Bad Bad Day..
Alexa's P-O-V
It was just few seconds but my unconscious self felt like several years as the super slow elevator of the dorm struggled its way to make it to the very next floor.
My heart raced fearing numerous probability that stupid ass Bayley might bring on herself. Is she a kid? How could she run away from the restaurant that way after seeing a mere Professor? She's crazy! She's stupid and she's.. Ugh!
Before I could think of any more words, the elevator door finally opened arriving to the desired floor. I strided fast towards the our room.
What if she isn't in the dorm?
What if she went somewhere else?
What if she lost her way in the unknown city?
What if she fell in wrong hands and..
Oh no! I don't know why but I was really concerned about this girl. Strangely enough, I don't even remember who I was this worried about the last time!
I reached our door and pushed the door open in haste and to my relief and annoyance, there was Bayley laying on her bed hiding her face in the pillow seemingly crying her heart out.
'Bayley!' I called her out in rage.
Bayley seemed to jump off her bed and looked around at me with red puffed eyes.
'Alexa, when did you come?' he asked softly in her teary voice.
'Shut up!' I burst. 'You don't have to know when I came. Just tell me what's wrong with you? Are you even working worth being considered a normal human being?' I shouted on her.
Bayley was taken aback. She wiped her tears off and went to close to door making sure to check if someone heard me aloud.
She's insane!
'Alexa stop!' she almost whispered walking near me. 'It's almost sleep time and some of the students are even trying to read!' she said like I was in some way disturbing the President's defense policy discussion.
', that's what you are concerned about?.. People sleeping and fucking reading god knows what...and here I am running after you like a crazy person fearing you were in some kind of wrong hands and look, what I get..a stupid girl crying like a baby and yet another stupid Alexa please.. ' I furiously mocked Bayley at the last part.
'Let me tell one thing Bayley, it's the last and final time you've got me running after you because the next time you decide to prove your stupidity, you won't find me do so no matter what happens.' I said with a clenched jaw.
Bayley looked at blank for a while leaving me confused.
'What? Don't you get it? I'm tired of your..'
Bayley burst into laughter.
'Aww Alexa! Trust me girl, for a moment I almost forgot I stay away from my hometown away from my mom.' she said giggling like a kid and wiping the last drops of tears formed in her eyes as a courtesy to the untimely laughter.
What the heck! I was surprised, I was annoyed and shockingly enough, I was feeling funny too.
'Here.. This will cool you off mommy!' Bayley said holding a bottle of water for me.
My eyes widened in surprise.
'Did you just call me mommy?' I asked surprised as hell.
Bayley giggled. 'Yes, now stop being my mom and have some water Miss Spitfire..' she said almost shoving the bottle into my mouth.
'Bay..em..' I managed to get the bottle in my control and took some much-needed gulps.
But, wait! Who's Miss Spitfire?
'ehh.. Is that for me?' Bayley asked pointing to the bag in my hand containing boxes of chow Mein I carried for me and Bayley.
After she created that stupid scene in that restaurant earning glances from everyone around, Me and James were not just embarrassed but worried too. We instantly got our foods packed and got back to the dorm in a hope to see her in the dorm. James got his bag separated because he would be in the men's dorm. While I brought things for me and Bayley.
'No. It's for me too.' I said pretending an annoyed voice while in reality, I didn't why I just lost my anger to her.
'Wow! You're so sweet!' she said trying to grab the bag from me with a big smile but I pulled it away. Bayley was surprised by my gesture.
'Not until you tell me what was that in the restaurant.!' I said sharply with a determined look.
Bayley's face fell immediately.
'Al.. Alexa.. I.. I was..scared.' she said looking down and putting her glasses on, perhaps, to avoid an eye contact.
I was pissed. 'Of what? That Dr. Reigns might knock your head off in that very restaurant and bury you in a place no one would ever be able to trace?' I asked angrily.
Bayley shook her head. 'No. No. No. Alexa. It's just that I.. I don't know what I felt when I saw him and our eyes locked...and..and..' she was fidgeting her fingers nervously.
'You got to be insane. He might not have even noticed you.' I said surprised by the weirdest explanation of all time.
'But, you know he hates me, right and moreover, I.. I almost felt my dreams crashing when..' she tried to explain but I cut her off.
'Enough of your silliness Bayley. Yes, he was angry on you and yes, I must mention he was a lot angry but you did earn it to itself too. But, not liking you neither means disliking you or hating you. So, if you think that Grumposaurus is gonna fail you just on the basis of the words of Zahra and her gang, you're being so stupid because that might not at all be the case.' I said trying to calm myself with every successive word.
Bayley lifted her eyes at me and bit her lip.
What now?
'Do you just call him grumposaurus too?' she asked. I raised my eyebrows.
Gosh! Did I?
'Yes. You did.' Bayley said as if listening to my thoughts.
Oh man!
We looked at each other blank and burst into laughter.
'You laughed. Do I get the Chow Mein now?' Bayley said battering her eyelashes innocently.
'Okay fine. But, never ever act stupid again.' I said handing her the bag.
'Okay, I'll try.' she said with a chicky smile.
Okay, that'll work. Plus, I'm too hungry to lecture her.
'Fine.' I said with a sighing smile.
'Okay, now cool down, take a deep breath and prepare yourself for the class.' it was Bayley's turn to console me now and trust me she had all reasons for.
'Yeah.. Yeah.. I'm all cool. I'm gonna sit in that class for one hour pretending like it's just me and Dynamo alone in the world, that's it.' I said more to myself.
'Who's Dynamo?' Bayley asked frowning her eyes.
Shit! Shouldn't have spoken out loud in front of her..
Soon, her frown was replaced by a mischievous smile.
'Your boyfriend?' she asked with a lot of excitement which I found no logic for.
I shot her a dirty glare. 'None of your business. And let's walk faster if you don't want to be late for the class.' I reminded Bayley who of course, dropped all her excitement and nodded rushing walking fast towards the class.
We made it to the class and thankfully got our seats together.
'Much better.' Bayley said settling on the seat with a big smile. 'You know Alexa, I really feel so confident when I'm with you.' she said.
God! This girl!
'Good to hear it but I'd appreciate a bit more of self-sufficiency from you. Thank you.' I said curtly looking away from her and put on my ear plugs listening to some good music...that always makes me feel the best.
I saw Bayley doing her best and picking up a book from her bag, adjusting her glasses and going through the words with great enthusiasm. Seriously! For this class!! Urghh!
My eyes fell on James entering the class with a fallen face. Our eyes locked and he gave me a smile but I could feel it was quite forced and James wasn't the happiest person right now. If I'm not wrong, he even had a slight black circle below his eyes. In fact, after I found Bayley safe, I did call James since both of us were equally tensed for our friend but they fact that he didn't pick up was suspicious since James never does that. I saw him walk to the seat near Natasha.
Zahra and her gang were the last to enter the class and headed to their permanent seats not before Zahra throwing a smirk at our direction and Fandango poking James' head on the way.
I'd have never wasted any time on any other student of my class like they waste on us. I wish it could help them earn a grade.. Oops.. Zahra has other ways for that.. Disgusting people!
Just then, the door flung open and much to my dismay, I had to take off the ear plugs, stand up and greet the most disgusting element in the world as he entered the hall for his very first class with us.
My teeth couldn't help itself from gritting as he closed the door behind him and gave the entire class that smug look.
'Good Morning Professor!' few of the over-enthusiastic even spoke loud to which Dr. Rollins to which he smirked .
'Good Morning Students! So, how are you all feeling this session?' he asked leaning his back on the table with a fake smile, of course.
'It's cool every time you're around Professor.' Maxine said battering her eyelashes earning whistles and 'oooooos'.
Dr. Rollins chuckled.
'And we're glad that the babes are cool when you're around.' Fandango said now placing his arm over his girlfriend's shoulder and the entire hall erupted into cheers and laughter.
I saw Zahra twirling her hairs with her fingers and giving those looks to the Professor.
Disgusting! Isn't he supposed to be their Professor?
I felt Bayley look at me and she had the same look of surprise. I nodded and she looked away.
'Wow! I'm so thrilled girls and yeah, guys too for that say.' Dr. Rollins said chuckling. There were few other open laughters too. But, there were also few other students like Bayley and me who were trying their best to cope but a discomfort was totally laced on their faces.
Now, I even feel Dr. Reigns' classes were better. At least, everyone was treated with equal fret.
'So, if we're done with that, let's take your attendance and make sure I never loose your track either.' Dr. Rollins said faking a hearty voice picking up the register and a pen and everyone cheered with excitement again.
God! How will I spend the rest of the class this way?
Seth's P-O-V
Typical to my class..full of energy and excitement. That's what I love to see, lively, cheerful, screams and excitement. I always had a pride over being the girls' favorite Professor and trust me, I love it. I am pretty open minded with my students and that's what I expect from them too.
..... 'Lee Vaughn' Present.. Annabelle Morris.. Present.. Bayley Martinez..' I kept on calling the names.
'Present Sir..' I heard a girl who seemed abnormally louder.
'Woah! I'm right here babe..' I said out of reflex lifting my eyes up accompanied by roar of laughters to meet a girl with glasses and a pony tail surprised and scared as hell as if I just threatened to play baseball with her head.
Wait! She seemed famili.. Things went crystal clear as my eyes moved from her to the girl beside her with an peppery face.
These were the same girls who carried a not-so-guyish boy that Zahra happened to pick on resulting to a complete rackass inside the SWC. And that little blonde.. Isn't she the one who caused Becky to try and break the pen stand on my hand?
I smirked at them. It's so good to meet you newbies. You all are gonna regret even crossing my path babe.
I composed my excitement and looked at the girl. 'Bayley Martinez! We meet again. Good knowing you.' I said with my best of fake smiles.
The girl Bayley was visibly surprised as evident from the gulping of her throat. I somehow suppressed my chuckle as I saw the little blonde pull her friend down to sit showing her angry face. Don't worry, I can swipe all anger off your pretty face.
'Dennis Cooper' Present. 'Alexa Bliss'.. Present.. I heard a sharp familiar voice. I smiled by myself. How can I forget that challenging voice?
I lifted my eyes to see the little blonde clenching her jaw for no reason as if she was all ready to punch and bleed someone so bad. But, too bad, she doesn't have the knuckles to her aid. Her eyes met mine which literally screamed I hate you as she sat back. Ugh! How can a small girl be that rough? She needs to be taught a lesson.
I looked back at the register.. Bliss.. How ironical! But, don't worry! I plan to have a blissful time today.
'Rajesh Kapoor'.. Present.. 'James Ellsworth'.. P..Present S.. Sir.. I smirked as I located the third heel of the fort. And I went on calling the stupid names..
I closed the register and stood up.
'Thanks for your responses guys and as you know, I'm going to do the Ultrasound-Guided Sclerotherapy, Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication and Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair with you this session. Also, my old students already know that I focus on the practical applications more than theories because I feel once you get to sing your heart out, you will know the notes by yourself.' I said and most of the students laughed.
Of course, I know by their looks that nobody got the depth of my metaphor. My eyes accidentally fell on the desk Bayley and Miss Bliss sat and I didn't know if it was my illusion but Alexa was looking at me in a strange stance as if she was surprised and confused at the same time. But, just as she saw me, she looked away rolling her eyes.
What the.. I'm her Professor dammit!
Don't worry Bliss.. I'll make you drop all your ego. I changed my focus back to the class.
'So, students I was thinking that we'd be going to have some fun with the practicals from today itself. Do you like it?' I tried to pump the show up.
'Yesss..' the majority of the class voiced. Zahra licked her lips giving me a knowing smile. We've had many times in the lab changing room and perhaps, that's what she was planning right now.
And even though Dean and Becky already knows about it and I'm also being asked to stay careful because few of the students have started suspecting... I really don't mind taking Zahra in that changing room once again.
'Wow! I love the enthusiasm.' I said mostly eyeing Zahra who smirked throwing me a secret wink.
She's one horny bitch!
I heard a knock at the door. 'Come in.' I said and there was the big attendant Paul with three boxes of new lab equipments from the store. I ordered them because I felt I needed more for this class. The class erupted into silly laughter by a mere glimpse of the guy.
'Dr. Rollins, do you want me get them to the lab?' he asked.
Of course, who else would be able to.. Wait..
'Well, no thanks Paul. We'll have it from here.' I said softly. He nodded and left.
'Okay guys. Stop the chit chats and be ready with your lab copies. Today we're gonna do the Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. So, tighten your aprons and make your ways towards the surgery lab.' I instructed.
A usual hustle-bustle of bags and people filled the room and my eyes fell on Bayley and Alexa joined by that chinless James ready to make there way and a smirked.
Alexa's P-O-V
To be honest, I've always preferred the practicals over the theoretical rubbish. So, I was pretty glad even though I wished a miracle with all my heart that Dr. Rollins won't be the instructor in there.
But.... I focus on the practical applications more than theories because I feel once you get to sing your heart out, you will know the notes by yourself.
His metaphor kind of surprised me. I never thought an asshole like him would think of such a sweet metaphor. But, that doesn't make him any better, anyway.
I saw James walk to our seat as students started getting out of their desks. Both him and Bayley seemed extremely excited for the practical classes. We took our bags and started heading out of the desk but..
'Okay guys..' Dr. Rollins tapped on the table on the register to grab our attention.
I lazily lifted my eyes. Now what?
'I guess I'm not gonna be able to get these four boxes all the way to the lab all by myself. So, I need a volunteer here.' he announced with a jolly face.
Ugh! Who'd carry them? Oh yeah, his lap dog Fandango, may be considering that Zahra won't be able to carry the weights.
To my disbelief, Fandango was the first one to avert his gaze making sure to ignore the auspicious responsibility.
Bloody hypocrite!
I rolled my eyes thinking to resume my walk but then..
'Miss Alexa Bliss..' I heard the wicked voice of Dr. Rollins. I looked at him surprised.
'Would you like to be the volunteer today?' he asked with a smirk playing on his lips.
What? Of course, no. These are heavy ass boxes and someone of my stature won't even be..
I heard a few snickers from around and it didn't need rocket science to understand that it was Zahra and her gang.
Is this a plan to humiliate me?
'Yes Miss Bliss, please come here and take some burden off my shoulder.' Dr. Rollins said depicting his awful humor yet managing to get applauds from these stupid students.
Bayley and James were surprised as well and they gave me confused looks.
I guess I need to say the NO on his face. I made my way towards the Professor's desk and realized Bayley and James were just behind me.
Dr. Rollins smirked as he saw me come.
'The rest of the class may proceed towards the lab and I urge the old students to guide the new ones.' he said looking off me momentarily and faking to be a little responsible Professor. His gaze shifted to my direction immediately after his announcement.
'I can't..' I started bit was soon interrupted by my asshole Professor.
'And that counts you two as well Bayley and Ellsworth. Please make your way towards the lab.' he said motioning to James and Bayley who I knew must've nodded million times before giving me a sorry look and walking off as the final two to leave the hall leaving me with Dr. Rollins.
'So, let's just start working Bliss..' he said sorting few stuffs on the desk.
My fists balled up in anger.
'First of, I don't like to be called by my last name and secondly, I can't do this.' I stated sharply looking into the eyes of Dr. Rollins who stood three feet away from me right now.
'What?' Dr. Rollins asked raising his eyebrow.
'I said I can't carry those heavy boxes while your lap dogs seem to enjoy their fancy walk to the lab.' I spat sharply.
Dr. Rollins frowned but then scoffed. 'You aren't allowed to speak like that to your Professor, you know that?' he asked crossing his arms on his chest.
'And you as a Professor should have been little more sensible while boosting your stupid ass ego and trying to humiliate me by making me carry those boxes weighing almost equal to me.' I stated angrily.
'Woah.. Chill Bliss.. I mean Alexa. It's not my stupid ass ego that has become desperate enough to disobey and talk back to your Professor this way.' he said showing a little annoyance in his tone now. 'Now, don't stay still and carry the follow me with the boxes...okay I'll make it three for you.' he said picking up the register, his diary and a marker alongside the smallest of the three boxes.
My teeth gritted as I looked at the three boxes on the table. Dr. Rollins turned to me with a mischievous smile.
'Besides, I already heard you're stronger than many of the big guys in here.' he said throwing a wink making my blood boil. 'Now let's go fast. We don't want to keep the students waiting.' he added with a shrug and started walking.
I looked down at the boxes. I wanted to throw them away. But, then.. It wasn't for him..and there were students waiting for their first practical classes of the session. Moreover I know he wanted to put the weight on me because he felt it would break me. He thought I was weak. I want to prove that I am strong, I really am!
Ugh! Fine.. Applying a little more pressure on my seemingly tiny muscles, I lifted one, after one, after one in my hands closing them to my chest. My vision was blocked.
I tilted my head to the right watching the asshole go and I followed.
After few seconds,
'You're too slow Miss Bliss.' Dr looks. Rollins said.
I followed Dr. Rollins towards the elevator.
I was panting, my hands were slipping off. Through a peeping vision, I saw the elevator arrive. Dr. Rollins looked at me and smiled mischievously getting inside.
What now?
I rushed towards the elevator with the maximum speed I could after balancing the boxes and tilting my head to get a look of what's before but just as I reached..
'STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP..' I screamed my lungs out. But, I could see was a diminishing view of Dr. Rollins' jerk face smirking at my fate.
My blood boiled to extreme. I had weight almost my own around my arms blocking my view as I stood at the middle of nowhere. With my hands engaged, I couldn't even press the buttons. It wasn't often in my life that I felt so helpless. The only thing in my mind was..
Drop the silly boxes and escape the situation..
My fingers weren't ready for it but I started detaching it from the boxes but then suddenly...
The elevator door opened and there stood Dr. Rollins with a smug look. He had placed his stuffs on the elevator floor and stood leaning back to the wall with his arms on his chest.
'Come on Miss Bliss, never thought you were that slow!' he said pretending to frown. My teeth gritted and I threw him a death glare.
'Now get inside before it slips again.' he said. I clutched the boxes hard trying to swallow the anger stored in my veins. I entered the elevator without a sound.
I didn't speak because I know that once I speak, it'll blast. I kept mum. I know I'll have my day too Doctor.
We got outside the elevator and Dr. Rollins guided me towards the lab.
'Slow down Miss Bliss. You don't want to trip off the boxes.' Dr. Rollins said scoffing at my fate.
And trust me it took me all my energy to contain myself.
I followed him inside the lab and there were all my classmates chitchatting gathering around a body. They slowed a little down as Dr. Rollins entered with me following but soon there were evident snickers in the lab as they saw a petite girl like me carrying the big boxes.
'Here..' Dr. Rollins said pointing to a table. I was panting hard as I placed the boxes on the table.
My eyes fell on Zahra's gang who had visible delight in their faces. Yeah, I did feel humiliated but I wasn't Bayley and that didn't make me want to cry. It made me vengeful more than ever.
Dr. Rollins clapped his hands earning the attention. 'Okay guys, now that the equipments, the students and the subject..' he pointed to the shrouded body.. 'everything is here, let's just start with the work.' he said.
My eyes fell on Bayley who waved her hand calling me to her direction. I nodded and started walking to her but..
'Miss Bliss, since you are my volunteer for the day, I want you to assist me with the aids and equipments as I show them the techniques. So, just stay by my side for a while babe.' he said with a grin. 'I promise you'll get your turn.'
There were few snickers again and I could've easily gained the upper hand by saying a NO and blasting the heaviest box on the asshole'dumhead. But, I really didn't want to create a scene because there were other students too who gathered here to know..and fulfill their dreams. I didn't want to create and scene and spoil the class.
Bayley gave me a sad look and I took a deep breath and took my steps back and stood by Dr. Rollins who gave me mischievous smile before turning to the other students.
'As you know, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, since its inception has become the gold standard treatment for gall stone disease. The technique of performing LC has undergone many changes and variations. The standard technique of performing LC is to use 4 ports. The pneumoperitoneum is achieved by either closed Veress needle technique or open technique using a blunt trocar or a Hasson's trocar.' he said. I tried to listen but couldn't concentrate at all.
'Okay now, one by one.. Make a queue near the subject. And Alexa.. Get the 10 mm telescope ready.' he said snapping his fingers while making the order.
'But, where is it?' I asked bewildered by the certain order.
'Could be in any of the boxes.' he said shrugging like a matter of fact. My fists balled. I looked at the four boxes and then at him.
'Come on. Just four boxes.' he said with a side-smirk.
If my glares could kill, Dr. Rollins would be dead already.
I opened the first box as Dr. Rollins went closer to the students cracking lewd jokes and earning huge laughter.
Fortunately, I found it in the very first box. But, just as I lifted the thing up and went to settle it..
'Oh and yeah, get the 10 mm and 5 mm trocars out too.' he said sparing me a glance.
My eyes widened but.. Yeah.. Okay.. Calm down Lexi.. After few two boxes, I located the trocars in the third box.
I just started arranging the telescope but... all of a sudden a pair of hands were on mine, making me wince suddenly.
'I'll take it from here.' Dr. Rollins said with a smile. I threw him a glare and pulled off my hands from beneath him and moved a couple of feet away.
Dr. Rollins set the telescope in the same position of 30 degree from the umbilicus in an infra mode just as I did, of course, he pretended a little tilt to make me seem wrong.
'Okay now, one by one, we'll start with you James Ellsworth..' Dr. Rollins called all of a sudden and the students lead by Zahra's gang did the chorus of 'Owwwww' accompanied by the snickers.
'Come on guys! Cheer for Ellsworth.' Dr. Rollins said in a mocking tone himself. They snickered and 'Ellsworth' 'Ellsworth' 'Ellsworth'
'Here you go. Put your gloves on and Alexa.. Hand him the 5 mm trocar..' he said and I did the same.
'Okay now..use it in the epigastriumcas the working port.' Dr. Rollins asked pulling the sheets off the subject which already had the vital organs circled. I felt James' hand shiver.
'Sir... I..I..' James stuttered.
'Come on James! Aren't you here to be a doctor?' Dr. Rollins said with a mocking smirk.
God James! Do it man!
'Yes. We want Dr. Ellsworth.' Fandango cheered and few others snickered.
James looked around at me. I showed him a thumbs up. He was sweating a lot. He looked at Bayley who nodded at him.
'Come on Jamie boy. We want to have our chances too.' a tattooed guy said and many snickered.
James' shivering hands pointed his trocar to the subject and drew it somewhere around the epigastrium.
Phew! Cool!
'Awww! He did it!' The short haired with Zahra girl who James had a crush on said pouting.
James looked up thrilled of course, mistaking the mockery as a compliment.
'Dr. Rollins, should I take on the lumber region now?' James questioned enthusiastically for his new step.
'ehm.. I appreciate your interest James but...we got to save patients too.' Dr. Rollins said sarcastically and everyone burst into laughter.
That's so demotivating!
James' face fell and he nodded. Dr. Rollins took the trocar away from him and he stood back.
'Okay.. Maxine now..' Dr. Rollins called... 'And Alexa.. Get the 5 mm trocar ready.' he spared me a glance.
To be honest, Maxine had confidence but her aim was even worse than James. However, Dr. Rollins allowed her to the next step of gall bladder traction which i thank heavens that the subject was already dead. Finally, Dr. Rollins had enough too and he let her go..
More names were called and I kept on handing the 10 mm trocars and 5 mm trocars to the trials.
It was Bayley's turn and she too, was greeted by a chorus of laughter. But, her aim with the working port was perhaps, the best in the lot. She even did the gallbladder fundus traction in an absolute way shutting up the chorus.
That's my girl!
I even felt she already studied the next steps and took another 5 mm trocar in the right hypochondrium handling it delicately with her left hand but..
'ehm.. Miss Martinez, I guess we still have enough time to finish the syllabus.' Dr. Rollins stopped her and the stupids snickered again. 'Let's leave it for another class.' he said almost seizing the trocars from Bayley and Bayley, being the submissive soul nodded and left.
My hands ached passing the trocars and adjusting the telescope repeatedly once every enthusiastic student tries to experiment with the awful degrees.
Fandango was even more horrible than his girlfriend and almost tore the flesh of the subject while aiming the epigastrium but shamelessly laughed and cracked jokes on the same. And yeah, Dr. Rollins joined the laughing club too.
God! That's horrible! When will I get my chance?
It was Zahra- the topper's turn now. She smirked and took the trocar from me roughly and I don't know why she was shaking the trocar like a cheerleader.
'ehm.. Dr. Rollins.. I don't know how to. Can you please show me..' she said almost pouting at Dr. Rollins.
There you go..
'Ahh.. Sure Zahra.. I'm here to help my students.' he said and stood behind Zahra suggestively.
I'm sure, it wasn't quite evident from the place the other students were but it was clear from my position.
Dr. Rollins leaned over her body, while his pelvis brushed against her ass. 'You got to hold this right Zahra.. Why couldn't you?' he almost hummed in her ears. I felt his gloved fingers trace over her gloved hands as he pretended to show her the surgical processes.
God bless the patient if they ever do a surgery together!
'hmm.. Wow! It feels amazing in the right lumber region Dr. Rollins..' Dr said almost moaning as I felt another soft thrust.
I can't see this anymore. I'm out of here..
'So, that'll be for the day Zahra. I guess you can always see me if you face more problems.' Dr. Rollins said licking his lips as he finally released her.
Thank God!
'I will find you.' Zahra said like a wild cat as Dr. Rollins smirked.
'Natasha Jenner..' he called the next name.
I'm almost getting sleepy. But, I was glad there were only two students left after Natasha.
......... 'Yeah.. Cool but you need more practice..' Dr. Rollins said to the last 'extremely flirty' girl with an equally flirty smile.
She's done. At least now, I can.
'Okay guys. We're done for today. I hope you enjoyed the class.' Dr Rollins said responded by a loud 'Yesss'.
What the fuck!
'But, Sir..what about me?' I couldn't help asking aloud. Dr. Rollins turned to me as if he was surprised.
'Oh Miss Bliss, I almost forgot you existed.' he said. 'Don't blame me. Just your size.' he mocked and almost everyone except Bayley and James burst into laughter.
Yeah, this was humiliating but..
'I just wanted to say that I've been holding these instruments for a long time at the courtesy of your fucking volunteer but now, I want my turn too.' I said sharply.
Dr. Rollins frowned. 'ehm.. Well.. I guess..' he scratched his forehead pretending to think and..
Gong! The bell rang.
'... We don't have any time left.' he said looking at his watch with a lucky smirk.
'Ooooo....poor Alexa..' I heard Maxine say..
The students started leaving.
My jaw clenched. This guy just played a game with me! How could he?
'Yeah.. Better luck next time.' Dr. Rollins said tapping my shoulder slightly and of course, I shoved his hand away much to his surprise.
'Fiesty, aren't you?' Dr. Rollins smirked walking closer to me. He leaned his face down to my level and the venom in my eyes were ready to sting him to death. 'But, you should've thought that before being over smart with your Professors and talking back to them sweetheart.' he whispered.
I looked at him in disbelief. He didn't just fall that low, did he?
Dr. Rollins gave me one last smirk before backing his steps away towards the door. The same big guy who brought the boxes to the class at the first place was at the door and Dr. Rollins said something to him before he left.
The guy started walking towards me as I picked my bags.
'Hello Miss! Dr. Rollins just asked me to help you with the boxes.' he said in a confused tone.
Wait! Help me!
'Are you attendant here?' I asked the guy who smiled.
'Well yeah, for the last five years. My name is Paul and..' I cut him off.
'Then.. Paul..' I said. 'Do it for yourself.' I shouted before barging out of the lab in extreme anger.
'Son of a hog.. No.. Asshead.. No..even worse.. A halfcaste..' Bayley kept on rehearsing names for the donkeyrapingshiteater Dr. Rollins.
'Stop it Bayley. I'm not sad, okay. It was just a bad day.. A bad bad day..' explained finally looking at her.
Bayley looked at me concerned. 'But, you're sad.' Bayley said sipping into her coffee.
'Yes Alexa. We don't feel happy when you're not happy.' James added.
Ugh! What am I even doing with these two?
'Okay fine...' I gave them a wide grin. 'Happy?'
The two looked at each other and smiled. 'That'll work.' Bayley said. I rolled my eyes.
'Ugh! Bayley, you know what went through me today, don't you? Can't you just skip your whole reading segment for any other day?' I said really pissed off.
Bayley blinked repeatedly adjusting her glasses.
'Al.. Alexa I understand. But, I really need to prepare for tomorrow's class. It.. It's really urgent.' Bayley said biting her lips nervously and looking away from my gaze sheepishly.
What the.. Oh! I got it now..
'Oh! Is it because we have Dr. Balor's class tomorrow?' I asked annoyed.
Bayley looked down confirming my suspicion.
She got to be fucking kidding me! She developed her crush in this new place way faster than I fell in hate with this place!
'No. No. No. I don't care who you got to impress. But, I'm feeling tired and I won't be tolerating the lights now. Get that clear.' I almost shouted making her shudder and plopped into the bed.
Bayley looked at me blank with her brown innocent eyes that had a plead saying please let me find my true love..but, I won't be sympathetic to her tonight. I pulled on the covers turning my back and closed my eyes shut.. Moments later, I felt the lights being turned off.
Thud.. I heard a sound from near me. My eyes opened immediately. I turned towards Bayley and..there she was in all darkness reading a thick book with the meager light from her phone which she just dropped.
'Crap!' Bayley muttered picking up the phone.
This girl is impossible!
I sprang up from the bed.
'You're fucking kidding me!' I shouted and this time I felt Bayley somehow managing to help her phone not to get dropped.
I jumped off the bed and switched the light on to see a pale Bayley looking like she has seen a ghost.
'Alexa.. When did you.. ?' I cut her off.
'Shut up. You're crazy! Do you want to get those glasses more thicker?' I asked surprised and annoyed.
'I.. I was just..'
'Who does that? Who studies with phone's flashlight? You.. You.. I've lost words for you Bayley.' I burst.
'Alexa I'm sorry.. I..'
'No. I'm sorry that I even tried you destroy your nighthawking mission. Now, do whatever you like doing some favor to your eyes. Good night.' I said getting to my lockers and picking up dynamo in my arms.
'Woah! Alexa what are you doing? Is that a guitar?' she asked surprised.
'None of your concern. I'll be back. Just read and pursue your dreams. They're precious.' I said with serious emotions in my voice hugging Dynamo closer to me and walked out of the dorm.
'Alexa..' Bayley called but I didn't look back and walked out of the dorm.
hankfully, the dorm Superintendent allowed me to get out in the fresh air and stay within 200 ft radius of the dorm. I really didn't want to disturb Bayley. She's what she is and I can't believe that she decided to read with flash light just because I wanted the lights off! Ugh!
I hugged Dynamo closer. It's after many days that we are finally out alone in the fresh air.
'Let's enjoy little date buddy..' I whispered kissing Dynamo as I walked through the lane. There were trees.. Mahagony, Eucalyptus, Black Olive, Live Oak and many other shrubs.
I walked past the boy's dorm surrounded by big security guards. There were lights on in several rooms and I guess unlike Bayley, they weren't studying. The sound said they were having a big ass party. I wonder how James sustains these? There was something wrong with him today. But, I was too consumed in my own bad day that I tended to ignore it. I'll ask him tomorrow. I saw few more security guards standing around looking at me curiously. I walked passed them. I was actually looking for a place where there'll be none to look at me and Dynamo.
I took to green and yellow lane far away from the confining walls and soon spotted something unique.
It looked something like an old rest place for the students surrounded by exotic trees and soothing wind. I heard a bird chirp and my mind had a warm delight I never felt in near past. I walked inside the rest place and sat on the bench.
I wish I could be happy like old times. I wish I could do whatever I loved! I wish everyone was happy with what I loved! I wish things were just like before..! I wish my parents could smile their hearts out just like the day they brought Dynamo! I wish they never forced me to study medicals!
I closed my eyes feeling the air sweep away my frustrations. I remember my favorite days in the school rock band. It was then that I brought in those knuckles to make it my style. Alas! I lost them like every fragment associated with my dream. I sighed.
And then, it was today, it was one bad..bad day. That donkeyrapingshiteater Rollins tried to get every inch under my skin. After a moment, it was saddening. But, I didn't break. I'd never break. I didn't break the day my father sold Dynamo off. I did bring him back with my first medical scholarship. And here, I am today..ready to express all my frustrations..alone with Dynamo..
My fingers played with his strings. He was soft yet edgy.. I pulled on the notes..and closed my eyes..
Yet again
I die a sleepless death
Flying on the wings I go
Dozy heart and tired eyes
I go
Dying a sleepless death
Dying a sleepless death
Dying a sleepless death
Baby you call me
From down under
Carrying the red bedsheet
Pillows and batman mask
But I'm too high to see
I go
Dying a sleepless death
Dying a sleepless death
Baby I see you cry
From the gate of heaven
You say you're sorry
For pulling my nerves
Kissing my soul
Digging my heart
And stealing my sleep
And I go..
Dying a sleepless death
Dying a sleepless death
Oh baby! I still love you
But you stole my sleep
Making me go..
Dying a sleepless death
Dying a sleepless death
Dying.. Dying.. Dying.. A sleepless death...
I ended the song. This was my one of my favorite compositions and I love performing them it at stressful nights like this. It gave me peace and satisfaction. Music is the solace in my pain and the tune of my laughter. Dynamo is my best friend.
I looked around. It was all silent except a bird chirping. There were no security guards, no contractions. I guess I've found my place in this campus. I smiled planning to start one more song.
Seth's P-O-V
Oops.... I'm late. I ran across the street towards the destined cafeteria where I was about to see my current girlfriend Summer. We've been dating for a month. Summer was nowhere near my type and we had very few things common. Still, I want to continue with her for one more month just because of her excellent bed skills. .
But I really do hate these relationship rituals. Go to the restaurant, spend some time together, talk shit and the worst part, meet her acquaintances.
But, that was exactly what Summer asked me today. Summer said her best friend and her fiance would like to have a double date with us tonight and the given time was exactly three hours back from now. I had an urgent surgery followed by an urgent fuck for which I am slightly late.
I rushed inside the cafeteria and called Summer. I walked further inside and.. Wow! That chick's got nice legs!... Never mind.. Let's call Summer first.. Damn pick up the phone bitch..
A tap on my shoulder made me turn back and I was met with a exasperated Summer ready to throw her high heels on me.
'Hey Summer! You look gorgeous baby.' I said trying to hug her but she pushed me off.
'I can't believe you Seth! Did you really arrive three hours after the scheduled time?' she said annoyed.
'Look, Summer I know you're sad and all but I did have an emergency surgery and I just couldn't back off from my duty babe.' I said trying to touch her cheek. But, she looked away moving off my touch.
'My friend Lucy came all the way from Arizona with her fiance Stewart. They wanted to see my handsome doctor boyfriend and today they left after waiting long 150 minutes for you. You humiliated me like never before.' she said almost ready to sob.
Ugh! I know you always had a passion for acting bitch. Can't fool me. But, yeah, her pain was real though and it was only for the fact that she got embarrassed in front of that Lucy chick who claimed to have a hotter fiance than me.
'Oh man! I'm so sorry Summer. I understand how you're feeling but I'll make it up to you tonight. I promise.' I said throwing a wink.
To my disbelief, Summer gave me another angry look.
'No. Thanks Seth. I've had enough for the night. Now, I'm tired and don't want to get in any argument. Please, excuse me.' she said trying to walk away.
But, I had all wet hopes on!
'Come on baby. Don't go. You know how much I love you. Please stay. We'll have fun.' I said trying to stop her.
'Seth.. Please. Spare me for tonight. We'll talk tomorrow.' she said and walked out of the cafeteria.
I didn't go after her for two reasons actually.. First, there was no hope in reviving her mood for tonight and second...I'm in a cafeteria and I'm hungry.
I sat on my bed in my apartment burying my face in my hands. I thought about what happened today. I do it everyday before I go to sleep. I took a good class, showed that fiesty blonde her real place along with her friends, humped Zahra real good, did three successful surgeries, for which the hospital bagged a great deal of bucks.. And ironically we are the Shield to your diseases and distress.. I fucked the new nurse in my ward while telling Roman I was in my apartment and yeah, got a little thrashed by that silly Summer at the cafeteria eventually missing a great fuck.
I scoffed realizing the status I was in. A lie.. A deceiver.. In my profession, in my relationship, in my classes. Strangely enough, with time, I've become so cool with that that I've started enjoying the lies and deception. I stood up and walked to my music room and picked my only true live in my arms.
'You're the only one I'm honest with babe. My love for you is the only truth of my life.' I whispered sitting on my special stool draking my fingers on the strings.
It's the best time of my day. I wanted to close my eyes and forget the derogatory emblems of the society. I wanted to push them away and move forward with music.. The only solace to my heart.
Drowning Pool's amazing creation clicked me immediately..
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Beaten why for (why for)
Can't take much more
(Here we go, here we go, here we go)
One, nothing wrong with me
Two, nothing wrong with me
Three, nothing wrong with me
Four, nothing wrong with me
One, something's got to give
Two, something's got to give
Three, something's got to give now
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Push me again (again)
This is the end
(Here we go, here we go, here we go)
One, nothing wrong with me
Two, nothing wrong with me
Three, nothing wrong with me
Four, nothing wrong with me
One, something's got to give
Two, something's got to give
Three, something's got to give now
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Skin against skin, blood and bone
You're all by yourself but you're not alone
You wanted in now you're here
Driven by hate consumed by fear
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
One, nothing wrong with me
Two, nothing wrong with me
Three, nothing wrong with me
Four, nothing wrong with me
One, something's got to give
Two, something's got to give
Three, something's got to give now
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
Let the bodies hit the floor
I did my final bading note with the strings with fire rushing through the veins. I was breathing hard in desperation. I wanted my next show as soon as possible.
I leaned my head ago my guitar and kissed her hard before getting her into her chamber and walking back to my bedroom.
I laid back on my bed with a smile on my face. It wasn't actually a bad day..
End of the chapter
Sorry for being late
I've fractured my ankle and in bed rest.. That's actually pulling me back but never mind..
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