Dean's P-O-V
I have always been someone who believes in living in the moment. I always felt we were here in the world for a little while and we should try anything and everything before our eyes and enjoy every day to the fullest. But, in last few months,realized all these things were mere illusion and life does need stability and purpose if you need to be happy and peaceful. I realized I didn't want to live for the moment but I wanted to leave every moment with happiness and peace.
And right now I didn't want the moment to pass rather I want in to pause forever...this way..while the love of my life lays in my arms sleeping peacefully.
I looked at her I've been doing the whole time. She is so amazing. I ran my fingers over her bare shoulders to her left cheek while softly brushing a strand of her orange hair off her face. I softly placed a kiss on her head.
I can never get enough of her. That's for sure.
I looked at my watch on the bed stand. It was 5:30 already. The rain had stopped, I assume. I crawled out of my bed to the window and pulled curtains off. Indeed the rain stopped but a certain moisture was still in the air. Few people already started for the morning walks.
The little pinch of sunlight has just risen, it seemed and fell straight into my bedroom, on my bed.. further illuminating the Irish angel sleeping on it. The rays rested on her beautiful face making it glow. I smiled. She must be tired. I didn't want to disturb her.
Last night was something none of us expected but it seemed both of us wanted it for a long time. It was a magnetic pull that we somehow had been resisting but last night, it was the end of it. There was just and her and the passionate attraction that has been dormant for ages seemed to get activated through all the pain, solitude and distance we've held between us all these months.
I dressed myself up in a T-shirt and loose tracks. I went to the kitchen. It has always been her who has woken me up with a surprise breakfast beside my bed. Let it be me this time. I went for the tea and...shit! The container was empty since last week. How can I forget that?
I sighed and went to the bedroom again. Becky was still sleeping subconsciously holding the covers over her chest. I smiled again. Now I know I wasn't alone. It was her too. And we both, perhaps, wanted the same thing that we never wanted to acknowledge. I got to go outside and get something for her breakfast.
I kissed her head softly once again, making sure she doesn't wake up.
I took tore a page from my diary to write a message like old times. My heart flipped sesnsing how it'd feel to relive the old times, to be back in those a bigger and better way. In these few months, I figured out wgat I knew and after last night, I also know what Becky wants.
Good morning my sleeping angel! Going to get us some breakfast. Shall be back soon ❤
I tore off the page and placed it on the bed stand. I picked my phone from the bedstand. There were a number of missed calls from Seth and Renee. I don't know if Seth needed something. About's almost a ritual fir her to call me late night and also the fact that I usually ignore most of them. I couldn't receive it last night either. Let's say I wasn't in a position to receive any of the calls at the hour. The thought made me smile by myself. After a while, I got a call from Dr. Molly who asked me if I was okay and said that Seth was worried about me.
I was still breathing heavily after the most passionate sexual intercourse of my life. I somehow held my breath steady and told her I was fine.
I took my phone with me and walked out in order to get something for Becky.
Becky's P-O-V
It felt so peaceful. As if I was in the garden of heaven laying on the bed of beautiful flowers with more showering on me. The air was so soothing. I hugged my body and soon the warm aira of sun rays set a certain pleasure all over my sore body. My eyes opened to see the very familiar room around. The same bed stand, the dresser, the wardrobe...everything that I lived in.
The bed I laid was familiar too. Its warmth was something I always craved to myself. I felt it again..the enxhanting smell I loved. I tossed myself with a smile. I soon realized I was naked underneath the covers...all smelling of him. My mind recalled everything that took place last night...all of a sudden...which none of us ever saw coming.
Dean.. my best friend, the most important person in my life. I always recognized the magnetic pull but never thought it had the same impact on the other side. Dean and I definitely had this. Half my teenage life was busy pinpointing that magnetic pull. I knew it was more than the friendship we hold, it was way more. And that's the reason I never liked any women who ever stepped in Dean's life. But, then with the advent of Renee, I felt the pull by day. I was scared...insecured and that was when Randy extended his hand towards me.i couldn't refuse even though I could. I just feared being broken with hopelessness.
A hopelessness of rejection, heart break and losing the best thing in my life. And when I knew that my hope was still alive, it was too late. I still remember the concert on the Valentine's Day. Dean bursting on Renee and Renee trash talking me. Randy tried to console his sister but wasn't much successful. I walked away knowing Renee didn't like me near her in that enotional state. She even asked Randy to ask me to leave. I I couldn't taje her tantrums and looked away.
I thought I should find Dean and ask him directly what his problem was abd why was Renee reacting this way?
4K22 and 4K23...I remembered the seat numbers Renee said about her and Dean. But, my bad! 'Let's turn of the lights!' Seth's voice roared in the whole place and off were thr lights. It was dark as The Kingslayers started their favourite song. The entire crowd roared. Through dimming light, I somehow located the seats and saw Dean sitting monotonously at a his seat. I somehow made my way to him. He needed to answer few questions. If he thought Renee was that good a girl, why did he make her cry and what was that weird reference to me from Renee. I needed to know all. So, I went on to seat beside him. There you go! Today, you'll have to let everything out Deano. But, just as I was about to open my mouth...
Are you here, Renee?' I felt my habd being grabbed and it was that familiar soothing touch J know from ages. 'Look, I'm sorry for everything that happened. I never meant to spoil your mood today but Renee.. I really like you and I don't like the way you're thinking right now.' Dean said assuming I was Renee.
'Yes, I was really mad on you when you said trash about Becky and trust me I had my reasons. I know you might have felt lead on when I kissed you this year. But, Renee.. I never said I love you because I.. I don't. I know it hurts Renee and I really hate to break your heart but leading you more with false hopes is gonna make things worse. You're a very nice girl Renee. I want you to get cured and that's why I started getting you distracted from your obsessions.' Dean sighed guiltfully.
False hopes! So, Dean doesn't like Reee that way? A strange gladness filled me and I just wanted to hug Dean for manning up and say this...even though he said that to the wrong person.
'I know I'm your culprit Renee. I gave you false hopes. That day I used you as a mere distraction when..when Becky was getting close to Randy. I know I was mean but I was frustrated at that point. That was the point when I realized I was in love with my best friend.' This time Dean squeezed my hand tight, making my heart jump.
Love! Me!
Dean loves me!
My hands were getting cold in an instand and it slipped off Dean's in shock. My eyes closed.
'I didn't want to hurt you Renee. But, I love Becky and I can never give her place to anyone else..perhaps, that was the reason why I couldn't find happiness in any of my previous girlfriends, perhaps, it was my underlying jealousy that hated to see her with any other man and urged her ti break up with them. May be that's the reason I never liked your brother at the first place.' Dean scoffed in an emotional tone.
Emotions were choking my throat too. My eyes were filled with tears. As he said those words, I felt the world being so different all of a sudden. Things were falling....but I I didn't know if it were falling apart or into pieces. I covered my mouth with the other hand to hide my escaping sobs.
'But you know what's funny Renee..' Dean chuckled. 'I realized what I wanted only after it started to slip off my grip. But, I won't Becky to love me back. How can I? She's my Becky. My best friend. I can't make her do anything she doesn't want to. If she's happy with Randy, I'll be happy for her..' He said...and that was the point I couldn't hold it anymore.
Why Dean? Why do you feel this way? Why couldn't you feel the same before? Why couldn't I understand anything?
A sob escaped.
I felt Dean's hand grabbing mine again. 'Hey! Don't cry Renee! You're a very nice and beautiful girl. And someday you'll surely find somebody who'd love you like you want him to but that definitely isn't me. I can't fool you. I can't hurt you. I.. I can't love you. I know I am breaking your heart but believe me, I can't give you mine because it already belongs to someone else and will always be with her, till my last breath.' He scoffed.
I bit my lips hard. How can Dean love me so much without me knowing?
The songs blasted and I knew the tune was ending and the lights would probably be on anytime now.
I wiped my eyes. No. I didn't know how to face Dean? I didn't know how to look at those baby blue eyes that had so much passion for me. No. I have to go before he sees me. I don't want anymore complications in life. For him, it's Renee and I'll let it be.
Dean's grip was weakening. Probably, he was trying to hold his enotions too. I took the opportunity and slipped my hand off his grip. I could hear Dean breathing hard but he didn't say anything. He didn't even try to stop me...or Renee..
After that day, nothing was ever the same for me. I didn't want to face Dean, I didn't want to face Randy and worse, I didn't want to face myself.
But last afternoon, my mom called me and I came to know how Dean never changed his routine call to her despite the changing dynamics of our relationship. He'd talk to her like nothing happened hiding all the pain un his heart. I cried a lot after the call ended.
Randy did everything to make me happy. He loved me and I tried to love him too. Trust me I love him..I tried to explain that a lot to myself. But, after that call I just couldn't take it anymore. Dean has no right to do this to me. How could he just love me so much and act so indifferent..? And if he held those feelings for me, shouldn't he have told this to me... and not Renee? Why did he make no effort to know what I feel?
The rain machine ran at its full pace. I looked at the window from my cabin and many memories started peeking into my head that had been dormantly striving in my heart for long. The day Dean carried me so tenderly amidst the rain fearing I might catch cold, the day I too made him feel how much I cared about him.
The rain had no tendency to stop abd neither did my emotions. Was I really happy with Randy like I had imagined? Do I really want what I'm doing with myself? I needed the answers to this questions. I calmed my heart down, trying to strengthen it. I knew where I might find the answers and I was ready for the showdown.
The dusk towered upon as I walked to the parking, too distracted to help myself with an umbrella. I sat in the car and started towards my destination, knowing very well the unpredictabilities of consequent reaction.
Glimpses of last night were still so fresh. I could feel his touch and hus soothing voice around me. Last night I found the last piece of jigsaw in the pyzzle of my life that I never knew was missing. When those soft warm lips touched mine...I forgot every bit of wrongs in my deed. I knew I wasn't doing anything that a dignified lady with a caring boyfriend would do but my mind, body, heart and soul...said otherwise. I wanted hold him, kiss him, feel him around me and know how much he could love me. My heart hammered to the extent I never knew it could for my best friend.
I got out of the bed having no plans even for the next second. Right, wrong, cheating or realization...everything qas so mixed up in me. I needed to Dean the first and Randy the next. I looked around for Dean. He wasn't seen anywhere.
I sat frustrated on the bed. Why do I have to land up alone at the moment I needed him the most?
I looked around for something to put on and found Dean's shirt. I smiled sniffing the familiar scent, immediately recalling every bit of action from last night, making the blush creep up to my cheeks. I put the shirt on and hugged myself closing my eyes, taking the moment to feel his presence around me.
'Why Dean? Why are you always so late?' I muttered to myself. I opened my eyes and my eyes fell on something like a message note on the bed stand. I bit my lips controlling mu smile, getting lost in the good old days.
I picked the piece of paper softly.
Good morning my sleeping angel. Going to get us some breakfast. Shall be back soon ❤
'My sleeping angel'...the way he addressed and drew the cute heart at the end of the message made my heart flutter. I smiled. He'll be back soon. But, the thing I ready to face him after all this? This is my best friend Dean after all? Whenever I'm confused about anything, it's him who gives me the solution. But, this time I needed a solution to face him, look into his ocean blue eyes, his cute dimpled cheeks and his passionate gaze of thirst. As I imagined, I felt the butterflies in my stomach like a teenager.
I took a deep breath and started arranging his...or rather our..messed up bed.
Just then I felt something buzz. Wait! Is it my phone? Gosh! I forgot it was still on silent mode laying on the couch of the living room. I walked to recieve the call. It could be Dean! May be he is at the food court and as usual confused what to buy..
I smiled but as I went, the call ended. Ugh! I picked up my phone and gasped loud.
27 missed calls from Randy and 11 messages.
As his name flashed and I realized the big ignorace from my part, a pang of guilt surrounded me. After all, Randy was still my official boyfriend.
I realized the calls started from 12:20 last night. The fact that I was probably all surrendered and pleased under Dean's strong body and outright passion, made me feel a little repulsive to even check the messages. But, it must've been an emergency. Should I call Randy? Definitely yes. I guess we need to talk anyway.
Calming myself down, I called him. I heart paced as I felt the dialer stop and Randy's voice at the other end.
Randy: Becky! (painful voice)
Becky: Uh..Hello Randy..(hesitant). I'm sorry I couldn't receive..
Randy:'s in hospital since last night.
Becky: What? (Surprised) What happened to her? Where is she? (restless)
Randy: She's having a bery bad food poisoning and evwn vomitted blood. I brought her to the Shield at around 1 last night. I called you because I thought you'll be nearer abd Dean's place. Becky, I know you were so tired abd I'm sorry..
Becky: No. (cutting off). No. shouldn't say sorry..(feeling guilty). I..I'm coming.
Randy: Thanks a lot Becky. I'll feel so strong with you around.
I was breathing hard. My head was spinning. I took a seat at the adjacent sofa. Everything I've been weaving in my mind for the last few minutes just blasted off. No. No. No.
'How could I be so selfish? Randy's mom...' and he was still sorry for disturbing me. I felt tears of guilt gathering in my eyes.
I ran quickly to grab my dress. I have to go to the hospital as for now. The other things could be thought later.
Renee's P-O-V
I played with the knots in my scarf impatiently sitting at the lobby of a certain hospital ward.
Ugh! How long do I have to stay? I'm here since last night with no sleep, no Dean and it feels horrible. And everuthing is for that lady Elaine Orton.
My eyes fell on Randy who was of course, speaking to his girlfriend over phone who didn't give a damn about the million times he called her last time. Poor Randy! But, he deserves it for making me sit for the whole night this way. Asshole!
I saw Dad and Randy asking something to the nurse. There was a slight sign of relief in their faces. I guess the lady is stable now.
'Don't worry Dr. Orton. Your mom is pretty safe. Mught take her few hours to gain sense but I guess there's no fear now.' The doctor smiled.
'Thanks a lot Dr. Samson. I can never thank you enough for this.' Randy said.
'Uhh..just my job.' The doctor said. 'But, any idea how she got herself poisoned like this. I mean, it was vigorous. It took us quite a long time to remove the toxic elements off her stomach!' The doctor asked.
I grip tightened around my scarf.
'I don't know doctor. She was happily making dinner and suddenly...' my father sighed depressively.
'Oh..I see...must have been somefarm contamination as you said you've got a big farm.' The doctor consoled himself.
My father looked down with a sigh.
'I don't know. Let mom get to her senses, I guess only she can tell the truth.' Randy said.
My teeth gritted hearing this. Oh yeah...? She wants to soeak more, eh? Selfish lady! Who does that to her own daughter?
I clutched angrily onto my scarf.
Last evening was so beautiful. It was raining so beautifully. I watched a popular Filipino recipe of Tinolang Manok for one ling hour. I wanted to make it and call Dean and prove to him that I was becoming a good cook.
I happily walked to the kitchen and started looking for the ingredients. But, no! Elaine Orton has to interfere everywhere.
'What are you doing here Renee?' She asked and of course, I wasn't interested to reply but then...I am a good girl now.
'Nothing much mom. It's a rainy day. So, I thought it'd be good if I sgould try making some Filipino cuisines, you know.' I explained.
Mom frowned. 'Uh..that's good. But, you're sure you have learnt it well. Our cook Ness is on leave. So..'
'Come on mom! Trust me I know how to do it. Besides, I would call Dean and you'll see how impressed he will be once he tastes them.' I giggled in excitement finding the necessary spices.
'Dean! You're gonna call Dean!' My mom exclaimed. 'Renee, it's raining heavily. I don't think it'd be wise to call Dean at this time. How can he make it here...?'
That was the first time she succeeeded to boil my blood.
'Oh mom! You won't understand. In these weathers, man crave for their partners and of course, the best way to covey..' I chuckled teying to explain her.
Mom looked at me doubting. 'I don't think that's a good idea Renee. Why don't you leave it fir another day. The weather would be fine too and Ness would be there to help you as well.' She said getting jealous.
My teeth gritted. 'Why? Are you all gonna send Ness with me once I move in with Dean?' I barked for the first time. 'And I'm trying to be a good cook mom. Dean has to be here when I call him. May be, I'll fake an illness and he'll come rushing..' I said confidently.
'Renee dear..' Mom paused placing her hand on my shoulder. 'I understand how you feel about Dean but don't you think lying like this would be playing with his caring nature? Especially today...the weather is so not calm. I think you should call him another time and...'
'Shut up Elaine Orton!' I couldn't hold back my patience. 'Just because you had to settle with a weird cowboy like can't get jealous of the wonderful love story between me and Dean, you hear me..'
The lady jumped in fear and I felt joyous looking at it.
'What's going on here Elaine?' Bob Orton came into the kitchen to fiddle amongst women.
'Uh..nothing. Renee wanted to make something for Dean and call him...' mom tried explain.
'Is it?' Dad asked me in disbelief. 'Renee, it's a bad weather. You shouldn't bother Dean now. The guy must be tired after his duties. I peomise we'll all help you prepare something for Dean very soon.' He tried to act nice.
My teeth gritted. Of course, he was gonna side with his wife.
'Yes Renee. Listen to your father. We promise you. As for today, may be I can make you all some fish stew. It's your father's favorite, remember..' she said smiling at Dad. 'We'll have good times like before.' She said.
Oh! So, she gets to impress her man and not me!
'That's so sweet of you, love. Come on Renee. You'll love them too.' Dad said.
Of course m, I'll love each and every bit of it.
I faked them a smile. 'Fine. Fish Stew it is then. Have fun..' I said walking to my room.
Do they really think they won? I pity them.
No power on earth can keep me away from my Dean. Nobody. And if something comes on my way...they should be made aware of their fucking fate.
I laughed making my way to Dad's farm store room. I've studied a lot about these pesticides.
'Chlorpyrifos' of the most toxic pesticides I could find in the unlocked drawer of the farm store.
I smirked looking at the stewpot while stirring it.
'Renee! There you are!' I heard my mom's voice as she entered the kitchen.
'The stew looks good, isn't it?' She asked.
'I bet it'd taste good too..' I said smiling at her.
'Fine then. Let's not wait anymore. Call your Dad. Let me serve them hot.' She said enthusiastically.
'Yupp..I can't wait for you two to taste it..' I said giggling.
I played with my fork impatiently.
'Renee, it's a call from your uncle in Poland. Your Dad might take some time. You should start eating.' Mom pointed eating her stew.
'No mom. I'll wait for Dad. After all it's his favorite!' I said getting more impatient. What's taking this old man so long. Finish the tak abd come eat.
Mom went impatient and finise almost 2/3 of her stew.
'But, you know Renee..the stew didn't turn out to be what I expected. Yhete is a certain unwanted smell. I can't put my finger at it but something seems so wrong.' Mom said chewing the thing curiously.
'There's nothing wrong in it. Don't worry. Things would be just as it should be and I can't wait for Dad to taste it.'waiting Ieen said getting excited over the working of my plan.
'Elaine..I'm back. Sorry, it took so long..' I heard Dad's voice approaching.
Now, it'd be double the fun.
'Yes. Mom had been waiting for so long for you. Now come on! Just taste it and tell her she did a great job.' I pouted innocently.
Dad smiled. 'Well..Elaine..'
'B..Bob...' mom's voice shivered as we saw her drop her spoon. She was breathing fast.
'Elaine, you're okay?' Dad went to her aid.
Ugh! There you go...their disgusting romance...
'Nothing Dad. I think she's mad because you didn't taste the stew yet. Have a spoon and she'll be fine.' I insisted.
But, of course...the romance continued.
' need water?' Das picked up the glass. 'Oh god! You're sweating!' He said as mom almost rested her whole paralyzed body on him.
'Bob...I..' her voice choked and she looked the other way and...vomitted blood.
'Elaineee! No!' Dad held her tight. 'Renee...please call Randy. I'm calling 911. Your mom is fainting..' Dad screamed.
'But, what would Randy do? He must be having dinner with his girlfriend. Didn't you two say it's unwuse to call someone at this rainy night?' I questioned the8r hypocrisy. 'Why don't you just taste the stew and tell mom you love her. That might work.' I tried to execute my plan.
'Ugh! Shut up Renee! It's serious. Call your brother now..' Dad barked.
'Okay fine..I said with gritted teeth.
'Elaine..please keep your eyes open. I'm calling for an ambulance.' I heard Dad say as I reluctantly dialed Randy's number.
And that's how it landed me here. I can't believe I failed to make Bob Orton consume the special stew.
But, anyway..Elaine Orton must've have learnt her lesson. She'd never get between me and Dean now.
Talking about Dean, I called him several times last night. May be he'd come rushing upon hearing mom's admission in the Shield. He didn't receive my fucking call.
Why, huh? Was he busy doing something more important? Or was he just in great slumber. Whatever...he ignored me and I'm mad at him.
Just now I came to know from Randy that Becky was at Dean's place the whole night! Why? Couldn't she drive to Randy's place? Did her tires went off or didn't she carry the stepney..
I know her really all. This is all her ways to get near Dean. And the fact that both of them ignored our calls all over the night wasn't giving me any peace either. I only hope Dean made her sleep at the living room couch. I really don't want her in her old bedroom because now only I have a right on that room.
'Randy!' I heard the voice. Talking about the devil...
'Becky! You're here!' Randy ran towards his irresponsible girlfriend.
'Yeah..what happened to Elaine? How did she get food poisoning?' Becky asked like she cared a lot.
'I don't know Becky. Last night Renee called me that mom is almost fainted and vomitted blood. They got the ambulance and I told Dad to get her to the Shield.' Randy said. 'Dr. Samson said she must have consumed certain chlorpyrifos-ethyl component.
'What? But how? That's really toxic!' She said.
'She helped me in the farm a couple of days ago. May be there was some contact and..' Dad tried to explain.
'But, that can't get into her stomach and cause food poisoning!' Becky said.
Ugh! Miss Sherlock is getting in my nerves now.
'I thought the same Becky. I mean, it must have taken a good amount of consumption to cause blood vomiting!' Randy joined.
'Uhh..actually..' I got up from the chair and walked to them. 'I feel she must've consumed something of that sort orally. I think she mistook the persticide as some spice in the kitchen.' I tried to explain.
'What are you talking about Renee? Your mom has been handling the kitchen since ages.' Dad protested.
Becky too gave me a questioning look.
'I know Dad.' I said innocently. 'But, what about Ness. You often asked him to get your farm stuffs. Now, he might not have understood the difference between spices and a C9H11CI3NO3PS molecule. Who knows?' I placed my point, feeling a little proud of myself.
'Renee may be right Dad. That stupid Ness Ness must've messed up.' Randy said.
'But, if Ness did the damage...why is it just Elaine? Bob and Renee weren't affected by it?' Becky asked raising her brows while guving me a look.
I looked away from her questioning gaze. She's such a ......
'I don't know. May be it's something in the fish stew she made last night. I didn't take it since I was on phone. Renee did you take...' Dad was closing to the point. I have to do something.
'Of course, I took it. It was absolutely fine. I don't think it has anything to do with the stew.' I argued quite loudly.
All the eyes turned towards me. 'We'll find that out soon.' Becky said looking at me.
My teeth gritted.
I wanted to kill her. Right now. But, I didn't want to do that in public. So, I had only one way out. Not to be near her for some time.
'I hope so.' I said faking a smile. 'Now, would you excuse me? I guess I need to stretch myself a little. Have been sitting the whole night..' I said walking off.
'No Miss. Dr. Ambrose isn't expected here before 2 pm.' The receptionist of Psychiatric ward said.
'Okay..' I said with a smile.
Why does he have to have a late shift today? Doesn't he understand anything?
I looked at the texts sent to Dean again. I frowned as I realized he has seen the messages some time ago but hadn't bothered to reply. Why, huh? Is he too sleepy or just avoiding me?
Or is it Becky who played with his head the whole night conspiring to get him away from me?
Becky...Becky...Becky...What has she got that I don't? Why does she have this control over Dean...well, that gives me an idea...
I smiled opening my phone. I know how to drag Dean here in mere minutes.
I started typing the message.
Renee: Hey Dean! My mom's still not in senses. Becky's here too. Can you please come here? That'd give all of us so much strength.
I smiled as my message was sent. See you in few minutes love.
Dean's P-O-V
'I'm back..!' I said cheerfully carrying the box of breakfast in my hand. I bought Becky's favorite Granula bars and some English muffins. I thought of few other things too but then I was getting late and I didn't want to keep Becky waiting.
I pressed the doorbell, only to realize it was locked from outside.
Did Becky leave? My heart paced in disbelief and shock.
I looked down at the door mat and bent down. I found the key under it, as Becky would always leave in emergency. But, what was so important for her today? Couldn't she wait few minutes for me? ...especially when we had a lot to talk after last night.
I felt restless and angry. I opened the door, walked inside and threw the breakfast box on the table.
Why? Why did she leave me hanging like this?
I walked fast to the room, where I made love to her last night. I looked around searching for some kind of message that she must've left behind. But, no. I found nothing. The bed was arranged properly. Shs must've done it before leaving.
I sat on the bed and let myself lay down in introspection.
Could it be possible that last night meant nothing to her? Did she actually regret about last night? Was it just a spurr of the moment for her?
Then...why did she...
Bzzzz Bzzzzz
My phone buzzed breaking my thoughts. I decided to ignore it too but then. .what if it's Becky and she's trying to say something to me...
I picked up my phone and opened thr message curiously.
Renee: Hey Dean! My mom's still not in senses. Becky's here too. Can y9u please come here? That'd give all of us so much strength.
I sat up abruptly reading the message.
Hospital! Renee's mom! And Becky's there too!
Oh! So, Randy must've called her for the same and that made her leave in hurry.
My heart churned motionlessly. I know I shouldn't be so selfish at this moment. But, Becky leaving for Randy mafe my heart twitch in a peculiar way. Everything felt so obscure all of a sudden as I remembered he is still her boyfriend.
I read more messages from Renee that I missed since last night.
Oh dear! Her mother had a serious food poisoning!
Poor Renee!
I took a deep breath and made up my mind. I have to start for the hospital right now. One, for my courtesy towards Renee's mom and two, I need to face Becky and she needs to face me.
Becky's P-O-V
I don't know why I feel all this kinda fishy. I spoke with Dr. Samson who is treating Elaine and he said her body definitely had a consumption of certain C9H11Cl3NO3PS components as evident from the reports. Dr. Samson did make her vomit that out of her stomach but the chemical reactions might still be harmful for her body in other ways.
But, the chemical being usually used as an organophosphate insecticide, acaricide and miticide has definitely to do with farms which the Orton family possesses but how could the thing get into her stomach or how did must be something we're missing here.
Bob leaned himself on the wall impatiently waiting for a call from the doctors regarding his wife.
Randy sat beside me burying his face in his palms. I ran my hands on his back in consolation. Poor him!
He looked at me sadly. 'Why Becky? Why does this always happen? Whenever I feel things are falling into places..things just...ugh! It was just two days ago that I promised mom I'm gonna take her on a trip to Missouri and now..' he sighed.
'It's gonna be okay Randy. She's going to be fine soon, trust me.' I said.
Randy lifted his hand and took my hand in his. 'Thanks Becky. Thank you for everything. Thanks for being my strength in my worse moment.' He said slightly leaning on me and wrapping his hands around.
I gulped in oddity. Somehow, I consoled myself to wrap my arm around him to pull him into a consoling hug.
I felt bad..worse.. Randy's voice rang in my ears.
Whenever I feel things are falling into places..things just...
I closed my eyes helplessly.
And then I heard Bob's voice from behind.
My heart jumped as my eyes opened abruptly immediately falling on the person making his way towards us..a sudden pain and rage reflecting in his eyes.
I realized me and Randy were still in a hugging position. I pushed Randy off me gently. My eyes met Dean's. He must've expected me at home while I...ugh! I could've texted him at least. But, the moment I saw Randy's calls and got the news of Elaine..I just went thoughtless.
I could say Dean's eyes had so many questions for me, so many complaints but there was no way this could be addressed now, especially, not when Elaine is fighting for life.
Randy too looked up at Dean. 'Dean, you're here? Means a lot man..'he said standing up.
'Hmm..' Dean just looked away. 'Renee..she called me and told me all the things. I came for her. Uhh..where is she?' Dean asked avoiding his gaze to fall on me.
The moment he said he came here for Renee, made my heart clench though I knew otherwise.
The sharpness in his voice said everything.
'Dean..!' I heard the squealed of Renee who suddenly showed up from nowhere and ran into Dean, engulfing him into a sudden hug.
'Oh Dean! Thank god, you're here.. See, what happened to mom. She took some poison or something..' she wailed in a tone that was totally missing in her until now.
Dean's expressions said he wasn't ready for that but wrapped his arms around her nonetheless.
'It's going to be okay. Don't worry.' He said slightly pushing Renee off him.
'Actually, I don't feel she took poison to kill herself, like Renee's words suggest.' I said standing up walking to the duo, while giving Renee a challenging look. '..and neither do I feel Elaine would careless enough to consume something like that even unintentionally.' I added.
Dean looked at me confused while Renee's eyes widened like saucers. 'Wh..what do you mean? That mom didn't take it herself..? That mom was poisoned by someone else..?' She said getting restless suddenly.
'When did I say that?' I asked raising my brows.
Renee was about to say something but Dean beat her to that.
'I feel we should refrain from discussing the causes of poisoning as for now. Just let Elaine get to her senses alright..' he said in a tone of annoyance, mostly oriented towards me.
I was hurt. But, then my eyes fell on Bob. Dean is right. This is perhaps, not the moment to discuss such things.
I sighed nodding and went back to my seat beside Randy.
Two hours later
The bell rang and we knew it was our call. An attendant came out of the ward.
'Family of Elaine Orton..two of you may go see her. She's gained her consciousness but she's still weak. Don't make her talk much.' She said.
'Yeah..we know about that.' Randy said walking inside. Me and Dean followed, making the new attendant realize me, him and Dean were all doctors in the same hospital.
She was visibly nervous. 'It's okay, we're just gonna check and leave.' I assured her.
Elaine laid on the bed weakly. It seemed she had grown ten years older in a day. Her face was pale and she seemed to have lost weight too. I could feel what went through her body.
'Mom!' Randy called softly standing beside the IV attached to his mom's wrist. Elaine looked at him and opened her mouth to smile a little. Randy brushing his fingers over her head. 'You're gonna be fine.' He whispered.
His mom's expressions went emotional too as she nodded and her eyes brimmed with tears.
'You're feeling better now?' Dean asked with a smile.
Elaine nodded. 'Yes. A little better just.. ' She struggled to speak.
'It's okay Elaine. It happens cause of the anaesthesia. It'll go in few hours. Please, bear a little more.' Dean said.
I was amused by Dean's way of talking. I don't know how he always keeps his personal feelings aside while treating people as a psychiatrist.
'Yes. Just a few more hours and you'll be fine.' I said.
Randy was looking at the prescribed medications on the bed stand.
Elaine smiled weakly and looked at her son. 'Where's your father? He..myst be so worried!' She said.
Oh! We almost forgot!
'Yeah..he's here.' Randy said. 'He didn't even have his meals. Dad is so tensed, mom. And Renee..'
Elaine's expressions changed suddenly. ' she here too?' She asked quite fearfully if I may add.
'Yes, I guess me and Dean should go out and send Bob and Renee.' I proposed.
First off, they should have a good family moment and second, I needed to talk to Dean privately.
'Yeah..right..Renee was also very restless all the time. She must be worried too.' Dean added.
Ugh! Why can't anyone see what I see?
'Right guys..uh..Dad and Renee..are they outside?' Randy asked.
'Hmm..we're gonna send them in.' I said and walked out of the ward. Dean followed me.
Bob was pacing restlessly outside while Renee was sitting on the waiting chair shaking her legs miserably.
'Becky! Is she speaking? Is Elaine..' Bob asked restlessly as he saw us.
I nodded and consoled him with a smile. 'Relax Bob! She can speak but she's weak though. You may go inside and talk to her.' I said.
Bob almost cried in happiness. 'Yes. I..I want to see my wife..' he said ready to go.
'..Renee, you should go too. She was asking about you. Your mom would be so happy to see you all together.' Dean said though I doubted the truth of this statement.
Renee looked at Dean with a frown. 'Huh? Is she speaking? Did she say anything about me?' She stood up abruptly, triggering my suspicion again.
'Nothing much. She's too weak to speak much.' I said.
Bob had already walked inside.
Renee looked us and smiled with all her force. 'They said two at a time right..So, let Dad and Randy see her. I..I'll just..'
'Don't worry about that. Your brother is a doctor in this hospital. His visit won't be counted. You can go.' Dean encouraged her.
'Yep. Don't you want to see your mother? You should be so happy right now!' I said insinuating what I suspected.
Renee looked away. 'But Dean..'
'Renee, I know you're worried about the rules but relax! Get in..' Dean insisted too and it seemed he too wanted her to visit the cabin.
Renee gulped and nodded. 'Oh..okay..nothing will happen..' she muttered with a smile and walked in hesitantly.
Of course, my doubt is getting clearer.
Dean and I looked at each other immediately as Renee left us alone.
'Dean I..'
'Dr. Lynch!' We heard Dr. Samson call.
'Oh!'re here too!'
Both of us turned heads immediately.
'Good that I found you two here. Uh..are Dr. Orton and his family in the cabin?' He asked.
'Yes, thet just went. Why? Any problem?' I asked confused.
'No. It's just that the test reports of Mrs. Elaine Orton is quite strange.' Dr. Samson said.
'What sort of strange?' Dean asked equally confused.
'The thing is the amount of the pesticide in her body doesn't seem like an unit consumption. In fact, it seemed she took the chemicals in some other form, even if we consider the attempt to suicide angle..' Dr. Samson said.
'Wait! Elaine didn't try to commit suicide. I can guarantee you that.' I said confidently. And the way, she spoke to us moments ago, it seemed she was only struggling to survive and be fine.
'Elias...I too would defy the suicide theory. I just spoke to her and by her words, I didn't feel anything like that.' Dean said the exact same thing I thought.
Dr. Samson nodded. 'Well...if you say so..but the thing is, as per the x-rays and ultrasounds, the chemical reaction occured in her body at the same time as she consumed her dinner. So, may be it was the food or water...may be. I don't know. But, the reports say it was definitely in a mixture. Have a look..' Dr. Samson handed the envelope to Dean.
Dean opened the reports turning it a little towards me. I studied the findings minutely.
So, it was the dinner! But, how? Bob said Elaine prepared the dinner herself. Why would Elaine...?
'Oh..I see..' Dean muttered in surprise.
'That's right. I guess Dr. Orton would understand that too, once he looks.' Dr. Samson said. 'By the way, my shift is over and Mrs. Orton is out of danger too. So, I guess I should make a leave. Can you hand this report to Dr. Orton or his father for me?' Dr. Samson asked both me and Dean.
'Sure Elias..she will hand it to her boyfriend.' Desn said holding the reports for me with a sarcastic look.
The way he mentioned 'her boyfriend' in front of Dr. Samson was so embarrassing!
I gave him a look of surprise.
Dr. Samson smiled awkwardly. 'Thank you..' he said before walking away.
I took the report from Dean watching the doctor go but just then, Dean decided to walk away.
'Wait! Dean..!' I caught him up. He gave me a look of boredom. 'What?' He asked indifferently.
From his look, he was definitely annoyed. I understand why he was mad but he has to listen to my side of story too.
I walked near the railing beside Dean. 'Dean, I know you aren't feeling good right now. Look, I'm sorry that I had ti leave this way in the morning. But, when I saw those missed calls and texts from Randy..I..'
'And when did I ask for an explanation from you? You should be with your boyfriend when he needs you, that's normal. I guess I know that. I accept that.' Dean said not even looking at me. His teeth clenching and his voice getting louder with every word.
I knew what he was thinking of me right now.
'No Dean! It's not what you're thinking. I know the circumstances were so against us this morning. I was so tensed and I rushed to the hospital immediately..' I said trying to explain.
'...knowing very well I was out there to get breakfast for us?' Dean said with a look of annoyance. 'Becky, I don't know what last night meant for you should have called or texted me at least as a friend before leaving this way!' He burst.
He was right. But, my heart clenched at the way he doubted my feelings about last night and also calling himself my friend.
'Dean..' I ran my hand on his right arm. 'I'm sorry. Trust me I feel bad about calling you. I'm sorry. And about last night...' I looked into his blue eyes. 'You know very well how I felt about it.'
Dean looked into my eyes deeply and scoffed all of a sudden. 'Is that the reason, you decided to ditch me and go back nestling Randy in your arms mere hours later. I get it. I get it all Becky..'he said.
I bit the insides of my cheek trying control my sad, angry and impatient emotions. 'Dean..please.. I know you're reacting on what you saw. But, I don't think it's a crime to console someone when he's so worried about his mother.' I said reacting. 'Talking about that, you too came on the first call by, you should know we are to be there for people who needs us, no matter what.' I explained sharply.
Dean smirked in sarcasm. 'Wow! Now, you're calling in Renee and making the triangle a fucking! Becky listen..' he said looking at me sharply. 'Renee texted me. Yes, she did and thanks to least, I came to know where you ran away leaving me hanging like that..' he said eyeing me head to toe with disgrace. 'If Renee could call me amidst this crisis, I guess you weren't that busy..'
'Leaving you hanging! Ugh Dean! You're impossible! I was talking with Dr. Samson and busy consoling Randy and Bob while Renee was all a free agent. We all know why Renee called you. She wanted you to be with her. That was her plan to get closer to you. She doesn't even care much about her mother.' I reflected on what I felt.
Dean looked at me surprised. 'Shut up Becky! How low can you stop to defend yourself? Renee's mother was sick. As a daughter, she is bound to be worried. Yes, she might have called me to satisfy her feelings because seizures do occur in such depressing cases. Besides, Renee's recovery rate is slow.' He explained totally defending her.
I rolled my eyes. 'Of course, I knew you won't believe it.' I scoffed.'Dean, she's more dangerous than you think. I even feel..' I looked around and leaned closer to Dean. ''s her who has something to do with the poisoning.' I said.
'Are you serious?' Dean asked wide eyed. 'Renee! Ugh! No Becky..I know you don't like her much but this is a big allegation you're putting on a daughter.' He said. 'Besides, you're even deflecting from the point that you needed me just for last night. You used my feelings, my passions everything against me just to run away to Randy few hours later. How do you think I felt when I saw the key under the doormat with no note?' He said enraged.
I understood his emotions but..
'Dean..please, this is a hospital.' I whispered looking around.
' is..' he muttered in anger looking away.
I looked at him thinking about the moments from last night. Does he really feel I could use him? Is that how much he knows me?
'So, this is how you think of me?' I said somehow holding my tears. 'Dean..after last night, I thought my world was brighter than ever. I thought I finally found the path that's meant for me. I realized I...' tears rolled down my eyes as I broke down.
Dean looked at me shocked and caught hold of me. 'Becks..' he was surprised too. 'I..I hate to see you cry, you know that, right..' he said evidently being nervous from being annoyed.
'Then, how could you say I used you for one night..?' I asked.
Dean pulled me into his arms not caring about the people around. 'I'm sorry Becks. I just got so mad when you left and after I saw you with Randy...Becks I...I never told you but seeing you with any other man hurts me so much. I feel like being punished.' He said soothingly.
My tears were wiped my his T-shirt. I looked up at him. 'Trust me Dean, I never wanted to punish you..and I'd never want to do that again. You mean the world to me.' I said.
Dean sighed cupping my face. 'And you're than my world Becky. I love you. I really other women can ever take your place in my life ever.' He said the words displaying his passionate emotions.
I looked into his big blue eyes. 'You didn't have the breakfast either, right?' I asked knowing the answer.
'How could I knowing you didn't?' He answered. I smiled.
I took his hands off my face and caught hold of one. 'Let's get to the cafeteria.' I said. Dean nodded with a smile.
30 minutes later
'...and then I could manage to call mom after..' I stopped eating immediately as I realized Dean was looking at me for what seemed like hours with a smile plastered on his face.
'What?' I asked with a smile.
Dean shook his head. 'Just can't believe my world is back in my hand again. It feels like a dream, Becky and watching you is something I would love to die for..' he said.
I blushed looking down with a smile.
'You should be a poet now..' I muttered.
Dean chuckled. 'May try that too if you promise never to leave my side ever..' he said.
I looked at him and smiled. 'Few things don't need to be promised with words Dean..' I said.
Dean smiled and picked up my hand dropping the fork on the plate.
'I can't wait to make you mine forever..' he said.
I chewed on my lips and smiled. I was happy, really happy..perhaps, happiest ever in my life but something was still bothering me.
I have no idea how am I gonna break this to Randy!
'Becky!' Dean's voice got me back to earth.
'When are you gonna tell Randy about us?' Dean asked the hardest question in my mind. 'I may hate him but I really don't want him to hang on fakse Hope's right now..' he said.
I looked down at my coffee stirring it for the sugar. 'I..I don't know Dean. All I know is right now..his family isn't in the best phase. But, I will tell him really soon once things get better. Trust me.' I said.
Dean sighed. 'Fine.' He said. 'I trust you Becks.' He said sipping into his coffee.
Dean's P-O-V
(Afternoon-2 days later)
I am very happy today. Becky and I spoke for two hours today. Elaine was released this morning, meaning the things were getting better for the Ortons. I hope she confesses things to Randy soon and finally come where her heart was.
My shift was over and I went to the parking when my phone rang.
Dean: Hello! Everything fine?
Seth: Where are you man, you're out yet? (tensed)
Dean: Yes, just now. Everything fine?
Seth: Yeah..I mean no. I'm going to the Riverines'.. I think you should come too. (hesitant) (car beeps)
Dean: (confused) Riverines? Why?
Seth: Dean...Galina is cheating on Roman. She's not even carrying child. Now she's supposed to be with her boyfriend at Riverines', private cabin number 4. Ro's headed there. I'm going there too. Bayley's with me.
Dean: What? (Shocked) Seth, you're kidding? Galina...! I..who told you and..
Seth: I know it's shocking. Shall tell you everything once we meet.
Dean: Uh..okay. I'm coming.
I was literally shivering. No. This has to be false. Galina can't do that to Roman. She has no idea how much he loves her and how excited he is for their baby! How could she...ugh! I have to go there...
1 hour 30 minutes later
Me and Seth aided Roman out of the restaurant. Galina and her boyfriend had left.
Even though I acted strong and showed maturity in front of all, I was still in shock.
How could Galina do that? Somewhere in my mind, flashed a vision of her with that guy. Yes, I saw them somewhere before. I can't pinpoint where but I did.
Roman pulled himself off us. He was shaken. His face had no expressions.
I love Becky but I realized that too late. I spent my time with many girls before that, so did Seth. But, Roman was someone who fixated on his loyalty. He never looked at any other women who wasn't Galina. Why then? Why did this happen to him? My friend never deserved this!
I looked at Seth and knew he was feeling the same thing.
Roman asked someone to drop Bayley and Seth asked me to do the same. I agreed. Bayley was crying a lot. She felt it was all her fault. But, after knowing everything, I can't be anything but grateful to her. What she did fir Roman, even we couldn't.
Seth nodded to me and I aided Bayley out.
'Let's go Bayley. Don't worry! Seth will see him.' I said.
Bayley nodded wiping her eyes.
I aided Bayley to the passenger seat and took the steering.
'A..Alexa might..might be at Dr. Rollins' place. Can we pick her up too?' Bayley asked amidst her tears.
I frowned. 'Uh..Alexa..!'
'Dr. Rollins..he asked her to sort his rooms or something.' She said.
I nodded. I guess I know Seth's plan. We can never let Roman go to his house right now, especially with the possibility of Galina or her belongings being there. I guess Seth is arranging for his stay.
I nodded. 'Okay.'
So, finally I updated this book..
I can't believe it either
How are you all?
This is for my dearest reader Haritha_hari who has been waiting patiently for the update 😊
It seems like the Dean-Becky equation is getting better
What do you think will happen? Can Becky tell Randy about her and Dean?
Sorry to those readers who are finding it difficult to read this story...I really don't know why is this happening..Estambreigns2
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