Randy's P-O-V
'Do you plan to kill me today?' I asked as Bayley shoved another slice of cucumber in my mouth.
'Yes, if you don't listen to me, I do have a plan to kill you.' Bayley said setting the fork in the plate of full of salads.
I scoffed. She's just like April, loving and caring.
'Then, I guess I would be killed by those soft hands very soon.' I said, making Bayley giggle as she slid the piece of apple into my mouth.
Becky left. She was really scared, thanks to me. That's me; you tried to demoralize me while I demoralized you instead. The poor girl must be wondering about what I said and why I said for 50 more hours now.
I chuckled as I thought.
'There you go. The last piece.' Bayley said, picking up the strawberry slice. I took it in my mouth, looking at her delighted face.
The nurse came aside and took the plate away. Bayley wiped my lips.
It has been a long time since someone fed me like this. Actually, I can't remember the last time.
'Okay now. Give him the medicines on time, okay.' Bayley said to the nurse. The girl with fake smile and boobs smiled at her and then at me.
'Of course, we are gonna take care of Mr. Orton.' the nurse said.
The door opened once again, revealing Roman.
'Hey pal, how are you doing now?' he asked me. Like you care?
'I'm better man. I can't wait to resume my works with you guys.' I said sarcastically. Indeed, I can't wait to resume my works.
Roman smiled.
'We've hired the best doctors for you Randy. We can't wait for you to join us either.' Roman said. How ironic!
'Yes, I know Roman. Nobody can touch me as long as I have got you three with me.' I said. Mother of Irony! Thanks for being in the hospital Randy.
'And me too.' Bayley added hugging me from side. I smiled. Oh no Bayley! You're nothing like these hawks.
'Well Bayley, I guess Randy needs to stay away from infection. You shouldn't get much close to him right now.' Roman said authoritatively.
Oh C'mon! This is not your office big guy!
'Oh sorry! I should've known.' Bayley said withdrawing herself off me with a sheepish smile.
I bet any other girl at her place would have been a little sentimental about this but there was Bayley, as sweet as always.
The door opened again and this time, it was an attendant.
'Excuse me! There is someone waiting to see Mr. Orton for quite some time.' the guy said.
'Who?' Roman asked raising an eyebrow.
But, I knew who he could be. I smiled.
'Let him come.' I said. The guy nodded and left.
Roman and Bayley looked at me surprised.
'Relax guys. I'll be fine.' I assured them. Roman nodded and went to leave.
'Just take care of yourself, okay.' Bayley said, with a smile.
'I will.' I said returning the smile.
They left.
I looked up on the ceiling thinking about what happened in few hours. Man! That was one hell of a menace.
I sighed and shook my head.
The door opened wide. I smiled as I saw the only man in the world I could call a friend.
'Hey Randell!' Dave said getting into the cabin. 'I heaven failed to take a star.' Dave joked.
I chuckled.
'Yeah. Because the heaven can't have the devil.' I said.
Dave scoffed. 'Good one Randy but I heard Roman hired the best surgeon in the country for you and even stayed the whole night at the hospital for you. Pretty impressive!' Dave teased.
'Yeah. Perhaps, he wasn't done dealing with his death yet.' I said.
'And what about the other two?' Dave asked.
'As far as I know them, one must be drunk and detested by now while the other must be doing something equally stupid in your photo gallery.' I said.
Dave burst out laughing.
'Oh my! But, what about that girl you took in a date with? I heard she didn't move from the place the whole night.' Dave said chuckling.
'Yeah, she didn't move her lip either. I bet she would be wondering what's going on for the 50 hours of her life.' I said.
'Well, I got to give it to you this Randy.' Dave said. 'Just tell me if you need a help and yeah, never ever get your emotions come in your way. Just never trust those them, okay..' Dave warned.
'I know.' I said remembered the unholy memories of five years back. 'Nothing can stop me to ruin the Shield, Dave, nothing.' I said with determination.
Dave smiled. 'Good luck in your mission or..our mission.' he said with a smirk before leaving.
Nothing can stop me ruin them, nothing. I didn't realize when a drop of tear escaped my eyes as my mind traveled good old days.
5 years back
'Yeah, call all the clients in our office on next tuesday Cody. I'll be off to Japan for two days. Meanwhile you and Ted being the power of attorney would be taking decisions regarding every major transaction, okay.' I explained to Cody and Ted, two of my most trusted partners.
'Yeah, right Randy. Don't worry! Me and Ted are gonna set everything into places.' Cody assured.
'Yes, and when you return from Japan, I promise you'll see a whole new and better Legacy.' Ted said. I smiled with pride.
'I know. I trust you two.' I said sitting on the sofa, doing some last minute packing.
'Randyyyy!' I heard a familiar squeal almost making me jump from my seat. I looked behind to see my sister April running towards me with all excitement.
'Hey! Hey! Slow down cupcake!' I said chuckling. 'You're gonna hurt yourself.' I said.
April came me a sheepish smile, mumbling a little sorry.
'Yeah..and we won't feel good if someone as beautiful as you get hurt.' Ted said. 'that's right.' We'd hurt too.' Cody added. April rolled her eyes. For some unknown reason, April doesn't like Ted and Cody much.
'Randy, aren't you over with your office stuffs yet?' April asked me, ignoring the two men in front.
'Yes. I am. Uhm..I guess I'm done with Ted and Cody and they're leaving already.' I said insisting the two to leave.
Ted and Cody flashed me and April smiles and left.
'Now, now, why were you running like a crazy chick, April?' I asked.
April's smile widened. She lifted the bag she had in her hand and took out something.
'How is it?' she asked like a child holding a beautiful blue dress in front of me.
'Wow! It's really pretty but any special occasion?' I asked raising an eyebrow. I knew my sister is really simple and she barely goes out shopping for fancy dresses.
April bit her lip and giggled like a kid. She was blushing!
'Ahhhhhmm..he said he's coming here tomorrow and he would also bring his two friends with him. I..I'm so excited Randy.' she said jumping with her lean figure.
I chuckled.
Oh man! April is so much in love with this guy. And, he's my friend too. I know he would like April back. He has to. No one can say no to my sweet sister.
I went near her and kissed her head.
'I'm so nervous Randy. I've planned a lot for tomorrow. I hope it'll work.' she said biting her lip.
I stroke her hairs affectionately.
'Of course, it'll work and you'll look like an angel in this dress, trust me.' I said. She smiled wide.
'Which dress are you talking about?' A familiar voice emerge from outside.
I looked outside to see my girlfriend for two years Summer. Summer had been an aspiring model since beginning. And with her charms, I know one day she'll make it big. We know each other very well and yes, she is the one for me. I can't wait till we officiate things or even give her a ring.
But, the problem is a relationship with a successful business man may hinder her modelling career to a great extent, keeping in mind the jealousies and backfushings of today. So, we kept our relationship a secret to public.
'Hey baby!' I welcomed her. 'Hey Randy!' she came to my arms and hugged me, placing a kiss on my cheek.
'So, what brings you here?' I asked her.
'ehm..just heard my baby was leaving for Japan for two days, just wanted to give a good see-off kiss.' Summer said leaning in and kissing my lips hard.
April rolled her eyes. Well, April and Summer doesn't get along! Yeah, get the irony.
'Ehm..were you talking about a dress April?' Summer asked.
'Yeah..this one.' April showed Summer the dress uninterestedly. I know my sis is doing this only for me.
'This?' Summer said frowning her eyes with neglect
'Oh..April, look at the material. It's so gross and the length, ewweee, its horrible. C'mon April, you're the sister of Randy Orton. You should have some basic fashion sense.' Summer said.
Ugh! She's too much sometimes.
'Yeah, I understand Summer. I guess the girlfriend of Randy Orton will balance things back.' she said teasing me with her annoyed look. I mumbled a 'sorry' to her.
'What are you talking about? Legacy is still my company. I never sold it.' I shouted at the media gathered at the airport. Yes, I got the news in Japan that my company Legacy was being taken over. I rushed to the city to get the light.
I rushed to my office first. I gasped as I saw the name plate of legacy being changed. It was written Be'lair instead. What happened? I rushed inside.
'Ted! Cody!' I called my business partners.
'Cody! Where are you?' I asked walking down the empty corridors. 'Ted..! What's going on?' I asked shouting. Nobody was found and then I heard laughters, coming from the room of the room!
I ran towards the direction.
I heard laughter again. I pushed the door open to see eight to ten guys, laughing, cheering and drinking, Ted and Cody included.
'What's going on?' I asked them fuming with my anger.
'Who is itt?' An Italian guy asked.
'Nobody. Just an old friend of me and Ted.' Cody said. I was furious.
'Cody! What do you mean? Who are they?' I asked getting inside, inspecting the unknown faces.
'I'm Mr. Rory Be'lair, the CEO of this Company.' a middle aged man said.
'What?' I asked him, looking at Ted and Cody who chuckled.
'How can that be? I'm the CEO of this company and..' I waas cut off by Ted.
'Not anymore Rando. We've had enough of your over-powering, domineering esteem over us. It's time we do something for ourselves.' Ted said on my face.
'Yes Randy. Me and Ted have had enough being your sidekick despite being vested with equal authorities. Now, we did something which was best for us.' Cody said.
They..they used the Power of Attorney! They sold our company! They..they cheated on me!
'You bastard!' I screamed grabbing Cody by the collar.
'Hey..hey!' Few guys wanted to pull me away but they couldn't. My blood boiled to its melting point now.
'Out of my Company..' Finally Mr. Be'Lair said.
What? Out of my company?
'Securities! Get him out..' the guy ordered. In a fraction of second, those ungrateful men grown up in my favors, ran up to the room and grabbed hold of my arms.
I was thrown out of my office!
I went straight to a lawyer but nobody wanted to help. They said Be'lairs were big multinational companies aided by the Reigns family, which even had Dwayne Johnson as a part of it. Nobody messes with them. Once you're doomed.
I sat on my knees at the middle of the road. Tears running down my eyes.
April! Summer! They must be affected too.
I ran down the aisle to get my car. I've to check on my sister. She said she had guest coming today. How'd she face them?
I pressed the doorbell for the third time. April wasn't opening.
'April, open the door God dammit..' I shouted, banging on the door. But, then. I noticed the door wasn't locked. I pushed the door open to get inside.
I looked around my house, silent as a graveyard!
'April!' I called, a whirlwind blowing within my chest.
I rushed towards her room and pushed the door open.
My eyes opened at the messy room. There were balloons, decors and curtains all over fallen, broken and torn. She did plan a party for them.
'April!' I called her again. But, there was no response.
I walked towards the open door of her restroom. With some hesitation, I opened it wide.
'Aaaaaahahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..' I screamed in despair as I saw April's bloody slit body lying on the bath tub. Her new blue dress, ripped apart. She had cuts on her throat, breasts, thighs and wrist.
I went to pick her up.
'A..April..' I said trembling. I took off my coat and wrapped it around her.
'Help! Help! Somebody help my sister!' I screamed as tears went off limits.
Three hours later, here I was in the Autopsy Section of the hospital, alone, broken and betrayed.
'Mr. Orton, your sister was raped by three young man and then, brutally murdered by cutting of her blood supplies. Do you have any idea about that?' the forensics asked me.
My inner being shivered as I heard. Three men raped her! Tears rolled down my cheeks imagining the cruel fate of my innocent sister. What did she do to deserve this? She was only planning for his arrival with his two best friends and...something struck my head.
They did it! They raped her!
'Mr. Orton! We retrieved a broken camera lens from the spot of crime. Perhaps, the criminals were shooting the rape video.' the Officer showed me the Nikon Camera lens, which I've seen a lot of times before.
It was them! All three of them! But, why? Why did they do it?
'Whyyyyyy?' I screamed as the officers held me tight.
'I.. I'll finish them officer. They killed my sister.' I struggled to get out of their grip but all they tried was to calm me down till the last rights of my sister April.
'I understand your situation Randy.' I felt a hand on my shoulder only after three days of April's death.
'Dave!' I said rubbing my tears off. 'When did you get out?' I asked.
Dave was in jail for a forgery case, filed by the Reigns family. He always claimed he was innocent but the law never heard them. The Reigns were big people.
'Just a month. They took pity on me, they said.' Dave said chuckling.
I chuckled sarcastically.
'They never take pity on anyone mate. They only ruin.' I said.
Dave put a hand on my shoulder.
'It's gonna be okay Randy. Just don't mess with them now brother. Give it a time and one day, we'll ruin all of them together.' he said.
His words had determination, enough to set fire on my dormant hatred. I was ruined but I'll ruin them too.
All of them who took my sister, my dreams away from me. Roman, Seth, Dean.. Your countdown just begun.
Me and Dave joined hands since then. But the only thing that shocked me was that Summer didn't call me even after hearing this. She must be mad that I'm staying away from her.
I've a plan!
'That's perfectly fine Randle! She'll love it.' Dave complimented the diamond ring I managed to buy for Summer even in my troublesome days.
I smiled getting out of the shop. Dave was with me.
'Let's get something to eat.' Dave proposed pointing towards the cafeteria.
We went inside and.. my eyes were bulging out of the sockets as I saw...
... My girlfriend Summer, wrapped around the body of a man, kissing him in the middle of the cafeteria.
Dave held my shoulders strong.
'You got to be strong Randle.' he said.
But, my feet didn't stop. I walked towards them, pulling her off the man.
Summer gasped as she saw me.
'Randy! What are you doing here?' she asked.
'What if I ask you the same?' I said looking at the man with her.
Summer rolled her eyes.
'I'm here to have some coffee with my boyfriend Rusev. Now, do you have a problem with that?' she said like a whorific bitch that she is.
'Boyfriend? Then, what about us Summer?' I asked puzzled, betrayed and defeated.
Summer chuckled.
'Us?' she said. 'Oh! What are you Randy? An ex-enterpreneur, an ex-CEO and a penniless horse and now, my ex-boyfriend.' she said laughing out loud.
My ears stung and I started backing away.
She dumped me.. for my money? Did she ever love me? No. Because love knows no value.
The guy with Summer said something, probably in Bulgarian.
Summer chuckled.
'No baby. He just wants to be with the biggest model of the country.' she said, making him laugh.
They kissed once again as I watched. The ring dropped from my pocket.
'Would you like to have some tea Sir?' the nurse asked me.
I looked at her, still lost in thoughts.
'N..No.' I said. She left with a fake smile.
I was breathing fast as April's innocent smile flashed into my mind.
'I'll finish the three.' I said to myself.
Over with a shocking bonus chapter relating to Randy's past.
What do you think of it?
Does Randy get your sympathy now?
Who are you hating the most at this moment?
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