I climbed down the ladder from my room, my boots hitting the hardwood floor of the hallway with a thud. My bag was still tinted blue but it didn't really bother me. Before all of this maybe I would have taken caution to it but I'm that much of a beacon now it doesn't really matter anymore.
It's nice, in its own way, to not have to worry about hiding and keeping to myself anymore but of course that comes with a large price. It's like being stuck in a game of hide and seek for such a long time that when your found, it isn't the worst thing in the world-its relieving. But the relief runs short when you remember that you still lost.
"Athena!" My mom calls from the kitchen and I am thankful that my dad has work so early on the docks, dealing with one of them after last night will be hard enough on its own.
"Coming," I reply, walking out to find my siblings sat on the couch in their pyjamas making me furrow my brows as I turn to my mom. "They aren't going to school today?" I ask and she shakes her head whilst drying her hands, quickly occupying them with the menial task of wiping an already clean bench shortly afterwards.
"They were putting up too much of a struggle so I said they could have the day off, spend some time with their momma. You can stay home too if you want," she says, stopping her work to look to me with hopeful eyes. "We can go get fish and chips for lunch and visit dad like we used to, maybe watch some movies or bake."
My face softens and I sigh moving towards her. "Mom," I say and I pull her in for a hug.
She grips onto me tightly. "You're still my baby," she mummers, holding me so tight its like she thinks I am about to be ripped from her grip-never to be seen again.
"Of course. Mom, I'll always be your baby. About last night..." I say, pulling away from her and she wipes away the tears on her face before holding her hand up for me to stop.
"I talked to your father and you are right, this can't just be avoided. But he isn't happy about this, and neither am I. The idea of going on dates... we get tolerating this Thea but please, just hold back on befriending him-at least for a while until we can sort something out. You know your dad, he won't budge on this and the last thing we need is for a showdown," she says, smiling slightly at the end.
I nod my head, gulping as I do so. "I get it," I say, even though I really don't. But I can't put my parents through that heartache. My mom is clearly already freaking out over it and I know my dad is the same even if he doesn't show it.
I'm just going to have to try figure this whole bond thing out on the down low. I'll do my best to try avoid it but in my heart I know there is going to be a confrontation at some point and how I react now, will likely determine how that turns out. If Micah or his damn family get a whiff of my parents disdain towards the bond then who knows what they'll do? They are the people in power here, the top of the top.
"Home day!" My brother yells as he runs into the kitchen, his curly brown hair bobbing as he runs straight for the cupboard, exiting with a jar of cookies.
"Hey mister! Who said you could have any of those?" My mom scolds but he runs off giggling.
"I should probably text Harry and let him know I'm not coming and I guess I'll call the school while I'm at it," I say and she smiles.
"Sounds good, I'll get ingredients out for cinnamon rolls, your dad will love that," she says beginning to pull out ingredients and I smile before walking back to my room, climbing up the ladder to jump onto my bed.
I chuck Henry a quick text letting him know I won't be there and I make a point to be blunt about it. He ratted out my plans to my overbearing parents which is a textbook shitty friend move. I don't check to see if he replies and instead pull up the school's number in my phone, contacting admin.
"Preston Valley high school this is Angela how may I help you?" Angela, I presume, asks from the other side of the line.
"Hi, hey. Um, I'm just calling in to say I won't be attending school today, I've come down with a stomach ache," I say, the lie not sounding half as convincing as I planned.
"A stomach ache? And what was your name?" She asks, an edge to her tone.
"Uh Athena Mennison, I'm a senior," I reply and the line is silent for a moment.
"Oh I am very sorry to hear that miss Mennison, and before the weekend too," she says sympathetically, her voice instantly showing more care.
"Yeah... what a bummer," I reply with a nervous laugh.
"Well I'll mark your absence here and I hope you make a speedy recovery. If you need any work compiled from your teachers just call in and I'm sure there is a student here who can bring it to you," she says happily, her implication of the sender as clear as day.
"I have everything I need but thank you, Angela," I say and we both say good bye before I hang up the phone, throwing it onto my bed with a sigh. I've never once in my time at Preston Valley been given special treatment of any kind and now it seems like that won't ever go away.
I used to despise people like Micah getting all sorts of privileges simply because of his pack standing and now I guess people are going to despise me. Just the thought again of Micah has my stomach fluttering with butterflies.
It's so strange. I'd seen him around countless times, a guy like that was hard to miss, he'd simply walk down the hall with an award winning smile and captivate honestly anyone and everyone around him. He was such a magnet for attention, be it speaking in front of the school, standing proudly with his family in front of the entire pack or staring on the football field, he was noticed.
He is everything that I have avoided being for so long and now-by default I guess, I somehow fit into that category with him. And that alone is enough to make me want to take sick days off forever.
I let out a grumble and head back down to the kitchen, ignoring my stupid phone and the worries that trouble me.
I spend most of the morning baking with my mom and watching cartoons with my siblings. We decided to bake cinnamon rolls, cupcakes, cookies and brownies, all decisions of my mom who seems to take to compulsive cooking in times of stress.
I didn't even pick up a text book, something I would normally be forcing myself to do considering I'm not at school. But I decided not too, just for today. If I'm being completely honest the whole point of school seems so stupid and meaningless now. Every time I look at a text book I think about my future and where learning will even get me and that in turn just reminds me of the fate that's been pushed on me.
"Right kiddos, who's ready to go visit dad?" My mom asks from the kitchen and my siblings jump up, bursting with excitement as they run towards her. "Put your shoes on," she instructs and then proceeds too lean down, helping them both.
"I'll just grab my jacket and meet you outside," I say, climbing up the ladder into my room quickly.
I shrug on a basic sweater instead and reach for my phone, glancing at the notifications from my gaming apps and Henry of course.
7:45am Coolio, get better.
11:20am Micah came by the tree today, wondering where u were. I said u were sick—thought I should give u a heads up in case he comes hunting you down to fix u with wolfie magic.
11:40am You down to go watch that new movie in the cinemas Saturday? Tickets on me...
12:00pm You're killing me of boredom here Athena, please respond :'(
12:15pm Great, I'm gonna die alone, a tragic ending for someone so cool.
I laugh at his antics but my mind can't stop from focusing on Micah visiting the place I sit to see me. I wonder if he had something important to say—or if he just wanted to talk with me for the sake of it.
Whatever it was, I guess I'll find out eventually.
Movies sounds good
I contemplate adding in that I'm mad about what he did, some concealed jab to finish the job but I decide against it. I'll talk to him about it tomorrow at school or Saturday I suppose if my "stomach aches" continue.
I slide my phone into my back pocket and climb down the ladder, pulling it up and securing it tightly before going back to the living area where my Mom stands with my siblings who each hold a container of food.
"There you are, we better get going now, I don't want your dads food to get cold," she says and we all leave the apartment together, going to the garage and driving down to the docks, past the bustling pack life.
We make it to the docks to find the workers leaving together on their lunch breaks. My dad spots us almost instantly, all stood near the bridge that crosses the water beneath. He looks confused for a moment but smiles when he sees my siblings run towards him with his packed lunch. My sister is first to get there and she practically jumps into his arms, making him beam as they both show him the food that we've made.
All three of them make their way over to us and my dad raises a mischievous brow towards my mom, a smile still on his lips. "I decided that today we'd have a family day off," she says and he laughs, leaning in and giving her a kiss to which my siblings scrunch their noses, rambling about cooties.
"Well if it means food like this I'm not complaining," he says to her, turning to give me a smile. "Al came by this morning and asked if you wanted to pick up a shift tonight."
"Sure, I'm probably going to take Saturday off to go to the movies with Henry anyway so it works out," I reply and he nods.
"I'll let him know."
I was expecting him to make a pointed comment at me being here instead of getting an education. He had always made a point to say that I needed to get the most out of school as I could and rarely ever condoned skipping but he didn't say a thing. I think he understands that school is different now, in so many ways.
We all just walked over to a table in a cleared park by the beach where various other workers were sat around us and each ate a cinnamon roll while my dad enjoyed his lunch, laughing at the twins and smiling fondly at my mom.
It was nice, to just fall into old habits and enjoy each others company again. I remember coming here all the time when I was younger, mom and I would wait for dad and we'd all eat together as we are now. It was the highlight of my day.
A siren sounded, letting workers know their lunch was nearly up and we all walked back towards the car together. As soon as we approached the car park, however, my smile dropped instantly and my stomach knotted together.
I halted in my steps and my parents looked with me at the sleek black cars and few armed men casually stood around, waiting it seemed. It wasn't until I heard a roar of laughter that we all noticed the group of well dressed people, suited and smart stood near the office entry to the company my dad worked for.
And there, right in the centre of them all, stood the Alpha of the pack. It was hard not to notice the striking resemblance he held to Micah, their broad smile was almost identical and their features made their relationship clear.
I turned away, my body moving on its own to stare out at the ocean rather than towards the people that no doubt already know of my existence. I mean it can't be a coincidence that the damn Alpha of the pack is visiting the place my dad works—or maybe it is, I don't know, all I know is that I really don't want to meet them. I haven't even ever spoken to a Gamma, there is no way I can endure a conversation with the head of the pack who no doubt wants me to be a part of his family.
And to make matters worse, the only way to get to our car is through them.
"Go to Al's," my dad says to me, under his breath and I nod, giving my mom a glance before walking away from the three of them. I just round a corner when I hear my dads boss call out to him, making fear rush through my body.
What if Micah told them about my parents disapproval of the bond? What if the Alpha and all of those guards are here to take him away? I peer around the corner, thankful that there is a tree to conceal me. If worse comes to worse, there isn't a chance I'll let my family be impacted more by this bond than they need to, I simply won't.
I watch as my father approaches the gathering of people and the moment he does, the Alpha looks to him with a smile, extending his hand out and greeting both my parents. I can see them all beginning to talk and the Alpha nods, listening as my father talks to him I presume. His face shifts from holding large smile into being fully serious and then somewhat stern.
But he still continues to nod and I watch as he answers my dad, not blowing a fuse but maintaining his steely front. I know they are talking about me, they'd have to be. Their conversation goes on and it reaches a point where the Alpha makes a comment and neither of them say anything until my mother steps forward, smiling.
The Alpha's frown disappears with her words and he then shakes their hands once more, finishing their conversation and parting ways with them. I watch as my parents continue walking to our car and the Alpha enters the building and for once in my long life, I wish I was a wolf so I could hear what was said.
Instead I walk over to Al's fish and chip shop and wait by the entrance for my mom to drive around and pick me up.
I carried out a box of frozen chips from the freezer out the back, carting them into the kitchens and placing them on the counter with a huff. I was thankful it was a quiet night, not only did it mean I could probably go home early but it gave me a little space to think.
Al, who usually had a million things to talk to me about, didn't seem to have much to discuss tonight. Even my work atmosphere had changed. Instead of hanging in the kitchen to talk with me he just stayed out front, doing book work which I know for a fact he detested.
I still couldn't get out of my head what my mom told me once we'd got home, away from the ears of the kids. The Alpha had invited my family over for a dinner. All of us. It was an offer that we couldn't refuse, to disrespect the Alpha and his family in such a blunt way would probably have made their interaction end up much differently. From what my mom said, things were already tense as it was.
My dad kindly explained how his daughter dating was something that he wasn't particularly okay with, basically spelling out his rejection of the bond Micah and I share-something extremely sacred to their kind. The Alpha apparently took it better than they expected but my mom could tell he wasn't happy about it.
The last thing I want is to go to a dinner with Micah's family and mine. Everything about the idea just makes me feel so weird. I'm not ready for them to just want to embrace me with open arms as the mate of their son-it's probably better than the alternative but all it does is reiterate their stance on my role in all of this.
I'm just supposed to want to date their kid and marry him and have his kids and oh god. He's a stranger. A complete stranger.
"Hey Thea I'm just gonna take a smoke break, doesn't look like anyones coming in but just watch the front for me okay?" Al asks, walking in with a cigarette in his mouth.
"What did I tell you about those death sticks?" I ask, smiling as he shrugs.
"I'll quit one day, kid, I promise," he says, picking up some empty boxes to bring with him.
"And I meant to talk to you, I'm gonna be leaving on break for a couple weeks—visit the kids up in a northern pack. My nephew's on break from college for a while so he's going to come down and help run the place—it'll probably mean more shifts for you if you're okay with that, having school and all," he says and I nod.
"That's fine by me," I reply. In all honesty the more shifts the better-is it bad that I am finding ways to avoid dealing with my problems at any cost, even if it means cooking fish forever? Probably. But it's really the only solution I have as of now.
The bell attached to the door in the front of the store chimes and a loud chorus of laughs enter the store as my hands are full of chips. The bell on the counter rings a couple of times and I wipe my forehead with my arm.
"Coming!" I announce, and I'd be surprised if they could hear me above the sound of their own voices. I take off my gloves and walk towards the entrance, hearing the bell chime again as I cross the threshold.
"Welcome to Al-" I stop short as I look up, my eyes finding Micahs instantly. The smile that was on his face vanishes at sight of me and the people around him, football players and cheerleaders, fall silent. "'s fish and chip shop," I finish.
"You know what we want, right pal? We're just gonna go wait outside," the large guy next to him says, patting his shoulder and shooting me a wink before leading the others outside.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, staring at him with apprehension.
"We were just in the area and Benny said this was a good place to eat," he says, his brows furrowing as he looks over me with concern. "What are you doing here? I thought you were sick," he says and I realise I've just been caught in a complete lie.
"I um, I just..." I say trying to think of a valid response. "I really felt like having the day off," I conclude and his expression doesn't change.
"Are you avoiding me?" He asks and I honestly didn't expect him to be so blunt.
"Whaaat?" I say, trying my best to act completely baffled. "Pfft, no—I am just super lazy, real sleepy head over here," I reply and he nods, a slight smile coming over his face.
"Well I meant to talk to you anyway, about tomorrow night," he says and I realise tomorrow is Friday. Date Friday. "I was going to text you but I just wanted to know what time I should pick you up," he says and I make a slight grimace, unsure how to approach the subject.
"Right. About that, I can just meet you at the park, if you like. Text me the address or whatever I will just hop on over at like five maybe," I say and he nods.
"That's cool, if you end up needing a lift just let me know and I'll be there," he replies and I nod again, tapping my pen against the order docket. He looks down, noticing the action and realisation crosses his face. "Oh right, food-sorry. You're probably busy, um we'll just take like four large family packs and some sodas," he says and I smile, writing down the order.
"No problem," I say, "I'll just go give this to the kitchen." He nods, taking a step back from the counter, clearly somewhat nervous in my presence and I go give the docket to Al before returning.
He stands near the counter, fiddling with a black card in his hand and he smiles when he sees me return. "What's the damage?" He asks and I ring up his order, letting him pay for their meals.
"It'll be like fifteen minutes, I can bring it outside when it's ready if you want?" I ask and he nods.
"Cool as," he says.
"I actually wanted to talk to you too," I blurt, before he can walk away and he turns back instantly, a hopeful glint in his eyes.
"What's up?" He asks, trying to appear casual even when we both know he is anything but.
"Well today, it's kind of a funny story actually. You see, I was like down at the docks with my fam, just hanging out and we—well we actually ran into your dad out of all people," I say and a look of shock and horror comes over his face. Well he definitely wasn't aware of the plans that were made.
"I'm so sorry Athena, he didn't say anything out of order to you did he?" He asks and I shake my head.
"I wasn't personally there but he asked my parents if our family would come to your house for a dinner," I say and he sighs, placing his hand onto his head.
"I apologise, I told my father to refrain from getting involved in this. He is probably just trying to help but it's out of line, if you guys don't want to come you really don't have to," he says, his voice fully sincere.
"Won't your parents be offended?" I ask hesitantly. "I know things are more complicated because of... well, us. But I don't want my family to get into any sort of trouble for defying the Alpha," I state and I can tell my words wound him.
"Your family won't come to any harm. I promise you that, saying no to a dinner won't offend them and I'll cancel it on your behalf in the event that it might. They are... traditional... in their beliefs on mates and can be a lot at times but I assure you they only mean well," he says and I nod.
"I just thought you should know, it'd be pretty weird if you didn't and we just showed up randomly," I say with a nervous laugh and he smiles at the sound.
"I'll sort it all out, don't worry, I'm sorry for the inconvenience," he says and I shake my head.
"You know what? It's fine, we'll be there, I mean I guess we are going to have to get through it at some point. Better to start on the right foot," I say and his smile widens.
"You make it sound like torture," he says and I shrug.
"I'm not really good at being social," I reply.
"Well I'll try to make it as tolerable as I can," he says just as Al comes through the kitchen holding Micah's order.
"I'll see you around Thea," he says with a wink as he takes the food, thanking Al who gives him a sceptical look.
I try to contain my nerves as he exits the store and then think about tomorrow how I am going to trick my parents into letting me go out on a date.
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