been able to sleep since they disappeared. She silently nods her head before he leads her back to their room to get some sleep. "I love you."
"I love you too," Hermione whispers back before they fall asleep in each other's arms content with the knowledge that their children are in good hands.
Earlier this week I was honestly worried I wouldn't be able to post this week since I had no clue what to write. Then the same day a few hours later when I had completely forgot about it I was watching that video and BAMM it hit me. I was so excited and started right away so here you go. See you next week😁
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