Chapter 26: Daigo
As soon as they could go home, Daigo turned to her and said, "Don't forget about the competition."
Robin blinked. "What competi- shoot!" She dug out the dress in her bag and ran to the bathroom. " Give me three minutes!"
She quickly put on the red dress, and hastily made sure her short hair wasn't frizzy. Lights! Camera! Action! Robin the Sunshine is ready to roll!
Ramos cracked up.
At the school auditorium, they both stopped to appreciate Zac's influence. It was nearly impossible to get the auditorium and gym for a dance, much less a full blown, fans screaming, popcorn selling event. Daigo's jaw dropped. "Woah."
"Woah," Robin agreed. "Ready to see me screw up because I chose a song I just learned?"
"Yep," he replied as they started walking again. "And when did you have time to learn a new song?"
"You'd be surprised how long you have after bey training." They reached the door.
"See ya in a few minutes!"
===since the lazy author doesn't feel like creating the dramatic I'm so nervous scenes, I'll just tell you what happened fast.===
Robin got to the last round against Orochi with several different songs. The first round was, "Walking the Wire," by Imagine Dragons. Second round was, "Hanging Tree," from Hunger Games. The final round was "Just a Dream," against Orochi, with him singing the male parts. Unfortunately, he was way better at slow songs.
"Orochi Ginba is the winner!" Zac announced. He turned and flashed a bright smile to the others, mostly fan girls, who screamed and fainted. "But thank you to all who participated!"
Was it just her, or did Zac's eyes linger on her slightly longer?
I'm sorry I'm so late with this, please don't be mad. The computer doesn't work anymore for some reason and I can't do this at school. Sorry, but enjoy!
They walked home, to Shu and Robin's apartment.
"Let's play video games?"
Daigo agreed. "But whoever wins chooses what we do next." He smirked, realizing with her pure mind, she had no idea what he was thinking about.
She beat him in several strategy games, but after several more of his losses, Robin gave in and let him play an fps(first person shooter) game. Robin got destroyed in seconds.
"No fair!" she complained. "I wasn't ready!"
Daigo snorted, remembering her easy confidence with the Fire Emblem Heroes game. "Uh- huh. Whatever. We'll play again."
She lost, and cursed. "How did you--!"
He grinned. "Well, I won again, so I get to decide what to next..." Daigo smiled mischievously, and unwrapped his bandanna. He grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards the bed.
NO they did not do it. They are eleven years old. You people and your dirty minds...
He woke up feeling safe and warm. Then he realized that he had not sleep walked off the bed, and had no new bruises. Woah... not being bruised when I wake up. That's new.
Daigo felt soft breathing next to him, turned around to see Robin next to him, mumbling in her sleep. Her white hair was messed up, and she was still wearing her backpack. Daigo suddenly had a mental image of them as husband and wife, waking up to another day. Without thinking, he pressed a gentle kiss to the other girl's forehead. "Good moring, love..."
Her eyes fluttered open, and she smiled groggily. "Good mor--"
"Shu!!!" Valt screeched through the door. Both cried out and covered their ears. "Shuu!! Where are you! This isn't funny!"
Daigo suddenly remembered he was supposed to be at home with Ryota. His parents were coming back the next day, and if his brother heard just a breath about this, he would be in for it.
Banging issued at the front door. He got up, still in his clothes from yesterday, but Robin groaned and tugged on his arm. "Sorry, Robin," he whispered, standing up. "Keep this a secret? My parents would kill me. And I'm not even sure that's an exaggeration."
She grumbled a curse and stood up. "Valt! I think Shu may have went to go run again!"
"Did he go to the beach?"
"Nope!" Robin yelled back. "Both of us hate water! He just goes there because you like it."
Daigo mouthed, You hate water?
She unzipped her backpack and scribbled, Hate getting soaked. Feels so weird. And I can't swim, so there's that.
"WE'RE TRYING TO SLEEP!!!!" bellowed an irritable old man from next door. "SHUT IT, WHIPPERSNAPPER!!!"
"WHAT IF I'M AN OLD MAN TOO!!!" Valt screamed back. Daigo heard glass in the bathroom fracture, them the smol bean yelp. Something outside had probably shattered.
"WELL, YOU'RE NOT!!!!!" The old man sounded really triggered.
"BECAUSE I SAID SO!" Valt screamed, loud enough that he saw Robin's lights break.
Daigo decide this was a good enough time to leave.
"So none of you have seen Shu anywhere?" Valt asked. He had gathered everyone together in record time, as only the smol bean could.
"We're better off without him."
The last one was Wakiya, and with a cry of anger, Valt launched himself at him. With rarely seen ferocity, he punched the blonde in face. Or tried to. Since he was so short, he actually hit Wakiya in the chest, sending him reeling. "Ouch!"
Valt stepped back, a red flush spreading across his face. "Don't say that again."
"Actually," Robin cut in, stepping in front of Valt, keeping him away from the offending boy. "I guess I saw him heading out last night. I followed him a little, but he was about to find me before I left. He seemed to be heading to the mountains."
A rustle in the tree near him. Daigo turned, narrowing his eyes. How does this guy hide so well?
"Hey guys,"the tree said cheerfully. Everyone else spun around. "Mind if I... drop in?"
Xander appeared upside down, hanging from one of the tree branches. Robin laughed.
"You need a new hobby," Robin decided. "There have got to be better ones than stalking people from trees."
"Your right," the red haired giant said amiably. "Like stalking people from the ground! Anyways, Shu's at my grandpa's. Sorry, Kurenai, you know the rules."
She nodded. "I remember. Yugo's back?"
"Yeah. Poor Ukyo. He got chewed out by him for taking Daigo side."
"Would anyone bother telling us what your talking about?" Wakiya yelled.
"No." Daigo rolled his eyes.
"I can't come, if you wanna visit Shu," Robin explained, in fewest words possible. She removed her earbuds.
"Again with the earplugs," Honcho complained. "What're you listening to that's so interesting?"
She unplugged it from her phone, and a torrent of curses poured out.
Xander covered Valts ear. "You're allowed to listen to that?"
"Nope, but Mom and Dad are in America, and I change my phone passwords monthly."
Xander fell out of the tree, but righted himself before hitting the ground. "What is that earrape, anyways?"
"Fan music. Isn't it great?"
The others looked away, muttering agreement. No one was willing to get on her bad side, except for Xander, who coughed something that sounded suspiciously like, "OTAKU!!!"
"Let's go!" Valt yelled, bounding over the bushes and racing north.
"Hey Valt?" Daigo called.
He stopped. "Whaat?" The smile bean complained, stretching the 'a.'
"The dojo's the other way."
They had to get up and over two big hills before they could reach their destination. Daigo cursed inwardly, remembering how bad his mile time was. "Isn't there a path?"
Ignoring the question, Xander easily jumped from rock to rock, going up really fast.
"Well, come on!" He yelled from the top.
"Yeah, guys!" Toko agreed from Xander's shoulder.
"Hurry!" Nika added, sitting on the other shoulder.
Honcho groaned, likely cursing inwardly the same way Daigo was. "Is he even human?"
Ken nodded, and Besu said, "Yes."
The blonde seemed on the verge of speaking, but then Valt gave a wild yell, changed up the last few rocks, and dropped into a hole.
"Traps? Why!!!" He whined, making the observing birds in the trees squawk and fly away. Those who didn't leave fast enough died.
The dark eyed boy frowned and picked one up by the wing. "Valt, stop screaming."
The smol bean stood up and started forward, saying something along the lines of finding Shu.
And then he fell into the pit again.
"THIS PIT HATES ME!" He wailed.
The rest of the birds died.
Valt was gasping for breath when he finally found the path, and he wasn't the only one. Daigo was breathing heavily, Ken looked faint in his thick green jacket(how he was still wearing that monstrosity was a mystery) and Honcho and Wakiya were leaning on each other, covered in light scratches. Everyone but Daigo and Xander had scratches on them, because they were the only ones who sensed the traps. The giant redhead claimed it made the trip "interesting."
"There was a PATH?" The mini sonic was appalled. "We could have gone this way?"
"Yeah.." the giant admitted. "But it would be boring."
Wakiya fell over.
Daigo snickered at his reaction.
That would have been you, had I not stopped you.
Oh. Well... I have decided I have no idea what you're talking about!
Xander had been quiet for a total of twenty seconds, so he probably figured it was alright to speak. "Yugo, I know you're there," he addressed a nearby tree, as the other cast each other mystified looks. "Why don't you come out?"
Wakiya opened his mouth to say something, but then there was a rustle. A dark shape burst from the foliage, jumping high above them. Yugo landed gracefully before them. "Was wondering when you'd show up." He turned to look at Valt. "So you're Xander's friend. Huh." He grinned. "You're kinda clumsy."
"What?" Valt thought for a moment. "Wait, you set those traps?"
Yugo snorted. "Those are the most basic traps ever. You'll never be a ninja, that's for sure." He lowered his voice menacingly, and Daigo rolled his eyes. "Let me get this straight. I'm Xander's right hand man, got that?"
The smol bean looked confused and completely out of his element. "Cool, can I be his left?"
The neko couldn't keep silent and laughed. The samurai in training glared at him . "It's not funny, apprentice! At least I can do something here!"
"Ooh," Xander realized. "So you're the new apprentice, huh? Kind of expected it to be Ukyo." He turned to Yugo, who was giving everyone angry looks for some reason. "Come on, everyone, I'll show you where Shu is."
Shu was sitting down on the white bed. An old man with a grey bun was checking his arm. "You should have come earlier," he said. Shu yelped as he pushed at the same pressure point Xander had found. "This is easy to fix, but... this is bad enough that most people would be screaming. Why didn't you stop beyblading?"
"I promised Valt I'd meet him in the finals."
"Hmm. Well, just be careful. You already know you're able to take a lot, but your body has limits. Passing those will hurt you, and you won't be able to continue blading. Breathe out."
He pushed on the side of his arm hard, and the albino stopped a curse before it passed his lips. "D-did it work?"
"Try it." Sensei Kaito invited. He watched Shu slowly move his arm around, amazed when it didn't hurt. "Make sure you rest for a week, and I can tell if you don't."
He blinked innocently. "How?"
He smiled slightly. "Daigo. My new apprentice."
Shu's jaw dropped. "Daigo?"
"Yes. He seems to have a good heart, though he's a bit too honest. Anyways, you're shoulder'll be fine."
Something slammed into the window, and they both jumped. It was Valt, face pressed against it. "SHUUU!!!! Are you going to be alright?" Tears ran from his face.
He sighed and got up. Sensei Kaito relaxed slightly.
Daigo figured he had waited at the door long enough. He knocked and entered with Ukyo. "Sensei." They both bowed, and the ninja started. "They're here--oh." He sighed. "Anyways, Xander wants to battle him. They need your permission."
Daigo knew how this worked. Anyone who wasn't part of the dojo needed express permission in order to battle there. Robin had told him.
"Of course. Except for Shu." He gestured to him, who was staring sadly at his beyblade.
He blinked and looked up. "Thank you for everything. Do you mind if I watch them?"
"You may." Daigo didn't fail to notice that Sensei's voice had taken a more formal edge.
They left together. On the way, the ninja started to talk to him. "So... Sensei wanted you as an apprentice too. Any ideas why?"
He shrugged. "Maybe because you decided to help me?"
"Maybe." They walked in silence for a few seconds. "You know a sensei can only have one apprentice, right?"
"Yes. But then..." he trailed off.
"He's going to have to choose between one of us at some point," Ukyo finished. "But whatever happens... no hard feelings, alright? I'll even forgive the fact that you tick off Yugo--"
"What'd you say about me?!" the devil himself yelled, appearing from behind them.
Daigo smirked, hand reaching subtly toward a pocket knife that Robin had made him get. "Oh, nothing about stupid pranks or anything."
The Yeggdrion owner glared, but didn't do anything. Perhaps he did have his temper under control. Daigo wondered if he had been taking anger management classes.
Casting an angry look in their direction again, the samurai in training stalked down the hallway, scaring a couple of students.
The two groups met in the dojo. Instantly, Xander was surrounded by excited students.
"My beyblade learned a new move!" one exclaimed-- Lily, if he remembered from last time.
"Battle me, please?" another begged.
A few other ran to look at Shu, mostly girls. "Marry me, senpai! Ditch the Sonic!"
Valt growled in a very un-Valtlike way. "Stop."
The fangirls yelped, but did not disperse. If anything, thought Daigo, they seemed to be even more encouraged. The albino sighed. "Sorry, Valt," he said to the mini Sonic. "I guess I kind of forgot about this. Maybe I should have made it more private."
Anger flashed in the other boy's eyes, but then it was gone, and Valt was Valt again. "No, this would happen anyways."
I feel for them, Doomscizor said. You and Robin don't exactly have the same problem.
Me too.
Xander finally got rid of the crowd and walked to the back. "And this is the special beystadium."
Daigo was sure that Doomscyther would have thought it was the most beautiful thing ever.
Ringed with spikes, and a menacing dark grey color, it would have made the room dark if not for the red haired giant's cheery smile. "What do you think?"
"It's awesome!" cheered Valt. "Battle me!"
Xander nodded, about to step forwards, but Yugo beat him to it. "I'm his right hand man, you battle me first."
The smol bean pouted. "Fine..." He took out Valtryek, which glinted in the light.
Valtryek is saying that she wants to practice against the other beyblade, and see how difficult the stadium is.
So... Valtryek has more sense than her owner? That's new.
Hey! I have more sense than you.
Doomscizor pouted. Hmph! Seeing that Daigo had just been joking, he bounced up again. I forgive you.
The two readied their beyblades."Three!"
"Let it... rip!" Valtryek circled the stadium fast, and Yeggdrion took center, gliding easily.
"Attack!" Valt yelled, swinging an arm. "Flash launch!"
Yugo just grinned.
Valtryek slammed against the other beyblade again and again, but nothing seemed to happen. "Huh?"
"Knock it out of there!" the other boy yelled. Yegdrion hit the blue beyblade super hard, knocking it into the spikes.
"Yielding Yegdrion with a ring out finish! Yugo Nansui scores one point!"
Yielding? Daigo snorted. Seriously? That's gotta be the dumbest name in history of dumb names.
Oh, stop being jealous.
I can see in your head. You're jealous of his skills and his super skilled combat.
Instead of being angry, Valt's eyes shone with excitement as he picked up Valtryek. "Woah! Amazing what adding a few pricklies can do!"
Yugo's face turned red and steam starting coming out of his ears. "THEY'RE NOT PRICKLIES!!!! THEY'RE SPIKES!!!"
Daigo winced."Sheesh, he's louder than Valt."
The albino, standing next to him, shook his head. "Nope. He's still louder."
"I HEARD THAT!" the bluenette bellowed. Then he frowned at his beyblade. "Okay," he muttered. "It's to three points... so what can I do... oh!"
He continued mumbling to himself, until Xander poked him from behind.
"Huh?" Valt looked up blankly. "Yes?"
"The match," prompted the giant. Daigo could hear the ninja hidden in the left corner of the dojo, trying to cover his laugh.
"Oh! Right!" The boy turned back to Yugo, who had smoke coming out of his ears. "Um.. Yugo, your head's on fire."
Ukyo didn't even try to stop laughing. Thankfully, everyone else was laughing too, so the long haired ninja's mirth went unnoticed.
The samurai-in-training was not amused. "Get ready to lose," he said, settling back into his stance.
"No u," the other said simply, causing another wave of laughter. No u was a meme going around, a reverse when somebody said something rude. Daigo didn't really get it, seeing as the reverse uno card or the game where the meme originated from, was actually spelled UNO, not UON.
That doesn't matter right now, Doomscizor chided gently.
Too true.
Yugo growled, and then his eyes seemed to grow more distant, not paying attention to anything else.
That's the look you get when you're reading souls.
I'm no psychic.
Hmm... what if you are....
"Let it... Rip!"
Valtryek hit the stadium, pausing for a second before gaining speed and circling around the outer ring. Yegdrion hit lightly, quickly going to the center without a sound. Valt grinned, eyes shining, and Shu smiled. "He's got this match," Daigo heard the albino say to himself. Know how right he usually was, he decided to pay even more attention.
"Flash Launch!" Valt yeled, swinging an arm. Yugo said nothing, just exhaled slowly. His hand tapped the ground slowly.
Yegdrion says that he's thinking of Robin. Gods, this bey gossips a lot. He says... okay, he says that Yugo mimics her in her style of beybattling. He's tapping his hand to the rhythm of "Battle Scars," for some weird reason. Are you even paying attention?!
Left, right, left right, marching along to the pulse of a heartbeat... No, your not alone, this is what we're fighting for, you know we've all got battle sc--
Daigo blinked from the chat, and glanced back at the battle. Except for rare cases, the chat was in a different space and time, so in the real world, it took less than a second. Valt had just yelled for flash launch, and Yugo's concentration had sharpened to a single point.
Valtryek hit empty air.
The green beyblade easily maneuvered away from the blue one, moving in graceful turns. "Whaa?" The bluenette screeched, then recovered. "Okay, Valtryek, again!"
This was repeated over and over, going farther and farther from the center. Yugo's bey didn't seem to be slowing down in the slightest, whereas Valt's was moving sluggishly. "ONE MORE TIME, PARTNER!!!" he bellowed. Valtryek geard up for the final strike, and the samurai-in-training's eyes widened.
"Oh, no..."
Yegdrion was nearly skewered on the spikes, bursting for a total of two points.
Yugo dropped to his knees, his face a perfect picture of surprise. "Victory Valtryek with a score of two points! Valt Aoi is the winner!"
Valt jumped in the air. "YEAH!!!!!!!"
Everyone winced and covered their ears.
Why me, world? Daigo wondered.
Hey! I'm suffering too!
The neko closed his eyes and sighed. He quietly left the dojo and walked outside, opening his phone and taking out his earbuds. Pressing them into his cat ears, Daigo clicked Robin's number...
And was instanly met by a cacophony of noise. He yelped and pulled the earbuds out."Robin! What is that noise?"
"Anime," she replied cheerfully. "I'll turn it off now, hang on. Okay, done."
The noise mercifully ceased, and Robin started talking again. "Soo.... What is it?"
"Eh, wanted to say hi and I'm bored and Xander and Valt are beybattling and—"
"Say what now?" Her interest peaked. "I wonder who will win?"
"Xander, he's part of Supreme Four, remember?"
"Oh, yeah." They sat in silence for a minute. "You're the new apprentice to Sensei, but isn't Ukyo?"
"Yes, but he'll have to choose one of us at the end of two months. Ukyo says that there's no hard feelings, but he wants it as much as me. Honestly, he's the best choice."
An angry yell came from the direction of the dojo.Xander's laugh followed. "Guess you were right," she said through the phone. "It was Xander. Oh, yeah, how's Shu? He, um, this isn't his first time in a relationship. So.. ah..."
"He's in the dojo, not allowed to battle for a week. And no, he's acting like he usually does."
"Shu's a great actor."
Daigo heard Valt coming.
Robin sighed through the phone, sensing her boyfriend's idea. "Go ahead. Anyways, my anime's calling me! Love you!"
Valt appeared at the door. "Daigo? Daiiigggoooo???"
Daigo turned off his phone and quietly snuck up behind the bluenette. "GUESS WHO!" He bellowed in a deep voice, covering his eyes.
"Gah!" Valt yelped. "Yugo? Xander? Honcho?"
Before he could say Ken, and insult him more, Daigo let go. "Valt..."
"Ack! Where'd you come from?" Valt jumped backwards a foot. "Oh, hi Daigo. I lost. We're going to join Xander for his training. Wanna come?"
Daigo knew exactly how hard the giant trained everyday, despite having no power. Usually, Xander would just bring Yugo, while Ukyo tried to track them. From what the blue ninja had said, it looked like torture. "Do I get a choice?"
"Nope!" Valt exclaimed. "Since Shu's not allowed to go, you have to come. Let's go!"
It was complete torture, especially the run uphill. As bad as it was for him, he guessed it was even worse for Ken, who refused to take off the puppets. After the run, he disappeared into a cave. If he didn't have a cat's sharp eyes, he wouldn't have seen the green boy slip away, nor the tiny opening. Quickly making sure no one was watching, he stripped of his jacket and bandanna and jumped down.
Thirty feet, and he landed easily in a crouch, not a single bone broken. "Ken?"
No response. That was just as well, figuring that he still had the bandanna off. He slipped back into his jacket, put the red cloth band on. He walked inside. "Ken?"
"Dang It, I don't like hide and seek."
"I do," Ken said, to his right. "How did you see me?"
Daigo blinked, startled. "Woah, wait. Your voice is so cool!"
Besu spoke. "Thanks. Why are you here? I came here to think."
"You never sneak away like that," Daigo observed. "So, something's wrong. What?"
"Nonya business," Keru explained. Ken gave the brown puppet a shake.
"Rude," Besu scolded. "You can just tell him."
The neko tiltled his head. "Yeah. You know you can trust me."
"You sure you wanna know?"
Daigo frowned. "Of course, I'm your friend! I can take it!"
He hesitated before speaking.
"I-I am moving to another school," Ken said.
Well, there's that new chapter!!! I'm already thinking of a second book. Also, who do you think Shu's past relationship was with? No hints! I'll tell you if your right, and there were a ton in the chapter with Shu verses Orochi and Robin versus Valt.
Anyways, guess what? My book actually got recommended! OHMYGOSHIMSOHAPPYYAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSS!!
Y oops caps lock.
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