Past Present Future
Wilhelm Hartmann was sitting on his sleeping bag in his tent. The early morning light shone in. He heard the birds chirping and the leaves gently rustling in the soft breeze. Grabbing one of his briefcases he opened it up and noticed a small picture of himself in a dark wooden frame. Staring at the picture he then placed his fingers on the glass feeling a sense of guilt for his past actions.
Suddenly he heard some footsteps rustling in the grass outside his tent. Looking up at the entrance to his tent he noticed Koralin entering it. He then pressed the picture up against his chest Koralin noticed this and approached him and knelt down in front of him. Looking into his icy blue eyes she noticed a hint of guilt in them.
"What's wrong Mr. Hartmann?" she asked.
"I'm just missing my brother," he replied. "He is still in East Germany and I haven't heard from him lately."
"Is what you are holding a picture of him?" she asked.
"Yes. You can look at it if you wish," he replied.
Wilhelm then handed the picture over to Koralin and she started to look at it.
"He looks like you,"
"Well, we are twins,"
Koralin continued to look at the picture until she noticed the uniform. She then looked up at Wilhelm with a look of shock in her eyes.
"Was he a soldier?" she asked.
"No, he was like me. Didn't like violence," he replied.
"Why does he have a Nazi uniform then?" she asked.
"He was a physicist. Working on a project that I saw as terrifying and unimaginable. Smart man, he understood physics in a way that I couldn't," he replied.
"Did you want to be a physicist?" she asked out of curiosity.
"Yes, I did. But unlike my brother, I didn't understand physics that well," he replied.
Koralin then handed the picture back to Wilhelm who put it back into the briefcase on top of his clothing. Wilhelm then looked at Koralin and gave her a small smile. Koralin then pulled a newspaper out of the inside of her long brown woollen coat and handed it to Wilhelm. Who put it down beside his sleeping bag.
"I thought that you would want this," she said with a small smile.
"Thank you Koralin," he replied.
"I'm assuming that I might see you later on Mr. Hartmann," she said.
"Yes I mean I will be out on the wharf for a while. I enjoy the view and it's peaceful out there," he replied.
"I suppose that I better get going. I have to go help my mother at the bakery," she said.
"Enjoy your day Miss Assing," he replied politely.
Koralin then got up off the ground and exited her tent. Wilhelm then took another look at the picture before closing the briefcase. Wilhelm then put his head in his hands and sighed out of frustration mainly at himself.
Wilhelm thought to himself out of frustration and slight guilt. "I need to tell her the truth eventually. But I'm unsure if she will be able to keep it a secret. How can you tell someone that you were formerly a physicist working for the Nazis and building a bomb?"
Tears start streaming down his face out of pure guilt and utter frustration at himself. He then opened his briefcase again grabbed the picture and threw it onto the grass facing up. Then he stood up and violently stomped his foot onto the picture. Shattering the glass pane inside the frame into little shards. Kneeling down he carefully removed the photograph from the frame. Then he started to violently tear up the photograph and he also started fully bursting into tears and cursing under his breath.
After tearing up the photograph he held the torn up parts in his hand and looked at them through tear filled eyes. Eventually, he walked outside and looked up at the large white clouds slowly travelling across the clear blue sky. Then he looked back down at the small pieces of the photograph in his hand one last time before stuffing them in the pocket of his trousers. Wandering back inside his tent he then sat down on his sleeping bag picked up the newspaper and started to read it until he got to a part of it that concerned him deeply.
The Soviet Army destroyed the laboratory in Los Alamos. They are continuing their invasion of the United States and are trying to take it over completely. If this invasion continues the Soviet Union will be the most powerful nation in the world. Many countries in Europe are allowing American citizens to enter the countries as refugees. West Germany shall allow American Citizens to enter its borders and seek refuge within.
We also know that the Soviets in East Germany are still searching for the physicist Werner Heisenberg who has been missing for two weeks now. No one knows where he is or if he is even still in Germany. We also don't know if he is possibly still even alive.
Wilhelm stopped reading the newspaper and placed it back down on the ground beside his sleeping bag. He tried to hold back more tears due to possibly knowing that everyone in the Los Alamos laboratory might be dead. The tears started to slowly stream down his face and he began to grieve the loss of those who had died.
"Robert I wanted to make amends with you," he said to himself through sobs. "I wanted to make amends. I wanted to talk with you like we did in the past when we were still friends."
"I have lost everything and I almost brought something terrible into this world," he said. "I'm also just lying about who I am. I need to tell the truth eventually."
After a while, Wilhelm wipes away his tears and takes a couple of deep breaths to regain his composure. He then picked up his fishing rod got up off his sleeping bag exited his tent and started making his way to the wharf.
Out in the New Mexico desert, Oppenheimer and Lloyd were lying awake in their sleeping bags underneath a large willow tree. The only sounds that could be heard were the soft rustling of the leaves and the breathing of both men. Lloyd looked over at Oppenheimer who was just looking up at the cloudy sky.
"Oppie are you alright?" he asked out of curiosity.
"No, I'm not I'm just hurting on the inside," he replied. "I regret creating a weapon that is probably going to be used for mass destruction."
"I understand that you feel that way," he said. "I understand that you are feeling that pain and the guilt."
"It's been five years Lloyd," he replied as some tears streamed down his face. "Five years since my creation killed all those people. Their blood is on my hands."
Lloyd then closed his eyes and started to drift off to sleep. Oppenheimer wiped his tears away and continued staring up at the dark clouds. Suddenly he heard something approaching that sounded like rolling thunder. He got out of his sleeping bag and walked out from underneath the tree. He started searching the darkness his eyes rapidly flitting around feeling the panic rising in his chest realizing they might have been found.
Two fighter planes flew over filling the air with a deafening roar. Oppenheimer looked up and watched them chasing each other around. Small bright flashes and deafening cracks filled the sky from the bullets being fired by the plane. Lloyd then started to wake up from the noise. Getting out of his sleeping bag he then started approaching Oppenheimer.
"Oppie what's happening?" he asked out of concern while still approaching Oppenheimer.
"There's two planes fighting against each other," he replied. "Supposedly a Russian and American plane."
Lloyd then stopped beside Oppenheimer and they both watched the planes continue to fight against each other. Suddenly one of the planes was shot down and started rapidly falling to the ground with a trail of smoke behind it. The other plane continued to fly off into the distance. Eventually, the plane that was shot down crashed into the ground. A loud boom echoed across the landscape from the explosion. Flames and smoke shot up from the crash site. Oppenheimer went to walk towards the crash site. But Lloyd firmly gripped onto Oppenheimer's arm stopping him from walking off.
"Hang on Oppie. What if the pilot is Russian," he said with concern.
"I know that you are worried about me Lloyd," he replied. "But if they are Russian or American we still need to make sure they got out of the plane and are alright."
Llyod reluctantly let go of Oppenheimer's arm and they both began to approach the crash site. Upon reaching the crash site they noticed a pilot removing his parachute. Oppenheimer and Lloyd stopped and cautiously watched the pilot. The pilot then noticed Oppenheimer and Lloyd staring at him.
"Good evening gentlemen," the pilot said while removing his helmet revealing his short scruffy dark blonde hair and emerald eyes.
"Who are you?" Lloyd asked.
"My name is Captain Harrison Burns," Harrison replied.
"I must say that you look quite young for a pilot," he said.
"I get that a lot. I'm twenty one years old. But I look around eighteen," he replied. "I know I have a baby face. Anyways I suggest we move away from the burning plane."
Harrison, Llyod and Oppenheimer began walking away from the burning plane. After a few minutes of walking, they eventually reached the area where Lloyd and Oppenheimer were staying. Lloyd walked over to his sleeping bag got into it and tried to go back to sleep. Oppenheimer walked over to his sleeping bag and sat down on it. Harrison walked over to Oppenheimer and sat down next to him up against the tree trunk. He then stared at Oppenheimer analyzing his face.
"I recognize you," he said.
"A lot of people say that to me," he replied.
"Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer the man who made the bomb that helped us win the war," he said. "Why are you out here?"
"The Soviets destroyed the Los Alamos laboratory. They are after me for my secrets," he replied in a sombre tone. "So I escaped with my assistant Dr. Lloyd Goff. We were the only survivors of the attack."
"I see. Where are you headed now?" he asked.
"My ranch. Anyways I'm going to try and get some rest, Captain I suggest you do the same," he replied.
Oppenheimer got into his sleeping bag and closed his eyes slowly drifting off into a deep and peaceful sleep. Captain Harrison Burns stared up at the clouds feeling surprised that he was still alive and now with one of the most famous physicists in history.
A few hours later in Emden, Germany, the sun was setting. Wilhelm was standing in front of the campfire he had lit recently. The sound of the wood popping and crackling from the heat filled the air. Tiny embers drifted around the flames and the smell of the wood burning filled Wilhelm's nostrils. Grabbing the small pieces of the photograph out of the pocket of his trousers. He looked at them and tears slowly started to fill his eyes blurring his vision slightly. Throwing the pieces of the photograph into the fire he watched them burn. Feeling the tears slowly stream down his face like raindrops falling off tree leaves after a storm.
He then noticed Koralin approaching him with a small box in her hands. He went to walk into his tent so Koralin wouldn't see him in this state. But he heard rapid footsteps approaching him and then he felt a small gentle tap on his shoulder. Turning around he noticed Koralin standing in front of him with a small warm smile on her face. Wilhelm wiped his tears and gave her a small smile even though to him it felt forced. Koralin noticed the tear stains on his cheeks and the tears that Wilhelm was holding back.
"Mr Hartmann, are you alright?" she asked with slight concern.
"I'm fine just thinking about what happened in my past," he replied.
"Did you have a rough past?" she asked.
"Yes. I don't like to talk about it. But I unfortunately just end up thinking about it and it hurts," he replied.
"My mother always told me to not dwell too much on the past and to focus on the present and hope for a bright future," she said. "Anyways I want you to have these."
Koralin handed Wilhelm the small box which had a picture of a daisy on it. Wilhelm opened the box and he noticed three pink macaroons and three brown macaroons. He then looked at Koralin and gave her a more cheerful smile. Then he closed the box.
"Thank you, Miss Assing," he said.
"Your welcome Mr Hartmann," she replied. "I better head home now. Good night."
"Good night Miss Assing," he said.
Koralin then started cheerfully sprinting back into the town. Wilhelm then entered his tent sat down on his sleeping bag and placed the box of macaroons down beside him.
Wilhelm thought to himself. "I should be focusing more on the present rather than the past. I need to figure out when to tell her that I am Werner Heisenberg. She seems kind and trusting. I will figure this out later."
Getting into his sleeping bag he then closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep.
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