The shadow...
"Well Piper, it seems that it is now 4:00 and your detention has ended, you are now dismissed" My teacher, Miss Martin, spoke from behind her desk. She is one of the worst teachers in the entire school and I just happen to have her teach me history - my favourite lesson just happened to be taught by the meanest teacher you could ever encounter.
"Goodbye then, Miss Martin" I spoke, venom dripping with each word as she glared at me with piercing brown eyes, her almost invisible eyebrows furrowing in irritation.
"Goodbye, Piper" She spoke, mimicking my previous tone as her darkened eyes met my own, intimidating me slightly.
I broke eye contact and swiftly left the suffocating room, my bag hanging lazily over my shoulder as I quickly closed the door behind me to avoid anymore communication with the witch-like teacher.
As I exited the school I felt a vibration from inside my pocket, indicating that I had a phone call, probably from my mother.
As I pulled the phone from my pocket, the screen seemed to stay black even though someone was ringing. Shouldn't the screen light up and show the caller?
I repetitively pressed the home button but the phone just didn't do anything, it just remained lifeless in my hand. It must be broken or something...
I slipped my phone back into my pocket and continued to stroll down the empty streets until I realised how dark it actually was. It was summer, it shouldn't be dark at 4:00 and the streets should be full of people wanting to go shopping or play football with there friends but, it was empty and dark, the sky a void of midnight black.
I rose my arm to enable me to check the time from the watch which was situated on my thin, pale wrist. The clock read 9:00pm, something was not right at all, I only just left school, it cannot be 9:00! Something strange is happening and I can't help but feel a sense of insecurity arise in the pit of my stomach.
I continued to wander down the pathways in the direction of my home, the only light being from the street lamps that stood tall beside the road although the light didn't seem to glimmer as usual, it almost seemed dull and dead.
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps could be heard from close behind me. I shot around frantically in search for another presence but there was nothing there - it was all just too silent. Maybe I am just paranoid? Maybe it is just my mind playing tricks on me?
I carried on my journey home, my heart beating so hard it felt as if it would rip though my chest. I need to stop being such a scaredy cat. There is nothing there. This is all just my imagination...
Click. Scratch. Click. Scratch. Click. Scratch. The sound of scratched metal echoed through my ears and my breathing hitched and stopped all together. Someone was there. Something was there. It was following me. I need to get home. I need to get away from this thing...
I could hear faint whispers from behind me, they were getting closer and closer. The stench of danger and terror lingered in the air as the atmosphere dropped cold. The wind now dead. The whispers getting louder as the night grew more fearful.
My footsteps became more aggressive as I picked up my pace, scared of what was lingering behind me. Scared of the unknown.
As I turned as the corner, I was greeted by a strange light. I search around for the source and realised it was coming from the sweet shop down the street that I regularly go to on my way to school.
I almost ran to the shop door, opening the door with force and entering as quick as I could, slamming the door close once again disabling anything unwanted from entering. The only noise that could be heard was the bell ringing above the door signalling that I was here.
There was nobody in the shop. No cashier. No customers. No nothing.
The loud silence was almost deafening, my head beginning to spin causing me to become dizzy and sick. The air became thick, almost suffocating me as I searched my pocket frantically for my phone.
Please work. Please work. Please work. My palms were sweaty as I held the phone, pressing the home button once, but unlike last time, the screen lite up bright in my face in an attempt to blind me... YES!
I typed in my passcode and flipped past all my applications until I found my contacts list. Scrolling through my contacts I found the person I was looking for, Luke, my best friend.
Ring... Ring... Ring... "Hello? Piper? What is so important that you wake me up at this time?" He questions sleepily as shivers shoot up my spine at the emptiness of the night. "Luke, someone, or rather something, is following me home. I am at the local sweet shop, please can you come I am really scared" I pleaded, my voice quivering with horror.
"Okay, I will be there in 10 minutes, hold on until then okay?" I heard him reply from the other end of the phone. "O-okay, just please hurry..." I pleaded once again as the hand holding the phone began to shake.
The phone hung up and all sense of security disappeared with just one button. I made my way over to the wall and sat down, hugging my knees to my chest, tears of terror escaping my eyes and rolling down my cheek.
There is something out there. Something after me. It could even be in the shop. It could be here. It could be trying to kill me. It is going to catch me? I am going to die?
I continued to hug myself, every muscle in my body feeling weak and helpless as I shook violently.
Then suddenly, the door opened and the bell rung loudly through my sensitive ears. My blood- curdling scream bouncing off the walls as the shadow on the ground edged closer and closer until...
"Are you okay piper? You look terrified, you really weren't kidding" Luke spoke from beside me as I jumped up from the ground and hugged him so hard that I may have suffocated him.
"Come on, let's get you home before your mum has a heart attack." He says in a soothing tone in an attempt to calm me. "O-okay" was all I could reply with, not really wanting to go back out outside into the living hell.
We walked over to the door and left the shop, strolling down the street in the direction of my house. Behind you. My head shot around violently as I grabbed onto Luke's arm. There was nothing there. Just emptiness. "It's okay" Luke reassured me as we continued on.
Whispers still occupied my sense of sound but I tried not to react, Luke might think I am insane. Hello a voice said followed by a little giggle sounding a lot like a little girl. I'm over here the creepy child giggled again as I looked around to find no one.
All of a sudden, Luke froze in his tracks. His eyes staring blankly ahead but nothing was before him.
"Luke... Luke? Luke! Answer me... Luke!" I panicked whilst shaking his shoulders to try snap him out of it. "LUKE!" I shouted once more... No reaction. All I can hear is whispers, giggles, over and over again, getting closer and closer. Footsteps getting louder and louder, faster and faster. "Luke" I shouted once more, but it was too late as I felt two cold hands grab me from behind...
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