Twenty Six
*edited to not be a literal long ass paragraphhhhhh haha
8k words ??? I'm on something I swear — anyways enjoyyyyyy
"Athena?" I turn away from the nudge on my shoulder with an annoyed groan, snuggling back into the thick duvet that covers me. The mattress I'm on feels like a cloud and my body sinks into it like a weight, drawing me back into sweet sleep.
"Athena." The nudge on my shoulder becomes more forceful. If I ignore this villain who seeks to destroy my peaceful rest then maybe they will just — "Athena."
I let out a loud groan and, with some effort, turn my body around and lift my heavy eyelids with slow, challenging blinks. "Athena it's time to get up," Micahs familiar voice tells me gently and I take in his features so close to me before sighing heavily and closing my eyes yet again, my lips forming a pout.
"Go away," I manage, hugging the duvet tighter to myself in the hopes he will get the message. I sigh deeper and prepare to fall back asleep when his hand touches my cheek, the strange feeling making my body more aware.
"Athena it has been over eight hours," he says, his words forming like they've been spoken over a smile. "You need to get up and eat something, nurses orders."
"Ugh," I struggle, opening my eyes more and forcing myself into an upright position. "What time is it?" I say groggily, rubbing my eyes to look at him better.
His lips are slightly upturned as he stares at me and I can't fathom why, I have zero doubt that I look like a hot mess. "It's nearly eight p.m. The chefs have already gone home but my mom and I made some dinner for you back at the house. I was going to bring it here but I figured a short walk might help you wake up a bit."
"Why would I want to wake up?" I retort, moving to slump back into the bed but he swiftly manoeuvres one hand to the small of my back, the other lightly gripping my forearm to keep me up.
He laughs. "Okay sleepy head." He turns me so that I'm forced to move my legs over the bed. I feel so tired I could fall asleep even in this position. "You just need to get some food in your system and move around a little bit and then you can go straight back to bed — I promise. You need it."
My hand feels numb in its bandage, no where near as painful as before. "Okay." The second I stand up my legs crumble beneath me, forcing me to link my arm around Micahs bicep to stay from falling.
"Woah, easy," he says, supporting me back into a standing position. I remain leaning into him, my body feels like its been drugged but I still have full consciousness. "You are just adjusting to my blood in your system. The doctor explained that the effects might last a little longer because we aren't fully mated yet, which is why some sustenance is needed," he explains and I try to overlook the yet in his words though it lingers. I didn't expect the thought of us mating to cross my mind this close to waking up at all but I quickly brush it away.
"This has got to be what taking drugs feels like," I say, eliciting another laugh.
"Do you think you can try walk now?" He asks and I nod, moving my feet with a bit more stability. I still clutch onto his arm as we move though, not trusting myself enough to stay upright.
Once we step out into the empty hallway I feel slightly less tired and heave a sigh before I look to Micah with wide eyes. "What's for dinner?" I ask as my stomach grumbles.
"I made some meat and vegetables," he tells me and admittedly, it doesn't sound that appealing. I could really go for some loaded fries and a shake right about now.
"You cooked?" I ask and he raises his free arm.
"Well sort of, my mom helped. A lot," he admits with a smile. "She was adamant that I atone for the sin of letting you go hungry and threatened that the goddess would have retribution if I didn't."
I look at him quizzically. "It took the threat of a goddesses revenge for you to cook me a meal?" I tease and he laughs.
"I would've helped regardless."
I think back to his burned pizza. To give him some credit we were in the middle of an argument but still — you've got to be pretty bad to fuck up frozen pizza. We walk out a door into the cool night and the lights adorning the Alphas large white house immediately meets me.
My stomach clenches into a tight, grumbly knot. I could eat out an entire grocery store right now or a million of my moms lasagna's. Mom. Dad. They are probably—
"Yo Micah!" We both turn around to find his younger brother Joey jogging towards us, clad in basketball attire with sweat glistening on his skin. "How's it going big bro? Nice to see you too Athena," he says, nodding towards me as we all walk towards the house.
"Did training end early?" Micah asks him with furrowed brows.
"Yeah, Dad made me run a loop of the pack house grounds to compensate," he shrugs with a smile and Micah nods like the notion makes complete sense. "It was a good training session though, I totalled top shots for the team and managed to break zero hands in the process."
He jumps a safe distance away immediately, a teasing grin on his face as Micah looks at him with vengeful promise. "How would you like me to break your wrist?" Micah retorts and Joey grins, letting out a laugh.
"Relax bro, I'm just teasing. Besides, last time you broke one of my bones mom took all of our screen time away — not a win for anyone. Not to mention what she would do if it were in front of your mate." The term always manages too illicit a strange feeling in my stomach.
Micah just growls at him. Literally growls and the squabble is the most human yet wolf interaction I've ever witnessed.
"Don't worry Thea, his poor athletic skills are only one of his very few flaws. My brother is pretty much perfect everywhere else. Aside from his ugly face." Micah just rolls his eyes as his brother laughs, entertained in his teasing.
I stare at Micah for a second longer, at his perfectly chiseled jawline and his soft full lips, at the way his skin seems to always glow even though its dark outside. He's the furthest thing from ugly and while I may be mad at him — I can't deny he looks like a literal god.
"Can I quote you on that? Chances are the paper are going to want me to do another sport write up sometime." I ask Joey with a smirk, feeling Micahs look of feigned betrayal written on his face.
"Woah, you can't take his side on this — that's straight up unfair." I just raise my bandaged hand in response. "Touché."
Joey is first to barrel through the door and I walk in behind him, both of us following the scent to the kitchen. It smells literally amazing, like mouth-watering.
"We're home!" Joey announces and we all round into the kitchen and I take in the scene before me, Charlie playing on a gaming device on the floor while the Alpha stands close behind Rose in the kitchen, smiling at her intently as she serves up food.
Their eyes all snap up to our entrance and though the Alphas soft eyes harden slightly, Rose beams. "About time! This food is getting cold, Athena I am so happy you are here to join us, please sit," she says, moving from her mates hold to pull out a stool underneath the island bench. "How are you feeling? Is your hand any better? You must be hungry by now. Honey, did you set the table?" She asks the Alpha and its strange to hear him referred too in such a way.
"I'll get onto that right away," he says with a smile before nodding towards me. "It's good to see you Athena."
He picks out the cutlery and Joey rounds into the kitchen next to his dad whilst he collects silverware, lifting up a cover to a cake before the Alpha growls lowly. "Son get your hands out of there and go and clean yourself up, we have a guest." The order makes Joey move from the treat, groaning.
"Yes sir," he mumbles, moving away.
It's all so... domestic, a far cry from the regal rigidity I expected.
I notice Rose still holding out the stool and I subconsciously step further back into Micah, the only person here I really know. "Oh its okay, I can stand. I really feel okay," I reply but my dependence on Micahs arm gives away the lie.
"Nonsense, sit. Micah will get you something to drink," she says, looking at her son who directs me to the chair before getting me a beverage. I sit with it in my grip, sipping awkwardly as Micah and his mom finish serving food into dishes, her reprimanding him every so often. My brain still feels fuzzy, like this is all just a really vivid dream.
It's not long before we are all sat around the dining table, everyone digging into their food. I put a piece of meat in my mouth and nearly die as it falls apart on my tastebuds, a million explosions of flavour filling my senses. Holy shit.
I swallow it and immediately get more. "I knew you said you could cook, but damn," I say quietly to Micah and he smiles.
"Its a bond perk," he says and his dad laughs at my clear confusion.
"It's true, food made from your mate tastes like pure heaven. I have attempted making meals for this family many times and Rose is the only one who enjoys them," he comments and his kids all nod their heads.
"Huh," I respond, continuing to eat the food on my plate. I don't like the Alpha being so normal, like he isn't the one trying to force my life's path and threaten my family more so than anyone else.
"I'm so glad you are healing Athena. It must have been quite a shock to the system to have your hand broken, with any luck you will be back to normal in a week," Rose says kindly. Its funny because this is a walk in the park compared to the shock of being mated.
"Yeah I definitely wasn't expecting it," I comment, eating more of my amazing food.
"I'm sure you will be healed before the Superiors visit next week," the Alpha says with a smile and I still, my eyes regrettably meeting his.
"The Superiors?" I ask, turning to Micah who visibly grimaces.
"Micah hasn't told you." His dads words are more of a statement, holding a bitter edge that tells me his annoyance at his son reaches over this one failure. Joey leans further into his chair and tries to conceal the smirk playing on his lips.
"The Superiors are visiting next Friday," Micah tells me, his brown eyes connecting with mine as he reads my face for a response. He finds shock. "They are coming to the pack to stay for the weekend and there is going to be a pack dinner. It's..."
"It's so much fun," Rose interjects, seeing her son struggle. Micah doesn't exactly lack confidence so whatever it is he needs to tell me he doesn't want to for fear of my reaction. "I have already got a dress appointment lined up for you to have an outfit at our dinner with them. It is such a joyous occasion and it will be a great opportunity for you to meet the future Superior too."
I let out a sigh, suddenly feeling tired again. I look towards the leaders of the pack and take in the way that the Alpha looks at Micah, disappointment and anger brewing beneath his gaze. Micah looks even more tired than me with at the reaction, he was probably already dragged through the mud today for accidentally hurting me and now he's clearly failed to inform me of an incredibly important dinner for the pack.
"I think you did mention that," I say to Micah and he looks at me with shock, an expression his parents can't see with his attention on me. He never told me a thing. "I can't remember the time for the life of me though, I think the transfusion is hitting me a little hard."
His eyes soften as I cover for him and he clears his throat, nodding as he cuts more food on his plate. "Yeah, it starts at five. It usually goes quite late but you only have to stay for the dinner, I know you already had plans for the weekend."
The Alpha looks between us then, the dagger gaze he sported now gone. "Mhm," I add, swallowing the food in my mouth. "That's right! I'll be there I just can't stay the whole time, I already committed to this other thing so yeah but I'm going to be there," I ramble, trying my best not to fidget with my hands in case Micahs dad can also easily see through my lying habits. But regret instantly worms its way into my logic. How will I explain this to my parents? To Henry? To Gabe? Any of it.
"It's a great night. It's very important that we present a united front to them, the Superiors hold a lot of control in the managing of our countries economics and power. They are very dedicated, as are we, to uniting our species and reforming the packs and are coming to talk through our many new programs dedicated to bridging the gap. They are especially interested at the prospect of a future human luna." Micahs father speaks formally, almost forgetting his family setting entirely and I gulp the remnants of food in my mouth.
"The Superiors are interested in me?"
"Yes, it's not very often Alphas are mated to humans and in our current climate it is a significant matching. One the goddess made to ensure the prosperity of humans and wolves in this pack I'm sure," he says and I wish he would just shut up about the whole mate saga — I don't want to hear it.
"I'm sure it will be a fun night," Micah says to me in a tone set to cut the conversation short. But I don't think even he fully believes his own words, I am way out of my depth.
"I was elected team captain today," Joey says, filling the gap of silence and the conversation shifts, the Alpha family moving into mundane, normal chats about their life and I feel bad that the whole experience was surreal.
Every night I do the exact same with my family but I assumed because of who they were, without knowing them, that they would be different. The Alpha stopped his mate from getting up and took the plates from the table once everyone had finished eating.
"Would you kids like to watch a movie with your desert? Charlie and I baked a cake but I think a film is in order," Rose suggests and I glance at Micah hesitantly, a silent plea beneath my gaze.
"Jungle giants!!!" Charlie exclaims and I know of the latest kids craze, it's a movie I have seen with my younger siblings about a million times.
Micah's gaze softens and he clears his throat. "I should probably take Athena back, her parents will be expecting her home soon."
The Alpha walks back in, cake in one hand and plates in the other, he places them down and then lifts his smaller child who giggles as he is pulled into the air by his father. "Did I hear jungle giants?" He says to Charlie, tickling him as he holds him up in the air, moving him around. "I think that movie is turning my son into a cheeky jungle wolf."
Charlies cries of laughter bounce around the room before he snuggles into the Alphas side. "That sounds great!" Rose says, grinning at her mate.
"Do we have to watch that?" Joey groans.
"You three can watch a movie in your own hangout area." Rose decides, smiling larger at Charlies excitement. "And Athena I'd like for you to stay just an hour longer, in case you start feeling ill. These blood transfusions are incredibly safe but the two of you haven't completed the bond and I just want to make sure that you are completely okay. Besides you will love the cake! Some sugar will do you good."
I'm almost certain that my mom will be poking her head through Pent's trapdoor every ten minutes to make sure I am okay. And they could take me to the hospital—there is one just two blocks down from us and though there aren't many wolves in our neighbourhood I'm sure they've dealt with human blood trans—
"I'm sure Athena's parents won't mind." The Alpha's certainty makes my throat close up, trapping any rebuttal from escaping my lips. "I personally gave them a call earlier explaining the situation. They are aware that she is to stay here until she has recovered. And Micah you can bring her home afterwards or the pack officals will escort her back."
I don't know if its the way he speaks with such certainty or if its the fact that his words are about me and not to me but either way it doesn't feel great. And my guts to respond are non existent.
Micah's gaze flicks over my features. "Dad I think its getting late, Athena did you want to stay for a movie or head home?" I gawk at the question, unsure of how my response would land.
"Micah, your mom has requested that she stays. And as the medical professional in the room I think its best we respect her knowledge. Athena if you'd prefer to rest that is completely acceptable, you can relax in Micah's room or one of the guest rooms."
If I had water in my mouth I'd have spat it straight out. What sort of a thing was that to say?
Micah's hand moves to his temple and he sighs before looking to his father with frustrated eyes. But the next time he opens his mouth and speaks the words are in some foreign tongue, a guttural language that I only faintly recall from the television. Whatever he does say makes the entire room still and anger form in his dads gaze.
But Micah's jaw is set tightly, his own stare vehement enough. When the Alpha does respond, though I don't understand a word of it, his tone is far harsher and I notice Joey wince and Rose sigh deeply. Micah doesn't drop whatever his fight is though and quips back again.
"Its fine!" I announce, a little too loudly and they both whip their attention to me. "It's okay. I can stay for another hour and eat some cake."
Micah sends his father a final glare and stands up, taking two slices of the cake onto plates. "Thanks for helping me make dinner mom." He nods to me and I stand with him.
"Thank you."
"It's no trouble, Joey, can you please wash the dishes before you join those two and have your sweets?"
We can hear his string of protests as we exit the dining room and walk through the house, him leading the way with our cake. "Do you just wanna watch a classic? I've got that original fire and fury movie from way back," he suggests and I nod, that's exactly they type of thing I'd watch.
We walk through the halls of his home and up a flight of stairs until we reach a spacious room with a large tv and sofa. It looks like a living room except there are arcade machines lining one wall with a fridge and stacks of board games and books on a shelf.
He hands me my cake and moves to set everything up as I sit down in the couch, the soft fabric moulding into my body perfectly. It brings the wave of tiredness I felt back in one swoop. "You've got a nice house," I comment as Micah sits down next to me with a remote, flicking through the screen. "It's big."
"Thanks," he says. "I'm probably going to move out by the end of the year to my own apartment in the pack building but I do love this place. Thank you for covering me back there by the way, I am already in so much shit so you really saved my skin," he says, his eyes not leaving mine.
I shrug, shaking my head. "It's no biggie, I would want you to do the same for me if I was getting grilled by an Alpha," I joke and he chuckles.
"It's different when its your dad," he mumbles, picking up a soft blanket from next to him. "I can try get you out of it, I was planning to come up with a great excuse before the event, I just hadn't prioritised it."
"Well I've already agreed now, besides—I'm sure it won't be that bad." I take the blanket he passes me and slump back into the soft sofa, content. One dinner party won't kill me, I've avoided that many so far and besides, I'm curious, underneath all my fear, to meet the rulers of the nation. "What else are you in trouble for?" I ask, interrupting his movement to start the movie.
He stills for a second before turning his head to the side with a slight smile. "The party on Friday for a start, Benny's parents were pretty quick to let him know of my attendance. And I guess just other stuff, I'm behind on some of my training and I need to keep up the perfect scores in school on top of football and being class president," he lets out a sigh, slumping next to me. "Just a lot of stuff."
He didn't mention me on his list but I'm sure I'm sitting on top. "That sounds hard."
"It is, but it's my responsibility as future Alpha to meet a certain standard and it's my fathers duty to train me for it," he explains. I'm surprised he even has time to see me given his schedule. "Truthfully, I think football was the only thing on my calendar that allowed me to have a break from work or training and actually see my friends."
My brows scrunch. "But you were out with them at the beach on the weekend." And he's been out with them many other times.
His lips twist into a sad sort of smile and his attention flicks to the entryway. "Between us, I just tell them that I'm hanging out with you. It's the only responsibility important enough to give me some time to myself."
For some reason, his words twist around my chest, like he was wringing out my very heart. "And that actually works?"
"Well yeah. Obviously I'd rather hang out with you but, you know. It saves me from making a whole other excuse up."
"I thought lying to the Alpha and Luna was a punishable crime under pack law." He laughs, the sound bubbling up from his chest.
"I didn't realise you cared about pack law. Anyway, there's only so much that they can do to their heir." He stops and raises a brow at me. "Would you rather me tell them the truth?"
The truth. That we hang out but it has a great way of ending in a complete fucking mess. I shake my head no, because I doubt his father would let it go unchecked and turn my attention to the screen. Micah presses play and stands up. "I'm just going to go get something to drink, you thirsty?"
I focus my attention onto the movie as a giant dragon bursts onto the screen, scales flaking and burning under blue flame and let my lethargic body relax as much as it possibly can.
I wake up on a warm surface, heat filling my cheeks. My body feels like its just awoken from a coma, I don't think I have ever slept so deeply in my life. I lift my head and rub my eyes before pushing myself up only for the solid surface I was on to squish and then jolt.
I pull back immediately as Micah lets out a groan and then a deep sigh, his hand on my back moves off as his eyes flutter open and I glance at the light coming in from the windows and then back to him still waking up from his seated position.
"Ohmygod." The sudden rush of consciousness makes my head spin. I fumble to find my phone on the coffee table and see a million missed calls from both my parents and Henry. "Shit!"
Micah slowly blinks himself awake, running a hand down his face. "Are you okay?" He asks, yawning before looking at me with more concern.
"No!" I reply immediately. "My mom and dad are going to kill me. I fell asleep and didn't message them and they are probably so worried—"
"You two are awake!" Both of our attention snaps to Rose who walks into the room with a sleepy Charlie in her hands. "I made some pancakes for breakfast. Micah, Athena can use the guest bath to get ready for school— you two are going to be late," she says and I am stunned. School is the least of my worries.
"I'm sorry Luna, but I've got to get home and call my parents back—"
"I already spoke with them!" She exclaims happily, a smile on her lips. "I thought Micah had taken you home last night but clearly the transfusion knocked you both out pretty cold. I rang your mom early this morning and explained everything when I saw you both still here." Rose doesn't give me a chance to respond and walks from the room, making me slump into my hands, still on the couch.
I don't feel a whole lot of relief from the statement and I look at Micah who is equally as stunned. I slept on him. I spent the night at his house and fell asleep on him. My face winces in complete embarrassment.
"Whats wrong?" Micah asks, fully concerned as he moves closer to me, his hand reaching towards my wrist tenderly. He thinks I hurt myself.
"Nothing! I just... I can't believe I fell asleep like that. I am so sorry," I blurt, letting out a sigh.
Micah laughs. "For what?" He asks in disbelief.
"For using you as a human pillow, that's incredibly uncool of me and I know that sometimes I snore so I apologise for that too if it happened—"
"Athena," he cuts in, still smiling. "You seriously do not have to apologise for that, I mean it when I say you can sleep on me whenever you like. I think that is the best nights sleep I have ever gotten," he proclaims and I can't help but think he is just trying to make me feel better.
"You had to sit like that," I say, motioning at his body's awkward position. "For an entire night, because of me. Please just accept my apology. I'll never recover if you don't."
I want him to forgive me because then maybe it'll mean he acknowledges that there is something to be forgave. That my act was uncool because we are just friends right now and that's a weird way for friends to wake up.
He smiles even more, making a face that hides his obvious thoughts before standing up to look at me. "Thea I am never going to accept an apology for you sleeping next to me," he says solidly, still smiling before moving closer to me.
His hand moves up to my cheek and our faces are so close it feels electric and I can't help but look at his lips and his strong chest that I spent the night cuddled on. He pulls a small piece of fabric from the blanket off my cheek, smirking as he pulls back. "Though I do agree that next time I could be in a more comfortable position."
I'm too shocked to respond, I just sit there stunned as he walks from the room, returning with a towel and a jumper.
"I'll meet you downstairs, I'll pack us some breakfast for the road because we really are going to be late," he tells me before walking off down the hall and I just let out a large sigh into my hands. What the hell have I gotten myself into?
I snack on a pancake in the car as Micah pulls into the school, the roof of his convertible up due to the chilling winds. His jumper that I had on was way too large for me and there wasn't a good way to tuck it in but I wasn't about to freeze to death outside.
"We are very late," he says with a grimace covering his smile as he looks to me with worried eyes, turning the car engine off.
"It's fine," I shrug, taking another mouthful of my pastry. "I'm late all the time just rock into class and you'll get a note for your parents to sign."
He furrows his brows before opening the door and I do the same, both of us getting out. "Athena there is a school assembly this morning and I'm supposed to be on the stage... five minutes ago. We gotta get to the gym."
School assembly? I halt right before we enter the school doors. I cannot walk into the gymnasium with Micah for the entire school to see, I can't. Hell even if Micah wasn't beside me I still wouldn't, anxiety literally courses through my body at the mere thought.
"Thea," he says softly, his brows furrowing. He puts a hand on my arm and leans closer to me. "Its fine, we are only a few minutes late, it will be okay."
Maybe its the result of my parents strictly enforcing "stay hidden" into my brain chemistry for years that spikes my anxiety but Micah's assurance helps somehow. With just the feel of his hand on my arm, my rapid heart beat slows and my fear fades.
I gulp, nodding. He doesn't push my acceptance any further and we make it to the gym in record time, moving through the entirely vacant halls with ease. It's only when the doors are in sight, the same doors I walked out of yesterday with a cradled hand, do I feel butterflies begin swirling in my stomach again.
"I guess I'll see you around," he tells me. No, 'let's hang out at lunch' or 'when will I see you next?'. He notices the shock on my face and smirks. "Unless you want to see me earlier of course, I know my presence is intoxicating." Micah's flirting always manages to surprise me.
I shake my head, trying to conceal a smile at his teasing. "I need my stuff from your car so I guess I'll see you after school."
We enter the gym smiling and the daunting image I held in my mind doesn't turn out to be true at all. We both entered and he ran up onto the stage and took his seat and I took mine in the far back row next to complete strangers. The assembly passed by quickly and Micah gave his speech outlining school ethics and touching on a few topics that his seniors brought up and it was the first time I'd seen him on stage like that as my mate.
Before, Henry and I would just endure the speech and thought nothing more about it but now I listened. And I listened intently.
It was so enigmatic the way that he engaged the crowd with his wide smile and casual demeanour. Even though he was late, none of the school officials on stage glared his way like they would to anyone else. And I noticed the way the students in the audience soaked up every single word, clapping with actual enthusiasm and cheering him on at multiple points throughout his time at the podium.
He would make an incredible Alpha, he will make an incredible Alpha. His presence doesn't incite fear it excites people.
But the assembly ended and Micah didn't track me down afterwards. I went about my day as usual with one less hand and met Henry at lunch, spilling every last detail about the previous day to him. And the night came around just as quickly.
I was up in my room, listening to music through my record player as I unpacked my bag meant for the weekend trip that never happened.
"Knock knock kiddo." My dads head pokes up through the floor as he climbs up the ladder and into my room, holding a plate in his hands.
"What's that?" I ask with a smile, closing my draw and turning the music down.
"Just wait!" He says excitedly as he stands in my room fully, putting the plate down to reach back to thought the hole, pulling up two steaming mugs. "Thanks sweetie. Hot chocolate!" He exclaims and I rush over to him, taking the liquid gold into my hands greedily as he picks up the plate. "And... your mum was teaching me some baking today and we made brownies."
I gasp and snatch a brownie up, shoving it in my mouth with a groan. "Oh my god," I say thorough a mouthful. "You are the best dad in the whole wide world," I say, taking a seat on the couch at the foot of my bed and he sits next to me. "What's up?" I ask, tucking my feet underneath me.
Hot chocolates are always an offering for a conversation. "I just wanted to check in and see how you are going. How's your hand?" He asks and I hold it out, shrugging. There was red marker scrawled over the top saying "I LOVE HENRY" smack bang in the middle and an array of comic like drawings whereby we were both superheroes fighting dragons.
"It's okay, Micah gave me his blood and the pack doctors said it'll heal quickly... I'm sorry about yesterday. For not coming home," I tell him and he nods, absorbing the apology.
"I won't lie to you Thea, you really worried us, are worrying us. We just want to know that you are safe and your mom might be a little mad about it right now but its just because she's scared. Athena, we don't want you to get hurt by all this... by him. And staying over the night at the Alphas house..."
I do not plan on telling him how my wrist broke. Ever.
"Athena if you want to be with him, if you want that life we will support your decision. We will support any decision you make, we are your family. But if you truly don't then we can find a way around it, we will." I hate how my choices have confused him, torn both my parents and given them grief. I wish I ours compartmentalise this problem and tuck it far away from them but its impossible.
I sip on the hot cocoa and nod. "I just don't know. But you can trust me, if things were that bad then I'd tell you but its okay. Micah isn't unreasonable and he hasn't done anything to make me intentionally uncomfortable—despite probably being incredibly scared that he might loose his mate. Wolves before acted irrationally on fear," I tell him, subconsciously quoting Micah's words from our conversation yesterday. "And given my response he has every reason to fear me leaving or rejecting him entirely. But he's not — I actually think he is a decent person and I think that whatever I choose is achievable, as long as I am his friend, not his enemy."
He purses his lips in thought and I notice how he hasn't a had a single sip of his hot cocoa. "Athena..." his tone gives his disapproval away instantly. "I'm not so convinced that he is going to accept whatever you want. I agree with your approach in having him as a friend but you have to understand that it will only get you so far. In the end of the day what he needs from you is incredibly clear and though you might be able to be his luna less constrained than he might want, you'll still be bound by that life."
I hate that he's right, I hate the dark side to it all that exists no matter how kind Micah is.
"I know, but he isn't set to take on the Alpha position for years, maybe his father can hold off on handing down the title and then I can live how I want and figure the rest of it out in that time. By that time who knows what could happen? Science could evolve, the goddess could change her mind... The Superiors are coming to talk about new laws on the human wolf pairings, maybe I can see if they'll restrict it."
My gut coils as soon as the words twist from my mouth. Speaking to the superiors? Am I mad? My dad looks at me as if I am. "The superiors? Athena you've surely heard of the unrest in packs, do you think that wolves are ready to give more authority away?"
"Well maybe."
His features soften. "Athena." I almost flinch away from the soft tone, at the disappointment underlying it. "You are kind and loving and have a magical way of seeing the best in people, you always have, ever since you were a little girl. It makes me more proud of you than you know, but it also scares me shitless." He laughs silently, to himself.
"I remember when you were little once, I took you out to the beach to give your mom some time to herself, back when we didn't have a much space. It was the first day I'd had off in months, some pack celebration, and when we went down to the bay I stopped for a single second to speak with a colleague and when I reached for you, you were gone."
The gloss that covers his eyes makes the tight ball in my throat constrict. "Dad."
He smiles gently. "I ran everywhere trying to find you and when I did you were with two wolves, warriors that were fully grown and another, completely shifted, approaching. They's given you a juicebox and you were chatting away about your favourite toy and I've never been more afraid in my life. You just trusted them, like you always did and maybe I was wrong for teaching that out of you but these are the same warriors that would hunt down my friends, kill people who disobeyed their rule, stand by and allow suffering to go on."
I don't remember the day he is talking about, but I do know that somewhere along the way there was a shift within me. The walls went up and I didn't just avoid wolves at all costs, I sort of avoided everyone. Any sign of the tiniest conflict had me running and I stuck with Henry because he was safe, he was what I knew.
"Micah doesn't stand by that."
"His parents enforced it, Thea. The people who raised him. And as much as they may have had orders from higher up, the Alphas all decided how to govern humans in their packs. And a lot of good people, kind, normal people died because of him, if not at the hands of him. Your mother and I stayed away from the rebellion and I avoided anyone who tried to bring it up with me at the docks because we had you to think about, we still do." His eyes avert to the duvet, shame glittering underneath unshed tears.
It's not often that I see my dad like this, not these days at least. But I remember how hard it was on my family, how scared they always seemed. It makes me think of the Alphas words last night, the authority he used, the way Micah and him argued.
"But those that fought for our freedom didn't deserve to die getting it, it shouldn't have been that way. Your mom and I planned to leave two years following the reforms, Henry's parents too. We figured we could save enough money between us and get a ticket to the human lands, escape all the damage that still hadn't been repaired. We'd nearly saved for it but then Henry's younger brother got sick, and we all knew the hospitals in the human territories were overflowing with patients—likely still are. And then the pack included humans into having free healthcare, they started moving people from the lower districts into apartments like ours at little or no cost. Things got better and so we let it go, moved on."
The human lands. I'd heard many stories about what life was like in the little territory carved away for humans to rule themselves. Most only it seemed the same, there was less structure and life in general was no where near as good as what humans could get in any pack but there was freedom.
Besides, the human territories were still establishing. From what I know of lack politics they are heavily involved in trade and negotiations with other packs and they take in those who seek refuge too. No wolves are allowed onto those lands without permission and passing through the heavily guarded borders is near impossible without it, much like any other pack.
I'd heard it was a safe haven for human mates, the ones who couldn't avoid their wolf counterpart so easily.
"But we can still find a way to get there. We have a boat now, all we'd need to do is make it past the check points and we can go there through the docks. Going on land would be nearly impossible, there's too many checkpoints and we'd run the risk of them finding us and being able to intervene. Your mom and I thought maybe we could buy plane tickets and say we had old friends to visit but it'd raise too many red flags. This way no one will know."
Leave the pack. Run away to the human lands and cut Micah out completely, like he's a cancer growth. "But he's an Alpha. There's no way he won't find me and if you are the ones to have smuggled me, gone underneath the packs guard like that..." Public executions were a rare occurrence but they weren't obsolete. And what my dad spoke of was a criminal offence to the highest degree.
"It doesn't matter. No wolf is permitted to enter the human lands, he would need to go through official processes that could take him a year, hell years to gain acceptance. And he'd need to prove you are there beyond a shadow of a doubt. And even if he is allowed to enter, he won't be able to take you out so easily, not without facing media scrutiny and heavy punishment from higher officials. Borders are almost as sacred as bonds to wolves. My cousin Jeremy said that a wolf tried to enter the lands and get his mate back, a warrior who was traied in the special forces for extraction, but even his success failed. By law and by treaties he had no right to keep her."
"There are no laws and treaties that would let me return, Dad. And then what? I live a life under surveillance? With zero trust from Micah? He said that I can leave the pack to study and do as I please so long as he knows where I am. That we can make plans around these things—"
"In that contract you signed?" The disappointment that underlies his anger is like a dagger to my chest. He'd blown a fuse when I'd told him of it, pissed more at Micah for even proposing the idea than me for signing it. The only person more upset about it was Gabe. "He could burn that thing tomorrow and not face a single repercussion for it, Athena. You aren't free here. None of us are. But you truly aren't. Not free to love who you choose or lead the life you wish to lead, not free to never speak with him if you want. I love you, your mother loves you." His voice cracks and my heart shatters at the sound. "We love you so much. And all we want is for you to be happy and free from all of this. You don't have to decide now, you could choose to do this in a year but please Athena, think this through. The reality is the longer you wait, the more difficult leaving will be."
I nod, looking at my now cold hot chocolate. Not even the sweetness of the liquid could help soften the burning flame in my chest. It felt as though each breath I took gave oxygen straight to the flame. "Okay. I'll think about it, I promise. Thank you, for everything — I know how much you risk by doing this and it means a lot. Really."
His broad arm wraps over my shoulder and he pulls me to his chest. "You are always going to be my little girl. I'd risk everything for you, you know that."
"I know." I glance up from my drink to give him a goofy smile, pouting. "Please can you make mom not mad at me?"
He laughs and pulls my head in, kissing the top of it before cuddling me close to his chest like he'd do when I was a small child. "As always."
Authors note
Please comment and give me my own lil chapter to flick through over my morning coffee bc y'all really be entertaining me in the comment section hahaha
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