Thirty Eight
Hello!! It's me again, somehow alive after crazy diseases, an intense university semester and LIFE - adulting is harddddd. Anywho, here's a whopping 7,000 word chapter that I hope you all love, things are happeninggggg and the plot thickens...
Please please leave some comments so I can read them like the daily news with my coffee!!! And of course share the story, add to your reading list, vote -- all the goodies that take a few moments and make me super super happy bc it shares the story!
Signing out for the night,
ya girl
khalesi <33
ps: side note- but I love some of these reading list titles that are popping up on my feed guys, keep up the great work.
When we returned to the apartment complex, Micah insisted on walking me to the door and wouldn't take no for an answer.
"Level eleven, right?" He asks, though we both know he's well aware of my address. "Do you have a card?"
"Oh, yeah." I rummage in my bag and pull out my pass key, activating the elevators ability to reach my floor. "How do you get to my apartment?"
"Hm?" He looks entirely lost with my question.
"When you come to my apartment usually, none of us have ever buzzed you up." My statement makes a sly smile tug at his lips and his right hand rubs at the back of his neck.
"Perks I guess, I just asked the receptionist and she gave me a floor key no questions. I don't have an access card for your apartment though," he rushes.
I'd like to hope not. Yet still, he basically just gained access to my home without any authority other than his title.
The elevator dings on eleven and we both exit. "Thanks again for tonight," he states and I can't help but laugh.
"You know I think that is the hundredth time you've thanked me, I'm not mother Theresa." He grins but maintains some level of seriousness.
"You are more than that. You really did me a solid and I'm grateful—I just want you to know that I understand how much of an effort it was from you and that I appreciate it."
"You know, I'll take a batch of cookies as payment—then we are even and you can stop falling at my feet."
His laugh bounces off the halls, such a heavy deep sound that is sweet as honey to my ears.
"Okay, Mennison—you've got yourself a deal. But no promises that I'll stop falling at your feet, I can't help if I'm head over heels for you," he says with a wink and my cheeks heat as I grin.
"You're so cheesy," I tease, my smile lingering.
"Guilty as charged." He glances quickly at his watch as we round the corner, nearing my door. "It's a fair bit past your curfew, I hope your parents won't be too mad."
Right, the curfew that was made up and imposed quite literally just for him.
"They're actually out," I tell him, earning furrowed brows in response. "They went out camping for the weekend, down to a bay with the boat actually."
"Oh, really?" he questions and I nod. "I didn't stop you from spending time with your family I hope."
I shrug as we near my door. "It's fine, honestly it's kind of nice having the space to myself for a little bit." I don't know why I make the next offer, but the words tumble from my mouth without me thinking. "Do you want to come in? I'm gonna make a hot chocolate."
He stands totally still for a minute, like a ray of lightning might strike him down if he makes one wrong move. But it doesn't take him long to regain composure.
"Yeah, yeah of course. I love hot chocolate."
"Me making you a drink isn't some strange mate voodoo, is it?" I ask, because I don't know the rules as well as he does.
Sure, Henry and I have been brushing up on all the information we tossed as junk during mate classes but still. For him it's like he's got some guiding spirit ball inside that is all knowing and truth telling.
He laughs as he steps inside, it always takes me aback when I see him in reference of a door frame. He looks larger, more inimidating.
"No, it's not voodoo—unless you plan on bespelling it. Which could be cool-if you have a wizard potion up your sleeve to turn me into a dragon I'd be down to test it out."
"Nerd," I tease as he enters the apartment, closing the door behind him.
He laughs and plants himself in a stool at the kitchen bench. "I guess I don't need to shift into a dragon, one wolf is more than enough."
I try not to tense as I start making our drinks, the thought of him shifting into a creature... it shouldn't frighten me. It's so common in this world but there's still a mystic element to it that makes me question it.
"I've only seen shifted wolves a handful of times," I comment as I stir chocolate powder into warmed milk.
"Really?" He asks, a hint of disbelief in his tone. I nod. "Well I suppose being in the city limits some wolves. Many go to the outer suburbs into conservation areas to shift and be with nature."
A logical answer, grown wolves roaming the city streets wouldn't exactly go down well in this part of town. They do in other parts of the city, I'm sure of it. "Is it painful? Shifting?"
I turn to him and he smiles softly, shaking his head. "Not anymore. When I first shifted into my wolf it was agony, I've truly never felt pain like it. Each bone in your body must break and you need to be strong enough to handle the shift, especially for an Alpha wolf. But each shift became more bearable and now it's virtually seamless."
"That sounds horrible." Thank god above that I don't have a wolf.
"It's honestly quite a fun occasion once all the pain has past. Seeing young pups try to walk in wolf form," he chuckles to himself. "Its a sight."
"Has Joey shifted?" I ask, putting our mugs on the counter.
"Yeah, a few months back. It was a great ceremony, truly-you'll have to come along to one and see. All the elders come out for the occasion and there is dancing and singing. It's a night where we pass knowledge down to the young in our pack and share our history, our way of life."
At the hope twinkling in his eyes I don't let my reluctance show. "That could be cool." I reach into the fridge and pull out the final ingredients.
"Whipped cream too? Gee you are spoiling me." I laugh as I squirt the white foam over his mug.
"Just wait!" I tell him excitedly as I reach into the hot cocoa station and pull out a jar of marshmallows. "Wa-bam!"
He laughs as I dig in and spinkle three mini marshmallows on top. "You know I really like your home," he says honestly, his eyes flicking around the colourful room.
I furrow my brows, sliding him his drink as I stir my own. "You don't have to be polite," I say in a teasing manner. This place is a shoebox compared to his mansion.
"No, I mean it," he says as he wraps his hands around the base of the scalding hot cup like it's a warmer. "It's cozy. When I was working on the project that reviewed all these residences I actually asked my father if I could move into a unit like this instead of getting my own place at the pack house when I graduate."
He takes a casual sip. "Why would you want to live somewhere like here when you can have that?"
His shoulders lift in a heavy shrug. "It's closer to the beach for one, and I guess there'd be more autonomy if I was further from the guards and my parents," he speaks quickly, rushing to take another sip. "Also, this is literally the best hot chocolate I have ever had."
"Was it hard growing up with so much pressure?" I ask and from the reaction I get, I garner I'm the first person to ever utter that question.
He gulps, nodding. "Yeah, I guess so. You know I don't really think about it often, the training and the titles and all that I'm expected to become. I think because my life is so full and my schedule is tightly pre-set it becomes easy to follow along with it."
He thinks for a moment, "But there are moments, honestly mainly when I look at the way humans are, that it sinks in a little. I have a great family and I am proud and honoured to be stepping up to take over the pack--don't get me wrong. I just wonder what life would've been like without it."
"Your dad seems tough on you," I comment gently, testing the waters with my smooth tone.
He laughs dryly, taking another sip. I can't help but focus on the way his sleeves cinch over his muscles at the movement. "Yeah, he's tough. He played a big part in the takeover and when he was my age he was dealing with an entirely different world--one where wolves were being hunted, where our existence was perceived as a threat and treated as such. I think he is so hard on me because he has had to be hard his entire life, he knows what I'm in for and who I'll need to be to manage that."
"What about your mom?" I ask. "What was her role in all of this."
I hate the way his eyes spark at the question, like he see's this as me being more than curious, being interested. "I think she was ready for her role as Luna, she grew up knowing my father and wishing they were mates so she felt blessed when it was true. I'm not sure how much she agreed with him on the matter of human rights though, I remember them arguing often about it when I was younger."
His admission shocks me. I recall images of the Luna proudly standing by her mate as they ruled over crowds of oppressed people. Perhaps that's why Micah has taken the approach he has.
"I thought Lunas were equal, why did she not stop it herself?" I question and he sighs heavily.
"It's not as simple as that, not when there are Betas and Gamma committees and authorities from higher up. And usually when a Luna has pups her attention becomes more focused on raising the future Alpha, me in her case. Which is slightly problematic, I understand that, but even nowadays when she needs to sign off on documents I honestly think she sides with my fathers judgement ninety percent of the time. Her faith in him is admirable but sometimes I think if it weren't for all the focus on us she'd have more in herself."
It sounded sexist and it didn't make me feel all that good. Would that be expected of me? To pop out some kids and become a devoted mother while Micah called all the shots?
To be fair, he is more qualified than me and as far as being chosen to rule by the goddess goes, I think its a little too dictatorial for my liking. I could question him further on it, delve deep into the complexity of the pack ruling and all its affairs but my very bones are exhausted.
I note the slight fracture in Micah's happiness and so I smile warmly at him. "Well if it's any consolation, she did a good job raising you. Who knows what would've happened if you were left to your own devices," I tease and he chuckles, nodding as if to say touche.
"I'll admit, I'm surprised your parents allowed you to stay here on your own. They seem very protective."
I nod. "They are, but they trust me. Besides they know I'm back, I texted them and we have a security system that logs when our door is opened."
"Thank you again for coming, I know it was probably against their advice for you to do so and I understand why. The pack house... it can feel like a different world at times." Highly different from my small little apartment in what was once considered slums.
"Guess all those sci-fi movies I watch paid off then." I fidget with the charm on my neck and he smiles, his fingers brushing over mine to inspect the jewel.
"I think you're stronger than you realise." Me? Strong? Those are two words I don't think I've ever put together. His thumb brushes over the jewel on the pendant as his index finger skims my collar bone. "Strong. Smart. Brave... Beautiful."
His eyes meet mine and the warm bronze of his irises remind me of deep honey. I smile just slightly, hints of embarrassment turning my cheeks a light pink. "I don't know how to feel when you look at me like that," I comment, unsure of what else to say and his stare only deepens as a corner of his lip lifts.
"Like what?"
"Like... like you're obsessed with me."
His lips stretch into a full smile and he gently moves his fingers up to rest on my cheek, slow enough that I could stop him if I wanted to. "I am obsessed, Mennison. Head over heels. I think I might start doodling your name in hearts over my policy study." I laugh at the very thought but his eyes latch onto my lips and he laughs lightly himself.
I notice a slight dust of chocolate powder on the right hand side of his own lips. So small I could ignore it. Should ignore it.
But I don't. I reach my thumb out and brush it over his full lip, wiping the small remnants away. I go to pull back but his other hand moves swiftly, entwining his fingers with my own. "There was something there," I comment and he smiles.
"It wasn't just an excuse to touch my handsome face?" he asks, utterly cocky and my cheeks heat. "Because you don't need an excuse."
I lean up and close the electric space between us, ending the humming to explode the air into a million sparks as his lips crash over mine, his hand sturdy against my smooth skin as he deepens the kiss.
It's intoxicating, the feel of his lips on mine, his body pressed close. Like a drug I can't get enough of, like—
The door handle jiggles and we break apart, snapping our attention to it as it suddenly opens.
"Hellooo," Henry's voice fills the room as he enters, a duffle bag and pillow in his hands. He stops short when he steps far enough into the apartment to see us. "Oh."
"Is she not home?" Gabe's voice joins and I feel the energy from Micah shift as if it were some palpable thing.
"Henry, what are you doing here?" I ask, shifting my body back further but its pretty obvious and honestly, I'm an idiot for not considering this outcome.
"Party was busted, I saw you were home on find my friends and figured we'd surprise you with a slumber party. We brought horror movies. What's he doing here?"
Micah lets out a small huff of a laugh, but his eyes narrow with focus. "Hello to you too." I didn't expect the sarcasm from him but he remained unmoving, assessing my two friends in the doorway with the precision of a predator.
"We are drinking hot chocolate," I say, lifting my mug to prove a point and I am at a loss of what to do, how to handle this. "Did you guys want some?"
"I'd love a hot chocolate," Gabe says causally with a smile, walking over to the living room and planting himself in the sofa, abosolutely no sign of tucking tail and leaving. "How was the dinner? When I didn't hear from you I figured maybe you'd been bored to death, pack politics and parties do not seem like your scene."
"We had a great time," Micah quips, moving himself almost subconsciously closer to me.
"I'll make us drinks," Henry buds in, looking at me directly before holding his pillow up. "Are we making a pillow fort down here or should I chuck this in pent?"
I still, Micah stills. Even Gabe, who has probably seen a jealous male wolf one too many times in his life stills. I'm befuddled when Henry doesn't.
But Micah doesn't snap and snarl, he takes another sip of his drink, nodding his head to the side before dropping his arm around my shoulder with a light laugh. "Maybe everyone should sleep separately. I'm happy to help build a fort for you two down here or pay for your nights stay in the hotel over the road."
"Are you staying the night?" Gabe asks, a slither of accusation underlying the words and Micah clenches his jaw.
"I don't actually recall inviting any of you," I tease. This conversation needs a bit of light. Okay maybe a lot of light.
"Since when do I need an invite?" Henry jokes but he's dead serious. He's never needed an invite, this home is just as much his as it is mine.
"We can do a sleepover," I announce, standing up and away from Micah's casual frame on the couch. "You don't have to be back at the pack house?"
He shakes his head. "Not at all," he says casually but I read the hidden words he doesn't announce.
Even if he was expected back there he wouldn't leave right now. No way in hell.
"Cool, cool, well Henry you know how to set up movies I'll make the extra drinks and some popcorn."
"I can help," Gabe stands up but I hold out my hand.
"No, it's okay, you guys just stay here and sort the tv out." And maybe talk to each other and end the horrible silence.
I don't give him a chance to refute and turn on my heel, entering the kitchen with a purpose.
I methodically prepare the food, my body working on autopilot as I try and fail to listen in above the sound of the old vintage cd Henry has popped in the player.
A sleepover. With all three of them together. Seriously the last thing I needed.
"Hey! Pink marshmallows only please," I snap my attention to Henry who is pouting, pointing his index at the white marshmallow in my grip that hovers over his designated mug.
I throw the thing at him and reach into the jar, fishing out his stupid pink one. "Gee," he says, already munching on my weapon. His gaze flicks to the living room and his tone lowers. "You good? Was tonight okay?"
I glare at him and vigorously stir. "Tonight was fine until you two showed up. You can't believe a sleepover with all of us is a good idea."
Henry shrugs, matching my unrelenting stare. "So then they can both leave, I don't care."
My heart vibrates with sorrow as I notice the dejected hurt beneath his words--annoyance not at Micah being here, but at what it means for him. "That's not exactly an option. And you know you're always welcome here, we just probably won't be able to bunk in together when there is company."
He sighs, grabbing the two mugs as I hug the bowl of popcorn to my chest. "I know, but where will I sleep tonight? In one of the twin's tiny bed?"
I laugh as we enter the living room, finding both Gabe and Micah on their phones with no conversation occurring whatsoever. "There is a fold-out couch and there's a decent-quality blow-up mattress in the closet," I tell Henry, and all of them I guess.
Micah stands up instantly. "Can I help to set up?" he asks, not missing a beat and Gabe puts his own phone down.
"Uh yeah, how about Henry, you and Gabe set up the beds since you know where it all is and how it works. Micah you can help me get some spare linen."
"Roger that boss," Gabe says, saluting me before he starts pulling the couch apart.
Micah follows me down the hall and we stop below my room. He watches as I mindlessly pull the rope from its tie on the wall and lower the ladder. "All the spare linen are in a draw up here, its larger than it looks."
He smiles, shrugging. "After you."
"This is your room," he states, eyes moving over each object with intense fascination. "It's bigger than I expected."
He moves absentmindedly towards my desk, picking up a framed photo of Henry and I as kids to inspect it. "Yeah, it is. I think my little sister will come up and join me here eventually, I'll be at college soon anyway."
His eyes land on a large vintage poster of Fire and Fury and he grins, pointing. "Nice."
I smile and move to my dresser, dropping to the bottom before pulling out linen. "You really don't have to be back at the pack house?" I ask, glancing to find his full attention on me. "I figured your dad would want you there with the Superiors being around."
"I don't need to be back until tomorrow." I place some linen in his open hands and he sets his jaw tightly, thoughts raging behind his eyes.
My question elicits a sharp breath. "Why is he here?"
"Who? Gabe?" Though I know that's exactly who he's referring to. We both do. "They just came over to watch movies and hang out. Henry's always rocking up at random."
He mulls over my words. "And where does he usually sleep?" he asks and I still, not turning towards my bed. He bunks in with me, of course he does but it's never weird like that.
"Well usually on the blowup mattress up here," I lie, but he nods.
"Please can you just make an effort to get along with him?" I plead.
"He's not exactly easy to like," he mumbles, folding up the blankets atop my bed. I shoot him a look and he rolls his eyes. "I'll try."
I turn around and rummage through my drawers for some pyjamas. "Thank you. Also all that stuff tonight, about me coming to meetings..."
I don't face him as I speak, my whole body tense. "The superiors like you." Is his response.
"They don't know me," I reply bluntly. "They like that I'm human, that I'm marketable."
"That's not true, Athena they are kind people, great rulers. I'm sure they will understand you not joining the meetings."
"Your dad basically promised them I'd be there, and he's still my ruler."
"I'll speak to him, you don't need to worry. Worst case scenario, just pretend you're sick." I turn around then and he masks the slight disappointment with an encouraging smile. "Maybe I'll also be able to dodge the meetings, caring for my poor sickly mate."
I shoot him a smile and turn back around, closing the drawer with a heavy sigh. "Thanks, I just would prefer to steer clear of all that and anyway—"
"What's this?" Micah interrupts and at his tone, I whip around quickly, finding him inspecting the green poster I'd lazily discarded onto the bed, his face scrunched as though he's having a hard time believing what he's seeing.
When I don't answer immediately, his brown eyes snap to mine, a hard expression overcoming his features. I hate that look.
I shrug but my whole body prickles in warning. "It's just a poster I got at a stall during those club markets. A lady was telling me about all the work her department does and I don't know." I glance at the poster again, remembering how clearly the words illustrated a link towards the genetic study of the bond. And the lack of rights humans have because of it. "It seemed important."
It seemed more than important though. It is literally incredibly specific to my situation, almost laughably so. Why wouldn't something like that interest me?
"A protest?" He clarifies, like maybe I misread it, picked it up by mistake. His tone tells me he want's that to be true. "You want to go to a protest?"
I gulp, the action subconscious but telling. "It's not until next week so I don't know if I'll be able to but it seems like something I should support. I know how you feel about me looking into the bond but this just came up. If other people in the pack are talking about it why can't I be part of the discussion?"
It's not exactly like I can get information about it from him.
"I didn't say you couldn't." He defends, but clearly he's not impressed. "But a protest is a very different thing to a discussion."
"I don't see how it's a bad thing, it might be a good chance to hear some opinions on the matter, get fresh perspectives. You could come." His stare hardens at the suggestion and my hands subconsciously pick at the wicks of my nails.
"Attend a protest against the pack? Against me? Not a chance in hell." He sighs deeply, pulling himself together. "I'd like you to seriously reconsider going to something like this. It isn't worth it. There will be press and if the future Luna of this pack is seen speaking out against me, our bond—it will cause an uproar. If you don't want to involve yourselves with the Superiors and pack affairs, I'd strongly suggest not doing this."
"It's not my intention to cause a mess, it's just important to me."
"If it's important, then come to the meetings next week instead. You want to protest for change? Then advocate for it with the people who run the country."
"Can we just drop this?" I ask in a worried hush. Now is seriously not the time for this discussion, not when tonight actually had a chance of going well.
He shakes his head as he sighs deeply, looking at the page once more. "Fine but Thea..." he is speechless as he looks at the page again. And then he turns it over, making my heart sink.
His face is utterly still as his eyes furiously scan over the paper. "If you or someone you know is mated and interested in partaking in paid trials, contact the number..." he can't even finish his sentence before snapping his attention to me. "Athena, what the fuck is this?"
Him swearing throws me.
"It's just a pamphlet," I reply, gulping as my gaze flicks to the small trap door with my friends not far from it. They'll start wondering what's taking so long to get sheets soon.
"You are to stay as far away from this as possible. I mean it." He scrunches then throws the paper to the floor and my whole body clenches. "The pack started shutting that shit down because the experiments got out of hand. They became dangerous, and these scientists, for all the good their studies have done for our packs, simply do not consider the goddesses intentions. These groups all start out wth pure intentions but they end with the same goal—which is to destabilise the safety and security of the pack system."
"They are a university department, people dedicated and educated in their field of study. If this bond is the most important thing in the world, surely researching it is a good idea. Using religion to stop science has never been good for the safety or security of society."
Not the pack, society. A society where humans and wolves both mattered.
"Before the war, hunters had been trying to end the mating bond for centuries. Their scientists also took to extreme measures when nothing worked and a lot of people died because of it. Unnecessary, horrific deaths. You will not become a lab rat for some fanatics at a university to prod at—and they would if they could, especially given your status. I won't allow it."
"What's the difference between being a lab rat for them and a show pony for you?" I ask seriously. There isn't malice in my tone, just pure intrigue as to how he's going to justify his position. Because he is ordained by his goddess? The ruler of my life as it was written in the stars? So helplessly unable to change his ordained position in life as my master?
And the real kicker is that I don't think he actually see's his position as wrong. In his eyes, he will play the reluctant ruler of my fate and enjoy every minute of it, gain every benefit that comes with it, get everything that he wants simply because he can. And it'll all be viewed in the rose coloured lens of love.
"Athena." The hurt in his features cuts me. "You're not show pony to me, but those people... whatever they have planned, I can guarantee you it won't lead to anything good."
"Maybe if you just listened to what they have to say, you might be surprised. They study genetics, perhaps there is a chemical reason for all this."
"Studying genetics is one thing, this pack has been supportive of that—more so than many others. But seeking to eliminate a sacred bond is an entirely different story. This agenda has undergone thorough review and they have had multiple chances to plead their case before the pack. It's not like we're shutting the idea down based on nothing. They are protesting because they are desperate and they are desperate because no leader in their right mind would ever endorse something like this."
"I would."
The silence that ensues is deafening. "Well I guess it's a good thing you're not a leader of this pack yet."
His words shouldn't hurt in theory, but the reality hits my heart with a thud. "Maybe you should go home." I offer and he shakes his head, feet unrelenting from where they are planted on my bedroom floor.
"No Athena, you always do this. Today was great, we had fun, bonded, you warm up and then you just go ice cold. I can't handle it. And this... this, you've been doing all this behind my back the entire time and expect me to just happily go along with it? There are lines you should think through before you cross them like it's nothing."
"The only reason I went to that university in the first place was to make you happy." I want to bite more, blow this up and make my stance heard but three loud thumps sound through the floorboards, the result of a broomstick and Henry no doubt, make me stop. "Can we drop it? Please. Now really isn't the time."
"Thea! Hurry up, the popcorn is going to go stale!" Henry yells from directly below me.
"I... can you please just go?" I plead, glancing at the door once more. "I don't want things to be awkward."
His jaw sets tightly and he shakes his head, clearly not over it. "Tell them to go. Surely this is more important."
I hate how his request makes me feel, how small it shrinks me down as I take in the situation. We are up here, in my room and I haven't got a single bit of power against him, despite the fact that its my territory.
What if he transforms into a beast a bites my head off? Or worse, Henry comes to help with the sheets and gets hit in the cross fire.
There is nothing stopping him from blowing a fuse and making this argument worse and I can't stomach the fact that my only solution is to appease him.
I bite my lip, heart thundering as I nod, lowering my voice to a near whisper. "Okay," I murmur. "Alright, I'll tell them to go."
I send him a hard stare and go towards the trap door, when his hand stops me, taking ahold of my bicep. I twist towards him and remove the contact as I do so. His voice is soft, "Athena I... never mind."
I leave it at that and exit my room, his large frame following shortly after
"Um guys I think it's actually better if everyone heads home, I'm not feeling all that well and I think I'm gonna just head to bed." Gabe immediately clocks Micah, his features hardening as he reads the tension in the room.
"What's wrong? You were fine minutes ago," Henry says, purely concerned as he puts down the bowl of popcorn on the table. I glance at Micah, struggling to find words and Henry's features morph to match Gabe's.
"It must've been some food at the event tonight," Micah answers for me. "I'll stick around to make sure she's alright."
The offer is directed to me but it's not a question. "You don't need to do that," I tell him, backing on my promise. I said I'd make them leave, he was included in that. "I'll be fine on my own, all of you can just head home."
"Gabe and I can go get you some stuff from the drugstore if you need," Henry responds, concern underlying his words.
"It's alright, I think I just need some rest."
"Are you sure? We can head down now and be back in ten. You sure you're good to be on your own if you feel unwell?" Gabe adds.
"It's okay, really," I said and Henry nodded.
"Alright, well I'm only ten minutes away if you need anything at all. The spare room is set up and mom will happily make you some soup." Henry grabs his bag, patting Gabe on the shoulder who doesn't look convinced at all. "Well, us three should all probably head out. Sorry for bombarding you, Thea."
"No, don't apologise, it's okay." I turn to Micah who is behind me. "Do you have your keys?" I ask and his jaw tightens.
"Okay, well then I guess I'll see you guys at school — or work tomorrow," I add, pointing at Gabe which doesn't do anything to make Micah's attitude better.
"Alright," Gabe and Henry pick the last of their stuff from the counter and walk out, Micah the last one to leave the threshold. He doesn't move from the door and both my friends stop, waiting for him.
"We heading out together?" Gabe asks causally.
"I'll catch up," he says bluntly and they glance towards me before abiding by the rules of their future leader, only leaving when I give them a subtle nod.
Micah doesn't even wait for them to be out of earshot and leans closer towards me, anguish and anger lining his face. "I don't want you to be upset with me," he states, reaching out and placing a hand on my cheek. The fact he is so comfortable with the action makes me double take.
"I'm not it's just been a long night," I lie, that argument did shake me. "I know you don't agree with me, I didn't expect you to which is why I said nothing but I don't want to just take your word as truth on this bond stuff, that doesn't sit well with me. If there's nothing for me to discover that you haven't already told me then so be it."
His jaw clenches but his anger has subsided so I continue, placing my fingertips on the forearm resting at his side. "I wouldn't do anything to intentionally hurt you or your reputation. The protest... I didn't think about press but I can be sneaky and wear like glasses or something. I just want to hear what they have to say."
Debate swirled in his eyes and he gave me a single nod. "Okay, I'm sorry for cutting the movie night short," he said, lingering where he stood. I wondered if he thought I might invite him back in with that apology but I wasn't planning on it, not when I knew Gabe and Henry were probably staking outside waiting for him to leave.
"It's alright. I'll see you on Monday."
I give him a soft smile and he leans in quickly, pecking me on the lips. "See you Monday," he says as he pulls away, the tension not at all gone in the air.
Once he leaves down the hall I enter the kitchen, putting the final dishes away and tidying the area. It's only when I finally throw the dishcloth in the sink that I hear the doorbell ring.
I walk hesitantly towards the door, knowing Micah is perched behind it, waiting to continue badgering me about my latest affiliation. My request for space means nothing to him.
I open the door with a heavy sigh and my eyes widen in shock as Gabe stands in front of me, his brows knitted in concern. "You okay?" I glance behind him down the hall, my body on edge as I wait for Micah to bound down in wolf form and rip him to shreds. "He's not here, I waited for him to leave, its just us. You're shaking, Thea."
His words are soft and loaded with pain and I realise my hands were, in fact, shaking. I clasp them together and shake my head, "I'm fine, really."
"No you're not."
"What happened?" He questions, sitting down at the dining room table. "Did... did he do something?"
"No," I quickly reply. "Not like that." But I know how it must appear. One moment everything is fine and we are all getting ready to have a little party and then the moment we go to my room and it falls to shit.
"Athena what happened? Talk to me."
I gulped and then pulled the crumpled pamphlet from my pocket, smoothing it out. "He found this."
Gabe takes one glance and blows out a heavy breath. "Yikes." Pure understanding flashes over his face and he gives me a sympathetic stare. "I take it he blew a fuse?"
I shrug. "More or less. He just went on about how I can't trust them and why I shouldn't attend and honestly he was pretty civil at the start, even told me he wouldn't stop me from going." He seems shocked by that so I continue. "Then he turned it over."
Gabe flicks to the other side, his lips form a wince as scans over the page. "Did he hurt you?" He asks seriously and I shake my head.
"No, he was just angry and I don't really blame him, or at least I can see why. I didn't mean for him to see that and I also wasn't planning on even going but in my head I just couldn't agree with him." A taunting silence floats through the room and I see the pain in the crevices of his face as he looks over the pamphlet. "Your step dad, did he ever..."
At the agony my words cause him I can't continue, not when he stares at me with such pain. He gulps and nods. "Only a few times, but enough that it scared her into staying in line. When I was younger the abuse was more mental than anything, but he had full control of her and so even just raising his voice tended to get him what he wanted. She was so frightened of him hurting me that for the most part she just did what she was told to appease him."
My gut wrenches. "I thought wolves couldn't hurt their mate, physically at least." Outside of sinking their teeth in your neck it was taught in classes that harm from ones mate was virtually impossible. But abuse didn't start and stop at physical.
"The first time he hurt her I think he was so blinded by rage that it didn't matter who she was. He'd found an old box in her belongings dedicated to my father, pictures of them, poems, old memorabilia and he went insane. I was maybe seven, they were still barely talking at that point and he just seemed to blame it all for her not accepting him, they argued, she said she'd never love anyone other than my father and he pinned her to the wall by her throat and threatened to destroy any reminder of him. I screamed and cried and tried getting him off her but I was seven." Around the same age as my siblings. I think of how tiny they are, how helpless they would be against someone like Micah.
I let him continue, saw that he needed to. "The photo in my car is the only one left that I have, my mom had hidden it underneath the mattress in our room. The other times he was just rip roaring drunk and ironically mad that she was afraid of him, angry again that she didn't love or accept him. Each time he was so apologetic and full of remorse even part of me felt sorry for the bastard but he hasn't hurt her since I was nine, around the time my younger brother was born."
"Gabe.." I start and he shakes his head.
"Honestly, part of me always wished he became physical again when the laws were lifted. I thought maybe if he hit her one final time then she'd see the evidence of abuse and leave. Because even though it stopped, she never stopped having to rely on him financially, was constantly bullied or belittled out of pursuing a life outside of raising his children, yelled at if she ever decided to fight back because he knew that was all it took to make her drop an argument."
"Gabe I... I'm so sorry you had to go through that," I say, placing my hand over his. He smiles gently, weaving his fingers in my own.
"I'm not telling you because I want your sympathy, Thea. I want to warn you. They are part animal in the end of the day and the bottom line is what you want doesn't matter. My mom wasn't even mated to an Alpha but she was made to conform to that life, Micah's method may seem light now but I don't trust that it will stay that way."
"What? Different? Not that bad?" He moved his hand from my own and held my bicep. "I can almost guarantee you that what you saw from him tonight will only get worse the longer you challenge what he wants." His words scare me, his story scares me but Micah... I don't feel fear when I think of him — not inherently.
We argued, people do that, right? Friends do that. I can't even count how many times Henry and I had gotten into explosive arguments over card games let alone serious shit. "I know I need to be careful," I tell him and it's true, I've been lectured enough about it by my parents. "I just want to give him the benefit of the doubt, as foolish as that might seem. It's not the same world as it was when we were younger and whatever complications the bond might put in, he is my friend Gabe, I really do consider him as such."
Because it's true, he's been kind and compassionate and given the circumstances, he has acted like a friend—for the most part. We argue, sure but he hasn't been totally unreasonable.
"I know and Thea, I hope that I am wrong. I want nothing more than for him to be the opposite of what my mother has for a mate, I just don't have a lot of faith that will come true."
"Right now, even if it does all go south I don't exactly have a lot of options to get out of it." Physically, legally probably spiritually on some level if all the bond stuff is as powerful as they say. "I'd rather try to make whatever this process is as smooth as possible."
"No," he rebuts. "You'd rather appease him just enough so that you can cling onto some fraction of what you want. It's what my mom does each day to escape the reality that she's accepted a life she never signed up for. You don't have to appease him, you don't have to do a damn thing he wants."
His words hit me hard, leaving a gaping hole in my chest. "But if he's my friend, surely I should consider how my actions might impact him."
"You're only friends in the first place to appease him. I don't think you're ever going to escape the situation you're in, not fully and that's the harsh reality. He's going to be an Alpha of a very powerful pack which gives him a hell of an advantage to get what he wants and legally, there is no where on the continent you can go that won't send you right back."
"Comforting," I mumble and he sighs, running a hand down his face.
"I don't mean to upset you and I'll go now that I know you're okay, but just because you can't escape the situation doesn't mean you shouldn't try and if you ever need someone to help you—I'm here. You've not been marked yet."
Gabe left shortly after our conversation, hugging me so tightly I thought I might shatter. His words kept me awake most of the night, tossing and turning about how passionately he relayed his opinions.
I only got around three hours sleep in the end but when I finally did wake up, the first notice I saw on my phone was an email notification, sandwiched between the spam of messages from Henry, Gabe and my family.
Dear Valued Members,
It is with great disappointment that we announce the closure of our club and subsequent cancellation of all events, inclusive of the protest planned on campus today. We apologise for the short notice and will be refuting this move by the university.
Until further notice, we are not permitted to contact or organise gatherings for the society.
For further questions, we have been directed to provide the faculty hotline number.
Genetic Studies Society
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