The seed of the past
Kaizo P.O.V
I enter a void. Everything is so empty. I walk a little bit before a door appears and open wide. "Kaizo!" I turn around and slowly turn around. Purple rose stand a few inches away from me. I back up a bit. She looks at me in the eyes ." Enter " I didn't understand, then she pull out her hand pointing to the door behind. "There's nothing to fear of the past" Suddenly I fell like my leg have a mind of its own. It walks towards the door. A light shines bright that capture my eyes. "Big bro!!" A voice so familiar to my ears. "Pang?"
Black Wing P.O.V
I look at him, I could see his eyes are red and watery. " I don't know how could you be my friend?" I look at him and I smile. "Because I'm your friend it's not necessary for you to know" He tried to pull himself away. "How could you.." I cut him immediately." Because I know your pain, to be forgotten,to push truth away when it keeps on chasing you. I know because I once let go someone precious to me now I felt like I failed him and guilt burdens me" He look me his eyes starts to shed tears." I tried all this year to swallow the fact that he change but I can't. I just want to live in the past where our past is " I cut him by rubbing my hand gently on his head. "No matter how much you try you just can't turn back time,no matter how strong you are you just can't. You can only be a part of it in the past." He starts crying again. He slam his face on my chest. Suddenly he starts screaming in pain. I hold both of his shoulder. "Hey, stay with Fang please" "NO, I HAVE TO FACE HIM FOR KAIZO" he push me away and he fall on his knees he embrace himself. I try to reach him. But something stop, not terror or someone in this meaningless void. It's something from his back that shooting out. "ARGHH!!"
Kaizo P.O.V
I stand there. Now I understand what she meant by the seed of the past. "Please stop big bro" "Don't call me pathetic name!" I remember this. This was the first time I made him into who he is right now. I can see him cry while holding his palm. Suddenly a wind blow and that scene fades away. "Captain please let them go they deserve the powers" " How dare you went against me" I could hear him scream in pain. The wind blows away again. She appear in front of me. "Let me guess you're going to show me the horrible things I did do him" She shakes her head. "I want you to remember who you are before your brother's doubt bloom and grew into his own nightmare." The wind blew again. I could hear thunderstorm shouting on top of my head. I could to see the grey sight of the funeral. Everyone walk away leaving the twelve years old me with a baby in my hand. My tears didn't stop flowing some of it fall on the baby's blanket. I went nearer him. He cried but he try to hold it in. Suddenly the baby starts to yawn. It puts hands out. Little me hold the tiny hands a d kiss it gently. "In the future stay with ok Pang" the baby yawn again. Little me smile again in front of my parents funeral. The wind blow again and a new memory comes again. I train at backyard of our house suddenly fourteen years old me heard a banding sound I ran inside and saw 2 years old Pang lying on the floor. I pick him up and his out of cold. I tried to wake him up but he didn't move at all. I carry him and to the nearest hospital. I slam the hospital door open. I hand Pang to the nurse and told her what happen. She took him away. I just waited on the waiting room until the doctor comes to me "He only had little bump his fine. But be more carefull his skull isn't strong if this keep happen you'll know what happen" I noded and thank him. I went inside the room. He's awake. The nurse came to me. "He can go home" I thank her and walk to Pang his head is bandage. I put my hand on his head "No more ok" he noded and laugh. He grab my other hand and hugged it. I carry him and went home. Back to my smile yes I love him more than anything. The wind blow again and this time is when I was 15. "Happy Birthday Little Guy" he hugged me and blow the candle. He look me and smiled. I gave him a pair of glasses. He looked at me puzzle. I put in on him but it drop because it was too big I take of and adjust its size. I put it on him again. I took his hands and put it on the edge of his glasses. A white mask appear. "Now you have powers too" he laugh in joy he starts running through walls. Then I could hear him shout "Hide and seek, hide and seek" "Ok here I come" I look around. "Where are you?" he jumps in front on me from the wall and knock me down I hold my chest and pretend to be hurt. " Ahh!! the pain, blood,blood and death" Pang just laugh of my joke. I pull him closer and kiss hi forehead. The wind blow again. When I was 17. I was sleeping on my bed suddenly I felt a tug. I looked down and saw Pang hugging his stuff animal. He looked he cried. I sit down and put him on my lap. "Nightmares" Pang didn't answer he only answer with a few hics. I hug him and kiss his head. I put him on my bed then I lay down and pulled the blanket. Pang yawn and make himself comfortable and rest his head on my chest. Then we slowly fall into sweet dream.
Purple Rose P.O.V
After the last memory he fall on his knee. "What have I done" he whisper. I walk towards him and sit in front of him.He look at me "What should I do?" I put my hands on his shoulder "Terror feeds on your brother doubt of your love after you change. Save him. Redeem yourself.Be the big brother that your brother needs.
Hey guys sorry for the late update. Exam is finally over so now I can focus on my fanfic. Thanks for the support. See you guys at the next chapter.
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