IX: The Wedding
*Le Time Skip Of A Few Weeks Or Whatever 'Cause I'm Mostly Out Of Ideas At The Moment And We Haven't Had One of These In A While. To Summarize- Y/N Visits Sabertooth A Lot and Hangs Out With Sting and Rogue, Y/N Has Been Planning Ways To Get Back At Rogue, Both Have Been Flirting With Each Other Like The Dorks They Are*
You rush into the SaberTooth guild hall, dropping your bags and running over to your brother. Throwing your hands in the air, you squeal and wrap him in a hug (you kind of feel like the crazy aunt that gets too excited about things).
"Congratulations!!!" you cheer. Yukino walks over to the two of you and grabs Sting's hand, smiling. They show you their engagement rings. You sigh; they were beautiful.
"Oh, I'm so happy for you guys!" You hug them both, smiling brightly. You were so proud of your little brother. You take him away from Yukino for a bit so you could talk to him.
"So, you finally got the guts to pop the question, eh?" you tease, punching Sting on the shoulder. Sting rolls his eyes and grins.
"Yeah, you could say that. I've been wanting to ask for a while, but I needed the right moment. It finally came up."
"I'm glad you did. I need a sister-in-law. Maybe she'll keep you in line," you tease Sting. He sticks his tongue out at you. Laughing, you wind up back in the main hall with everyone else. Your brother buys you a drink and you sit at the bar while he goes back to Yukino. Rogue slides into the seat next to you with a drink of his own.
"That's cool that Sting and Yukino are engaged," he says. You take a sip of your drink, smiling into your cup. There's your boy.
"Yeah. My brother and your best friend marrying a cute girl from the guild. We can be alone together," you joke, raising your glass.
"To Sting and Yukino!" Rogue cheers, and the two of you clink glasses. You both sip your drinks, then get refills.
After a while, the place starts to get rowdier. People are fake-fighting and rough-housing and being loud. Rogue and you have to start talking louder over the noise.
"It's getting pretty hot in here, don't you think?" you mention, unbuttoning some of your shirt. Rogue stares out of the corner of his eye and bites his lip. You wink, turning to see the commotion.
"Do you really feel the need to do things like that?" Rogue groans.
"Hmm..." You take another drink. Some of the guild members were drunk and fighting while Sting was trying to stop them. You laugh at the chaos.
"I hear you're the Maid of Honor," Rogue says. You nod.
"And you're the Best Man." The wedding was tomorrow; you wish you had been able to visit earlier, but you hadn't been able to make it. You'd spend the night here and attend tomorrow's wedding. You turned back to Rogue.
"You better give my brother a nice bachelor party tonight. Don't let him drink too much. Make sure he has fun," you command. Rogue smiles and nods.
"Taking charge, are we?" he jokes. You buy another drink, gulping it down. The chaos in the hall is getting worse, and you stand up.
"It's too loud and too hot. I'm going outside," you yell over the noise. You start walking and Rogue comes with you. Once outside, you take some deep breaths.
"Hey, are you alright?" Rogue asks. You cover your face with you hands and nod.
"My baby brother is getting married tomorrow and I'm halfway drunk. It's all good, I'm fine." You lift your head and breathe deeply.
"After all, what could possibly go wrong?"
*The Next Day*
"You look gorgeous," you say as Yukino steps out of the dressing room. She has on her wedding dress: it's a strapless dress with a skirt that puffs out a little with a long train. It's mostly white, but has some light blue fabric that makes it stand out. She looks absolutely beautiful.
"Aww, thank you." She smiles and looks over your dress; she chose it especially for you since you're the Maid of Honor. It's pale blue and sleeveless, with a bunched top and a skirt that flows down to your knees. It had a silver braided belt with it and a matching headband.
"I've never seen you in a dress before! You should wear them more often." That was quite the compliment coming from Yukino. You help her with her train as the music starts to play from outside the dressing room.
"Ready?" you ask. She takes a deep breath, nods and puts on a smile. Even though it's not traditional, you're the one walking her down the aisle. You had been surprised when she asked you to do it, but you had no objections either. People stand and turn, smiling at the bride. Looking ahead, you see that Sting had the biggest smile of all. His eyes are locked on Yukino. With everyone staring at you, the walk up the aisle seems to take forever.
Finally, you reach the alter, and Yukino walks up the stairs while you stand off to the side next to Rogue. He leans over to you.
"You look amazing," he whispers. You blush and look down.
"Thanks. I don't really like dresses though." You tug at your skirt.
In no time, the wedding is over and it's time for the reception. The guild hall was cleared out and there was music and food. It was incredible. Desert was playing with Frosch and Lector and everyone was congratulating the new couple. You went to give them a present.
"Y/N!" Sting cheers when he sees you. He wraps you in a big hug and you laugh.
"Hey. I just came to give you guys your wedding present." You hand them a wrapped box.
"Ooh! Can we open it now?" Yukino asks. You nod. Sting tears off the wrapping paper like a child at Christmas and opens the box. Yukino peeks in it with him.
"Oh wow," they breathe together. Inside was an ornately carved silver tree with a miniature swing attached to it. It had gemstone leaves and small figurines of Sting and Yukino holding hands.
"Where'd you get this, Y/N?" Sting asks.
"I made it. I couldn't think of anything to get you, so I decided to do that instead. And when you have kids, you can call me up and I'll add them too!" They continue staring at the tree.
"It's amazing. Thank you." They give you another hug. You smile and let them get on with talking to guests.
Before you know it, the last dance of the night has come. Sting and Yukino are on the dance floor and lots of people are dancing together. Someone taps your shoulder.
"May I have this dance?" Rogue asks, winking. You roll your eyes, but accept his hand. He leads you onto the floor, and you dance. He's actually a good dancer, which surprises you a little. You two talk for a bit, but mostly dance and listen to the music. The song eventually ends. Sting and Yukino bid everyone farewell, and as they leave, Yukino throws the bouquet. You aren't really paying attention, but when something comes flying at your face, you catch it instinctively. A bouquet of flowers is lying in your arms. You turn to the door where the new couple is leaving, and Sting winks at you before he walks out the door.
"Tch..." you smirk, handing the bouquet to someone else. You don't even notice Rogue staring at you from the corner of the room, the traces of a smile on his face.
Heya friends! Thanks for 14k reads! Sorry it took so long to update- I got a little busy. Hope you liked this chapter!
Leia: Bet you weren't expecting that, my dear readers!
Y/N: I'm glad they're married. Honestly, it's about time...
Rogue: No kidding! But hey, you caught the bouquet.
Y/N: So? It's not like it matters.
Leia: *rolls eyes*
*turns to readers*
They have no idea...
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