Bayley's P-O-V
We ran towards the room as fast as we could. Dean was pacing around the room and Seth was trying to call someone, I guess. Mr. Reigns on the other hand, just sat quietly on the sofa with his hands on his head.
Oh no! I can't see this.
'Hey! Dean, how did this happen?' Alexa asked.
Dean shook his head. 'I've no idea Alexa. I just don't know.' he said.
I saw Luke rushing to the room. He was almost in tears.
'No Roman, we couldn't stop her. Summer said she won't be sporting the same dresses as the Panache.' he said.
'Summer left?!' I exclaimed.
'Yes. She did. I guess we're over.' Luke said.
'No Luke. It's just me who's over.' Mr. Reigns said. His eyes lost hope as his booming voice mourned.
'It's not like that Mr. Reigns.' I said.
'Yes bro. Don't worry. It's about all of us and we'll face things together.' Dean said standing by Mr. Reigns.
'Yes Roman. Just don't loose hope. Alexa said.
Mr. Reigns scoffed, not meeting anyone's gaze and looked down.
'It's all because of me.' Luke said. 'I don't know how my designs got leaked. Those were so special.' he said. I stood by him and rubbed his arms.
'It's not your fault Luke.' Dean said. 'It must have leaked somehow.' he added. Just as the topic came out, an eerie sensation filled me. Designs got leaked!
'No man. I've called Summer many times. She isn't receiving.' Seth said frustrated and threw his phone on the sofa.
I saw Alexa scoffing, 'It's funny how that bitch ditched all of us at the time of crisis, including her fuck buddy.' she said the last part looking at Seth. Oh no! Seth gave her a 'wtf' look and sighed shaking his head. Alexa was about to say something but Becky got to her and told her to stop.
'Look Ro. We're gonna get out of this soon.' Seth said sitting beside Mr. Reigns.
'And I swear, whoever has caused this won't be spared.' Dean said with a look of vengeance in his eyes.
'Oh well! I guess you must look at the financial dealings to see what more deals were made then.' Seth said standing up and looking at Alexa.
I slapped my forehead. Are those two kids? I mean Seth might be my boss but the way he's ...ugh! that's childish!
'What! You mean to say, I must've sold the designs, huh?' Alexa said walking to him.
'Hey Lexi! Stop! It's not the time for these. Mr. Rollins is just upset.' Becky said trying to hold her up.
'Drop it man. It's not the time to fight among us.' Dean said holding Seth.
'But, isn't it her who made all the financial deals with the sponsors after the designing was complete? Why can't I accuse her?' Seth shouted.
'Because everyone knows that unlike you..' Alexa looked forward, 'I'm responsible enough to bear what I do.' she added. Seth's face was red in anger.
'Would you two just stop it?' Mr. Reigns stood up shouted. All of us stood still.
'Every loss is mine in this case. Yes, I lost to Christopher again. I lost to Panache. You don't need to worry about this.' he said looking at everyone. 'Just leave me alone. Leave.' he shouted.
I stood with Becky who urged Alexa to leave. Everyone was surprised by the sudden outburst of Mr. Reigns.
'Hey man, just..' Seth tried to say something but Mr. Reigns cut him off.
'Leave Seth..Everyone please leave me alone.' he said.
I could only imagine how Mr. Reigns is feeling right now. It isn't about just the Shield now, it was about him and his self-respect. He can't loose to Christopher, not this way.
'Okay fine.' Seth said and started to leave.
'Let's go.' Becky said. I nodded. I saw everyone walking out. But, I stood still looking at Mr. Reigns.
'Do I need to write you a special order?' Mr. Reigns said annoyed. 'Leave Bayley.' he said.
I looked back towards the door but something said not to. I took a deep breathe and walked towards Mr. Reigns.
Mr. Reigns looked surprised by my audacity.
'Bayley I thought I asked everyone..' he started but I cut him off.
'I understand what's going through you Mr. Reigns.' I said. He looked at me confused. I mastered enough courage and placed my hand on his arms.
'But, trust me, things are gonna be alright.' I said. Mr. Reigns looked at my hand on his arms and then back at me.
'You know nothing Bayley.' he said.
'May be.' I said. 'But I do know one thing, Christopher James won't be beating you this time and never ever. Like every time, you are going to hold to Armani Challenge trophy this time too.'I said and Mr. Reigns shook his head in ignorance.
'I'll make sure you do.' I said giving him a look of determination. Mr. Reigns looked at me blank and scoffed. I withdrew my hand off him and gave him an encouraging smile before walking out.
I don't know how, but I got to do it.
Seth's P-O-V
'What was that right there?' Dean asked me annoyed.
'What?' I asked.'The way you accused Alexa. You how big of a deal you said! I would've just smacked your head off if I was her.' he said.
'Unfortunately you aren't.' I said nonchalantly, scoffing a little.
'You think, that's funny?' he asked.
'May be.' I said shrugging my shoulders and walking away from him.
I know everyone thinks me of a jerk by now for what I accused Bliss of. But, what about what she said to me! She said I was fuck buddies with Summer and that too in front of everyone in a moment of crisis. C'mon man! Yes, I flirt with Summer a lot. I mean, she is so smoking hot. I even kissed her sometimes or nibbled her neck but I have never ever slept with her. Whatever you think of me, I'm not a jerk to get one of my coworkers in bed. I never brought sex to my office, of course, that was until the night of the party. Fuck!
I can't express how much I regret that night. It has really made things more awkward between me and Bliss, which should not exist between the CEO and the Finance Manager of the biggest Fashion Company of the world. I even tried to address our differences few times by saying it was a mistake and should not happen again and in that way, make things normal again. But, Bliss was Bliss.
7 days ago
I saw Bliss for the first time after that flight scene. She was laughing with Becky who just got a promotion. Me and Dean walked into the scene and congratulated Becky. It was a jolly mood and everyone was happy. I raised a toast for Becky but just as I did, I accidentally brushed my elbows with Bliss.
She gave me the angriest look possible.
'Hey..Sorry..' I said. ' seem sick!' I asked like a responsible coworker seeing her eye bags.
She gave a sarcastic smile.
'None of your concern. Keep drinking.' she said pointing to my glass. C'mon that's not alcoholic.
Before I could say more, she left the cafeteria.
5 days ago
I walked nervously towards the cabin of the Finance Manager. I knocked the door and was permitted to get in.
Bliss was sitting on her desk doing some laptop works. She looked surprised as she saw me.
'Hey Bliss,'s it going?' I asked giving a smile.
She didn't reply and continued her work.
'Are you too busy?' I asked.
'I guess you can already see that.' she said not getting her eyes off the laptop screen. I, the CEO of the Shield stood there for another ten minutes hoping when she'd be free. But, she didn't even looked up at me or even did not ask me to have a seat.
But, I knew time was running out and I should say something.
'Bliss, I've got something really to say to you.' I said.
'Spill it fast if you're not drunk.' she said still not looking at me. And, how dare she used the 'drunk' thing.
'Are you gonna listen to me? It's really important.' I shouted a bit trying to catch her attention. She lifted her eyes at me lazily.
'I've already discussed the procedures with Dean an hour ago. I guess I'm too busy to listen anything now. If there's something new, mail me at 5.' she said and focused back onthe computer screen.
I can't believe her.
'Okay fine.' I said gritting my teeth and left.
But, still I dropped my self-respect outside her room and went to her cabin at around 5 to see that she already left.
3 days ago
I know I really don't need to address anything, especially to such an egomaniac like her. I mean, c'mon that was a mistake and we are adults. It wasn't the first time for me and of course, can't be hers too. So, why not just forget it. But, whenever I see her panties in my pocket, I feel I need to return it to her and clear the air. It was a leisure time and as usual, I went to the cafeteria. Bliss was there too, with Bayley.
Dean and Roman had a meeting outside and Summer was busy too. So, I walked to the table where the two girls sat.
'Hello ladies!' I greeted.
'Hey Seth!' Bayley greeted but Bliss concentrated on her salads.
I chose various random topics to chat. Bayley laughed at my jokes but Bliss didn't. She barely made eye contacts with me.
Suddenly, Bayley's phone rang and she went out to receive it. Me and Bliss were across each other silent.
'Hey Bliss! You're sure you can really survive on salads?' I asked trying a topic.
She didn't talk. Fucking annoying.
'Aaahhh about that night, I..I was drunk,' I said but she never cared to look at me.
' sure you have everything you got?' I asked getting straight to the point.
'Hmm..yeah, everything including douchebag not letting me eat.' she said angrily and left the table.
I felt like shit in front oft his egoistic Bliss. I mean, yeah, I hated her before too but what she has started now was completely different. I mean, it was just one night for god sake and I didn't rape her.
She must've enjoyed it more than me at that point of time and now, she's acting all rough. If she had something to say, she should straightway say it in my face but no, her plan is weirder than her.
That's it. I've had enough. I'm never gonna return her panties. I don't care if she comes without her panties or walks naked. Moreover, unlike her, the thing is treating me really good.
Present day
I took out the panties from my pocket. Yeah, I carry them everywhere, hoping a chance to return them. But, smelling them, damn! Wow! she must've been so damn wet when we did that. I wonder how she was in bed..Fuck! What are you thinking Seth? She's the little bitch you hate the most. She must've sucked in bed. Thank god, I don't remember much.
Bayley's P-O-V
I entered the room our models dressed. Maximum of them already left. It was just four of them now.
Alexa was mad as hell.
'How could he say I sold the designs? Do you think, I'm a cheater?' she cried. Oh! She must be so upset.
'Relax Lexi! You know Mr. Rollins, right? He's just out of the box sometimes.' Becky consoled her.
'Yes Alexa. Please don't mind him. He was as upset as any of us' I said walking to them. Alexa rolled her eyes.
'But now, we got to stick together and do whatever we can to win this show.' I said determined.
'Are you kidding me Bayley!' Luke spoke. 'No one would be interested to see the same designs again. And now, they'll say we copied from Panache. I'd rather shoot myself before getting the tag of a thief.' he said.
'Yes and I guess there's no hope and we must leave too.' one of the models said trying to leave.
'Stop.' I said. 'Never say never to hope sweetie. Hope is time and we still have a considerable amount of time to think of something new.' I suggested.
'New! Now!' Luke exclaimed.
'You're sure what you're talking about?' Becky asked puzzled.
'Yeah Becks. Why not try it?' I said. 'I guess there are still enough materials left with us , right?' I asked turning at Alexa.
'According to the budget, there must be. I guess Randy would have a better idea about the resources. He's in hold of them.' she said still upset.
Randy! Where is he? I haven't seen him much today. And even during the period of crisis, he was absent from the meeting!
'I'll call him.' Becky said dialing his number.
'And now, at least need some idea about our themes. What are you gonna do about it Bay?' Alexa asked.
'I don't know.' I said nonchalantly.
'Look, even you don't know and you expect me to design it fast.' Luke said frustrated.
'Bay..he's not receiving the call.' Becky informed. I sighed.
'What now?' Another model asked. 'It's high time, we should withdraw our names from the challenge.' she said.
'Don't even think of that.' I said loudly, against my persona, making everyone surprised.
'Okay then, suggest something.' Luke asked.
'And what about the materials now?' Becky asked.
I sighed. What to design? Something unique..something special. Ehm..let me think of things I ever wore. Nay ..noting unique except Mr. Reigns' shirt that night. Hey! That's it..
'Luke, you still have the materials we brought for the players in our Fashion fiesta, right?' I asked. He nodded.
'And they are almost cut into shapes?' I asked.
'Yes,they are in my store but those are for male suits.' Luke argued.
'That's it.' I said.
Alexa's P-O-V
'You must be fucking kissing me, Bay! Yeah, I know most of the models left but us walking on the ramp, it's insane.' I spat at her stupid idea.
'Lexi is right. We have no formal training of walking Bay, plus, me, I just don't have that charm. I'll let everyone down.' Becky said with a sigh.
'So, you think I'm designing this shit for zombies?' Luke said frustrated as he threw the next design towards the stitching staffs.
'Relax Luke. They will do the walk. I'll convince them.' Bay said. Luke sighed and nodded looking at her.
But, what she is asking can never happen. I don't know about Becky but I'm definitely not made for this profession. And no, it's not my academic pride speaking. It's just that I'm not anything like Summer. I..I..I'm just too small.
'Alexa!' Bayley said louder. Oh! She must've been calling me while I was thinking.
'Look, Becky's saying she'll do it if you do. Now, please for once try it.' Bayley almost pleaded.
'I can't. I'm just not worth this.' I said trying to walk out.
But, Bayley followed me.
'Look Alexa, you know what's the theme of our presentation?' she asked.
'Women power in Corporate.' I said neglecting.
'Exactly and whenever, we think about the women in Shield, who comes into the mind?' she asked placing her hands on my shoulders.
'As if..?' I said rolling my eyes.
'Yes. The lady holding their accounts, their budgets, their profits Miss Alexa Bliss.' she said. 'Andv today this lady is going to add another feather to their crown by presenting a true woman in corporate in that ramp. C'mon! You need to get ready.' Bayley said pulling my hand. I resisted.
'I..I don't look anything like those models Bay. I..I'm small and nobody would like to fantasize about a corporate like me.' I said. Bayley frowned her eyes.
'Don't tell me that's why you're hesitating!' she said. 'Look girl! A model is a model and just as I said in my interview, fashion is a state we represent. It has no definition. It is only what we create.' she said.
I must say, there is a real sensible lady behind this happy-go-lucky girl. I sighed.
'Why don't you walk on the ramp then?' I asked.
'I would, if you would agree to look after all other arrangements.' she said. I chuckled.
'Fine. Just for you.' I said. She giggled in happiness.
We went inside the room to see Becky holding a dress nervously. Other staffs like Ruby, Emma, Stacy, Minnie, Natasha were all there. I can't believe Bayley convinced them. Suddenly, I remebered something.
'Hey! Why not call Eva?' I asked. Bayley sighed.
'I asked her but she was all drunk. Sami took her to the restroom.' she said. I nodded.
Suddenly, Becky cleared her throat, making us all look at her.
'Guys, can I add this with my attire?' she asked picking a cigarette from Luke's table.
Me and Bayley looked at her and gave her a thumbs up.
Seth's P-O-V
'It's gonna be fine, man. I guess they'd consider us for our previous records.' Dean said to me and much to himself. Yeah, we were all busy consoling ourselves first, let alone others. My heart beat faster as the penultimate participants did their performance. I played with the straps of my camera, which I felt was of no use today.
Roman was sitting in the green room keeping his eyes on the TV monitor. He has lost all his hope and didn't want to see or talk to anyone. I really feel bad for him right now. It's not like a simple loss to him. He's losing to a guy who took his girl away from him seven years ago. I remember how depressed he was for a while after Galina left him. But, then we set up the Shield and since it has been his life. And so is ours.
'And now, the company we all have been waiting for.' the host announced. People cheered and I felt so nervous for the first time.
'They are the defending Champions of this Armani Fashion Challenge and the leading neme in the world of Fashion, The Shield.' she announced. People clapped louder and they cheered, 'Shield' 'Shield' 'Shield'. The guy beside me clapped with a huge smile on his face.
I smiled too but it wasn't as huge as him.
And then, a music played faintly and a voice was heard,
'They ask, what is fashion..' she said...'I say it's what you do..' she said.
'Isn't that Bayley?' Dean asked leaning to my chair.
'Yeah..and she said something like that in her interview. I hope she doesn't say it here!' I said.
'You're so right bro.' Dean said.
'That's right fashion is not role modelling, it's not idol gazing, it's just what happens around. And being one of the biggest corporate houses in the world, the Shield looks to present a glimpse of what happens in a corporate. So, with the women's day coming next month, our show is dedicated to all those women who shed their sweats all day within the laptops, documents, suitcases and balance sheets to add a unique aura in the corporate world. Today, women can get into anything men fits in.' she said and everyone clapped.
'What was that?' I asked by myself.
'No idea.' Dean said almost to himself.
'So, without further ado, we present..Women power in Corporate.' she announced. The confetti papers blasted in the ramp and the faint music became loud.
Holy fuck!
I saw the very familiar faces from the office making their way at the ramp and their dresses were unique.
'Hey! Aren't those materials meant for the Philadelphia Eagles' walk one month later. I nodded realizing he was right.
They ladies walked with all passion. The experts could say that they weren't professional but the people who don't know would only feel they are reflecting a corporate environment.
I took out my camera immediately.
Wow! Great! I snapped.
Then, another team came and..woah! Isn't that Becky?
'Isn't that Becky?' I asked Dean. Dean, who leaned back on his seat, now straightened himself focusing on the ramp.
'Yeah, I guess so.' he said utterly surprised.
(Becky's attire)
Oh damn! She looks so different! And with that tie and hat..damn corporate lass!
'She looks great, doesn't she?' I asked Dean as she walked to the front.
'Hmmm..' Dean said not even blinking once. I guess he's too much into shock.
But, it was then that she took out a cigarette from the pocket and blew a smoke like a stressed out business woman. She deserves a click. I took a picture.
I saw Dean's jaw hung and he smiled a little with his mouth gaped.
Damn! He look so impressed! Can't blame him, he smokes a lot.
Few more girls walked into the ramp, dressed completely in manly outfit. Wow! Great message!
I snapped few more pics and then I saw her..
(Alexa's attire)
She wore a corporate suite, perhaps, with nothing underneath and damn! She flaunted it so damn well. Instinctively, my hands moved to the lens of my camera. I saw her coming forward and...
..she lifted her hand to adjust her disheveled hairs and damn!
My eyes went back to the lens. She is so photogenic!
I clicked her pic as she smiled.
That innocent smile was something I've never thought about her. I clicked another picture.
She stood there for another moment, when Becky joined her and the two posed again. the crowd went nuts.
I clicked another pic. The other girls joined and they all posed. Wow!
'So beautiful!' I exclaimed.
'What do you think about Becky?' Dean asked all of a sudden. My thoughts were too busy to concentrate on his question.
'I like her accent.' I said nonchalantly, still taking the pictures.
'Huh!' Dean said surprised.
Becky and Bliss went few steps back and Luke joined them. The ladies hooked their arms with him and they waved blowing kisses.
I couldn't help but smile.
I looked at the direction where the Panache sat. They were chattering a lot among themselves. Obviously, they weren't too happy.
Christopher saw me looking wide-eyed. I gave him one of my signature cocky smirks.
Me and dean got up from our seats as the show ended. We made our way towards the dressing room.
Luke was almost jumping in happiness.
'Hello guys!' he waved.
'Hey! someone seems so happy.' Dean teased him. Luke smiled.
'Yeah. Dean I'm really very happy tonight. No matter we win or loose, this one would always remain very special for me.' he said.
I saw Roman coming into the room too. He didn't smile but I knew the delight he hid.
I smiled. 'We're really proud of you Luke. I mean, in such a short were just awesome man.' I said.
'Oh no man. It wasn't me alone. In fact, it was Bayley who acme up with the idea and even encouraged us all for doing it. Hats off to the girl.' Luke said.
'Wow! Really?' Roman asked.
'Oh! Hello Roman!' Luke who saw Roman just now, greeted him. 'And yeah, it was all her.' he said.
'Wow! We are really proud of our little assistant.' Dean said.
'Hell yeah!' I said. Roman just smiled.
My eyes fell on Becky and Bliss standing at the corner of the room. They seemed so happy.
I walked near them.
'Hey Becky!' I called. Yeah, she was the person I had the courage to address and not the other.
'Hello Mr. Rollins!' She said smiling. Bliss rolled her eyes. Damn! egomaniac.
'so, you guys were awesome out there. Never knew you had such talents.' I said hovering my eyes on both of them.
'Thank you Mr. Rollins.' Becky said. 'You know we were so nervous initially. I informed Bayley that I would only do it if Alexa does and then, there she was, she thought she won't look good. she thought she was small..bluh...bluh..' Becky said and Bliss gave her a dirty look. Becky stopped.
'Uhhh...not actually. She..I mean..all of you looked really good out there.' I said.
'Thank you.' Becky said and the girls tried to leave.
' second..can I take a snap of you two. I mean, you guys looked great in these things.' I said pointing to their suits. I saw Bliss adjusting the cleavage of her suit as I said. She didn't look at me though.
'Becky! you give him a snap. I need to go.' Bliss said suddenly and tried to go away.
'No wait!' I said. Shit! What have I done?
Bliss looked at me confused.
'Yes, C'mon Alexa. You're such a party spoiler.' Becky said.
'No means no Becks.' Bliss said and tried to leave.
'Hey wait..' Becky said. And then what I did I could not believe.
'Get her.' I mouthed to Becky with Bliss not seeing who was initially surprised but then went after Bliss.
'C'mon! Just once.' Becky said pulling her again. Bliss sighed.
'Okay fine.' she said frustrated.
'Okay then, just stand over there.' I said. The girls moved there. Becky smiled but Bliss didn't.
'And there's no tax in smiling..' I said adjusting the lens. Bliss faked a smile but still it was great! How could someone like her be that photogenic?
'Ready..set..and go..' I clicked the pic.
'Now would you excuse me?' Bliss said and left. What.
'What a boring chick!
Becky smiled and ran towards me to see the picture.
'Where is it?' she asked. I scrolled and showed her rhe pic.
'Wow!' she said.
Suddenly, I felt a hand over my shoulders. It was Dean.
'What's going on guys?' he said looking at me and then Becky. For an unknown reason, Becky's smile dropped.
'Oh yeah! I've got some pictures.' I said.
'Oh! Let me see.' he said getting beside Becky.
I saw Becky back away and leave slowly.
Becky's P-O-V
Why do I have to see Dean now. Watching him only pains me. When he stands near me or smiles, I always fall for it and then I get hurt realizing that I'm aspiring for something that can never be mine. Moreover, we haven't talked or even crossed paths since I slapped him. I feel so bad when I think about it. How come he hasn't fired me yet. After talking to other girls a bit, I tried to make my way to the washroom.
But, just as I took the left turn, I heard someone speak.
'Seems like you took my advice too seriously, huh?' I turned to see Dean. I crossed my brows in confusion.
Dean walked towards me with a smug look.
'What do you mean?' I asked.
'I mean, the last time we met, I said you to go for Randy and you really did.' he said.
I rolled my eyes.
'Shut up Dean!' I said. 'Randy is being a good friend.' I said.
'Oh! I get it. He's really good.' Dean said making a face. 'I mean he took you to Dave's photo gallery twice in a week, awesome achievement.' he said clapping a little.
I can't believe him.
'Yes. Because I was sad and you made me sad.' I shouted. 'and he did what anyone would do.'
Dean looked away with a sarcastic smirk now.
'Fucking sad!' he mumbled. 'And I still can't believe I'm not firing you for putting your hands on me.' he said gritting his teeth a bit.
'Because you knew you deserved it.' I said angrily remembering what he said to me that day. 'I mean how could you even say that? I've never thought of anyone ex..' I started to pour my feelings out but then I realized I won't matter to him. I stopped and saw him licking his lips with a slight smirk.
Dean lowered his vision at me. He looked at me blank for a moment.
'I didn't like it when you smoke though it looked good enough to watch you live your fantasy.' he said.
What? I gave him a confused look.
'Yeah, I mean I knew you always wanted take a peep out of my cigar after we had sex.' he said shrugging his shoulder like it was a no big deal.
Little did he knew, why I chose to pick it.
I shook my head.
'Your likes and dislikes has nothing to do with my preferences Mr. Ambrose.' I lied at his face and tried to walk away but then I stopped when I heard him chuckle.
'You think you really mean that? Well, I don't think so Becky and of course, you know that too.' he said making my heart clench as he moved too close to me now and the air from his words hit my shoulders.
I took a deep breath.
'Now get ready. You're going with me tonight.' he said.
'Where?' I asked turning to face him.
'Since when you wanted to know?' he asked raising his eyebrows. I sighed. It is this attitude of dean that I don't like.
'Alright! I'll think about it.' I said curtly . 'I'll just get changed in the washroom now.' I said pointing to the one beside.
'Alright! Let's make it quick.' he said dragging me inside the washroom.
I gave him a questioning look.
'Are you going to stand here when I change?' I asked.
He gave me a confused look.
'Yeah, does that even matter?' he asked.
'Yes. Very much now.' I said earning a look a surprise for him.
'And why? Because you got Randy now?' he asked getting slightly rough.
'You're disgusting.' I blurted. 'There's no point in talking to you.' I said. 'And now, I find no reason of why I should explain things to you.'
'Yeah. Why should you?' he said looking at me blank and left the washroom while slamming the door in heat on anger.
My heart stung with the load of unrequited love. Will I never be able to tell him?
I guess I don't want to face him. I took my phone out and messaged Alexa to give me a lift while she leaves.
Bayley's P-O-V
I crossed my fingers as Alexa and Becky clutched onto two of my shoulders.
The host came to the stage again.
'So, the juries have decided the winner and trust me, they deserve every bit of it. So, after going through the presentations, the themes and most of all, the designs.. the juries decided that..the winner of the 2018 Armani Fashion Challenge is..... The Shield.' she announced.
My heart stopped beating and I jumped up from my seats. Alexa hugged me tight. 'We did it again.' Becky cheered.
'So myy call upon stage Mr. Seth Rollins, Mr. roman Reigns and Mr. Dean Ambrose to receive the trophy for the seventh time in a row.' the lady cheered.
I looked to my left and saw the three CEOs of the Shield making their way towards the stage.
'Jessica Armani is going to present them with the trophy and a cheque of One hundred Thousand dollars.' she announced.
My eyes fell on Mr. Reigns who looked genuinely happy right now. And I was happy that I could keep my words.
Jessica Armani handed the trophy to Mr. Reigns who shared it with Seth and Dean. People cheered loud.
Then came the cheque and the three of them held it together with big smiles. I felt so happy.
'Now, Would anyone of you like to say something on this win?' The host asked.
I saw Dean and Seth look at Mr. Reigns just like every mid school student pushing his friend to answer the teacher. They are so cute.
Mr. Reigns took the mic in his hands and smiled.
'Well, to be honest..' he started in his deep voice..'I was scared this time..really scared but they say where there is a will, there is a way..and perhaps, amidst all the hopelessness, it is the will that triumphed.
He smiled and then, I guess his eyes fell on me or rather us.
'So, this time, I'd like to dedicate this trophy to that will.' he said, I fell his eyes were on me as he lifted the trophy in this direction. 'I hope we never loose you.' he said and handed the microphone to Dean.
'And of course, we would like to thank each and everyone of you for supporting us and staying by our side for this long. Thank you all. Thank you.' he said and left the stage. The crowd cheered.
'Ladies and gentle man. A big round of applauds for The Shield.' the host announced.
I saw Seth motioning towards us for a pic. I smiled wide and ran towards their direction as Becky and Alexa followed.
'Hey're the best girl.' Seth ran to hug me.
'Yeah..we love you.' Dean said hugging me tight from back.
I felt a little awkward being jammed between my two bosses.
'Ahhhhmm..yeah..thanks.' I said.
'Hey! Leave you're gonna kill the girl.' I heard someone say. I lifted my eyes to see Randy. Where has he been all this time?
Seth and Dean broke the hug letting me breathe out of my awkwardness. I turned around to see Mr. Reigns. He had a smile on his face. He moved a bit closer but then hesitated and stepped back.
I smiled at him. He smiled too.
'Thanks for everything Bayley.' he said. I bit my lip and smiled.
'Well thanks but it's just not me. Luke, Alexa, Becky, Sami and the entire team of the Shield worked really hard for it.' I said.
He nodded. 'Now I get you.' he said.
I gave him a confused look. He chuckled and I saw his eyes travel down to my lips.
'You're doing it again.' he said getting a little more closer. I realized I was biting my lip again. Oooops..I blushed a little and withdrew my teeth off my lips.
'Hey Bayley!' Becky bumped me from behind. I turned around. I saw Mr. Reigns go away slowly.
'Yes Becks.' I said turning to her.
'Well, Alexa planned that three of us would have a dinner in the ML Plaza tonight.' she said excited.
'Wow! That's great!' I said. 'But, I'm really tired tonight. I guess I need a sleep soon.' I said.
Becky gave me an annoyed look.
'I'll join you two some other day, promise.' I said.
'Okay fine. I understand how tired you are.' she said. I nodded and hugged her.
''re sure you would join Sami in his cab.' Alexa asked me one more time before starting the car.
'Yes mom. I'm sure.' I said.
'Okay fine.' she said.
'Bye girls.' I said.
'Bye Bay.' Alexa and Becky said at the same time.
Alexa started the car.
Well, ML Plaza was at the opposite direction of my house. so, I didn't want to bother them. As for Sami, I guess he left long ago.
I sighed waiting for a cab.
Suddenly, I saw Dean running out to the parking.
'Hey!' I yelled.
'Hey Bayley! ehmm..where are others?' he asked.
'Well they're gone.' I said.
He quickly got inside the car. Should I ask for a lift?
'Where did they go..Becky and all?' he asked restlessly.
'ML Plaza they said.' I informed.
'Okay thanks.' he said and started his car. Before I could say anything, he left in full speed.
'Hey! Where did Dean go?' Seth asked from behind. Thank God! He's there. may be he can help me get to my house.
'I don't know..towards ML Plaza may be.' I said.
'Fucking hell! he's got my house keys with him.' he said slapping his head.
'Okay Bayley, I'll see you later.' Seth said and got inside to start his car.
'But, Seth..' before I could say something, Seth left. Can't blame him. He needs to get inside his house too.
I started walking ahead of the parking to find a cab. Just then I heard a car horn.
I turned to see Mr. Reigns' car coming this way. I shifted a little giving his the way.
But, instead of passing, he stopped the car in front of me. The glass went down to reveal Mr. Reigns wearing those infamous Ray Ban glasses.
'You didn't leave yet?' he asked.
'No.' I said with a smile. 'I'm just waiting for a cab.' I said.
He narrowed his eyebrows.
'Alone?' he asked.
'Apparently yes.' I said looking towards the road. 'Alexa and Becky planned for a restaurant and I was too tired for that.' I said.
'Oh! I see.' he said. 'Hop in.' he said pointing to the passenger seat for me.
I frowned my eyes in surprise.
But, then he leaned to open the door of the passenger seat for me.
'What are you waiting for?' he asked. 'You won't get a cab at this time of the night.' he said.
I nodded and walked towards the other side of the car and went inside, sitting next to Mr. Reigns.
I closed the door and put the seat belts on. I felt Mr. Reigns staring at me for sometime. I turned to look at me when I was done doing the belts.
'Where do you live?' Mr. Reigns asked in a deep voice.
Finished the big chapter.
With various implications and leaving many for future.
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