"If you hadn't heard in the beginning then you have eventually noticed that the children who were here are in fact the future children of those select students. And thanks to Mr. Longbottom and Ms. Lovegood they have been able to return to their own time earlier tonight," Dumbledore begins causing many to gasp and whisper among their tables. "And with this knowledge you all must forget, I know that there have been many things that may have occurred to each one of you this month but it is to be forgotten."
A Ravenclaw student's hand then shot up immediately making Dumbledore chuckle but point at her talking her to speak, "What about everything we've learned in our classes? That will be forgotten as well?"
"Yes, it will be up to your teacher what you make up and what you don't do, don't worry too much. And I would like to give many of you my apologies," Dumbledore says looking towards the three couples standing at the back of the tables as well as a few at their house tables. "For I know how important this month has been for you."
Ron gives Hermione a quick kiss on the lips shocking her as they have yet kissed. "See you in the future babe," Ron says winking at her making her chuckle softly shaking her head and smile at him lovingly.
"I'm scared," Draco says into Harry's chest as he holds onto him tightly. "I really don't want to forget."
Harry pushes him back to wipe away the few fallen tears and to cup his face gently. "I love you now and will most definitely realize it when we forget such as you have said to me before."
"Promise?" Draco says knowing even if he does promise there is nothing truly saying he'll remember that he has promised.
"Promise," Harry says pressing his lips then his forehead. "Do you promise?"
Harry already knows fully we'll that Draco promises but he wants to hear him say it now that it is about to happen. "Promise," Draco responds giving him a quick kiss on the lips before they turn back to look at Dumbledore.
"Don't hate me too much, okay?" Blaise whispers to Pansy as he kisses her temple. "I won't know that you're mine, so please forgive me as I will be cheating."
Pansy pouts slapping his arm and turning away from him. "Jerk," She states trying to hide her smile.
He chuckles hugging her from behind and kissing her neck. "You weren't saying that earlier," He teases as he kisses up her neck. "It's sad that I won't remember having the most beautiful girl under me as she screams out my name."
"Perv!" Pansy exclaims turning in his arms and slapping his chest repeatedly. She stops and smiles up at him sadly giving him a tender kiss on the lips.
"I hope our daughter looks just like you do right now," Blaise says tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear as she looks at him lovingly. Her eyes widen at his next words as they hadn't admitted it and she had no time to respond. "Gosh, I love you."
"Obliviate!" Dumbledore's magic begins to drift through the room taking everyone's memories as their heads either fall to the table, are frozen, or they collapse to the ground.
In a moment of desperation Harry grabs Draco by the face whispers, "I love you," and slams their lips together. As they kiss Dumbledore's magic begins to wash over them, every kiss, every hug, every 'I love you' washes away. Thus leaving two young boys snogging passionately in a room of sleeping people.
Once they pull away both of them keep their eyes closed breathless, dizzy, and confused. Who was I snogging? They both wondered.
Harry is the first to open his eyes and gawks at his snogging partner. "Malfoy," Harry gasps between breaths causing Draco's eyes to shoot open.
"Potter?" Draco looks at Harry extremely confused then around the room at the other students who are already awake or are just now waking up. His eyes catch Pansy who is smiling at him brightly then Blaise's who are looking at him with confusion.
The next thing he realizes is that Harry's hands are in his hair while his own were wrapped around Harry's waist. "I....I...um," Draco stutters his brain not able to comprehend what is happening. He abruptly pulls away from Harry and looks around at the now staring students and dashes out of the room with Pansy and Blaise not too far behind.
"Blood 'ell," Ron says staring at Harry as he stares after the blond. "What were you doing snogging the ferret?"
"I...I'm not entirely sure," Harry responds quietly lifting his hand to feel his swollen lips. He can't remember anything, the last thing he remembers before he was in the dining hall was potions then Quidditch practice.
"What was that!?!" Ginny demands glaring at Harry, angry to have seen her boyfriend snogging someone else. "Are you gay?"
"I...don't know," Harry says quietly unable to move he doesn't know what to do or say. He's etremely confused and lost wishing that Draco hadn't run, that he'd have stayed and helped him understand.
"I know you all are quite confused but there had been some visitors that had arrived and you were not allowed to remember them. They were here for a month and therefore you have forgotten a month, therefore you must relearn everything that had been taught in this time period, that's up to your teachers," Dumbledore stopped for a moment to look at the teachers as they nod in understanding. "And everything that had occurred when you awoke," He pauses and looks straight into Harry's eyes before continuing. "was your own choice and the last memory in which your forgotten self wishes for you to remember."
Harry felt a shock run through him, what had happened in that month for him to have wanted to remember snogging Draco. He puts his hand to his forehead trying to straighten out the thoughts in his brain. (^Haha)
"Harry?" Hermione says quietly placing her hand on his shoulder trying to comfort him in his time of confusion. "Do you wanna go after him?"
Harry opens his mouth to deny what she is asking but he can't speak. He glances at the glaring Ginny as she stands across from him with her arms crossed over her chest. He looks at his two best friends and forces himself to speak though it's only a whisper, "Yes."
Hermione smiles sympathetically at him and pushes him in the direction of the doors, "Then hurry up."
Harry hesitates for a second sending Ginny the most apologetic look she had ever seen, making her glare faulter. Then he takes off sprinting straight out of the great hall to find the blond.
"Mione, what the bloody 'ell did you do that for?" Ron says stepping up next to her staring after their best friend.
"I...I'm not sure," She says smiling softly at the now closed door. "But I think we'll find out soon."
Ron just glances suspiciously between Hermione and the doors before huffing, frustrated that he doesn't understand.
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