Once they all finish changing and are sitting on the beds still wanting to find new thing out about each other. "Could you ever see yourself having more kids?" Scorpius asks Draco in the middle of their questionnaire and he is a bit taken back.
"I mean with the fact that I have kids at all is a bit of a shock, so I'd have to say no?" Draco says a bit confused with his answer and the question. Rose giggles from beside Scorpius and Lily does as well. "Why?"
"Well, at this moment in time you're pregnant," James butts in wanting to tell them the news.
"Me...Me p..pre..pregnant!?!" Draco exclaims staring at Scorpius with enormous eyes.
"Yep! You had all of us!" Lily cheers from his lap looking up at him from where she is playing with Harry's fingers.
Harry and Draco are a bit shocked they knew that they were theirs but they thought they would have gotten a surrogate. "How?" Harry chokes out.
"I came as a surprise and when you found out you were a bit angry," Scorpius responds pointing at Draco who is still a bit shocked, Harry looks at him. "You didn't think you guys were ready to be dads and you definitely didn't want to go through the pain."
"I get that, but how?" Draco says waving away his words wanting to get straight to the point.
"Oh yeah you haven't learned that yet," Scorpius chuckles scratching the back of his head. "You told me that it is very rare for two male wizards to have a child, either because there aren't many gay wizards, well openly gay wizards, or because they aren't powerful enough, because they both have to be very, very powerful."
"Malfoy, powerful, pfft," Ron says laughing uncontrollably.
"Shut up, Weasel!" Draco exclaims acting more like himself instead of the shy person he has been since he found out he marries and has kids with Harry. Harry can't help but smile at him as he realizes this.
"Anyways, I have names I think would be nice and I want your opinions," Scorpius declares smiling brightly at them while they look between each other reluctantly but can't help but smile.
"S..sure," Draco says reluctantly but smiling at his son none the less.
"So, if it's a boy I was thinking Sirius Lupin Potter, since dad says he's always wanted to name at least one kid after one of them. Father always fights him on it, but I like it," Scorpius begins and the others nod their head.
"I mean it would be a bit weird with Sirius around but I kind of like that," Harry responds nodding his head smiling.
"I don't know, do I really want a kid named after those two?" Draco asks himself out loud before shrugging. "I'll have to think about it."
Scorpius nods his head before giving his second name, "And if it's a girl I thing we should name her Seraphina Lupin Potter."
"I like that!" Draco says smiling brightly and nodding his head.
"I do as well, it's pretty," Harry agrees.
"And if you have twins you can use both," James adds.
"Oh don't put that image in my head," Draco groans holding his head as if he were in pain before he whips his head up remembering a question he wanted to ask. "Why did we use Potter's last name?"
"Oh um, you didn't want to have the Malfoy name anymore," Scorpius answers not looking at his father to avoid his eyes.
"Really?" Ron snorts laughing to which he receives a whack on the head from Hermione. "I just can't imagine Draco being anything but a Malfoy especially since that is what we've been calling him for the past few years."
"You also liked the popularity that came with dad's last name," Lily pipes up making Harry chuckle.
"That sounds more like him," Harry chuckles nodding to which he receives a smack in the shoulder from Draco. "Oh yeah!" Harry says a bit just remembering a question. "How exactly do we say that we got together?"
"Well, that's a bit iffy," James responds squinting as if trying to remember or decider through memories. "It changes sometimes, though Father is adamant that dad confessed his love and father said no but they warmed up to each other after dad followed him like a lost puppy."
Ron and Scorpius snort thinking that it's hilarious while Harry sends them a glare while Draco smirks. "Sound actuate," Draco comments making Harry scoff and pout because none of that has happened but he isn't sure if they are actually together together.
"But daddy swears that never happened," Lily adds smiling up at Harry who grins back at her, at least she was on his side.
"Yeah dad says that it was like a switch was flipped in both of their minds. He doesn't quite remember the specifics but he knows it's a mutual decision to get together. Like it's really hard to explain, I mean dad wasn't really good at it either," James finishes explains while their young parents just look at him a bit confused but eventually just shrug it away.
"You know what we should do tomorrow!?!" Scorpius calls out excitedly a bright smile on his face. Everyone turns to him waiting for him to continue. "We should play Quidditch!"
"That's a brilliant idea!" Ron agrees while Hermione rolls her eyes but can't help but smile.
"On last subject before we switch topics," Draco says interrupting them before they can start discussing anything Quidditch. "Why do you call me father when Harry is dad? I feel like that is very formal is it not, I mean that is what I call my father now."
Draco's eyes become unfocused for a second before Scorpius answers, snapping him out of his stupor. "I mean when we were little we called you Papa so we could differentiate between you and dad, Lily still does it sometimes. But when we got older you kind of edged us away from it. I'm not sure why, but I guess our only other option was father so that's kind of what we call you."
Draco is frowning now as he just looks at his children. "And I'm okay with that?" He asks not really believing that he was.
"You were kind of the one who suggested it," James adds leaving Draco shocked. 'Why in the world would I do that?' Draco thought confused.
"I-I don't understand why I'd choose to do that. Do I act like my father as well?" Draco asks honestly believing that that name cane with the same implications that it came with his father.
"Course not!" Lily declares smiling at him and kissing his cheek. "You love us and daddy very much and are nothing like our grumpy grandpa!"
Draco is a bit shocked she was the one who answered but couldn't help but chuckle at the name she gave his father.
"If you were sad never would have married you," James states simply gaining a glare from both his siblings while he just shrugs uncaring.
"Fair enough," Draco sighs smiling at them. "Okay, continue." To which they all start discussing Quidditch and who'll be on whose team tomorrow.
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