^1D bc its the mood im in and lets be fr-this is wattpad. there is ZERO judgement for the boy band here. #harryisdaddy
A heavy weight sits in my chest as I approach Henry and take a seat next to him. Mr Friigs notices and I see annoyance start to seep into his expression but before he can come over and split us up his eyes cloud over and once they return, he doesn't storm our way.
"Are you okay?" I give Henry my full attention, loosing the goofiness that his presence usually pulls from me. We are sat close, so close that our knees touch and its something I would never have taken notice of before but now I do. Now I question every bit of my relationship with my best friend and how it might look to others.
"Is it too late to get on a boat and fuck off out of here?" He doesn't smile at all, not like he usually does to blow off an uncomfortable situation.
This isn't like the multitudes of other times he has been belittled, humiliated and bullied by a wolf. It just isn't.
"If we could, I would."
"I've already got my sights on a boat. An old piece of shit that probably doesn't run well at all but another month working on the docks with dad and I'll have enough for it. It'll be done up and ready to sail as soon as the year is over." He sighs, leaning back into the wood. "And then we can go. For real."
I don't answer him immediately, I try to just think, for a second, about the reality of his words. I should be enthusiastic, excited and ready to jump aboard and just go, screw school and the rest of it and adventure.
But the only thing I feel is anchored.
"Don't tempt me," I mumble back, sighing heavily and leaning back with him.
I can tell he wants to say something more, I know he wants to actually and it makes fear sprout within me. If he talks anymore about the fact that everything sucks then I might just break down right here and now.
"What did he want anyway?" He asks and I push aside how it makes me feel to hear Henry address him with such reproach.
"Lunch," I reply, thinking back to how our conversation left of. "He wanted me to have lunch with him and his friends in the cafeteria and also talk about some things. It seems more like he just wants to spend every second he can with me."
I see a slight glimpse of fear in Henry's eyes, a look that kills me just a bit inside. "And?" He asks, tentative.
"And you aren't getting rid of me that easily," I tease, shoving his shoulder. "This year is about you and me, remember? I'm not tossing up the chance to steal half your sandwiches everyday to sit with a bunch of strangers."
He smiles at that and pushes me back.
"You know there's a screening of that movie we missed Saturday on tonight, feel like getting scared shitless?" He asks and I smile before shaking my head.
"I've actually got work," I reply.
"Again? I thought you closed on Mondays."
"We do, but it's just me and Gabe and I think he needs all the help he can get. I'm going there this afternoon to show him a couple things and I'll need to be working a lot more anyway, but hopefully he will be trained enough soon so that I can have the quieter days off."
"The game on Friday, you're still going to that right?" He asks and I shrug.
"I'm not so sure. I know I'm supposed to be reporting or whatever but I feel bad leaving him all alone on one of the busiest nights. I know we planned on it and the committee will probably hate me but I'll try sort it with them at tomorrows meeting."
"If you'd rather work its up to you, I'm not going to cry myself to sleep over it that's for sure. If anything, it'd be a relief. I can just come over to yours when your shift finishes and we can eat cold chips and watch movies."
And just like that, it felt like impending doom washed away. Like life was somewhat how it was supposed to be. This is what I should be doing in high school, movies and late night adventures with my best friend.
I've never watched a full football match in my life, reporting on it seems so wasted. It's not what I want to write at all and I need to tell that to the others in the news room. Tell them that they can't just force me to be with Micah and exploit the bond I don't even know I want.
"I'd love that," I respond with a laugh and he laughs as well.
"I know." We both explode in giggles with one simple glance. "Football? Please. Who were we kidding?"
I laugh even more at that and pull my legs up, sitting with them crossed. "We should just boycott sport in general. I vote no more,"
"Vote? An ancient concept," he comments and I laugh again.
"Choice? Never heard of that word," I mock. "But seriously fuck this class."
"Seriously?" He questions and I nod. "That's unlike you, one little fight with your parents and you've gone full rebel."
I shrug. "Well I figure I can get away with a lot more now, might as well use it to my advantage."
He lets out a low wince. "I consider myself pretty good at debates and even I wouldn't go there with your parents."
"Okay true, I was more considering everyone else." He is right of course. So long as I live in my parents house I live by their rules, that's the basic truth of it. I don't like to make a habit of biting the hand that feeds me, especially not when the food is amazing.
Besides, it's not like I have anywhere else to go. Henry would accept me but his parents would send my ass straight back home. I suppose the pack house, I half expected that lot to just straight up abduct me and imprison me in the beginning anyway so I'm sure they'd have me.
However if the rules in my house are strict... I can't even imagine what life there would be like. I don't want to.
"But if sport is going to be anything like today for the rest of the year... we might have to consider ditching. How did you manage to just walk off anyway?" He asks and I smile before fake coughing.
"Sick," I reply and he laughs.
"A shame, I'm going to have to eat all of my sandwich today," he says and I stare him down.
"I will tackle you for that," I say seriously and he scoffs.
"Okay, maybe you might have too. The last time you beat me was in third grade and I think I'm a little more buff now. I can probably hold my own."
I knew the day he realised his superior strength would eventually come around, I painfully waited for the day actually. And he was right, he was more buff. He wasn't even a lanky teenage boy anymore.
I pouted my lips, giving him a look of complete utter sadness and he clenched his eyes shut. "No! Don't, you can't do that! It won't work!"
He cracks his eyes open and I make my eyes well with tears to which he glares. "Curse you and your witch magic," he says and I smile broadly.
"How can you say no to this face?" I ask and we break off into a long conversation about the many times he should have said no, the entire gym session taking a turn for the complete better.
It was an understatement to say it was a relief.
When the bell finally rang and we were able to leave, I didn't say goodbye to Micah. I caught his eyes and we looked at each other for a brief moment, waved, but neither of us said anything further. He walked off with his friends to his next class and I walked off with mine.
Just how it once was.
And the next class went by smooth enough, all of the classes in the day did. I sat alone where I had to and with Henry if I could—though our timetables rarely matched.
Micah didn't even come to see me on break, whatever he wanted to say clearly wasn't important enough. Either that, or he didn't want to bother me while I didn't want to be disturbed.
I close my locker door with a slam, the books in my hands nearly falling as Henry's head, pulling some god awful expression meet me, his nose nearly touching mine.
"Is it your life goal to kill me of a heart attack?" I ask, sighing heavily.
"Maybe," he says, smiling widely showing off the dimples on his cheeks. "But I have news for you, great news."
I raise an eye brow and hand him two of my heaviest books which he accepts quickly. "Go on," I encourage as we walk together towards the exit.
"I got a call today from Al of all people," he starts as we walk out together.
"And it would seem you are going to be seeing a lot more of me. I think he is starting to realise, or Gabe told him, that they are in need of an extra hand so he asked me to pick up a couple shifts. Surprise!" He says and I look at him with wide eyes as we walk out of the double doors.
"What?!" I ask, "No way,"
"Yes way, meet the newest employee on your team."
I smile broadly, excitement bubbling up inside me. "Our parents punishment of separation is now useless," I comment happily. "Although training two people is going to be an honest nightmare. But I guess you and Gabe can do all the dishes and cleaning while I cook fish like the professional I am," I comment and he mock glares at me.
"What hell have I signed up for?" He asks and I shove him.
"Shut up, it's going to be so much fun. Just imagine all the chips you could ever ask for available at any time PLUS my amazing company. It's a dream come true."
"It does sound pretty awesome, I won't even lie."
"Athena!" I turn around with Henry to find a large guy jogging over to us, Benny, I believe. Micahs best friend.
We stop in our tracks, just about to head down the entrance way to make the next bus down to the docks. "Hey," I respond, shocked at his sudden appearance. I hardly know him, aside from the fact he is lined up to be Gamma and I don't pay an awful lot of attention to pack matters. "What's up?" I ask and he stops in front of us, not breathless at all.
"You left this in the gym," he says, holding up a small case I usually leave my headphones in and my eyes widen, I hadn't even realised it'd gone missing.
"Oh, thanks. I didn't even notice," I reply with a nervous laugh and he smiles before looking to Henry stood next to me.
"I was going to give it too Micah, I figured he could just give it to you later on but I saw you and so yeah. We haven't really had the chance to be introduced either. I'm Benny," he says and I smile.
"I'm Athena, though you already know that," I blubber. "This is my friend Henry," I say, diverting the attention onto him rather than me and Benny looks at him again, a slight hesitation in his gaze. Judgement almost, like he's sizing up a threat.
He reaches his hand out and him and Henry shake hands. "It's nice to meet you. I'm sure I'll see a lot more of the both of you around-"
He is cut off as a tall slender brunette runs straight past us, slightly knocking Henry on her way and leaps into Bennys arms, kissing him smack on the lips. He holds her tightly, making a minor crease in her perfectly ironed cheer uniform and Henry and I stand in even more awkwardness.
"Babe," he says in a certain tone, a smile adorning his face and she turns around to us then, shock overcoming her features before she turns back to her mate.
I know who she is, Molly, head of the cheer squad, most popular, beautiful girl in school. But I haven't had a single conversation with her. Ever. Obviously.
"Oh, oh my goddess. I-" she gulps, straightening out her uniform, standing next to her mate with nerves covering her features. "Forgive me, I didn't realise... It's great to finally meet you, I'm Molly," she says, smiling widely and I return her smile with a whole tonne less enthusiasm but I do try, I do.
"I'm Athena, this is Henry," I say and she looks at him, her smile faltering slightly but remaining nonetheless.
"I was there the day you met Micah, with the paint and all," she says with slight humour however the mention of my mate seems pointed given Henry's presence. But I remember there being cheerleaders present in that whole event. She must've been one of them.
"Oh yeah, I'm really sorry about that—the mess and all, it was probably inconvenient," I apologise and she shakes her head.
"No, not at all. The outcome makes up for it! I've been waiting for so long for Micah to meet his mate, I've got so many cute double date ideas and I can finally learn more about the Gamma Female position with someone else. But with you learning the Luna role obviously," she says with a laugh and my gut coils.
"Babe," Benny says, giving her a slight nudge and another look to which her brows furrow.
"What?" She asks, completely unaware of my discomfort in the whole bond apparently.
"Its fine," I say, more to her mate than to her. He would've been around in the aftermath of my disappearance that day and no doubt Micah has confided in him since then. "I'm sure I'll see both of you around more often now," I say with a smile and Benny's expression softens.
"Of course! Whenever you come around to the pack house be sure to ask for me, I'm usually there most of the time and I guess you will be now too. I totally get it if you want to spend more time with Micah there but if you ever get bored of his company, which you will, especially with this one around," she jokes and her mate pokes her stomach, making her grin. "You can always seek refuge with me."
Her beaming smile makes it so hard for me not to put on a happy face, no matter how much her words make my gut twist with discomfort. It's just the expectedness of it all, like now that some magical bond has floated into my life, sprinted over me like some fairy dust, I need to uproot my entire life.
I'm expected to become a completely different version of myself. I don't want to go and hang around the pack house with a bunch of wolves pampering me, I've been told my entire life to steer clear of them—not walk into building swamped with them.
But I suppose being stuck there with Micah being the only person I know—if that ever even happens, would feel like torture. Her gesture comes from a good place and I do appreciate it.
"Thanks, I will. We've gotta get going now anyway, we've got a pretty busy afternoon," I comment and Benny smiles, giving us a knowing nod.
"We'll let you go, it was nice to officially meet you both," he says, acknowledging Henry which is a start I suppose.
We both say goodbye and don't say a word to each other until we get to the bus stop, well out of ear shot of surrounding wolves.
"That was awkward," he says, breaking the silence.
"You're telling me. I have a lot of awkwardness left to encounter apparently," I mumble in response and he lets out a low whistled breath.
"They seem pretty optimistic about it all though. Either I'm picking up the wrong signals from you or he is because something doesn't add up," he replies, shaking his head as we get on the bus. We take our seats in the middle and thankfully, the bus is mostly vacant aside from a few students wearing headphones.
"I know," I reply, drained from it honestly. "I mean our date was good but it wasn't that great. I don't know, maybe I'm giving him mixed signals—I'm just not sure myself about any of it. I think they just want to believe a certain truth, or maybe he is telling them one thing to get them off his case."
"Could be," he replies. "I take it him getting you to accept the bond is a big thing. His first real commitment to leadership is you and if that falls through..."
"I know," I reply. I do know. Having a future luna reject him would be quite possibly the worst way to begin his start in pack life. If I'm even allowed to reject him—we haven't gotten that far in our discussions yet.
I doubt I will be. In which case he has something worse, a Luna forced to be there.
"Well he could surprise us yet, maybe he wants to take things real slow, possibly take a break for a little while so you can both sort your own things out," he says sarcastically and I push him, annoyed that he finds humour in this very serious situation.
"Like he wants to take it slow. Mates don't do any of that, he's probably tearing himself apart over it all and that's quite possibly the weirdest thing about it. He's so invested in something I don't want to even think about."
"You aren't wrong. You could probably propose and the dude would say yes in a heartbeat," he laughs and I roll my eyes.
"Maybe you shouldn't be so frivolous with your mocking, Henry. Who knows? Karma could catch up and give you a mate of your own," I reply smoothly and he shudders.
"No thanks, the goddess has given me the purpose of a life on the sea. I doubt she'd jeopardise that."
"Listen, if I'm stuck in this, then by default, you are too," I comment, pointing at him with my finger and he smiles, laughing even more. But I mean it when I say it. If I have to stay, trapped in this and my only friend gets to run off god knows where...
The thought of it, of being so alone, makes my chest cramp. But I smile nonetheless, turning the conversation onto the movie we've been planning on watching, shoving everything else aside. Its not a practical way to deal with things, I know eventually it will all catch up to me but I plan on pretending it's all fine until it's really not.
Which I hope never comes.
"Holy fuck. Holyyy fuck." I grab a towel and start thrashing a piece of fish thrown onto the tiles floor, completely consumed in flames, bashing it repeatedly until the flames simmer down.
I glance up to find Gabe poking at the smoke alarm with a broom unsuccessfully while Henry swats at the air, attempting to help. He looks at me, realising how little his efforts contribute before running towards the fish on the floor.
"Don't!" It's too late, he picks up the flameless fish and drops it instantly, squealing and clutching his hand, screaming at it. "What is wrong with you?!" I yell, jumping up and grabbing his hand, practically yanking him to the sink before turning on the cold water full blast.
We'd been here for four hours and the kitchen looked like a bomb had hit it. If Al walked in right now we'd be fired without second question. Beating his nephew to a pulp is one thing but this...
I let Henry look after one piece of fish. One.
I wiped the back of my hand across my forehead, likely leaving a stream of flower in its wake because the shit was everywhere.
Gabe finally gets the smoke alarm to stop going off and immediately walks over to the window, opening it. "I'm sorry, I really am sorry," Henry says with sincerity at the sink and I shoot him a glare before dropping my head, starting to laugh.
He begins to chuckle too and I look around us once more at the absolute disaster of a kitchen. Tears begin too well in my eyes as I laugh so hard my stomach starts to hurt.
"What the hell have I signed up for?" Gabe asks, looking at the two of us laughing our arses off but even he can't keep the smile from his face. He'd been doing well, too. He could cook a whole lot better and understood most of where everything went and how it worked.
Henry was just a spanner in the works. Okay maybe more than a spanner.
"One of us must've pissed off Al in order for him to actually ask him to join," I reply, my laughs simmering down.
"Okay I deserve that. I'll do dishes, I'm not going to fight you on that."
His response only makes me laugh more and Gabe also smiles widely before pulling off his shirt, the action taking me entirely off guard. His well defined chest comes straight into my line of vision and I tear my eyes away, coughing briefly before gathering myself as he uses the shirt to get rid of the smoke.
"I mean at least the chips worked out," I state, throwing one from the large bowl in my mouth. It was just the right amount of crunch, the seasoning pretty perfect too, it made my mouth water.
"I'm starting to get hungry too, that shit exhausted me," Gabe comments, the smoke somewhat removed from the space.
"Well we won't be eating for sometime, not until we clean this mess up. And I for one think I've seen enough burnt fish today to put me off that as an option," I laugh and Henry agrees with me.
"I could order some pizza, it'd get here by the time we finish cleaning," He suggests and the thought of melted mozzarella motivates me like nothing else.
"I'm down," I agree, picking up a dishcloth.
"Me too, two pepperoni pizza's please," Henry asks, ordering for the both of us.
"Done," Gabe smiles, his pearly white teeth showing.
My phone starts ringing in my pocket and I pull it out, my moms face lighting up the screen. "I've gotta take this, let her know I'll be a bit late. I can order pizza too, maybe get some music going Henry," I suggest and he gives me a thumbs up with his burnt hand, wincing which makes me snort.
I move into the back room, answering the phone as I try to get some flour off my shirt.
"Hey mom, I won't be able to make it home for dinner tonight. I'm getting pizza with the guys at work," I say, picking a bit of dried fish batter from my forearm. I likely stink badly but then again, we all do.
"Home?" From her voice I immediately know she's pissed. "Where on earth are you, I've left you countless texts Athena, we are going out tonight. All of us are ready to leave!" She says, her distress clear as day.
"Go out?" I ask and then it clicks. "The dinner."
"Yes, Athena. The dinner. Was this your plan? Just stand up the leaders of our pack after their invitation to rebel against the system? Who knows what kind of repercussions we could face from this. We are already late and this is our first introduction to them, formally, this could pave how the future works out. Your future."
My gut sinks and I look at the time, she's right. They are already running ten minutes late and they live closer to the main pack building than where I am right now. I turn to the mirror and I don't bother concealing the grimace that takes over my face.
"I'm sorry mom, I forgot. I had work and I thought that was next week. I'll get ready right now and be there as soon as I can. Just go without me and tell them I'm running a bit late," I say and I hear her sigh of frustration. Thank the gods above Henry is working with me now, because I will definitely be grounded after this.
"If you aren't there in twenty minutes you are going to have some serious trouble on your hands," she says and I know she doesn't mean just from her.
"I know, mom, I'm sorry okay I'll be there soon," I rush and she picks up on my anxiety which is at an all time high.
"See you soon," she says, her tone less clipped but peeved nonetheless.
As soon as she hangs up the phone I walk into the kitchen to find both Henry and Gabe bobbing their heads to the upbeat music playing, smiling contently.
I walk over to the speaker and turn it down. "I didn't get pizza," I announce and they both look to me with concern, picking up on my fear quickly.
"Why? What happened?" Henry asks and I run my hand though my hair, likely making it even more gross.
"I completely forgot about that thing at the pack house tonight," I blurt and Henry's face falls, his eyes moving to the clock and filling with intense sympathy for me.
"The pack house? What thing?" Gabe questions and I look to him, my throat drying up.
Henry shoots me a look and I glance at Gabe who is clearly confused. We'd both agreed not to tell him about the mate thing, well I forced him to shut his mouth about it. I want to keep as much of my life to myself as I can. "This interview. For school, I'm on the paper," I lie and he nods, not pushing the topic any further. "I was supposed to be there ten minutes ago and now I have twenty minutes and..." I look down at the disaster that is my attire and feel like I might just explode into a puddle of tears.
"There is no way I'm going to be able to go home and get ready and make it in time, I'm toast," I say, suddenly feeling really bad for that butchered fish Henry destroyed. My end will likely be similar.
"You can just shower here if you want, I think there's some of my moms old clothes left upstairs in a box actually," Gabe offers and I furrow my brows.
"Upstairs?" I ask and he nods.
"Yeah I'm staying in Al's old apartment, upstairs. You are free to shower and get ready there if you want. I can drop you off too if you need a ride," he says and I feel terrible, making him have to put in so much of his time to my mistake.
But I don't have much of a choice to not take up the offer. "That would be awesome, I'm really so sorry. I didn't want to leave with all this mess and all I feel terrible," I apologise and he shakes his head.
"Don't be, I'll show you up," he says and I hastily follow him out through the back to a metal staircase in the alley way. "Its just up here."
I follow him up the stairs and he pulls out a set of keys from his pocket, opening a faded red door into a small studio apartment.
It was clearly in the process of being cleaned after a long time being empty but it was still nice. There was a small kitchen, a dining table and a large unmade bed against the wall with a window view to the ocean.
"Sorry about the mess, I'm still in the process of settling in," he says and I shake my head.
"No it's fine, I'm the one who should be sorry for intruding," I laugh.
"It's seriously alright, the bathroom is just in there," he points to a door next to the kitchens end. "There are fresh towels in the cabinet, you should be able to find them. I'll just leave the clothes outside the door," he says and I notice he's still shirtless, his muscles on full display.
He's shirtless and I'm about to shower in his apartment, just the two of us here.
It feels wrong for some reason, despite it being completely innocent. I know someone who would think very differently about the situation if he knew but I shove the thought of him aside and give Gabe a smile.
I shower faster than I ever have before, washing my hair and body with wash that is so strong in its scent it makes my nose crinkle. It's not a bad smell, but god guys have a way of buying the most perfumed cleaning products in the universe.
I don't even bother trying to source a hair dryer and instead just braid it back. I put on my bras and underwear but still wrap the towel tightly around myself, opening the bathroom door just as Gabe places down a box.
He looks up at me and I notice his cheeks redden quickly before he snaps his attention away, turning his back to me.
"Sorry," he says, a shirt now covering his skin. "Theres only pants, the shirts had been ripped up into rags it seems. I can grab you one of mine if you want?" He asks.
"Uh, yeah, that'd be great, just knock or something and I'll grab it from you," I reply, pulling the box into the bathroom and closing it quickly, realising my breath once I am inside.
I rifle through the clothes and settle on some baggy mom jeans, thankful there is a belt that fits me and once its fastened Gabe knocks on the door. I open it, grabbing the shirt from him with a thanks.
It is way too large for me and there is some sort of graphic design on the front that I debate turning inside out but settle on leaving it, tucking the shirt it into my pants quickly before opening the door with my clothes tucked under my arm.
Gabe rises from a seat at the dining table, his eyes running over my outfit quickly before he smiles. "You look good," he says with a genuine smile and I try to hide my blush. "That shirt suits you much more than me."
I laugh, tucking a strand of hair I missed behind my ear. "Thanks, I don't know if the pack will agree but I guess I'm about to find out," I answer and he grabs his keys from the table with a casual laugh.
"Shall we?"
I grab my backpack from the kitchen downstairs, shoving my clothes into it with all of ten minutes left until my moms deadline. Henry stays in the kitchen, wishing me luck with a wary look and when I return to the alley I stop dead in my tracks.
Gabe is sat on his motorbike, leaning casually with a helmet in his hands putting out a cigarette. He sees the look of fear on my face and smiles broadly. "My car is still not working," he says and I want to refuse. I consider the idea of just full blown running to the pack house but I shove my fear aside and just walk up to him, grabbing the helmet and putting it on. He passes me a worn leather jacket that is slightly too big.
"Wear this," he instructs and so I do, zipping it up.
He swings his leg over the seat gracefully, turning the ignition on and giving the engine a loud rev. He puts his own helmet on and I take my seat behind him, my body pushed up close against his.
"Hold on tight," he says as he kicks up the stand and at the unsteadiness of the movement my hands wrap tightly around his abdomen, the leather of the jacket he put on cold against my skin.
He doesn't give me any warning and all at once the engine revs loudly, the bike rolling out onto the street, headlight on. I clutch onto him tightly as the bike tilts around the corner, moving with full speed ahead.
He changes through the gears with his feet, the movement like muscle memory for him I'm sure but it still scares me as we ride down the streets. I never realised how big cars were in comparison but I notice them now, when one wrong turn and they could squish us flat on the ground.
As if he was just letting me get used to it, he picks up speed, weaving in and out of cars lined up in traffic and I suck in a harsh breath. I contemplate yelling at him once I'm safely on the ground but with the clock ticking down I'm not going to complain.
After a while, once I get over the trepidation that consumes me, it actually starts to feel... nice. A weird kind of nice, like the adrenaline that courses through my veins is actually just excitement. And it doesn't take long to realise that Gabe knows what he's doing, he's probably ridden this thing for quite some time. At least I hope.
We drift through the town, past shops and people and it's interesting how many heads turn, in a completely different way than they do when I'm without a helmet. Right now, I'm just a random bike girl to them, not a Luna in line or a strange geek. Someone completely new.
It's thrilling.
But all of that excitement, all of the adrenaline comes crashing down as soon as the pack house comes into view. It's massive, unmissable and it's the first time I'm ever going to be inside it.
It's one of the largest skyscrapers in the city and it's surrounded by gardens and smaller, beautiful buildings to create a society within a society. It's where the officials and their families live, where pack businesses and human council is held.
I don't know what the building held before, if it was even here or if it was rebuilt fully for the pack.
We ride up to the entrance to the open gates and guard who is stationed at a small building.
Gabe slows down and puts his foot on the ground as the guard approaches us.
"Please state your name and business entering these grounds," he says, his voice monotonous, only a slight suspicion to his words.
"Gabe Keelson, I'm dropping off Athena Mennison for her interview," he says and the guards face changes instantly as he looks at me on the back. I raise my hand in a wave and he looks back to Gabe, only slightly confused with what he's said.
"Won't be a moment, have a good night," he says, more to me than Gabe and I hope he doesn't question it, doesn't see through the lie for what it is.
The guard speaks into his com as he enters the small building but the gates open soon enough. The drive to the front entrance of the pack house is daunting as hell and when I see it closer up, I feel like not getting off the bike at all.
But we get there eventually and as he stops in front of the stairs leading up to the entrance, Micah walks through the automatic glass door, pausing entirely when he see's me.
"Keep the helmet with you, you can just bring it back to the store on your next shift," Gabe says, his voice muffled as I get off the bike. "Looks like your interview subject is getting a bit antsy, wouldn't want you to make him wait any longer," he says lightheartedly and I laugh.
"I am quite late," I reply, taking my helmet off. "Thanks heaps for this, I'll make it up to you," I promise and he nods, kicking up the stand.
"I'll hold you to that." Even though I can't see his face I know he is smiling and so I smile back, taking a step away from the bike and waving as he rides off into the distance.
My smile subsides greatly as I turn around and come face to face with Micah, our eyes meeting instantly. He looks in the distance as the bikes loud engine roars taking off down the road, his jaw clenching. I tighten my grip on the helmet and walk straight to him. Right into the belly of the beast.
authors note
do i double update??? bc things are about get interesting and I don't know that ya'll are ready for that.
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