"Yeah so that happened," I tell Henry as I pull on my gym shoes, tying the laces as we sit side by side in the gym. He laughs hard, so hard that I shove his shoulder in an attempt to make him stop.
"Am I next?" He teases, doubling over again and I shake my head before putting it in my hands.
"Stoppp, I'm not aggressive. I'm so embarrassed by it. The fact that I could even show my face there the next day to help him out-" I stop myself, wincing. "The bruises just looked worse."
Henry continues laughing, pulling on his own gym shoes. "What did Al have to say about it?" He asks before leaning back as we wait for our grumpy old gym teacher to arrive. Mr Hog isn't all that bad, purely because he is so unenthusiastic he lets us get away with doing nothing but as an actual gym teacher-he's the worst of them all by a mile. And this class is admittedly also the worst, all the nerds and uncoordinated students, mostly humans and wolves who couldn't care less, lumped together in a free period.
"We both agreed not to tell him," I reply, watching as a small-very small-group of students start stretching to limber up. I have no motivation for exercise at all-none, zilch, nada.
"Lucky you," he mumbles and opens his mouth to say more, a devilish expression covering his face but the piercing blow of a whistle cuts him off.
"Come on all of you! Up you get! I want everyone stretching-see them?" I follow the hoarse voice of Mr Hogs, finding him motioning with his chubby index finger towards the group that are giving a damn. "Look at what they are doing and just copy it or whatever-quickly."
He carries on drinking his morning coffee like he couldn't care less but his tone was harsher than usual-harsh enough to make us all walk groggily to the floor of the gym and move our limbs around like we had any clue what we were doing.
"So what's his name then? This mystery mafia guy?" Henry asks, that smirk reappearing and I shoot him a look.
"Come on, don't do me like that," I reply and he holds his hands up in surrender. "Gabe," I conclude.
"I'll have to meet the poor man," he remarks and I roll my eyes.
"We are in need of a dish bitch if you care to join the team," I tease and he laughs. I've been trying to get him to work at Al's for as long as I've been there but he claims that he doesn't need it. He's happy enough coming in on my shifts to hang around in the kitchen chatting to Al eating free fish.
"How did Friday go anyway? We haven't really been able to speak much on it," he asks, his voice slightly strained at the sensitive subject.
"Aside from being completely grounded by my parents?" I joke and he winces. "It was alright, he-I mean we had fun I guess. He seems nice and we mainly just talked about football because of the whole interview thing."
"So it wasn't awkward?" He asks and I shrug.
"A little I suppose. It's always going to be awkward, though. He wants me to be his mate and I... I don't know what I want. He seems fully willing to give me time but in the end of the day he still expects me to eventually come around and that's..." I don't even know how to explain it through words—the weight of his expectation. It leaves me feeling choice-less which ultimately leaves me feeling sad.
I see sympathy flicker in Henrys eyes. "Well I guess it could be worse," he offers, though I can tell by his tone how he really feels about it. "As useless as I might be, if you ever need me to kick his ass, I'll attempt it with everything I have and most likely fail—but I'll try. Just know that you've still got control over how your life pans out."
It's like he read my mind, could see just what exactly about being mated was so off-putting to me. Something that could only really be achieved through years of close friendship.
"It's not terrible anyway, with the extra shifts at Al's and the newspaper I'll be so busy I won't even have the time to bother worrying about it all. I hardly ever saw him before, well he hardly ever noticed me so I don't see us really running into each other anytime soon—"
My words are cut short as the gym doors swing open and I look to find the head gym teacher, a muscle packed warrior looking wolf known as Mr Friigs, a complete hardcore teacher, the kind when filling in that would make us run laps and do circus a hard stern look nearly always covering his face, came into the gym. And behind him... It really looked almost holy how the football team walked into the gym, the sun gleaming behind them as they entered in a pack. Their boisterous laughs filled the space immediately, the whole lot of them smiling and there, right smack bang in the middle blissfully unaware, sporting that large grin that just draws in strangers was Micah.
It took mere moments for his eyes to snap directly to mine, catching my stare and though his expression faltered, slight nerves almost overcoming him, his smile grew larger and he raised his hand, waving at me.
All the attention in the room that was drawn to him turned to me with the action and I gulped, wishing I could just vanish then and there. I raised my hand up and gave what could be considered by some to be a slight wave back before turning on my heels to face Henry, letting out a sigh.
"Not awkward, hey?" He mumbled and I shot him a look, one of slight panic at what the hell the football kids were doing in this class.
"Shut up," I whisper back to him, my eyes going to another set of doors that leads into the hall, watching as another teacher and class walk through.
They all come in and loiter in their groups, some students going to find friends from other classes and I pull my attention to Micah only once more, finding him with a more dejected look as he talks to his team mates.
The whistle blows once more and I stop pretending to be busy stretching to turn to Mr Friigs, stood with the other teachers.
"Okay class, listen up!" His booming voice quietens even the rowdiest of students. "Under orders of our principal, we have made the decision to merge all gym classes on Mondays into one session. Classes not here not will have merged sessions during the day but the people around you now, will be in your gym class every Monday for the foreseeable future. To help some of our lower classes," his gaze flicked to the general direction I was stood in. "We haven't taken into account skill set hence the presence of our football team. I expect all students in this class to put in maximum effort and as a year, step outside of your comfort zones and befriend those you wouldn't normally otherwise."
It was like he was reciting out of a drilling manual, his tone bland and monotonous but the message clear as day. My team is sacrificing actual training time to help out you losers so put in some work.
"Today we will be playing a series of basketball games, the first half of the session you and your team can run through some drills and the second half we will split into a series of short games," he looks towards his team and glances at the clipboard in his hands. "Okay so, Christian, Juan, Benny and Micah." They all step forward and I turn my attention to him once again, noting the way he and the others stand to attention. "You five will pick your teams and we will go from there. You know the standard drills to run—us teachers will supervise and intervene where needed. Micah, you go first."
Those large brown eyes looked directly into mine once more, catching my stare. It was like for a moment I couldn't pull away, couldn't drag myself from the abyss that staring at him created.
But I managed to, learning my gaze to the floor in front of me, completely aware that the room noticed all of it and absolutely anxious because of it.
I snapped my attention back to him, to the certainty of his voice, the collected calm of it. Never in my life had I been picked first for any game-let alone sport. If he was being strategic he was failing miserably.
His eyes didn't leave mine as he stared at me waiting for my next move. It was inevitable, I guess-him choosing me. I don't see why any of the others would dare to pick me from both the enemy they'd make and the fact that I'm terrible at sports.
"If you are picked go stand with your team captain," Mr Friigs states loudly and it breaks me from my daze, finding everyone looking at me.
I feel Henry touch my arm lightly and I notice Micahs jaw clench just before I turn to him. He leans in and whispers, "It'll be alright, go."
And so I do, I break away from my only friend in the entire gym-entire world really, and listen to the squeaking of my sneakers as I walk towards Micah, everyone watching as nerves bundle in my stomach.
"Specks," his teammate, another captain announces and the football team laugh as their friend moves up, the other captains groaning at the loss. It's enough to break the tension, make faint chatter return just as I go to stand next to my mate.
"Hey," I mummer, looking at him briefly before returning my attention to Henry who stares straight at us, or Micah more like with an impassive look on his face.
"Hey," he responds, turning to me. "I didn't know you were in Mr Hogs' class. Unlucky," he says with a slight smile, looking briefly at Mr Hogs who finishes his coffee with a disinterested look on his face.
"On the contrary," I rebut, looking at Mr Friigs who is explaining some kind of drill to the other teachers enthusiastically. "I'm very fortunate to have a teacher that holds realistic expectations of me as a gym student."
"And what's a realistic expectation?" He questions before turning back to the crowd. "Uh, James," he says, picking randomly to a guy that saunters over to the bench behind us, packed with muscle before giving me his attention once more.
"The bare minimum." He lets out a laugh, a certain glint of happiness coming over his eyes.
"Well geez it would've been good to know that before I made you my first choice," he jokes but I shrug, contemplating his words.
"You surely didn't take me for the athletic type," I comment. "What you saw us doing in here before is probably the most I've done in Mr Hogs' class in the last three years."
"What were you doing when I came in here?" He asks, a smile still evident on his face before his head snaps to the crowd. "Uhh, you," he says, pointing at another class member.
"Stretching-I think."
He shoots me a perplexed look, a glint of curiosity glimmering in his eyes, opening his mouth to continue.
"Holt!" Mr Friigs shouts and Micah's attention slips to him. "It's your turn to choose. Lets get teams out of the way and then you can chat all you like."
I'd feel offended, like the intervention was somehow rude but I didn't mind the teachers harsh tone one bit. It startled me, admittedly, that he'd actually speak in such a manner to the future Alpha but it was a nice change from all the teachers trying to shove the two of us together.
"Yes coach. Uhh Kelsey." He turns back to me and I nod, pointing with my thumb to the bleachers behind.
"I'll just wait over there," I say with a slight laugh and he smiles.
I walk towards the bleachers, sending my fellow teammates a tight smile before sitting down, my eyes scanning the crowd of people, landing on Henry in an instant.
He raises his brows at me, nodding his head in the direction of Micah and I smile, shaking my head before shrugging as if to say what? I couldn't exactly control that.
He sends me back a look, one of slight warning. He knows of my parents instructions and of my now failed plan to avoid the guy.
I shrug again, my brows furrowing slightly with the weight of it. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help but feel like this is set up, by fate maybe but also perhaps by real people. Hell, it could even be a move by him.
A way for whoever to push us together by any means possible, shove the bond down my throat because of its importance to them. All of the swarming thoughts make my stomach turn but the more I think, the worse the scenario gets.
I look back at Henry and notice the guilt in his expression before he smiles, shaking his head mouthing don't worry about it. I let out a loose laugh, leave it to Henry to completely make me doubt absolutely everything around me and then brush over it as if it were nothing.
I roll my eyes, still grinning and like that same invisible force tugs at me, I pull my attention to Micah to find him staring at me, his brows furrowed slightly. Stupidly, I look back at Henry and he follows my gaze, clenching his jaw tightly when he finds the source of my joy.
Any hint of happiness on my face drains and I lean closer of the edge of my seat, consumed by nerves. Henry said he'd become possessive and it made me think of the many stories people whispered about what a wolf would do in anger when it came to their mates. It made me scared.
Micah shuts his eyes for a few brief moments-enough for me to notice and it disturbs me even more.
"Henry." I snap my attention to the large wolf a few feet away from Micah, the vice captain of the team. His finger pointed straight to Henry and it made my brows knit together in confusion.
The chance of that burly jock being acquainted to Henry was incredibly slim. The only possible way for them to know each other in the slightest would be from a class or debate team perhaps and I've seen him multiple times in both settings.
Neither scream that he'd have any skills in sports at all.
I watch as Henry walks over to his team captain before looking at me, beginning to make his way next to me on the bleachers whilst we wait for the other teams to fill up. But his attention is grabbed before he can move and he says something to him lowly that makes his jaw clench before he walks off towards the gyms storage area.
"Alright, now everyone has a team I'd like for you to split up and begin some basic drills. Dribbling and defence to begin with before starting on some shooting techniques. Let's go!" The whistle blows loudly again, piercing through the gymnasium and the groups begin to scatter and then form, the chatter of people arising once more.
Micah and a tall well built guy walk over to those of us still waiting on the bleachers, everyone standing up when they come over. "Uh so Kelsey if you could help James to get the equipment we need. James, just the usual stuff. And while we wait if everyone could do some stretches."
The authority in Micahs voice sent shivers done my spine but when our eyes connected I looked away instantly, not bothering to hide the irritation on my face.
Everyone set into action so I stood too, glancing at some of the others and trying my best to mimic their movements as they all chattered amongst themselves. Micah broke off from the group, jogging over to talk briefly with his coach before coming back-his eyes trained solely on me.
"You need to hold your arm a little tighter if you want to actually feel that stretch," he says, a slight smile on his face as he points to my forearm.
The others in the group don't take note as he singles me out, moving closer until it is just him and I stood next to each other, secluded in plain sight.
I want to bring up Henry, question his motives and every single part of that whole thing, but I don't. I'm not even sure what compels me to do so, but I just offer him a tight smile instead.
"I actually wish that gym weren't a compulsory subject," I mummer in response, I'm being careless-using a tone that I would previously never use with a wolf. I don't like navigating the lines between respectful subordinate and friends so I've never tried.
"Something tells me you aren't very excited to be here," he muses and I shoot him an obvious look.
"Mondays are supposed to be taught by a slightly hungover gym teacher that makes us run one lap and 'meditate' or walk for the remainder of the session. You can imagine my surprise." I let out a sigh as I stretch my other arm-taking into consideration his note to move my hand up higher. "What imbecile thought making a bunch of completely uninterested humans work out first thing after a long weekend was a good idea anyway?" I joke and he chuckles at that, tilting his head to the side.
My face falls and my heart stops for a split second. Why? Why? I just can't seem to keep my stupid trap shut for more than two seconds. It is in no way my goal to insult the next damn Alpha of the pack but apparently it's my destiny.
But if he was the one who orchestrated all this... as if reading my mind, he shakes his head. "I promise you this wasn't some type of set-up. I mean I did plan on seeing you at some point today but I figured it'd be for lunch or at the end of the day or something. Truly."
"Oh. Yeah, of course, that would just be... that would be silly," I ramble, unsure of how to even string together my words. "And I apologise for calling you an..." I wince, unable to even say it again without wanting to curl up and die.
"Imbecile," he finishes, a smile still decorating his face as I nod painfully. "You don't have to apologise for being honest. Clearly I overestimated the abilities of my peers," he says, a challenge veiled within the smile he wears.
"I'm not inept," I reply, pulling confidence out of my ass.
"Oh?" He asks. "Then I suppose this should be a piece of cake for you. We are only going through some minor shooting drills today after all."
"Shooting?" I ask, sarcasm dripping from my tone. "That's just putting the ball in the net, it can't be that hard."
He raises a brow. "So you've never done it before?"
I refrain from visibly wincing, caught right in the middle of my own trap. I mean sure I've attempted to put a ball in a hoop, I had sport classes as a child, but I've never actually got one in. Henry has a few times but neither of us made an effort to practice and get our skill up to par. It was never a priority or a want and now I am left in a situation like this.
"Of course I have," I respond. On the wii.
I can tell by the look he gives me that he doesn't believe my lie for a second but he shrugs, turning away from me. "James!" He shouts, holding his hands out and soon enough a ball is in them.
He starts bouncing it effortlessly, turning back to me and the group.
"Okay so we are going to practice some basic shooting and dribbling skills today. Everyone get in two and start on person on this line, and the other over there. It is simple, just dribble up until the centre point and pass. I am going to run some one on one shooting whilst you do that and so I'll call you over individually to the hoop. Any questions?"
No one responds so he nods, looking to James. "You good to show them the ropes?"
"Sure can," he replies, taking out a couple more balls.
I move forward but I feel Micah's grip on my arm instantly, tingles shooting through my body at the advance. "Not you," he says, looking towards the hoop with a wide grin.
"Right now?" I ask, gulping.
"When else, Mennison?" He asks and the way he uses my last name with that playful grin makes my stomach erupt with butterflies.
"I suppose that's a good point," I say, contemplating his words.
"First things first," he says, throwing the ball at me through the air. Instinctively, I recoil from the object flying through the air aimed to hit me and it does, whacking into my arm.
"Ow," I wince, clutching my bicep fighting as I move away from him.
He is in front of me in seconds, his hand hanging in the air just above my arm-concern on his face. "Are you alright? I didn't mean to-well I didn't think-"
I pull my hand away, ignoring the slight thrum of pain to face him, straightening up. "No, I'm fine, you just caught me off guard is all," I reply with a shaky laugh and he nods, his eyes moving to my arm again briefly before looking at mine, the concern slowly dwindling.
"Sorry," he says, meaning each and every syllable of the word.
"It's good, I'm good, let's just shoot," I force, smiling to cover up the complete awkwardness of the situation.
"Sure," he says, picking up the ball from the ground next to me and I look around as he does so, noticing the stares of people around us-most shooting us a loving look, admiring that interaction despite the major flop that it was.
I quickly focus my attention back onto Micah who walks in front to the hoop, no one else in sight of the small corner in the gym thankfully.
"Did you want to take a shot first or should I?" He asks and purely based on the fact that I should probably take the time to watch someone shoot before attempting it myself, I shake my head.
"Go for it."
I fold my arms across my chest as he smiles widely. "Alright so I guess let's just start with a two point shot from they key, move onto a layup and then go for a three point shot, anywhere from the line."
"Too easy," I reply, not knowing what a word of what he just said meant.
"Alright," he says and I take a step back.
He starts by dribbling the ball, moving forward effortlessly to a line marked on the court. He lifts the ball and I watch as his shirt lifts slightly, revealing just a glimpse of his tanned skin that ripples with muscles as he throws the ball into the air.
It sinks into the net perfectly, the sound of the swoosh so good I'm surprised wii didn't come and record it for their games. He moves like lightning afterwards, slicing through the air to retrieve the ball with grace, catching it and dribbling back out towards me, a smile on his face as I watch with awe.
I can't help but notice how his toned muscles shift with each step, trying to pull myself together as he turns, dribbling up to the net and running at the end, the ball once again making it into the net but from the side this time.
My mouth gapes open slightly and fear starts to creep up on me, crippling me from the inside out. How in the holy hell and I supposed to recreate that?
He comes back again, not breaking a damn sweat as he dribbles, and keeps dribbling, and keeps dribbling until he is at the furthest line from the edge. I swallow harshly as he throws it into the air, jumping slightly before it sinks into the net once more.
He jogs and gets the ball, coming back to halt in front of me, panting slightly before holding it out-careful not to launch it at me again.
"You're up, Mennison," he states, his eyes still twinkling with the challenge.
"Micah!" He turns around swiftly to find James as I stand, my fingers gliding across the bumpy surface of the orange ball.
He turns back to me, holding his hand out as he starts to skip back. "I'll be one moment, I've just gotta help them out for a second," he promises and I nod, looking back at the daunting net.
I scan the crowd when he jogs back to the larger group, my eyes roaming across the sea of students, intent with purpose. Once they land on Henry, trying in a pathetic attempt to dribble a ball, I smile softly.
I bring my hand to my mouth, holding back a stifle as he nearly stacks it in front of his entire group before making it into his line again, breathing hard. As if he can feel my stare, his head snaps towards me and he smiles, waving his hand at me.
He points at me with a confused look and mouths what are you doing? To which I respond my pretend throwing the ball in the hoop.
He looks behind me, presumably to Micah and raises a brow, concern overcoming him. You all good? He mouths and I shrug before nodding.
Not sure yet. I respond with a smile, faking a grimace as I pretend to try throw the ball again and he lets out an actual laugh then, the idea of me sinking a shot it so foolish to the both of us.
It makes me laugh too, unable to contain the contagious giggle that bubbles up inside at the thought.
"Athena," I turn around quickly to face Micah, to the sound of his voice gaining my attention with my smile still fully intact and his face changes for a slight moment before he looks towards the source of my happiness. Then it falters significantly, his jaw setting tightly.
I follow his hard gaze to Henry whose stare back is equally as imposing-perhaps slightly less but the animosity is clear as day. When I bring back my attention to Micah he looks straight at me, trying to quell the look on his face.
"So it's my turn?" I ask, trying to prevent anything from happening and he nods, his hand motioning to the floor before us.
"Go ahead," he says, but his voice isn't as full of mirth anymore, as if seeing that interaction chewed him up inside out. I can tell from his expression he is trying to pull it together in his mind. And isn't doing a perfect job at it.
I hear the sharp yell of whistle and I turn my head to find Mr Friigs walking over to Henry, the scene capturing my attention immediately.
"If you can't focus on the game then don't play at all!" He yells, anger masking his face as he nears Henry, imposing as ever. "Can you even bounce a damn ball yet?!"
Henry doesn't appear feared to the general public watching on but I notice his unease. The same unease he holds around all wolves for this very reason.
"No sir, I tend to focus more on skills that will actually benefit me in my life. Bouncing a circular ball well in high school isn't once of them unfortunately."
My eyes widen and the gym quietens ever so slightly and my gut churns with anxiety.
The lack of humour in Mr Friigs' sardonic smile as he approaches Henry yet again, standing closer than before. "You think you're funny, don't you?" He asks and whatever fire fuelled Henry's previous outburst seems to have diminished. "Well lucky for you, you'll have plenty of time to think about how funny you are in lunchtime detention for the next week. Now go sit out."
Henry looks over my way, staring past me at Micah clenching his jaw before turning around, walking to the bleachers to take a seat.
"You good?" Micah asks me and I turn back to him, my hand gliding over the ball as I do.
"Yep, yeah," I lie because how can I be good when my best friend just had to endure that?
I walk up to the same line Micah went to first, my eyes continually finding Henry sat on the bleachers looking at me. I draw my attention back to the board and let out a sigh, turning back to Micah before I even attempt my shot.
"Is everything alright?" He asks and I shake my head.
"I think you should find someone else to help with this drill, my tummy feels a little sore so I'm just going to sit this one out," I announce and I can tell he doesn't believe me, he's not stupid but he remains silent for a second anyway.
"Did you want me to take you to the nurses office?" He asks but that overbearing concern isn't there, removing any doubt in my mind that he sees right through it.
"I should be fine, sport really does not agree with me. I'll just sit this one out."
He looks then, from me to Henry sat alone on the bleachers and his jaw sets tightly. "If that's what you want," he says and I furrow my brows slightly before composing myself, my expression neutral.
"It is." Not that it matters what I want. If he wanted to stop me, he could and if his reaction is anything to go off then one of these days he just might.
He nods. "Okay," he nods and I start to turn. "I was hoping to talk to you after class," he blurts, stopping me in my tracks.
"About?" I ask, looking back at him.
"Just some stuff I wanted to sort out, nothing major. Maybe you could meet me in the cafeteria? Have lunch at the same time and kill two birds with one stone?" He asks, his impassive mood somewhat removed. "Food is on me."
He wants me to go and have lunch in the cafeteria with his friends. A very public place where I will be sat with the most popular group in the entire school. I can already feel the heat of the spotlight on my face.
"Can Henry come?"
His expression hardens and his lips tighten, pure instinct holding him back from, a response I can pretty much guess forming.
"There aren't many seats," he says, a bullshit excuse. He's not even trying to cover up the fact that he doesn't want my friend near. He's jealous but there is nothing to even be jealous of, Henry is like a brother to me and if he took a minute to get to know him he'd know that.
"Maybe we can just catch up later, I'm supposed to practice a presentation with Henry so its probably better we sit outside. You have my number, you can text me?" I suggest and the eager happiness, the sly smirk that adorned his face moments ago has vanished. I certainly can't text him thanks to my parents.
He smiles firmly then, as if noticing his own discontent and nods, bouncing the ball in his hand. "Yeah, sure. Sure." I wonder if he'd have let Henry come if he knew I'd be firm. He can't exactly change his mind now though. "Get better soon," he says and I furrow my brows before nodding.
"Yeah, right, of course. Thanks," I say turning from him and moving to my best friend.
authors note
5k+ chapter wha whaaaa. LOVED reading all your comments on the last chapter, it literally brings me so much joy haha.
It's currently exam szn for ya girl so I'm posting this one for any of you that might be studying ferociously or stressed over life and need a lil break away!
On a side note.... I am working on another writing project and I thought I'd put a feeler out for some beta readers (making me... an Alpha hahaha) but those works I will likely not post on wattpad.
SO yeah! Its just to get some writing feedback and here the valued thoughts of my favourite readers so let me know if you would be keen!
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