Thirty Six
the realisation that I keep getting the chapter titles so awfully wrong HAHAHA I will fix them I SWEAR.
Anywaysss sorry for the hiatus, beginning of my university semester and work has been crazzyyyyy. But I loved reading all your comments throughout--pure motivation right there. Ya'll are keeping me accountable and I love it hahah.
ENJOY xxxx
"Die! No die! Die!" I scream at the screen as my hands move furiously over the controller, like my fingertips have a mind of my own. "Use the time potion! I'll go for the jugular!"
The warlock warrior shifts away from my character on the screen and covers the dragon with the purple powered potion we found in a chest two quests ago. This is the highest level I have gotten on Fire and Fury and my bones are thrumming as the dragons life bar reduces dramatically.
"Go, go, go! Now!" Micah yells the command with as much intensity as I had and in a quick manoeuvre, I press down vigourlously onto the controller, spinning my character so that the blade slices through the dragons throat, ending the beasts life immediately.
"Oh my god!" I literally jump up as the montage of what we just did replays and Micah erupts from the couch with me, grinning like an idiot.
"That was so epic! The way you like twisted the blade and the time potion? I didn't even think of that. I'm saving that replay and showing Ben, he's gonna die." I can't stop the bubble of laughter that erupts from me at his enthusiasm or the pure joy bounding through my bones.
"I know right! And that was always my plan but every damn time Henry was too slow to draw out the potion but you killed it. Literally."
A buzz sounds in the room and Micah snaps his attention to it. "Oh! Pack kitchen snacks are here. Wait til you try this grilled cheese."
"Thank god, I'm so hungry," I joke and slight concern flashes in his eyes, his grin lessening.
"Of course, sorry. I'll be right back!" He literally darts from the room and I hear his footfalls down the corridor like this grilled cheese is as important as the treasure we were just hunting down.
I slump into the sofa, resting my head against its back and flick my eyes over the space, something I couldn't exactly do with Micahs attention trained on me.
His room is so much lighter than I expected. I figured he'd dwell in some dark teenage boy room that smelt of bad deodorant and old food but it was pristine, not a speck of dust in sight. Even his bed was made with some military precision, a far cry from my shamble of blankets and pillows at home.
When Micah asked me to come over early today I had no idea he meant for Fire and Fury. I figured the event time was moved or there was some urgent thing I needed to do in preparation. But he simply answered his big old front door with a vintage merchandise tee of the game and a massive grin.
His entire family was out, preparing no doubt but we had spent the last two hours gaming. The only interruption was from Micahs mom who came in and took my measurements for some last minute dress alterations. I hadn't even seen the dress, or read up on any wolf customs, or even thought that far ahead into tonight. It twisted my gut to even think about it.
Part of me wondered if this early invitation was just a precaution on Micahs behalf. A way to get me here and ensure that I was going to attend or at least give himself a day to get me back on board. Honestly, I probably would have found some excuse if I was left to my own devices.
Micah enters through the door, a large covered tray in one hand and two hangers for clothes that were zipped up into expensive covers. "Bon appetite!" He exclaimed, placing the tray onto the coffee table before hanging the two items up. "Glenda also popped by with our clothes but we've still got some time before we need to be there."
I glance back at the tray, the smell of freshly cooked food filling the room and he lifts off the lid to reveal a delicious array of snacks, grilled cheeses and dips with fruits and vegetables and chips. "Wow," I announce. I've never been served on a tray like this before, I've only ever seen these in movies." I point to the silver dome and he laughs.
"Really? I should've made more of a spectacle of it." He picks up a linen napkin and places it over his forearm, raising his eyebrows into a posh expression before delicately lifting a bottle of soda. "Would you care for some sparkling lemonade madame?"
I burst into laughter but he didn't drip the act and so I nodded, laughing even more as he gingerly lifted a cup and poured the drink like this was a five star restaurant and not the a gaming set up.
"You're too much," I tease, picking up the a slice of grilled cheese. He plops down next to me as I bite into it and I groan as cheesy goodness melts over my tongue.
"Pretty good, hey?" He asks, picking up his own slice.
"I could die right now and I'd be totally okay with it." He laughs, chomping into his own food.
"There's gonna be some pretty decent food tonight. It's the best thing about these events, of course we are expected to speak with people but I always find that a mouthful of food is the best way to escape conversation. Words from the wise there."
I nod, swallowing. "Noted. I think I am going to try eat the entire time, then. Will Gia and Elias attend?"
"Yeah, they are both set to attend, Elias wouldn't miss this opportunity. We will be seated with them on the main table, probably nearer the end. I'm hoping anyway."
I gulp.
"Is it not a bit too soon for her..." he winces but shakes his head.
"She won't act out with the superiors there."
"You mean she won't be herself."
He mumbles. "Same thing." He takes a sip of juice.
"Why are they even here again?" I realise I never asked him and the news cycle reported it as being another common visit but the last time they came to town was over a year ago. I don't assume they trek out just to say hi.
"Its a visit to the pack, standard customary stuff. They visit the pack once or twice a year, especially as our trade routes are so critical to the rest of the nation."
I furrow my brows. "Yeah but I was doing some research and their visits twice a year have been on the same day or in the same week for the last five years. This is like months off."
He pauses mid-chew and I note the flicker in his expression, a slip in his mask. He covers it quickly with a gentle smile, but not quick enough. "Research?" He questions, his eyes not moving from mine an inch. Searching. Reading. "Are you writing something for the paper?"
It's an effort not to pick at my nails. "Yeah, I was thinking about it. But that doesn't answer my question—is there another reason they are here? I-is it me?"
He takes a sip of his drink. "Honestly? Maybe that sped up their trip a little but there is no shady ulterior motive. It's probably got something to do with trade lines and the slight price increase that's occurred lately. Nothing for either of us to worry about, we can leave that conversation to the minister of finance."
I want to say that it does worry me, though. The fact that there is a chance they are eager to meet me but more than that—I can't shake the that this has to do with the recent news.
Alphas are being challenged more and more each day, in some eastern packs there is literally talks of protests and conflict between humans and wolves. Whatever the goddess is doing up there—something isn't going right.
"Are you finished?" Micahs question stuns me slightly but I glance at my empty plate and nod .
He takes the plate from me and sets it on the table, relaxing back next to me. "Did you want to play another round?"
"Can we watch a movie instead?" I ask and he nods, shuffling closer as he picks up the remote.
"Of course, yeah, anything you want."
"What about Fire and Fury: Scorched earth?" I ask and he grins.
"Thats my favourite."
I smile and relax back into the seat, pulling out my phone as he flicks through the television. Henry, Gabe and my parents had all messaged with long paragraphs of advice, the former throwing a few memes into the mix.
They were nervous, understandably so. This event was a big step, a huge one really.
Two hours later and an intense battle scene and I'd curled myself up under a blanket, eagerly watching each second tick by on the screen. Micah had left halfway through after getting some phone call and after the best part of the film, when the old professor starts reciting his spells from the ancient scripture to take down the three headed dog—he returns, setting a box down with a deep sigh.
"That took a lot longer than expected, sorry about that." He glances to his watch. "We should probably start getting ready. You can get changed in the ensuite if you like and I'll head into the guest room?"
I nod, glancing to his ensuite which is double the size of my bathroom. "Yeah sure, do I just leave my clothes here?"
"Yeah, we can come here after and you can collect them. And if you feel like coming along to that party later you can always change back."
Right, the party he invited both Gabe and Henry too. "Where is the party again?"
"At Bennys, his parents are staying at the pack house apartments for the event." The Gammas. All of the top dogs are here tonight and I'm about to mingle with all of them.
"Alright, well I won't be long."
Getting changed takes all of ten minutes and since I didn't put makeup on all that was left was a simple brush through of my hair and I was ready to go. Micah entered back into the room at the same time I did, a small velvet box in his large hands.
"Wow," he says and I meet his gaze. He stares at me with such shining admiration it almost feels religious. "You look beautiful."
It's a simple black dress that fits surprisingly well considering its the first time I've worn it, but its nothing over the top. Maybe its just because it sticks out against what I usually wear.
"You clean up pretty nice yourself," I tease with a grin, and he does. He wears that suit like he was born to be in it, almost demanding attention. "What's that?" I point my index finger at the box.
He gives me a purely wolfish grin, a deep maroon tinting his dark cheeks. "It's a gift. A thank you, really, for coming tonight and putting in all this effort for me. It means a lot."
My heart stops in his chest as he gently places the box in my hands. Did I come here just for him? Sure, my initial plan was to bail him out of trouble but I also decided to stick with choice mainly because I figured I'd be dragged along anyway.
I glance at him again before lowering the box. "You really didn't have to—"
His hand over mine stopped me, the sparks shutting me up as he lifted the box once more. "I wanted to. Besides, I think it will look great on you."
I held back a gasp as I looked at the glittering jewels. It was stunning. A simple gold chain with a deep blue pendant on the end crafted from stone and embedded with stones that were probably worth more than my home. "It's an ancient symbol of my pack," he explained, lifting it from its resting place and I almost wanted to stop him, afraid that something so important would look lost on the likes of me.
His fingers gently moved across my skin and he continued, "It tells a story of two people destined for each other, a tale of mates who were cursed to not recognise their other half upon seeing them. After years of waiting for their mates the pair had almost given up, almost decided to go rogue and forsake the goddess but in a last effort both prayed to the goddess at a sacred ground and she told them that they would need to look with their heart." He recited some words in an ancient, guttural language and the sound stirred my stomach, like it was a charm.
"They prayed to for their true love but instead found it through knowing one another first. It's the story of Graeyma and Dien."
It sounded like the story of us.
The moment he clasped the pendant around my neck my hand shot to it and my fingers caressed the cool stones. I turned, finding his heated stare looking right into my eyes. "Thank you," I mummer. "It's beautiful."
He tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "It's made from a piece of stone I took from the sacred site," he said, his fingers grasping the detailed stone lightly. "Maybe I can take you there sometime."
To a sacred site, dedicated to the love of two mates. I gulp thickly, glancing at those fingers that leave tantalising sparks in their wake. "If we make survive tonight," I say lightly, my lips quirking up but his stare becomes serious.
"It won't be that bad Thea, I promise. I know you don't want to attend but the desert is going to be buffet style while the dance floor is open so we can leave right after dinner. But we've gotta smuggle some killer chocolate cake on the way out—you don't want to miss that." He glances at his watch. "We should probably head over. The press should be gone by now and there's a back entrance we can sneak into."
Press? My eyes go wide. "So we're already late?"
He pulls out his phone and I notice the multitude of texts and missed calls from his mom. "I figured you wouldn't be into the whole red carpet scene."
I wince. "You were rig—" A doorbell rings through the house, once through completely and then again straight after.
"We should probably go." He says, also wincing but he takes my hand in his, squeezing gently to urge me to actually shut my feet and the reality of it all sinks into the pit of my stomach like stones.
When we finally reach the front door Micah swings it open to reveal the same guard he talked to outside of Gia's room. The tall wolf narrows his eyes, giving Micah a certain stare that reads trouble with a capital t.
"You're pushing your luck kid."
"I'm guessing the carpet is finished?"
"You're lucky it was your mom who sent me. The superiors were greeted without your presence." The words he wasn't speaking were sorta obvious, the Alpha wasn't happy.
I didn't think we were that late.
"We'll head over now. You know the photos aren't my thing." At the look the guard gives Micah I curl my hand around his forearm and step an inch closer.
"Your father expected y—"
"I know what my father expects." The guards eyes cloud over and I notice Micah's do to for a split moment, making me glance furiously between them. "You can head back to your post, we will arrive before the meal begins."
"My post is now to make sure you get to the function. So please, after you." Micah's jaw clenches and his grip on my hand tightens as he moves us forward.
"A guard?" I mumble to Micah, well aware that the man five steps behind us can hear every word.
"My mom was probably just worried about us. Security tends to be tight at these events."
"I thought you said there was nothing to worry about," I counter as we make our way towards the main pack house. The lights and noise of the event can be heard from here and it makes nerves skitter through my body.
"It's just precautions. There are enough pack warriors here to fend off an army," he jokes. "No one gets in or out of this place without clearance."
The words made my stomach twist and I glanced behind us to the high walls beyond the pack house, scattered with watch towers. These grounds were extensive and parts weren't walled off but around here, his house and the main office... no one could escape and even if they did, this place was dead in the centre of the city.
If Micah turned around and decided that I was to stay there would be no stopping him, no running. Nothing. At least this day in age my parents could stir some press uprise or something but if this was back in the day—I'd be totally fucked.
It makes my body seize just thinking about it, the man crafted from pure muscle next to me could do anything he wanted. And he's not even Alpha yet. Micah is genuine, nice and I trust him but what if he wasn't? Where are the checks and balances for people who aren't?
He turns, finding my stare pinned on his handsome face and squeezes my hand, drawing my mind out of that dark hole. "You good?" He asks, his expression softening at the obvious answer that no, I'm not. "Its just up here."
"There's no entrance that way," the guard says from behind us, making Micah halt. "It was blocked off for some sort of decorative piece. You're gonna have to take the main entrance."
I felt myself begin to shake then and I wondered if Micah wasn't holding me if I'd drop to the floor in a full on panic attack. Micah glances at me and then to the guard. "Then we'll go through the kitchens."
The guard looks at his watch and gives Micah a very certain look. "And walk around the entire building? You'll miss the start of the dinner. Micah I don't think it is wise to push this any further, last training was hard for me to watch. Don't put yourself through unnecessary torment, you're smarter than that." I could tell there was genuine care in the statement but Micahs jaw clenched all the same, his grip on me tightening like a vice.
One look at me and he replies, "I don't care."
But torment? What does this guard mean by that and how does it have anything to do with his Alpha training?
"We can go through the main entrance," I announce, before the guard can make another rebuttal. "It's fine, the longer we take the worse it's going to be. The press are gone and no one will notice if we just slip in."
Micah's frustration is removed to pure guilt. "It's a pretty big entrance, truly Thea if its going to make you uncomfortable we can go through the kitchen."
"It would be worse if everyones sat down or in the middle of a speech or—let's just go," I sigh, before I wind up talking myself out of it completely.
Do I want to turn around right now and go home? Absolutely and I genuinely believe Micah would allow it but I can't leave him hanging like that. Just the thought of him having to go in all alone and explain my absence, deal with his fathers bullshit—we are friends. We've agreed on being friends and dropping the ball now would be a shitty thing to do as a friend.
Thankfully, there were no press on the terrifyingly large red carpet in front of the entrance—just a shit ton of security and some workers.
But when we walked into the room, the grand foyer glittering with chandeliers, exotic flower arrangements and intricate artworks that decorated the space with pure decadence my gut twisted to the point I figured that grilled cheese would hurl right up. And when we got to the edge of the foyer, towards the sound of a string quartet, to the giant staircase that cascaded down into the main hall I realised I was wrong.
Horribly wrong.
Taking our time sneaking in through the back was probably the best option. Because this is worse, far far worse. The entire room halts upon our entry and the music literally stops as every single eye turns to us. And smack bang in the centre of them all with eyes boring holes through me, are the faces of the wolves who I've seen a hundred times on my screen, the rulers of the damn nation. The Alpha and Luna Superior.
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