Seth's P-O-V
I shivered in fright and the overbearing shock as I saw the attendants take her stretcher towards the emergency. My legs could barely move and my eyes could barely see through with the blurred vision of tears. It happened so quick. I still couldn't process what happened. Bliss and me were ready to tear each other's flesh apart few seconds ago and the next moment, I saw her rushing towards, calling my name and pushing me off.
The bullet! It struck the glass panes of my car. I realized that somebody tried to shoot me and Bliss saved me but the...I heard her scream..for her life..as she rolled down the stony slopes.
I wiped my face again as I reached near the area where they stopped me.
'You can't get inside Sir.' a female attendant said to me. 'The doctor is gonna come soon and he's gonna see the patient.' she said.
Anger fumed through my eyes.
'What do you mean? The doctor is yet to arrive?' I shouted. 'You know how critical the patient is?' I said pointing towards the way they took her. 'She's hurt her head, dammit!' I spat angrily making the lady gasp in fear.
'What's going on here?' I saw the doctor arriving behind me.
'Hello doctor! He was just getting pissed because his patient was quite serious and you were yet to arrive.' the attendant acted in a matured way than expected.
The doctor placed his hand on my shoulder.
'Don't worry, young man...' he said. 'I'm sorry that I'm late but we are surely gonna give our best to the patient.' he said and went towards the direction they took Bliss.
I looked at the attendant who stopped me earlier. She would be around 30-35, if I'm correct. Shit! I was really mean on her.
'Well, I'm sorry Miss.. Stevension..' I said reading her name plate. '..and thanks for not creating an issue in front of the doctor. I was just so scared for her and..' I said but she cut me off.
'It's okay. I understand your emotions. She was bleeding badly. Is she your wife?' she asked.
What? Wife?
'ehmm...no. She's my..' I stopped. What is she? I didn't want to say she was my employee..then what? acquaintance..nope..Sister...No way..never!..mother-in-law...fuck! What am I even thinking?..
'..She's my friend.' I said after giving it a lot of thought.
The lady smiled wide.
'Okay..I understand. Don't worry. She'll be fine.' she said and went towards the doctor.
I sighed and took a chair in the waiting hall. Wasn't it just few days ago it was me and her in a waiting hall waiting for her Dad's knee replacement?...and today..! Fuck! I'm waiting all alone with her being taken away..
What have you done Bliss? You didn't have to save my life for the sake of yours.
I leaned back on the chair. I think I should inform her family. I scrolled down my phone searching for her Dad's number. But, I stopped when the attendant came back again.
'Rollins!' she called. I jumped out being called that. A sudden fear struck my heart.
'Yes.' I said looking at her in anticipation.
'ehm..your name's Rollins, right?' she asked quirking her eyebrows.
'Yes. That's me. What happened? Is she okay?' I asked. Seth, Rollins, asshole, jerk anything that's me..
The lady sighed.
'Nothing like that. It's just that your friend gained her senses for few minutes and managed to write this for you. She's given an anaesthecia now for her next treatments.' she said handing me over a slip with something written in it.
I opened the folded slip and..
Rollins, My family should not know any of this. I don't want them to worry more. And you haven't had anything since the flight, must be hungry, have something.
My eyes brimmed and my heart shook aside as I read the last part. Really?!
I nodded to the lady and she left. I couldn't help but break down on the chair. I took the phone and called the only person I afforded to see me in this condition..my step father.
'Seth..Seth..' I felt someone nudging my shoulders affectionately. I looked up to see my Dad standing there with concerned eyes.
'Dad!' I stood up looking at him with my blurred eyes and messy hairs.
Dad examined me for a while and pulled me into a hug. Me emotional self churned in his affection and I let myself out.
'She's critical Dad. She has lost a lot of blood.' I said almost crying. 'She saved me from that shot and..' I struggled with my words. I already told him everything on phone.
'It's okay Seth.' he stroke my back. 'She's gonna be fine.' he said.
After two hours of discussing things with Dad, I saw the lady approaching again.
'ehm..Rollins?' she called.
'Yes..' me and Dad answered to our surname. We looked at each other and then Dad decided to speak.
'Yes, is the girl okay?' he asked.
'Well, the doctors have stitched her and and we've supplied the blood too but she's still in observation though. She'd be fine and you all can see her in three hours.' she said with a smile.
It was like I got the earth back on my palms.
'Thank you Miss Stevenson. Thank you very much.' I said.
'You're most welcome.' she said with a smile. 'And I'm sure your friend would love to see you soon just like you would love to see her.' she said before leaving.
I couldn't help but smile. 'She'll be fine.' I murmured and saw Dad smiling too. I felt a little awkward now.
'What?' I asked. Dad shook his head still smiling.
'Oh no. Nothing. But, I guess you're hungry and must have something now.' he said.
'But, Dad..' I complained.
'Don't worry Seth. I'm sure she's on food supplements too.' he said. I was all flustered now.
'Ahh..well..yeah. I guess I should.' I said not wanting to drag this further. We made our way to the food court.
'Here you go. Your favorite Malayasian Chow Mein.' Dad said putting the orders on the table.
I smiled at him.
'Thanks.' I said and tried taking the stuffs on my plate but then I remembered something.
It's her favorite too!
I pushed it a little for an unknown reason.
'Hey! What's wrong with you my boy?' Dad asked taking a bite of his burger.
I sighed and shook my head.
'I can't have this.' I said looking down. 'Bliss likes that too and she can't have it.' I blurted out stupidly but immediately regretted it.
Dad raised his eyebrow and examined me.
'You're acting quite different you know?' he said. 'You're sure the girl is just a Finance Manager?' he asked doubtfully.
'Yeah, up until now that's the position she's having in the company.' I said.
Dad chuckled.
'Oh Seth! I didn't mean for the company. I meant for you.' he said, making me startled.
He leaned in towards me. 'Is she just a Finance Manager for you?' he asked.
My eyes frowned and my heart jumped.
'Wh...What are you talking about Dad? Of course, she's just an associate. I was only concerned because she had to face it because she tried to save my life.' I said looking away.
Dad eyed me suspiciously.
'Mhhmm..okay. I'll buy that. But, right now, take this Chow Mein. I promise I'll give her a treat when she recovers.' Dad said throwing a wink.
Oh man! I was so incredibly stupid when I said I didn't want to have it because Bliss couldn't. Why did I even say that?
But, hey! I think I should inform Dean and Roman about this.
'Mr. Rollins! Two of you can see her now.' the lady said.
My Dad smiled at me and patted my arms. I can't believe I could finally see her. I rushed towards the cabin the attendant showed.
I couldn't catch my heart as I stepped inside and there she was..lying on the bed in pink patient's costume with an infused bottle of saline in her wrist ans a big bandage over her forehead.
She smiled slightly as she saw us coming. I could only imagine how pained she was.
I walked towards her and the nurse drew us two chairs beside her bed.
'Hey!' I said getting near her.
'Hi!' she said slightly smiling. My eyes roamed all over her bandage behind her head. she had a 5 millimeter stitch at the back of her head, which was clearly visible as her hairs stayed parted through the bandage. It must be..
'It doesn't hurt now. I'm still anaesthetic, if that's what you are thinking.' she said looking sheepishly at me and trailing off with a smile.
I couldn't help but chuckle on that.
'Yeah. I get it. The pain's still to come.' I said adding a little homour.
'Gosh! Shouldn't have saved you at the first place.' she said with a sigh. There you go again!
'Big mistake..' I said adding to her.
She scoffed and I scoffed too.
'ehm..ahm..' Someone cleared his throat. Ooops! I almost forgot Dad was here too.
Bliss was kind of surprised as she saw Dad.
'Bliss, this my Dad and Dad this is...' I tried to introduce but Dad cut me off.
'..her name is Alexa Bliss and she's the Finance Manager of the Shield. I know that.' Dad said acting smart.
I rolled my eyes.
'ehm..hello! Mr. Rollins!' Bliss said slightly hesitating.
Dad walked forward near her bed.
'I'm fine dear. How're you feeling now?' he asked.
'Slightly more chances of living in this earth.' she said joking. Dad chuckled. Bliss joined too.
She's too cool around people like Dad, Becky or Bayley. I wonder why she's so bitchy around me!
'So, what did the doctor say?' I asked on a serious note.
'He will come again tonight and then he'll tell how long would I have to stay here.' she said.
I nodded. 'Don't worry! I'll talk to him.' I said.
'Yeah, Seth talked to almost all specialist surgeons he knew in these three hours.' Dad said teasing.
Ugh! What the heck!
Bliss looked at me surprised and I was like..I don't know what to say.
'That..that was not needed Rollins.' she said sounding a little weak. Is she ashamed? Why? she looked down too.
'Wait..Rollins! me or him?' Dad asked on a funny note this time, making both of us chuckle.
'Sorry! I forgot there was a Senior Rollins here.' Bliss said. Well, that made it a little more comfortable.
My step father is a jolly guy and can make anyone happy anytime and I'm glad it was no different with Bliss.
After a few more jokes from Dad, we were almost at the end of the visiting hours.
'Okay now Alexa! I guess we would have to leave for today. But, we'll come early tomorrow.' Dad said.
Damn! She would feel so lonely alone in this special cabin once we leave.
'ehm..yeah..I guess it's almost time.' I said looking at my Rolex.
Bliss bit her lip and looked at me.
'mmhhhmm..thanks for everything.' she said looking into my eyes with her blue orbs.
Really! Is it me that deserve a thanks?
'Not a problem Alexa.' Dad said. 'You just get well soon and I'll treat us all with a plate of Malayasian Chow Mein and you can thank me then.' he said adding his humour and burying me down in the floor as he wrapped his hand around me.
This old man is too much!
'Uhm..okay..' Bliss said smiling awkwardly.
Dad smiled and we turned to leave outside.
'Rollins!' she called again and heck! both me and Dad turned around. Dad looked at me with quirked eyes.
'I guess it's the junior's call.' he said and motioned me to walk towards Bliss.
Bliss looked down. I could feel how embarrassed she was! Ugh! She got to practice calling me by my name and the same goes for me.
With Dad leaving, I walked towards her bed one more time. Coincidentally, the nurse left a minute ago too. so, it was pretty much just the two of us.
She lifted her head and looked into my eyes.
'Well, the nurse is out so I thought I should call you now.' she said.
What? Really!
I was about to open my mouth but she talked fast. She looked around, perhaps, maki
'Rollins, after the bullet hit the window shields, I saw the reflection in the glass and then, I saw the face of the person who tried to shoot you and...' she paused.
I listened to her minutely.
'..it was Dave. I even remember seeing the same bracelets when I saw his hand on the revolver.' she said shaking her head.
I still looked at her motionless.
She sighed.
'Look, I know you don't believe and you never did but I just..just needed to tell you.' she said looking away, perhaps, helplessly.
I backed away a little and smiled.
She looked at me surprised.
'Even if you tell me Bieber was the first man on the earth, I'd believe you now.' I said before walking away.
Alexa's P-O-V
Three days in this hospital! Ugh! This is killing me.
But, yeah, Rollins and his Dad..I mean both the Rollins visits me everyday twice and Rollins..well, Seth calls me in every half an hour. To be honest, it doesn't feel that annoying to talk to him. In fact, it isn't annoying at all. Also, Roman, Dean, Becky, Bayley, Sami everyone manages to call me. Thankfully, I left my phone in Rollins' car before I made the stupid decision to get away and that's how it survived. Our local correspondents of the Shield visits me too. I even called my family. But, they only know I'm busy with my works.
I only feel sorry that Rollins has to work his ass off alone now.
The visiting hour has almost begun and I can't wait any longer.
'Hello!' I heard the familiar voice again. A smile formed immediately on my lips.
'Hey Se...Rollins.' I said realizing his Dad wasn't with him today.
He had a flower bouquet in his hand. I was kind of..blushing..
He smiled and walked forward handing me over the bouquet. I took it from his hand and took a deep smell/
'Wow! Nice!' I said with a smile. 'But..ehm..what is it for?' I asked confused.
'24 hours.' he said. I gave him a confused look. He just smiled gently.
'That means..you would be released tomorrow.' he said taking the seat beside me.
I looked at him surprised.
'Yeah, I talked with the doctor and he agreed not to make you stay her and draw unnecessary bills.' he said.
'Oh man!' I said shaking my head. The doctor said I needed to stay three more days. But, I guess Rollins used his sources to convince him and save a few bucks for me. That reminds me...he's been paying for me all along!
'ehm..Rollins! I was just thinking...how could I ever return the debt you have on me.' i said on a serious note but Rollins' face went more serious than I expected.
'I see.' he said looking away.
Is he mad?
'Well, you can pay me back anytime you get your medical allowances.' he said somewhat sarcastically.
Yes, he is mad.
There was a silent for few seconds and I hated it.
'Uhm...Why is Mr. Rollins not here today?' I asked considering I developed a really good bond with the old man in these days.
Rollins looked at me finally.
'Well, we had a little rift.' he said.
'Rift! Why?' I asked.
'Actually, Dad wanted you to stay at our house after you get released. I mean, he really likes you but I guess I know you better, so, I told him that was never gonna happen and you would obviously choose to stay in the hotel. So, he thought it was me who didn't want you in my house and well, the old man's mad at me.' he said trailing off with a chuckle.
I was actually moved. I really don't want to bother anyone with me being a burden on them. Even Mr. Rollins asked me once too. He said I was unwell and I needed care but I only said I would be fine.
I looked at Rollins and he looked a little tired.
'It must be tiring you out, right?' I asked lifting my hands softly tracing his disheveled hairs. I felt him shiver a little.
I realized it was making me feel a little awkward as well. I don't know why I couldn't stop my hands. I withdrew it softly.
He looked up at me and smirked.
'Yeah, it was little hectic today.' he said running his hands over his hairs, the exact places I had my hand in a while ago.
I sighed. 'I'm sorry you have to work all by yourself.' I said trying to sit up and get my hairs into a bun.
'Yeah, I wish it was Randy instead.' he said chuckling.
'Yeah..me too...' I sighed with the sarcasm.
Rollins looked at me confused for a split second but burst out laughing when he finally got the joke.
'Oh man..you hate the guy so much.' he laughed.
'Yeah..he left me no other option.' I said trying to tie my hairs but the constant needling has weakened my grip and my hands slipped.
Just then, I felt a figure hovering over me and it finally touched my hand over my hairs.
'Here, let me help you with this.' Rollins said getting a soft grip of my hairs. I gasped at the sensation, remembering the last time, he had a grip on my hairs.
I looked at him and our eyes locked. I withdrew my hands such that he held my hairs.
But, the door sprung open suddenly, revealing Mr. Rollins and a nurse.
Oh Shit! I felt their eyes on us and yeah, I must be all scarlet by now.
I felt Rollins slip my hairs too. I know it was really embarrassing for him to be caught my his father while doing a girl's hairs.
'Well..well...am I in the wrong time?' Mr. Rollins asked looking at us. Rollins shifted a little away.
'Not at all Mr. Rollins. In fact, I was just asking Rol..Seth about you.' I said trying to cover things up.
Mr. Rollins walked inside and took the chair. He gave me a doubtful look.
'And what did he say?' he asked raising an eyebrow. I looked at Rollins who was looking at his phone now.
'He said you guys had a rift over me staying at your place.' I said sheepishly. Mr. Rollins chuckled and looked at Rollins.
'And what did you say?' he asked.
I bit my lip and looked at Rollins who was still with his phone, probably texting his girlfriends. Ugh!
'I said I'd love to come to your house.' I said shyly.
Mr. Rollins' eyes opened wide and he looked at Seth who almost dropped his phone as he heard what I said.
'You're serious?' Rollins asked me.
I just smiled and looked at his Dad.
'Only if your Dad gives me a treat of the Malayasian Chow Mein everyday.' I said.
Mr. Rollins and me laughed slapping each other's hands while Seth just looked like he had no idea what was going on. Can't blame him though.
The car parked outside a beautiful house, something like a big family dream house.
I stared on nervously not knowing what to expect inside. From what Becky told me, they are a joined family, meaning I have to meet a number of people inside. Just a little query: Why it was only Rollins and his father that visited me. In fact, none of them ever mentioned about others.
'Hey! we're here.' Rollins opened the door for me getting me out of my thoughts.
I nodded and got out of the car. he said he already had my bags in his house.
I started walking towards the house when I felt a hand around my arms.
I turned around to see Rollins, perhaps, trying to say something to me. Finally, he leaned his mouth to the level of my ears.
'Before you get inside, let me tell you, there would be some people and things you would want to rip off..but stay patient and don't get nervous. Me and Dad have got your back.' he said sending chills down my spine.
But, Oh lord! I was feeling scared now. I swallowed the lump formed in my throat.
What am I getting myself into?
I got into the house with Rollins on one side and his Dad on the other.
'C'mon dear. Let's meet the family.' Mr. Rollins said. I forced a nervous smile.
'Hey honey! Look who I've got.' Mr. Rollins yelled towards a elderly lady with brown short hairs who walked down the stairs giving me cold stares. Her eyes resembled with that of Seth.
'Who is it?' she asked not interested.
Oh man! I want to run now.
'She's Alexa and she is the Finance Manager of the Shield.' Mr. Rollins said and Alexa, this is Jennie, my wife and Seth's mother.' he introduced.
'Hello Mrs. Rollins. It's a pleasure to meet you.' I said with a smile.
'mhhmm.' she said coldly sitting on the sofa and taking the Tv remote.
'So, this is your new story, huh?' she said with a bitter smirk looking at Rollins.
What does she mean by that?
'She's my friend mom.' Rollins said equally cold. Wait a second! Did he just call me his friend?
'Oh yeah? Really!' his mother chuckled. 'Well, you never even brought your friends Dean or Roman in here?' she asked.
He didn't?
'That's because they have their own flats in Davenport.' Rollins said.
'..which, of course, you aren't interested in getting!' she taunted.
What the? How can a mother talk like that to a son?
I saw Rollins fuming in anger. I stood beside him.
'Okay..okay.. since you are so eager in getting me out of here, I promise you I will get my own house in the same city the next time.' He burst.
'Relax Seth! You know your mom, right?' his Dad said pushing his chest a bit. 'Right now, go show Alexa her room. The little girl must be tired of travelling.' Mr. Rollins said running a hand down my hairs affectionately.
Seth nodded walking towards the stairs and I followed him. We went upstairs and there were four rooms.
'Rollins, slow down.' I said somehow managing to match up to his angry speed. He slowed without a word.
'So, you stay in this floor too?' I asked trying to get his mind off what happened.
'Yes. Two rooms from yours.' he said.
'Seth!' I heard another lady's voice. She too was in her 40s, I guess and also gave me a cold stare.
'Hey Aunt Manie!' Rollins greeted without a smile.
'Who's this girl with you?' she asked staring me up and down.
'She's my friend.' he said again making my heart jump.
'Friend!' she stared me up and down again. Ugh! What's wrong?
'Well, why is she here?' she asked.
'..because she's not well and me and Dad don't want her to stay alone in the hotel.' Rollins said sharply.
'Well..Well..Is she staying in your room?' she asked. No way!
'No. She'll arranged good and no, she won't be in your room either, if that's what's bothering you.' Rollins said starting to walk again.
I looked at the annoyed lady sheepishly and followed Rollins.
Finally, he unlocked a room and I followed him inside.
'Wow! this is beautiful!' I exclaimed. This was the interior I always wanted to have but with the everlasting pressure on my family, I couldn't.
'Thanks!' Rollins said with a smile. I'm happy that he smiled.
'Here you go. This is your bed..' he said pointing to the one..'the wardrobe..the restroom..Tv and you can call me if you need anything else.' he said. I felt he acted a little restless.
I smiled.
'No Rollins. I don't need a thing and I guess you're already into a lot because of me staying here. That's the reason I didn't want to come here.' I said frankly.
He shook his head and chuckled.
'You really think, it's you who made this environment?' he asked raising an eyebrow. I stood there as he drew the curtains.
'Well no Bliss, this is an everyday atmosphere for me every time I get home.' he said. 'Don't worry about that.' he said turning to me.
I nodded and opened the wardrobe which already had my trolley. 'Thanks.' I said looking at it.
'You're most welcome.' he said sitting at the edge of the bed. Although, he won't admit, i knew he was distressed.
'ehm..if you don't mind me getting personal, why did your mom...?' I tried to ask but he chuckled.
'It's our equation Bliss. Perhaps, that's her way to show love.' he said.
'But, why did he compare you to Dean and Roman?' I asked curiously.
'..Because just like you, my mom too thinks I'm a worthless piece of shit spending time in silly photography. She thought it ever since I was a child.' he said.
I was taken aback when he mentioned me. I sat beside him and looked at him.
'It's not true.' I said. Rollins looked at me and frowned his eyes.
'Really?' he asked.
'Yes. I mean you are one-third of the CEO of the Shield and she must be proud after that.' I said deliberately.
Rollins looked at me blank for a while.
'I guess I must have done something to ruin her pride then.' he said and attempted to leave. I was startled further more now.
'And what about the lady we met this floor?' I asked trying not to push the subject.
'She's my aunt Mannie who just got divorced by her seventh husband three years ago and ever since she is ever ready to poke into her sister's family.' he said. 'As a smart advice, stay away from both of them.' she said.
Oh Damn! Why did I choose to come here? These people were already having trouble with themselves!
'Bliss..Bliss..' Rollins snapped his fingers again, getting me back on earth.
'Oh yeah..' I said.
He shook his head in annoyance.
'I said you can take a shower now.' he said pointing to the door to the restroom.
'mhmmmm..' I said and picked up few clothes with me. I walked to the door near him and stood facing him.
'You can leave now. I can do it without you.' I said.
Rollins chuckled but I didn't. He leaned and looked into my eyes.
'Call me if you feel lonely. I'm just two rooms away.' he said and turned to leave the room.
New Chapter!
I'm glad I could do it on Seth Rollins' birthday!
I know it's a short one..
Did you like it?
What do you think about Seth and Alexa?
What do you think would happen now?
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