Alexa's P-O-V
'And from the third week from today, we are going to start the practicals right away. I hope you all noted my points guys.' Dr. Lynch said clapping her hands.
'Yes Professor.' we all said in unison.
We were ten students under her supervision and trust me, Natasha was the only one I actually knew the name of.
I noted whatever Dr. Lynch said. Being a doctor might not be my first love but I really do want to serve the kids and assess their vulnerabilities and seek a solution. That was the reason I was actually excited for the class.
'Okay then, we'll meet right here at the same tomorrow. I hope you liked our first class.' Dr. Lynch said with her bright smile.
'Of course Professor. We loved it.' I said returning the smile.
Others nodded too. Slowly, everyone bid good byes to Dr. Lynch and left for their scheduled electives. Of course, I knew I had class with Dr. Ambrose at around 4 pm but I guess I had NA or rather say.. Music in between.
Ugh! I still don't know how to process this. Music is my love, music is my passion, music is my life and I still can't believe I'm going to have music as one of my electives in a med school. This has to be a dream or a joke!
If that wasn't contradictory enough, the only faculty of this music was the guy I wanted to keep at arms length, Dr. Donkeyrapingshiteater Rollins.
'Alexa!' Dr. Lynch called my name getting me back to myself and I realized that I was the only student left in the room.
'Yes Professor!' I said trying my best to hide being bothered.
'You're okay?' Dr. Lynch asked walking near me with a smile.
'Yeah.. Of course, I'm fine. I was just thinking..' I said with a shrug making her chuckle.
'I understand Alexa. But, don't you have your electives?' she asked with a frown. 'And did you speak to Seth about your music schedule?' she asked.
Oh dear! Didn't have to remind me of that!
'Uhm.. No. I kind of went near his chamber but his assistant said he was in the ward. So..' I said hiding the fact that I was really happy about not being able to see him and didn't wait a minute to leave the place without trying to contact him later.
'Oh!' Dr. Lynch said. 'But, you shouldn't be late. You might have a class today itself. So, go talk to him. And tell me if there's any problem okay.' she said patting my shoulder with a smile.
I smiled with a nod. That's another reason I wanted to work under her. She was a genuinely good heated person.
'Okay then. Bye Professor. I'll see you tomorrow.' I said picking up my bag and opening the door.
'Bye and don't forget going through what I told you.' she yelled after me.
I went to the Administrative Department to know the schedules and my ill luck, I did have a music class today. I wanted to call Bayley and have a talk with her for the remaining ten minutes before the class but then I recalled she was with Dr. grumposaurus Reigns, who might not appreciate an untimely call and may also shower a few words on her and with the mental situation Bayley is in, I don't want her to break down again.
So, that's what I did. I asked few people and located the music hall at the end of the building. What I realized was the hall was quite distant from the main compound of the Shield and there was no way that the sound of music could reach the students or the adjacent hospital wards.
It was peaceful and something about this part of the compound was soothing. There was a strange sweet fragrance that seemed to be a natural accommodation for musicians. If I am not wrong, I was the only one who arrived ten minutes prior to the class and was the only one in that part of the compound.
I pushed open the door of the hall and damn!
It was a spacious room filled with chairs with notes attached at the front. There were random musical symbols at different parts of the room craved appropriately to create the apt environment. The placement of the chairs were at a perfect angle from the sun rays peeping into the room. The air was soothing and the arrangement of the seats were at much perfect distance from each other providing both privacy and communion. My eyes fell on the empty chair across the seats, definitely meant for the teacher or the instructor. There were a number of musical instruments placed near it and also at other parts of the room, giving it the perfect aura. There were guitars of various types, a violin, drum kits, percussions, recorders, keyboards, clarinets and many other instruments that made my heart flutter in joy.
I felt refreshed. I looked around at all corners of the hall again. I wanted to touch everything. My heart was pacing. For the first time in a long time, I felt happy. I was smiling. I was giggling all by myself.
I ran my fingers through the strings of the unplugged electric guitar placed at a corner. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath and for a moment, I wished I brought Dynamo with me but then I recalled things for better.
It was set by the worst person I've met in my life and I was too stupid to even think of admiring it.
The first day at the SWC, his consistent bias towards Zahra and her bitches, the way he made me carry the big boxes, the way he screwed me off the practical classes, the way he poured the hot coffee on my apron..everything came visible I'm front of my eyes.
My blood boiled and my teeth gritted. He might have done me an indirect favor by putting my name in the music classes, but there was no way I was going to forget what Dr. Seth Rollins had done to me and my friends previously and I can never forgive him for that and on a conclusion:
I hate all of there.. Fingers crossed.
I walked to a seat, of course, choosing one at the back as usual.
I looked at the note attached in front of me. It was simple basic tune with mostly medium and just two high notes. I sighed keeping my bag aside and tapping my feet on the floor waiting for the time to pass till the end of the upcoming horrible class.
It was in next couple of minutes that the students started walking into the classroom. Those were indeed special students, girls with fashionable dresses under their apron, high heels, makeup, lipstick, silky smooth hairs, sweet smiles and smaller bags.
There were three girls that sat together at the front row. And two others who who sat on the second giggling and pouting for no apparent reasons. There was a boy and a girl glued to each other entering next to them and they sat somewhere in the middle completely blocking my view of the front. There was another guy with pink and red hairs spiked up to form a God knows what. He did a brief pose by standing in front to gain other's attention but of course, he got none. Being a little disappointed, he visibly did a shrug with his shoulders and sat on the third row.
Then there came a guy with glasses and a big bag with a huge smile on his face almost reminding me of Bayley in her first class. He looked around the room impressed, much like me and glanced at almost everyone to make a conversation and of course, no one was interested. I gave him a bored look too. He settled near the three girls at the front row.
I assume every unit was a stranger to the other and kept considerable distance to prove the same. I was no different.
And then.. It happened... I heard the faint familiar disgusting chuckle. The door opened once again.
'Okay bye..' he said to someone over the phone and walked in in front of us. Ugh!
Dr. Seth freakin Rollins!
'Good Afternoon students! I apologize for being late..' he said not sparing any look as he locked the door and walking to the centre front seat with a smile on his face which may or may not be the reason for the sudden giggling of six out of the seven girls present in the class. Can I get out of the class already?
'So..' he finally looked front with a big smile and started speaking looking around. 'I'm glad that today is the day we..' he continued speaking but then his eyes fell on me and God knows why, his speech halted and smile vanished for a moment as our eyes locked. And there goes three looonngg seconds of unwanted staring before I decided to get annoyed and look away, making the jerk realize he should do the same.
' uhm..' he turned away towards others.. 'as I was saying, this is the day we've been waiting for months.' he said with a smile. 'And after a long struggle from my side, there is a music class in the biggest med school of the country and as the say music is the biggest medicine of all and now that we're all here to learn about that medicine, I'm sure we'll have an outcome that no one can ever forget.' his eyes returned to me at the last words and I could definitely detect a smirk on his face that I indeed hated.
'Of course Professor, I'm sure we'll have the best outcome when you are there.' one of the three girls at the first row said shaking her body mindlessly.
'Yes Sir and trust me I don't want to forget a bit of it.' another girl said in a seductive tone earning a smirk from Dr. Rollins.
De javu!
'Oh thanks Jules, Emily. I too hope the same.' Dr. Rollins said smirking almost leaning onto the desk of one of them.
'But, Professor, what is the course all about, if I may add?' the girl glued with her boyfriend asked.
Of course, I want to know that too.
'Good question Nora.' Dr. Rollins said walking by the sides and reaching near her seat which was exactly in front of me.
'Even though, various students have various reasons to join this class this class aims to give lessons on the basics of music, like simple notes on guitar or Piano.' he said.
'And is that all about the exams?' Nora's boyfriend asked.
Dr. Rollins scoffed. 'Well.. Bridge, the purpose of my class isn't the exams. I don't believe exams can ever bring anything out of anyone in life. Hell, I never liked the exams myself!' Dr. Rollins said chuckling, earning a fit of laughter.
Well, that's so ME.
'So, you mean we won't have exams on the subject?' I couldn't help asking, even though I hated every communication with him.
Dr. Rollins' eyes moved at me and he smirked. 'Miss Bliss, exams are needed in the papers just like a third subject is needed to complete your course formalities.' he said throwing a shade on me while walking near my seat.
This guy!
'....but, don't worry I'll manage everything like I always do.' he said looking down at me with a smug expression before starting to walk away.
My ass!
Manage things like always do.. What had he ever managed for anyone except few grades for Zahra and her bitches. Moreover, he didn't even answer me straight.
'So, let me make things clear that we are going to have this class twice a week and I won't give any pressure on you under any circumstances for this course.' he said standing in the front. 'All I want is you to love this course, to know about it as much as you like, to feel it and make others feel it because that is what music is all about. Not a compulsion, but a passion.' he said.
Well, nice words from the jerk though.
'So, let me just know you all better and why don't we introduce ourselves with our interest and knowledge in music.' Dr. Rollins proposed with a smile. 'Simple thing. Be honest because it's worth it. Let's start with you Miss Clark.' he pointed to one of the girls at the second row.
The girl smiled adjusting her apron over her low cut top shaping her big boobs a bit more noticeably, if I may add and I could already see the nerd with the glass visibly gawking to get a glimpse of something hidden.
'Uhh.. Professor, actually, I know a very little about music. I've never tried an instrument before but I would definitely like to learn things from you...' she said with a smirk towards Dr. Rollins. '..and I know you would definitely want to teach me.' she ran her hands over her suggestively.
Zahra 2.0
Dr. Rollins nodded looking at her with a hidden smirk. 'A very honest answer Miss Kitty. I'd definitely like you teach you and..' his eyes shifted below her face, '.. I forgot to say you all can take your aprons off in my class if you feel hot. I'll consider that.' he said licking his lips. 'I mean..' he looked at the nerd with the glasses. 'Why give poor guys a hard day?' he asked scoffing.
There were more chuckles from the girls. The nerd was blushing and the other two boys were grinning.
The other girls wasted no time and with triumphant smirks on their faces, took off their aprons in no time. The girl who had a boyfriend was soon followed by her boyfriend in the act. Of course, Dr. Rollins spared a considerable amount of time watching all the acts.
Eww! Can I run out of the class already?
Dr. Rollins' eyes now moved to the guy with pink and red hairs. 'Albert, what about you?' he asked crossing his arms on his chest.
'I'm into drums Sir..' the guy said quite confidently. '...but I would also like to learn the vocals in case.' he said.
Dr. Rollins nodded with a smile. 'Interesting Albert. It'll be pleasure teaching you.' he said as if he was genuinely happy.
And then it was Emilie, Jules, Katie and one other girl, all of whom confessed having zero idea about music and a lot of interest in his class.
The girl who had a boyfriend said she learnt Piano in her childhood but slowly and gradually she lost her passion. She needed a subject that would ensure marks without much efforts or competition. So, she chose music.
I wish I could laugh out loud at her.
Dr. Rollins scoffed. 'Effort has a vast a meaning Nora and I don't know where do you place music in it. And about competition, I think you should still doubt your caliber of being the best.. ' He said shifting his gaze at me.
'What say Miss Bliss? Is music about efforts and competitions?' he asked out of nowhere.
I was taken aback by his question but I had my own answer too. 'As you said, effort is a big term Prof. And an effort in music isn't the same as in other subjects. I believe it's the effort from one's heart and soul that creates a good music and it is with each successive effort that you enter into a competition with your own self..till you feel you're there.' I said placing my hand at a point above my eye level.
I smiled at my own satisfaction and looked up at Dr. Rollins, who was still looking at me as if unfazed about the completion of my answer. But, then there creeped a small smile on his lips.
'Well said Miss Bliss.' he said in a low voice.
I gave him a awkward smile for his awkward response.
I saw the other girls roll eyes at me. 'What types of guitar do you play?' he asked his next question to me.
Wait! How does he..?
I gave him a frowned look abdun there were few others to give the same. Perhaps, Dr. Rollins realized that too and..
'.. I mean, you do look like a guitar girl Miss Bliss.. So, I thought.. I should ask you.' he shrugged.
Still not convinced. And it's that that I remembered him surprisingly complimenting my singing on the Christmas night.
I heard you enough to say that Alexa and trust me, you have a really gifted voice...
How does he know? When did he hear me? Is the bloody jerk stalking me for some weird reason? Why did he even try to listen to me?
Questions were unanswered and I knew it would be stupid to ponder over them anyway and I shrugged them off.
I gave Dr. Rollins a half smile. 'Since you asked.. I can play acoustic guitars, the electric ones, the bass guitar and the twelve strings. I also tried my hand in piano for a while.' I said quite confidently but not caring what others might think about me.
'And you can also sing to your own composition, if I may add.' Dr. Rollins said with a smirk.
Cheap stalker! I can't believe he even heard me sing my own songs!
I swear if he tries to steal my music, that'll be his last hour in this planet.
'Well yeah.' I said with a duh expression.
Dr. Rollins scoffed. 'Good to know you Miss Bliss.' he said sparing me a momentary glance and then turning his head to the guy in front of me. 'Bridge, you turn now?' he asked and the guy said something shit about listening to music and stuff and the stupidity went on and on.
The rest of the class included Dr. Rollins explaining the key terms like notes, tunes, beats, pitch, tempo, metre, timbre, rhythm, melody and many other simplest terms in the class, which of course, went over the brains of few of them who just kept eyeing him and licking their hungry lips changing the posture accordingly.
Of course Dr. Rollins never minds and he seemed to the happiest man in the planet who kept on reciprocating to their body languages and getting an eyeful.
I shook my head which had already started paining. There were fits of laughter every now and then in the classroom as Dr. Rollins would crack a derogatory joke. He left no scope to flirt with the qieenbeas at the first and second row through silly appreciations like look at your sexy voice already. I'm sure you'd be a great singer too and blah blah blah. And being the nasty bully he was, he even picked on the nerd a couple of times who surprised everyone by laughing out loud on the jokes on himself along with others.
If it was someone else in place of me sitting isolated and unparticipated in this of me in this ten student class, she'd have already ripped her hairs off her skull but then, it was ne and I was very much okay with it. Besides, you don't expect me to expect a great learning class from Dr. donkeyrapingshiteater Rollins, do you?
I even yawned a few times and that even caused Dr. Rollins to spare me a look once, though he didn't budge and kept doing what he did.
I noted the key tense on my notebook for no apparent reason. I mean, I learnt these stuffs even before I could remember my whole address and learning them again at the age of 19 was simply funny.
And...then, the clock gonged signaling the happy ending of this class.
'Damn! That went too fast, isn't it?' Dr. Rollins said sitting at his place in front of us.
No. It was late motherfucker. I'm already having a headache.
'Yes Sir, we could barely introduced ourselves.' one if the saddest girls said pouting at Dr. Rollins who cackled.
'Aww! I understand Emily but don't worry, we'll be meeting soon. And if course, if you still want to know something, you know where to find me..' he said throwing a visible wink towards her.
Well, not unexpected at all.. Does he library or laboratory by the way?
'Anyway, let's not forget to give through the terms and I'm pleased to announce that we are going to have our first music session at the next class.' Dr. Rollins said seemingly excited.
What? Really!
'So, get the basics straight. Relax. Get a mood. That's all for today.' he announced the end of the class with a smile.
The girls giggled some more and then everyone stood up picking their bags. I did the same and trust me I wanted to beat them to reach the fastest to the exit but I guess that wasn't what is about to happen..
'And Miss Bliss, please stay back for a while after the class.' Dr. Rollins said giving me a split second glance before picking up a certain book and looking down at that.
I was surprised and confused. Few girls from the first row gave me a death glare and an eye-roll of sheer neglect before picking up their asses to leave. God knows what I did!
But, why did the donkeyrapingshiteater ask me to stay back? Is it something about the formalities of the subject? Or...something else..
I remembered I too needed to speak him about the subject. I mean it's still NA in my profile and I needed to change it. Besides, why didn't he ever tell me that he was enlisting my name in the Music class? Did he do this after listening to me sing? Or he just fulfilled the double coincidence of wants of me needing a subject and him needing the tenth student?
As I wondered, I saw other students get out of the class. Of course, few girls faked their lazy excuses and plastered big smiles on their faces walking to Dr. Rollins asking for silly stuffs which I didn't care to hear. I saw him returning the smiles and getting friendlier with them. Nothing new.
Finally, the girls did a wavy bye to their favorite Professor and walked out. Dr. Rollins smirked at them showing his hand as well and returned his gaze towards the book that was in his hand.
Well, right now, I was the only student left with him in the class and I had no idea what would turn out if I stayed at my seat being idle and he kept reading the shit he was reading all by himself.
Wasn't it him who asked me to stay back? And now he's acting as if I don't exist!
I tapped my right foot for a while as I thought and my eyes fell on Dr. Rollins who was just turning a page fully engrossed in his reading.
That's it! I realized that if I didn't say anything, he'd continue to overlook me and insult my presence in the same way. My jaw clenched.
I came out of my seat and walked towards the guy sitting on his chair. Of course, he made no attempt to lift his head up even though I'm sure he felt my presence.
What's this new game plan of his? He called me and now he's ignoring me!
Son of a bitch!
Should I just walk away or should I just bang his head with the guitar lying across the room?
'Prof!' I called him simply.
But, beyond my expectation, he sighed and turned another page of the book. What the fuck is going on?
'Do you want me here or should I leave?' I asked more sternly now.
He didn't look up.
Okay, where was the guitar now?
'Are you listening to me?' I asked angrily now?
This time he lifted his eyes for a split second and then focused back on the book.
Enough is enough!
I am leaving and never coming back.
But, before that.. I lifted my hand up and in a swift motion pulled the book off his hands throwing it on the table with a thud.
Of course, the jerk never saw that coming and.. 'What the..!' he looked at me with surprise in his eyes.
'You deserve it, you mannerless jerk!' I said through my gritted teeth and attempted to turn around and leave but a certain chuckle halted my steps.
I turned around with frowned eyes. What was that?
'So, now you know how it feels to wait and expect someone to speak and then that person ignores you.' Dr. Rollins said standing up facing me and crossing his arms on his chest with a smirk on his face.
What is the douche talking about?
'Sorry?' I asked raising his eyebrow which only made him scoff.
'Don't be sweetheart.' he said stepping closer with a smug look. 'I understand you must have been trapped with more Bayley issues and yeah, I forgive you.' he said leaning a little.
'Forgive!' I said surprised and annoyed at his stupid claims. 'Wait? Who's asking forgiveness from you and what the hell are you talking about?' I asked completely confused.
Dr. Rollins fake sighed. 'So, Miss Bliss really forgot that she was expected in my chamber the day after the Christmas?' he asked with a frown.
What? The day after Christmas! Oh! I remember. But, don't tell me he was serious about it?
So, that's why he said now I'd know how it feels to wait and expect someone to speak and then that person ignores me!
'So, you have any explanation for that Miss Bliss?' he asked again.
I sighed trying to shrug off any seriousness of the issue.
'Listen, first of all... That night in the Christmas Party, we spoke for barely three minutes and yes, you asked me to come see you the next day..but, I don't remember any reasons for the same. You don't want to take this seriously, do you?' I said like I was right.
I felt Dr. Rollins frown in annoyance.
'And I hope you do remember me telling that I had a proposition for you Miss Bliss.' he said in a louder tone. 'How could you just ignore a Professor's words like that?' he said in a tone filled with rage and annoyance.
Why is he acting all annoyed and impatient all of a sudden?
'Look Prof, first of all, yeah, I wasn't there that day but I'm here now and you can tell me all about your whatsoever proposition rather than complaining shit and second of all, I really don't understand why are you making a deal out of it.' I asked crossing my arms on my chest.
Dr. Rollins' eyes widened and I could already feel the clenching of his jaw.
'Making a deal out of it!' he growled suddenly. 'Alexa! Do you even know anything about socializing with people?' he barked in anger.
Well, that hit a nerve.
'Prof, you can't...'
'Oh! I sure can Alexa. I'm your Professor and I think it's my duty and responsibility to let you know your limits and also teach you how to act upon.' he said authoritatively.
I just scoffed at him mockingly. I rolled my eyes but his expressions hardened further now.
'And I swear if you try and roll your eyes at me once more..' he lifted his index finger at me taking angry breaths through his gritted teeth...his brown eyes boring into my blue eyes and.. 'I'm gonna forget that you have an angelic voice I've never heard before.' he said in a low-calmed voice, making my heart jump in surprise.
'Wh.. What?' I asked getting totally confused. Did he just praise me from his heart?
Dr. Rollins moved away and sat on his chair. 'You heard me.' he said nonchalantly picking up a bottle of water from beside and gulping a lot down his throat.
I stood there bewildered. I had no idea how to react. Yes, I mean he did say I have a nice voice the other day but an angelic voice I've never heard before was something else.
A part of me wanted to thank him for the compliment but the other part was still reluctant to bow down to him.
My eyes went back to Dr. Rollins who now leaned back on his chair leaned his head on the headrest. He seemed a little tired and his eyes were closed.
I knew it was wise just to leave. Not that I was too overwhelmed by the sudden compliment he threw at me but it was also that I had another class with Dr. Ambrose today and I didn't want to enter their with a foul mood after one more altercation with Dr. Rollins.
I shook my head and turned to leave without a word. Dr. Rollins' behavior was still a puzzle to me. It almost seemed like he was mad at me for not coming that day and if that wasn't weird enough, he still didn't tell me what he wanted to tell me that day.
I reached the door and lifted my hands to touch the knob and..
'The Kingslayers are in need of a second vocalist for their dream concert. Would you like you join the band?' Dr. Rollins' voice hit my ears.
My steps froze instantly. I looked back at him in shock. Dr. Rollins stood up from his chair with his eyes resting on me.
Am I hearing things or did I just hear what he said?
He wants me to join his band! Me! Of all people!
I didn't realize when my heart stopped beating as my eyes saw Dr. Rollins walk towards me.
'So, what do you think about it Alexa?' Dr. Rollins stood facing me.
My mind was yet to process things clearly and my tongue just froze. I blinked a couple of times to make me realize it wasn't a dream. And the person I developed a hatred for since my first day in the Shield was indeed asking me to be a part of his band.
A band! It was always my dream!
'If you want to know, we are actually a boy band and we've always preferred it the same way. And when we realized we desperately needed another singer in our band, we studied the recordings of a number of male voices too but before we could finalize..' he paused looking at me.. 'I heard you.' he said.
'You heard me.' was all I could get out of my mouth and that too in a mere whisper.
'..every single morning.' he said with a slight smile on his lips. '...and trust me, you have no idea how many days I made a failed attempt to see the face of the singer behind this voice.' he said. '..and then one day..' he chuckled.. 'I met the harsh truth.' he said motioning his hand towards me.
Wait! Harsh truth!
'Yeah, harsh truth!' he scoffed. 'How do you expect me to feel when I go seeking for the imaginary angel from the heaven and meet the she-devil instead?' he chuckled.
Asshole! I frowned giving him a dirty look and yeah, that brought me back to myself.
'And now what prompted you to ask the she-devil to be a part of your band Dr. Rollins?' I asked crossing my arms on my chest with a questioning look.
Dr. Rollins smirked. 'Oh trust me Miss Bliss, I'm feeling worse than ever and I'm fighting a lot within myself while giving you this proposition . But, then, sometimes, you only see.. What's best for business.' he shrugged.
My blood boiled instantly and every hope of positivity vanished within a second.
'Best for business, eh?' It was my turn to chuckle now. 'And you think that after you actually shed your honest opinion about me, I'd still be keen on accepting your proposal?' I said sarcastically.
'Well..' Dr. Rollins scratched his forehead looking down. 'I don't think you will Miss Bliss.. But, I know you will.' he said lifting his confident eyes to meet mine. '..... Just like you agreed to join my music class today.' he said eyeing me.
This person has his head filled with shitty ego.
I shook my head. 'You must have gone nuts Prof. This..' I pointed to the class.. ' very different from what you're talking about right now. Me joining this class at your say was a double coincidence of wants and I wanted to get rid of any medical subject as badly as you wanted to form the music department within the Shield.' I explained. 'While the proposition you stated right now would only benefit you and your band. I am a mere excuse and as much as I love music, I just can't stand being your bitch.' I said sharply.
Dr. Rollins frowned as if he never saw that coming. I shook my head and attempted to leave but to my sheer disbelief, my wrist was caught before I could move.
What the..
I turned around giving Dr. Rollins a glare as I looked at him grabbing my wrist.
'Sorry..' he said lifting his hands up as he let go of my hand. 'Didn't want to stop you that way but there's something you need to know..or rather, I need to remind you Miss Bliss.' he said seriously.
'What else is left to be said Prof? I'm not interested. Don't you understand that..?' I asked getting inpatient.
'I don't.' Dr. Rollins said loudly cutting me off. '..because as much as you like to deny it, I know that this proposition would be as beneficial for you as for me.' he said sharply.
'And what makes you think that?' I scoffed sarcastically.
'...because ever since you joined the Shield, I've known you way more than you think Bliss. You are a person who works on values and self respect, you are someone who'd never bow down to others till the last breath and finally, you are someone..' he walked closer '.. who would never accept the fact that you have very little finance to back up your ideals.' he said.
My heart pounded on his words. I clutched my fists tighter.
'How dare you? Who the hell you think you are, ROLLINS?' I asked closing the gaps between us gritting my teeth.
'.. Just someone you need an assistance from to form to stand on your own feet and once you do it, I can assure you that you don't just have to rely on your scholarship for your dresses and neither would you have to worry about placing your begging hand in front of others.' he said sternly.
I frowned.
I needed money. I know that. My scholarship amount was just not enough to meet my expenses and there was no way I was going to ask my parents about the money. I remember how foolishly I often blurt out things like this in front of people like Dr. Rollins and here they are using my adversities to their own advantage. I clutched my fists again but my grip loosened as my body suddenly shook and my heart jumped almost making me gasp as two hands cupped my shoulders gently.
Dr. Rollins smiled holding me gently.
'And yeah.. Don't you think I'm using your personal stuffs against you for my own advantage Miss Bliss.' Dr. Rollins said looking at me. 'And it's still up to you if you want to join. The thing is I only wanted to show you the brighter side.' he said. 'The ball's still at your court Alexa. The decision is yours. We have three days to our next class and we have a practice on the same day. I hope you'll make up your mind by that time.' he said withdrawing his hold of me.
I breathed in a strange relied as his touch left me.
'And by the way, you are an amazing singer Miss Bliss, always remember that.' he said before brushing by my side, opening the door and getting out of it, leaving me alone.
Oh! Fuck!
What now?
One hour later
The class with Dr. Ambrose was amazing as usual. Moreover, it was the only class I got to share with Bayley. Dr. Ambrose said he'd take the class thrice a week.
Bayley was gloomy like the whole week. But, she always manages to jolt down the notes faster than anyone else. And as for me, I could barely get out the things Dr. Rollins said out of my head.
I mean, he seriously gave me the proposition of joining his band. A band! But, his band!
Often and on I tried to shrug the thought off my mind, but it'd be back eventually.
Finally, it was the end of the class and I walked out of the class with Bayley beside me.
'.....and you know Alexa, there's no way I could adjust with just way of teaching. It's just... Are you listening to me?' I felt a sudden tap on my arms as we walked towards the exit.
'Huh?' I asked bewildered to Bayley, who, I suppose was telling something to me.
Bayley raised her eyebrows. 'Does that mean, you heard nothing what I've been talking to you for the last couple of minutes!' she said being a little annoyed.
I scoffed at her reaction. 'No Bayley. It's just that I'm a little tired girl. Of course, I heard how your day went..' I said throwing a guess.
Bayley smiled wide. 'Okay then, let's have a cup of coffee. That'll make you feel better.' she said grabbing my wrist and pulling me towards the cafeteria.
'Bayley, wait....'
Well, that's her and her obsession with coffee.
My phone rang again and I disconnected it again. It was from my Dad's number.
I have had enough. I didn't want to see their faces, neither do I want to hear them. Their numbers sicken me and the mere thought of speaking to them, makes my body burn.
Parents. They are the closest person you feel as an innocent toddler. They feed you. They make you talk. They help you walk. They help you run. They clap when you recite your first poem. They clap when you sing a song...
That was my picture perfect illusory life.
My father was a Legal Administrative Assistant and my mom was an Interior Designer. We were two sisters. Trish was almost nine years older than me and she was my soul inspiration in music. My sister never knew music but had a passion many singers don't have. She said her voice wasn't goid enough and my music was the only way her dreams could get fulfilled. On my birthday two years ago, she gifted me a perfect guitar for my size.. Nemo.
We had beautiful happy family at Green Bay.
I smiled through my stress as the good old memories churned my mind.
'Trish, don't pamper her. You know she always forgets the homework when she gets into music..' Mom shouted from the dining as Trish stopped recording my voice.
'Okay mom. Just one more minute.' Trish pleaded and gave me a chicky wink, making me giggle.
'Okay Lexi..' Trish whispered. 'Now, don't waste your time and do the homework. Mom's mad already.' Trish said pinching my cheeks.
'But, I want to listen what I sang.' I said pouting in disappointment. I recorded Britney Spears' Baby One More Time and I knew I gave my best. I just wanted to listen.
Trish pouted at me too. 'Aww my baby sister. You know what, we will listen to it at night together and then..' she smiled. 'I'll definitely show it to my friend who has a big company. I'm sure he'll give you you a chance in his new child's album.' she encouraged me.
I smiled wide. 'Really?'
'Really Lexi. Now, keep Nemo aside and do your homework.' she said.
There were so many people in the house. I've always hated crowds. But, a party is a party. My Dad seemed to have solved a big case and it was because of him that the state was saved from a big treachery. They enjoyed, they danced but I felt lonely.
Trish said she'd show my songs to her friend to her friend today. But, she didn't return yet.
'Lexi..!' Mom called. I looked at her hopefully. 'Lexi, what are you doing alone? Go, there's Sam, Semona, Tom, Mary..everyone. Go play with them.' Mom instructed me.
'But, mom..' I pleaded. 'No Lexi, just go, join them.' Mom said pushing me to the direction of few children around my age who were playing silly games.
Trish didn't return that night but she returned two nights later. I was asleep but I heard my mom's voice.
'Trish.. Listen, it isn't as easy as you think..' I heard her say from the dining room. I walked towards the voice.
'I don't want to hear anything mom. I can't kill..'
'Then what do you want? To stay like this?' mom pointed to her. 'What will your father say when he learns about this and what will Lexi learn from you?' mom shouted further.
Trish burst into tears.
'Tiri..' I couldn't help calling her making both the ladies aware of my presence.
'Lexi!' Trish said quickly wiping her eyes.
'Lexi! Didn't you sleep?' Mom asked wide eyed.
'No. You were being mean to Tiri. She was crying..' I said pointing to her.
'Yes and that's because she did something wrong. Now get to the bed before I make you cry too.' mom said in rage. I gasped in fear giving Tiri a look. Trish nodded. I went back to my bed.
It was the happiest day of my life.
What if the Sun never shone
What if the day never came
Missing the morning warmth
I will run
To chase the sun
I will go
I performed my first ever composition in my school. Everyone applauded.
'Alexa, you have an amazing voice.'
'This little girl is so talented. She'll definitely make it big some day.'
'We are so proud of our student.'
My teachers encouraged me and I felt like touching the sky already.
The bus dropped me home and I couldn't wait to tell my parents about my day.
But, as I knocked the door, the scene was quite different than I expected.
Mom was packing stuffs and Dad was speaking to someone over phone about something in the airport.
'Lexi!' Dad disconnected the call as he saw me. I scanned at our house minutely. Every little thing was being pulled off.
There was nothing like earlier.
'Lexi! Get ready in five minutes. We have our flight in two hours.' Dad said.
'Flight! Are we going somewhere?' I asked surprised.
'Yes. We are going to Chicago.' Dad said. 'We.. We are going to live there from now on.' he said.
I was dumbstruck. 'What? Why? This is our home. We live here. I don't want to leave.' I said showing some aggression.
'Don't argue with me Lexi. Go get ready.' Dad said.
'Here..' mom said giving me some clothes. 'Change.' she said.
I took the dress and looked at my own school uniform. I was leaving. Will I never be able to go to my school now?
'What are you waiting for Lexi? We have a flight for God sake.' Dad barked making me gasp. I nodded.
I came back after changing without a question. 'Okay now get them to the trunks.' I heard Dad ask the two guys who were helping the luggage inside the car. I looked down at the bags and gasped loud.
Nemo! They forgot Nemo! It was on the top of the shelf!
'Okay honey, get in and Lexi too.' Dad said but 'Nemo' was all I could mutter and started running towards my room.
Nemo was my first guitar and it was Trish who brought me this. Trish is the only person who actually understands me so well!
'Lexi! Wait!' mom called.
'Catch her!' Dad yelled.
I ran upstairs to my room. It was locked. I banged in the door.
'Lexi! What are you doing here? We have a flight to catch girl.' Mom said chasing after me. 'Come on! Let's go.' she pulled my hand.
'No. Nemo! It's inside!' I cried.
'No matter. I'll give you a new one Lexi. Just let's go.' Mom pulled me.
'But, Nemo...'
'Forget all about it Lexi..'
'Dad! We are inside the flight and Tiri isn't here yet. She'll miss the flight this way..' I said looking over at all the passengers getting inside trying to spot my sister.
Dad didn't speak and looked at the window. Mom looked at him and then at me.
'Mom.. Give her a call. She'll stay back if you don't..' I said panicking.
I heard the announcement and I knew the flight was going to take off.
'Mom! We're moving! Tiri....!' I cried standing up but mom pulled me down and pulled her closer to her.
She hugged me tight. 'She's gonna come by the next flight Lexi. Don't worry.' Mom whispered.
It has been two days in our new place at Chicago. It was nothing like our old house. I often forget ways and I hate the interiors.
Trish didn't come yet. Mom said she called last night after I fell asleep. She was stuck with her college things and had to stay back at Green Bay for few more days.
But, I was worried for her. We took all the things off. Even the kitchen was closed. How would she have the food? Could she unlock the door?
Why didn't mom let me speak to her? I would've asked her to bring Nemo with her too.
The very next day Dad brought me to a mysterious school. It was nothing like my previous school. It was big and complicated. I looked around but couldn't find anything familiar.
Dad was speaking to a person in black blazer.
'Okay then... Michelle... Show this girl the room..' the guy said looking at me with a smile.
Room! My room! Why?
'Come on dear..' a lady in white walked to me with a big smile.
I looked back at Dad. 'Dad! Where is she taking me? I'm not going anywhere..' I said.
Dad looked at me and cupped my face me. 'You're a grown up girl now Lexi. I know you can stay alone.' he said kissing my head. My heart jumped.
He wasn't leaving me here, is he?
'No.. No.. I won't. Where's mom? I haven't seen Tiri in three days. I can't leave them.' I said on the verge of tears.
My eyes fell on a guy carrying a big black bag towards us. I knew the bag. Mom always packed my stuff in this bag whenever we went on a trip. But..
Does that mean, mom knew it too? And they sent me here to stay away from them? But I've never stayed away from my parents in all these twelve years.
'D.. Dad..Don't do this..' I begged.
Dad hugged me closer. 'This is a very good school Lexi. You're lucky you got selected but to be the best student, you need to stay here too.' he said. 'Don't worry, me and your mom are going to visit you in every two days. I promise and we're gonna bring Trish too.' Dad said cupping my face.
'Now, please be a good girl. Lexi. They'll show you your room.' Dad said.
'Yes, little one. Come , let's go.' the lady Michelle said trying to grab my hand but I pulled away.
'I'm not staying here. I want to go back to home. Our real home.' I shouted at Dad before running through the hallway.
'Lexi!' Dad shouted chasing. 'Miss Alexa!' I heard another voice but I didn't bother. I ran and ran.
But, Dad closed up and caught me. 'Let me go.' I said give him a glare but Dad's expression hardened and he slapped my face hard making me fall down.
'Ahh..' I grunted rolling on the floor.
'Oh no!' I heard the lady come near and pick me up.
Dad was still throwing me death glares.
'Stay in your limits Lexi. We are doing what's best for you, you understand that?' Dad barked as tears rolled down my face.
Two Christmases passed and I saw my parents just thrice after that incident. Trish was never mentioned.
I topped my exams that year but the frustration was eating me. I wanted to shout. I wanted to add music to my words.
'Miss Alexa!' the guy in the black blazer, who, I later recognized as the Principal, Mr. Williamson, called me to his office.
'Yes Sir!' I said standing before him.
He smiled and opened his shelf. 'We have something from your family for this Christmas.' he said and brought in a big wrap.
'Is that for me?' I asked surprised because not in a million years I expected my parents to send something for me. They never call me and all I know is they do deposity fees on time for my good nurture.
'Yes dear. Go open it. The gift from your parents reached us this morning. I guess they sent it before Christmas but time guess it takes time to reach from Barcelona.' he said with a smile.
I frowned. 'Barcelona! My parents are in Spain?' I asked completely shocked.
'Well.. Yes, that's what it reads Miss Alexa.' the guy said looking at the parcel. 'And your fee deposits too came from the same address from one and a half years. Didn't your parents tell you that the last time they visited?' the Principal said in surprise.
I shook my head. My parents were residing out of the States! I didn't know what to feel about it.
I silently took the gift to my room. My heart ached. All I knew was that I suffered from a peculiar form of identity crisis right now. I didn't know where my parents were. I didn't want to know where Trish was.
I unwrapped the gift and my eyes widened as I saw the beautiful Taylor guitar. I couldn't believe my eyes.
I remembered my mom's promise when I had to leave Nemo in a rush but this was something unexpected.
I smiled at myself running my fingers on the strings.
I was happy. I invested most of my time with my best friend now. I named it Dynamo. Misty of the girls called me an outcast while the boys found nothing fascinating in me. It was just me and Dynamo.
All day long, I used to compose and sing. My grades weren't the best but that never affected me. I was even able to befriend few disruptive and rogue boys in the school. They were the only one who tried to speak with me...even though if it meant copying my entire homework.
I started hanging with them. I started bunking classes. They taught me the art to climb the trees and pick on a fight while I taught them music.
There were few girls who mocked me for my unusual traits. I always repressed my anger but one day they did the audacity to manipulate my locker and dumped trash on Dynamo.
I was pissed. I cried. The teachers merely consoled. The boys told me better. They taught me it was now or never, that everyone loves to dig the softer part of the earth, that if someone tries to slap you, you punch them so hard that they'd not be able to breath for the next few minutes.
And then the day came. The day of retribution. It was on the school roof. One versus all. They laughed. They were four and all I had were chains and knuckles my friends gave me. They mocked me about my parent's absence from all the school events.
I closed my eyes as heat transferred through my veins. I remembered the events. All the students with their parents while mine were somewhere in Barcelona doing their job of sending bucks to the school. Frustration, disgust, anger..everything surrounded me.
Minutes passed and I didn't know when I had someone else's blood on my wrist.
That was me. I killed the old me.
I picked many fights after that while I hung with the boys..some were even with the rivals outside the school. I was proud of my new strength, my new courage but the only solace to my hidden loneliness was Dynamo.
The school management hated us but the Principal couldn't expel the students forming the best band of the school, could he?
Our music was at pick but I was scared too. The boys started doing drugs and their lives seemed to be drained further. Two of them failed classes too and one day, after a session end, the principal called my father informing him about my current status and to discuss my future prospects.
Dad came in within two weeks and forced me to go with him. My parents stayed in a hotel. I was emotional after a long awaited meeting. I hugged mom. She has gotten older and weaker. She had tears but everything seemed so alien.
They told me how I've grown up to be a beautiful 16 years old girl. How they missed me..
Missed me! Really?
When I asked about Trish, all mom said was.. 'let's forget about her Lexi..'
I was stunned. How can I forget my own sister, my inspiration, my best friend?
Dad showed me the new dresses he's got for me. But, something seemed so out of track. I asked them when I was joining my school but what they said was froze me.
'You aren't going to that school anymore Lexi. You will be moving to Columbus next week.' Dad said.
'What? You're kidding me?' I responded.
'No Lexi. We're doing what's the best for you like we did earlier.' Dad said.
'Like shifting me off my life every time I seem to be happy in it?' I asked angrily.
'And does your happiness include roaming around with those scums you call your friends?' Dad growled.
'They are my friends Dad. They were there with me when none was. Even you two weren't. We have a band at school. I can't leave them.' I argued.
'Shut up Lexi.. You have to listen to what we say. We are shifting you to Columbus and we will get you to the best institution in the world. May be you will even get a chance in the Shield Med School by your scores. I mean, they are taking from next month.' Mom said.
My eyes widened. 'No way mom! I've already decided my path in my school. I'm going for the music school. That's where my passion lies.' I said with determination.
Mom and Dad looked at each other and frowned.
'You're kidding me Lexi! Music! Seriously!' Mom said.
'Yes, that's what I have always loved mom. You know it right?' I pleaded.
'But, your Dad and I always wanted you to a be a doctor, didn't you remember that?' she asked.
'Yes, I do and I also remember how Tiri and I won the argument against you.' I reminded stubbornly. 'Besides, it's my life, my decision.' I said sharply.
'Don't you think about that Lexi.' Dad scolded. 'This little thing already proved detrimental to someone, we can't let you do that same. You understand that. Now leave this music shit and be a good doctor, profession worth responsibility and not casualty.' Dad said.
I closed up at him fuming. 'I won't.' I said.
Dad fumed at my face. 'So, you're doing the same mistake she did, eh?' he said.
'Please stop it...' Mom urged Dad. 'Lexi doesn't have to know..'
'She has to know. She has to know what Trish did and suffered the consequences.' Dad burst at mom shaking my heart.
'She has to know what took out the breath out of the precious lungs of her sister. She has to know how Trish died.' Dad said.
I froze. Trish died. My sister was dead.
'T..Tiri died?' I asked in a shaken voice.
Mom had tears. Dad panted. 'She died because she didn't listen to us.' Dad said in a whisper.
I couldn't take it anymore. 'No..' I shouted. 'Tiri can't die. Where is she? Why aren't you letting me see her?' I shouted through my tears.
Mom and Dad caught me. I didn't speak to anyone for the next one week. It was too hard to believe. I hugged Dynamo and used to play notes without giving it a voice.
'Lexi.. Leave it for a while and start reading. The Shield are taking the entrance tests in few days.' Mon said placing her hand on my shoulder.
I shook my head in silence.
'Please Lexi there's no future in this silly guitar!' she said trying to take Dynamo away from me but you grabbed him tight giving her a dirty look.
'No. As long as I'm alive, you can't take Dynamo away from me. It was Trish' dream and I'm going to live it for her.' I said as a tear rolled down my face.
I couldn't fight it. They dig holes in my brain. They said I had to do what they asked me to. They said they bear my expenses and it was my duty to oblige accordingly.
We moved to Columbus. I sat for the entrance exam of the Shield, Columbus branch and got selected on Scholarship. My parents permitted me to stay by Dynamo.
My classes were about to start in few days. I laid in my bed thinking of old days. Trish, me, my first performance, my new school at Chicago, my friends, our band. I refused to let my tears slip. I wanted to be stronger. That's what my friends taught me.
The suppressed tears were choking my voice. I forgot to bring water too. I walked out to the kitchen to get some water but my steps halted as I heard voices.
'....but you really think selling off Dynamo would be a solution to get her mind fixed..' mom said.
Dad sighed '... It might help. Trish manipulated her mind wildly. This silly fascination for music is distracting her from studies. Could you imagine if she goes out to live performance and... '
'No. We can't let that happen.' mom said. 'Sell off this guitar before she even wakes up tomorrow.'
My heart jumped. I can't believe my parents stooped that low.
I walked back to my room and opened the shelf. Dynamo was sleeping peacefully. I pulled it to myself and hugged it tighter.
'No one's going to take you away from me Dynamo.' I said kissing it. I slowly started packing my bags. I needed to get away from my parents.
I couldn't sleep the whole night and the nights in the next two days. Often and on my parents would walk in mysteriously only to find me hugging Dynamo close to myself.
But, what is their problem? Why are they stopping me to live my dreams?
My life was weirder than I ever imagined it to be. I got admitted in the Shield. Dad and mom did the formalities and then as usual, ten months.. No see.
Thanks to my scholarship, I could manage the medical studies without much assistance from them. Often and on, they would call me and ask me how much money I need. Gradually, the asked amount lessened.
I studied medicals but only with my brain. My heart lied with Dynamo.
My lifestyle was rogue. I spoke without a filter between my brain and my mouth, not caring about the person I was talking to. I was violent due to frustrations of my life. I had no friends. Few guys tried to befriend me but the knuckles in my hand and the chains in my pocket shooed them away. The people in the med school were too good to even talk to me.
My interest in the subject died with every successive exam. I would threw the book and sing aloud with Dynamo much to people's dismay. I would skip my parent's call.
There was an MMA institute behind the med school. I would go there every morning to let out my frustrations. The girls were stronger and fighting them made me stronger as well.
Time passed and I passed the classes retaining my scholarship. My teachers asked me to apply for the main branch of the Shield at Tempa, which I did on their insistence.
Again, I got a chance in scholarship. My parents met me once after my results. They said they were proud and asked me not to worry about money.
I laughed loud taking the flight to Tempa.
I sighed as the disturbing memories churned inside me. I sat up on the bed at 3 am.
Music had been my only companion who's stayed by me the entire time. I sang for myself, performed in the school and then formed a little school band.
But, there were very little people who actually appreciated me like I always wanted to hear. It was just Trish and.....
... I'm gonna forget that you have an angelic voice I've never heard before..
.. you are an amazing singer Miss Bliss, always remember that...
I tried to shrug of the thought immediately. This guy is a jerk, a master manipulator who needs me for his own purpose. He must have been lying.
Bayley was sleeping on her bed. I walked to my shelf and took out Dynamo.
'I guess it's time to go out.' I whispered and got out of the room.
Seth's P-O-V
I smiled as she ended her session for the day. She looks so innocent, so serene when she sings. The way she closes her eyes, it almost seems like she's into the other world!
And her words.. Wow! Her beats and rhythm seems really matured.
I saw her stand up and I made sure she couldn't see me as I walked around with my dog. I stood behind a tree watching her leave.
This little bitch has no idea what boon she has got. But, I know it and it's something that can change the dimension of the Kingslayers. I only hope she agrees to my proposal. I smirked at the thought.
'You're kidding me! A girl! Seriously Seth! It's the Kingslayers! We are a dedicated boy band man..' Jamie said as I told them about Alexa. 'Come on tell him Bobby..'
'Jamie's right Seth.' Bobby said. 'All our compositions are strictly men-centric. Neither the lyrics..nor the tone complies to a female. I mean, how did the idea even struck your mind?' Bobby said getting annoyed.
I sighed. 'Bobby, the lyrics can be changed if you think it isn't apt and the girl I'm talking about can adjust to any tone. I've heard her. I think you should at least listen to her.' I explained.
'Wait...' Roddie chuckled. 'Who's this girl and why are you suddenly all appreciative about her? If my guess is correct, you're banging her right?' he asked
I was pissed on this statement. 'Roddie.. Shut up! She's my student and there's nothing...'
'...or may be he's thinking of banging her soon..' Joey winked making me frown. They laughed again but this time a voice behind my back said, I wasn't in a position to say a loud word.
I sighed looking away. 'I don't know guys. But, the girl is one in a million when it comes to music and yeah, I hate her a lot.' I confessed. '.. Still I'm telling this because she's worth it.' I said.
Adam who was silent for a while stood up from his chair. 'And us she beautiful?' he asked with a mischievous smile.
'Come on!' Bobby said feeling disgusted.
To be honest, I never saw that coming and didn't know how to answer that. So, I went with my honest opinion. 'I personally don't think so. But, who knows, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and she might be beautiful to you all.' I shrugged.
Adam chuckled looking at others. 'Damn! I say let's see her then. I mean, a beautiful girl would always be a good thing to see while you rehearse.' he added.
'You're fucking kidding me Cole.' Jamie said rolling his eyes.
Roddie shook his head. 'Fine then. If Seth's so insisting, let's meet her one day.' he announced. 'When are you bringing her?' he asked looking at me.
'Well.. As soon as she agrees to join..' I said honestly again.
The boys gave me an are you kidding me look.
Three days later
Alexa's P-O-V
'.. I can't adjust with this grumposaurus Alexa. He's so mean and you don't know in what way, he'd try be hard on you the next time.' Bayley said explaining her specialization classes with Dr. Reigns.
'Come on Bayley! Be patient girl! You've just started. Give yourself some time and give him time too. May be he'll actually admire your work.' I explained.
'Him admiring me? Are you serious?' Bayley asked sarcastically.
I nodded sipping into my coffee. 'Yes I mean..'
'You mean, you didn't learn how to speak to your friend when she's tensed.' Bayley said making a serious face.
'Bayley.. !' I asked surprised by her reaction.
'....and you're surely not eligible to be called my friend any more. You are a harsh person Alexa, who doesn't understand your own feelings. You think everyone could be strong as you and..' Bayley kept speaking. Omg! She's misunderstanding!
'Bayley all I said was..'
'Now, you can't back what you said, can you? No, we have times granted to us and we can't it's an instant for all if us. Your words just proved your..'
I felt frustrated. 'Stop it Bayley! You aren't even listening to me! What are you..'
'Exactly Alexa!' Bayley said loudly in a pleading tone now. 'You couldn't take such un-understanding grumpy attitude for a minute and see.. I got to take that all the time. This is Dr. Reigns for you. He won't let you speak and he won't listen. He has his own conclusions and he'd lash out and lecture me at you at every opportunity he gets or he decides to get. I'm just sick of it.' Bayley said restlessly looking down.
Oh dear! Poor girl!
'It's gonna be okay Bayley.' I said running my hand on her head. 'Just don't think about the bad sides. Think about...tomorrow. It's new year tomorrow and we're gonna have so fun!' I said trying to cheer her up.
'But.. I got to face him in ten minutes..' she said almost crying.
She sighed in frustration. 'I wish I never fell for Dr. Balor. My life would be so perfect then..' she said looking down.
I reached for her hand and consoled her. 'Hey! They say whatever happens, happens for good Bayley. May be your life would get a new dimension now.' I said.
Bayley chuckled sarcastically. 'You're speaking like the fortune cookie now.' she said.
I chuckled. 'Fortune cookie! Seriously!' I laughed. 'You mean.. A man with brown eyes has a surprise for you..' I laughed loud. 'Can you imagine a man with brown eyes with a surprise and all I got that day was Dr. Donkeyrapingshiteater Rollins..' I gasped within my laughter as something hit me.
Those brown eyes... The Surprise!
'Oh my fucking lord..' I said leaving Bayley confused.
I walked out of Dr. Lynch's class. I saw Fandango and James rushing to me.
My head was still stuck on the proposition I recieved the other day. I haven't seen Dr. Rollins after that. I didn't say anyone about it and it was frustrating me from inside.
As much as it was true that I needed money, it was also true that the last thing I wanted in this earth was being indebted to Dr. Rollins and be his bitch.
'Hey Alexa!' the boys smiled.
'Hey boys!' I said with a smile. 'So, classes over?' I asked hugging each.
'Yeah, pretty much for today.' Dango said stretching his arms. 'What about you?'
' the music one..' I said reluctantly.
'Oh.. Wow!' James said. 'But, Alexa, you're being mean not letting us hearing you sing for once.' James said faking an annoyance.
I chuckled. 'Of course, I'll sing for you.'
'Okay then, let's make it happen.. Alexa sings for us tomorrow when we go out to celebrate Bayley's result. What say James?' Fandango asked wrapping his arm over James.
James smiled. 'Of course, let's make tomorrow special Alexa. We want to hear you sing.' James said.
I sighed. 'Well then.. I'll sing for you..' I said with a sigh.
'Wow! Great! Bayley's gonna be happy too.' James said getting excited.
I smiled. 'Okay then, when are we meeting tomorrow?' I asked.
'Uhm.. Probably after 7. I've taken a job in a small shift in a bakery.' Fandango said surprising me.
'Oh!' I said.
'Yes, Alexa. I guess I need this job, at least for the next two months. I'll quit once the syllabus gets heavy but I need it.' Fandango said. 'I've taken a lot of stuffs in credit from various places to impress Maxine and now..' she shook his head. '... It'll be unfair to ask money for such creepiness from my parents. You all saved me from letting down my parents. It's time I save it myself.' he said.
I smiled at his maturity.
'You can do it Dango.' James said hugging him from the side.
'Yes Dango. You can do it.' I said.
Dango chuckled. 'Yeah, besides a little side job won't be bad to earn some bucks.' he said.
I nodded.
'Indeed.' I said thinking deeper in my mind. 'I guess I need one too.'
Bayley joined us soon after and Bayley means coffee. So, we were at the cafeteria again. Of course, Me, James and Dango settled for shakes from the adjacent parlor as Bayley drank coffee.
Soon, James and Dango left as they had no class. Bayley had an elective in the Pediatrics while I had music.
My heart was pacing faster as the time passed.
'....and you know this girl Mercy isn't a bad one. She's sweet and understanding.' Bayley kept on saying about her experience of the day.
I, on the other hand was thinking something else. Dr. Lynch said there would be a seminar next month and we needed to deposit money for registering for the same.
My scholarship stock had almost ended. The hostel fees were to be asked soon.
I didn't know where my parents were now, neither did I wanted to know. I can't just ask for money from them. I remembered what Dango said
... besides a little side job won't be bad to earn some bucks.
I needed it. My inner voice said I had it. But, my self respect said not to. But, then..
'Alexa.. Are you even listening?' Bayley asked shaking my hand.
'Huh?' I asked getting out of my stance.
Bayley raised an eyebrow. 'You aren't okay, are you?' she asked.
'Bayley, I'm fine. I..' I tried to make up with a smile but she cut me off.
'No. You aren't. I can see that for few days. Come on! Tell me.' she said. 'You don't think it's just you who can be a mom, do you?' she said with an adorable smile.
I chuckled. 'Bayley it's really okay.. I..'
'Shoot fast. We've just got twenty minutes.' she said looking at her watch with determination.
I sighed. I guess some times it's just fine to give it a try on people with a lighter mind.
'I... I got an offer to do a job.' I said hiding facts.
'What? When? Where? Oh my God! Congratulations!' Bayley said almost jumping off the chair in excitement.
'Uh.. Relax Bayley. I didn't accept it yet. I guess I'm just not ready yet.' I said.
'um.. I don't know about the job but I just couldn't agree with the fact that you aren't ready Alexa.' Bayley said. 'I mean, you are the strongest person I know and I know you can face any challenge in your life.' she added.
I scoffed. 'And what if I have to give up my self respect for that?' I asked.
Bayley gave me a confused look.
'..for that, I guess you need to decide if it's the self respect or ego..' I heard a new voice from behind us.
Both me and Bayley jolted at the new voice and turned to see..
Dr. Ambrose smiling at us. He had a cold coffee in his hand.
Freak! He must have heard us. That's so embarrassing!
'Hello Professor!' me and Bayley said in unison.
'Hello girls!' he said with a smile walking closer to us.
'uhm.. Don't mind me getting personal. In fact, I don't even know what you were talking about but Alexa... But, Psychology says we should always know the difference between self respect and ego which at times, we fail to.' he said.
'Uhhhh.. I don't unders..' I said not knowing what to say.
'Let me explain you then..' Dr. Ambrose said with a smile and pulled a chair beside Bayley and across me.
'Look Alexa, self respect means to respect yourself while ego means to respect only yourself. Self-respect is the courage to accept the mistakes that you committed and you then make efforts to rectify them. Ego means that you can’t accept your mistakes and you will defend your follies rather than trying to improve yourself. Self respect means to be able to leave your personal interest for greater good. Ego means to always keep your personal interest first with utter disregard for others’ interests.
Self-respect makes your character strong but ego makes it fragile.
Self-respect is an elixir which gives you strength but ego is a poison which takes away your life.' he explained.
'So, I don't know what job you're talking about. But, if you think that'll demean your respect in your own eyes, leave it. But, if you think it'll just let you be down in front of a certain somebody..think twice. Also, think about the job. Will the work involved satisfy you? Will it make you strong or will it make you weak? Will the acceptance of this job make you a loser in long run or the rejection of this job will just make you say.. I wish.. ' he said with a shrug.
Oh man! I nodded in understanding.
Bayley did the same. Dr. Ambrose took another sip of his coffee.
'Now, I guess I have you two enough lectures for today.' he said with a smile throwing the empty cup at the trash can. 'I'm not gonna bore you more.' he said standing up. 'The decision is yours Alexa. Think about it.' he said throwing us another smile before he left the cafeteria.
I was almost speechless. That was..
'That was amazing!' Bayley said as if finishing what I was about to say.
'You're right. Dr. Ambrose is one of a kind.' I said with a smile.
'Yeah and I guess he made your decision a lot more easier.' Bayley said with a smile. 'Just think if you want to do what you are about to do, not the employer, not the salary. Look at me, I'm spending four long hours of my day with the Grumposaurus just because of my interest in Gynecology.' Bayley said with a smile. 'So, you decide... Self respect or ego? While I go on and get another cup of coffee.' Bayley said leaving the seat for her third cup.
I sighed. Self respect or ego? Will joining the band make me lose my self respect or just let Dr. Rollins win over me? May be both. May be none. Will I regret joining his band?
I closed my eyes thinking deep about the words of Dr. Ambrose.
Will the work involved satisfy you? Will it make you strong or will it make you weak? Will the acceptance of this job make you a loser in long run or the rejection of this job will just make you say.. I wish..
I smiled opening my eyes.
'Thank you Professor Ambrose.' I muttered to myself.
I got up from my chair.
'Hey! You've made your decision?' Bayley asked coming back with her coffee.
'Yeah. Got to give it a try.' I said nonchalantly.
'That's awesome. By the way, who offered you the job?' she asked freezing my expressions to the max.
'You don't even want to know.' I said with a sigh.
I walked towards the music hall. It was still five minutes to go for the class. But, I couldn't wait any longer. I had to get this off my chest.
But, am I doing the right thing? What if it's just his plan to humiliate me?
I shook off the thoughts and walked near the door but then, I heard something. Something that mesmerized me, enough not to push the door and ruin the environment.
I heard the singing.
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go
So make the best of this test and don't ask why
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life
I wonder how he manages to sing my very favorite songs so beautifully.
So take the photographs and still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf in good health and good time
Tattoos of memories and dead skin on trial
For what it's worth it was worth all the while
I couldn't help but hum it to myself.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life
I twirled my fingers around in a bit and I don't know why I had a strange urge to d.... No way! I resisted the urge and controlled myself by pushing myself to the door, creeking it open slightly. Oops... He continued though.
It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right
I hope you had the time of your life
He ended the song. I was smiling like an idiot. Music does that to me, can't blame it.
I stood there with a racing heart realizing it was finally the time to face the truth. I heard the obvious sounds of closure and then..
'Come in Miss Bliss.. You stood there for too long.' I heard the voice of Dr. Dobkeyrapingshiteater Rollins.
Fuck! How?
Managing my embarrassment by my confident body language, I walked in.
Dr. Rollins was sitting on his bagging his guitar and he smirked at me as I entered.
'Hello! So, do I assume you liked it?' he asked keeping the bag aside.
Horrible shit!
'Uhm.. Not bad..' I said looking away not being able to lie.
Dr. Rollins scoffed. 'So, I don't assume you came early just to spend some time alone with me..' he said looking at his watch.
'So, what's the matter? You made your decision?' he asked standing up with a confident smile.
Oh freak! Surrender time.
I looked at him confidently. 'Well.. Yeah. Sort of but..'
'But?' he asked with a frown.
'I need to ask you something first.' I said looking up into his eyes.
'Go ahead.' he said crossing his arms on his chest retaining the smug look.
'How many members are you?' I asked.
Dr. Rollins scoffed. 'That's positive enough for you to ask. Well, we're six till now. Me, Bobby, Jamie, Joey, Roderick and Adam.' he said. 'Additional fact, they are cool people.' he added.
'Hmm.. And when is your concert?' I asked.
'The biggie is eight months away but you have shows lined up from the end of next month itself.' he said.
'And how much are you gonna pay if I join you?' I asked the main question.
Dr. Rollins' expressions said he didn't saw that coming, especially not so soon.
'You see Alexa..' he started but I needed to clarify too.
'No offense, but I need money too. So, I need to know this.' I explained.
Dr. Rollins chuckled. 'That was sweet but you didn't have to explain that. Of course, we need to discuss the money. You see, our band is till now limited just to YouTube income and very few small shows. So, guessing my the income, I guess $1000 won't be bad for you.' he said.
'$1300...' I argued giving him a cross look.
'You're serious? You've never worked in a band before!' he asked with a surprised frown.
Oh shit! Was that too much?
'Okay.. $1200 then..' I said continuing to burgain just to have the last word.
Dr. Rollins gave me a lot of disbelief. 'You haven't worked anywhere before, have you?' he asked.
Well, what's with that?
'What do you mean?' I asked raising an eyebrow.
Dr. Rollins scoffed. 'Nothing. Just tell others in the band that I said less and you made me agree at $1000, okay.' he said.
'Wait! But, I asked for $1300..!' I reminded.
Dr. Rollins gave me a blank hopeless look and chuckled. 'I'm an elder person with more experience. Do as I say okay.' he said lightly placing his hand on my arm at the last part.
'But...' I tried to argue.
'You'll understand when you meet them.' he said getting back to his desk but then suddenly looked back at me. 'And do I take that as a yes to my proposition?' he asked with a smirk.
Oh damn God.. His ego is fully boosted now.
'Unfortunately.. Yes.' I said looking away.
He chuckled. 'I knew you'd say yes.' he said to my surprise. I looked at him with surprise but before I could ask anything there was a push at the door and in walked the three queenbees laughing, smiling and clicking their heels.
Dr. Rollins motioned me to have my seat and I thought it was wiser to suppress my question.
The class ended and I must say Dr. Rollins looked more enthusiastic with his explanations today. I don't know if that was the thing but I kind of processed his explanations well today.
He asked me a question once which I answered and except that we had no other communication. Of course, his flirts with the girls continued as usual.
The class ended and few girls jumped onto his seat for God knows what explanation. I shook my head, picked up my bag and walked out of the class following the boys. I've had enough for tonight.
I walked in the hallway still thinking if I did the right thing. And what was his problem with paying me few more bucks and why did he ask me to lie.
'Excuse me..' I heard a girl's voice and soon realized the three queenbees walking towards me with a dim face.
'Yes.' I stopped and turned facing them.
One of the girl raised her eyes and eyed me head to toe.
What the fuck!
'Dr. Rollins wants to see you.' she said in a quite sharp voice.
'Oh..' I said. 'Did he say why?' I asked getting surprised just like a normal person would.
The ladies smirked with a bit you look looking at each other.
'Probably the same reason he asked for you the other day.' another girl said bitchily. 'Who knows what he sees in her..' this one eyed me head to toe too before walking away.
And what do they mean by who knows what he sees in her... Ugh! Dirty little whores. Do they think I'm as low as them?
My fists clutched and I decided to go after the bitches but then I realized I needed to see the hunter of these whores first..he's the root of all these..
In a swift motion, I turned towards the hall.
Seth's P-O-V
I was really happy today. I don't know why but I felt like winning a battle today.
I finally found the seventh member of the Kingslayers. As I ended my class, those sexy ass girls crawled near my seat just to make an attempt towards me. Of course, I don't mind.
But, today something else was more important. Alexa said yes but I didn't tell her anything about our next proceedings. She's left the class but I needed to catch her before she leaves.
I guess I have to ask the hotties to call her for me and that's what I did.
I stretched myself getting off the chair when I heard the door open.
'Hey!' I said seeing Alexa get in.
'You called me?' she asked in a sharp tone as if she was annoyed.
Of course, might not be the case too. She always looks like that.
I nodded. 'Yes. Actually..'
'And you've to ask your bitches to give me a call! Did you imagine the consequence? Do you know what they said to me?' she said fuming with every word.
What's going on here?
'No. Uhh... What did they say?' I asked getting pretty confused. I asked them to call her and that's what they did. Simple.
She threw a glare. 'So, you want to know what they said, eh? Well.. They..' she started with a fire but stopped abruptly who knows why. 'Uhh.. Let's forget them. Now, tell me why you called me.' she said changing the tone all of a sudden.
I swear she needs to consult Dean.
'Yeah, I called you to inform you about you meeting the boys this Sunday.' I said getting to the point.
Alexa frowned. 'This Sunday?'
'Yeah. Apparently, that's the day everyone is free. So, be ready. I'll pick you up at around 10 am.' I said.
Alexa's eyes widened and there was something about her expression I couldn't detect.
'You don't have to.' she said loudly.
What on earth!
'I.. I mean can go there myself. Just give me the address.' she said trying to seem confident which of course she wasn't.
'And do you know them? You think you can deal with them without me?' I asked getting pissed off now.
'God Alexa! Don't act like a child! It's one thing to play around and another to get the shit into serious issues.' I said a bit more louder than I intended.
Alexa's eyes widened and I knew she didn't expect me to burst like this.
'So..' I cleared my voice to normalize the situation. 'I'll pick you up, okay.' I said slightly patting her arm before attempting to leave the hall. But, before I could reach the door..
'Prof..' I heard her call.
Prof! This girl always calls me that. I guess she calls all her Professors by this shortened form.
I looked back at her curiously. She walked a little closer adjusting her bag on her shoulders.
'Uhm.. Can I get your number?' she asked with a slight eye roll.. Now, this was something I least expected after this conversation and I almost wanted to chuckle.
'Oh! Yeah, sure.' I said somehow hiding my smile.
Don't blame me, never in a million years, I expected Alexa Bliss to ask for my number. Yeah, I understand it's essential and all but still..
I saw her taking out her phone. ' it.' she said handing me her phone.
I took it from her and gave my personal number to her. 'Here, that's my number in case you need it for the band or any other personal stuffs..' I said. I guess I should give her my other number too. 'And this in case you need me for anything related to the Shield.' I said typing the numbers only to see it being saved under the name.. Donkeyra.. What!
'Uhh.. I got this Prof.' Alexa seized the phone from my hand in urgency. 'Uhh.. I had it saved when I needed to call the SWC for Bayley, remember?' she said faking a smile.
I know that was mischievous. 'Owh!' I said raising an eyebrow. 'Cool. Now give me a call. I forgot to save your number the last time.' I said.
Alexa nodded and dialed my number. My phone rang.
'There.. Thanks..' I said.
'Well, Uh.. See you then.' she said as if she used all her efforts against herself to say that.
Come on! What's the harm with few sweet words?
'Yeah, I guess so. I'll pick you up at 10 am sharp and I'll inform you if there's a change.' I said.
Alexa nodded. 'Fine with me.' she said and started walking towards the door but before she could open it, the door opened from outside.
Alexa's P-O-V
I didn't want to deal with this guy any second longer.
Phew! He almost saw the same to which I saved his number.
I walked to the door but before I could touch it, somebody opened it from outside. I was startled at first as it revealed..
Dr. Randy Orton!
His eyes fell on me and then behind me towards Dr. Rollins.
There was a strange smirk on Dr. Orton's that for some reasons, I wanted to slap off.
'I guess we are doing really good, eh Rollins?' he said to Dr. Rollins sparing a glance at me. The way he said we was different and I don't know why it didn't feel right. The guy had my way blocked.
I don't know why I immediately looked at Dr. Rollins who had a sudden clumsy look on his face.
'Uhh.. Randy, get in.' he said looking at Dr. Orton. 'And Miss Bliss.. I'll see you around.' he said with a nod insisting me to leave, as it felt.
Dr. Orton moved from the door throwing me a mysterious look. I walked away as fast as I could.
Something felt really weird about all this..
Finally, I could update..
Thanks a lot for your patience
What do you think about the chapter?
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