The dark shores of Exben caught Yagein's eyes as they approached the abandoned island, a sense of relief washing over her as their three-week exhibition neared an end. A sigh of relief left her lips as she looked up at the sky, admiring the moon and all its visible imperfections.
The moonlight casted a white shadow over the clear waters of the sea, ripples dancing through the reflection The queen took it all in, the moon and stars and the fresh breath of a new kingdom and journey just as Alysra slowed down the pace of the ship.
The past three and a half weeks had been the most torturous waste of her time she had experienced in a while. Jodah had thrown her and her coven witches along with five of his best-attuned siphon on a boat the following day after the plan had been finalized. One would think it would be an easy ride,e but the tribe leader made it more difficult for the queen to control her temper.
His absolute grit and ignorance of, everything around him weres intolerable, but his need to always be right had nearly driven her to the edge. Because of him, the ship had been misdirected three times and if it wasn't for Roxanne's interference and Alysra's brilliant recalculation, they would still be lost at sea.
Thinking about that insolent fool made her skin crawl, a sigh escaping her lips. She swept a grey hair behind her ear, pressing her lips together. Behind her, she could hear the door to the lower deck of the ship and the floor shook as someone pounded up the stairs. She turned around to see Jodah emerge from the darkness wrapped in a heavy jacket and with a frown.
His cold eyes met hers and she turned back around, cursing underneath her lips as she leaned off the lips of the ship.
"Not so excited to see me?" he teased, earning a growl from her.
"How can I be? You've made this entire trip one living hell. If it wasn't for you, we would have been here sooner" she sneered, pointing an iron nail at his chest. He rolled his eyes as he swatted a hand away, gesturing towards Alysra who steered them to a safe place to dock.
"Does she know what she is doing directing such a large vessel like this?" he questioned. He swept his hands across the deck. "This is my prized possession. I thought you of all people would have the respect to entrust it with someone more capable."
"Don't question my coven witches again" Yagein hissed at him with a side-eye. She turned to examine Alysra, her red hair piercing against the darkness of the night. Though she wasn't shaking at his words, the way her knuckles turned white against the grip of the wheel told her something else.
"If it wasn't for her, we would still be stranded at sea. Besides, I don't see any of your attuned siphons volunteering as captain so I suggest you keep your mouth shut about my coven witches" Yagein warned, gripping her staff tightly.
Jodah held her gaze but said nothing more, turning away from the queen as he went over to lean against the lip of the boat. The witch took in a deep breath, walking over to Alysra just as she docked near the shores, locking the wheel tightly. She turned to face her, amber eyes illuminated by the moonlight.
"Don't mind his words. He's but a man. They don't know any better" she reassured, resting a hand on the curve of her arm. "You're a good witch."
Alysra shrugged, hissing under her breath. "Damn right I am" she muttered, passing a look toward the queen. "Don't worry. I don't pay much attention to him. I haven't in the past three weeks. I won't start giving him the satisfaction now."
Yagein smiled at her and watched as Alysra found the anchor and dropped it into the water below, waiting to hear the thump as it made contact with the floor of the sea. As she pulled down the sails and fastened the ropes, the queen made her way toward the room on the upper deck where the rest of her coven witches resided.
She knocked on the door, waiting impatiently as she heard the shuffling on the other side. Finally, the door opened to reveal Roxanne who was holding a bundle of clothes in her hand. Behind her, were opened bags as she attempted to finish packing.
"We've docked. Make sure to gather everything. We're not coming back to this ship" she informed Roxanne. The witch nodded, pushing back her plaited black beaded braids she had fashioned in the three weeks. The beads clicked as she moved her head to survey the bags behind her, letting out a sigh.
"Of course" she whispered, bowing her head at her queen.
Huffing, Yagein patted Roxanne's shoulder and made her way over to the next room, knocking the door open with her staff as she entered the small room that had been her dwelling for the past three weeks. The bed was neatly folded back and her bags were packed on the floor, waiting for her.
Setting her staff down on the floor, she stooped down and grabbed the bags, strapping them to her back and her shoulders. She adjusted it accordingly before pulling the hood of her cloak over her head, effectively shielding her face. Grabbing her staff, she made her way out of the room and down to the main deck to see Jodah and his five attuned siphons standing by the stairs of the ship, making their way down.
Roxanne was already on the main deck, handing Alysra her share of the bags as they trailed behind the men in front of them. Yagein was the last to make her way down, carefully gripping her staff as she cautiously made the last step down to the shores.
The sand sunk underneath her shoes as she made contact with the shores, the waves of the sea washing over her legs.
The queen scoffed, ringing the bottom of her dress before joining the others. "Roxanne, hide the boat. We don't need any greedy mortals stealing this vessel."
Her grey eyes slid over to her coven witch who nodded at her, turning to the ship. She raised her hand, wielding the power of the moon and stars, and casted a grey spell over the ship, effectively hiding it. When she was done, she turned to the witch queen and they made their way through the shores, towards the dense forest in front of them.
"According to my research, Exben only has one major city, Velorian and it will be a treacherous journey from here to there. We should plan for breaks ahead" Alysra informed, casting her gaze over to the witch queen.
"I refuse to walk through this treacherous jungle," Yagein said, shaking her head in disgust. "I'll go to great lengths to complete my mission but I will not trudge to this overgrown jungle. I'd rather sacrifice Jodah for that feat."
The tribe leader scoffed behind her, muttering a curse under his breath. "Okay, great SilverClaw witch" he pressed in a mocking tone that caused her to turn around, narrowing her eyes at him. He seemed to momentarily pause in his words at her facial expression, clearing his throat before continuing. "Do you have a much brilliant idea?"
Yagein pondered on her thoughts, gnawing on the inside of her cheeks before an idea lit up in her head. Turning to give Jodah another smile, she nodded and looked up at the night sky. "I do" she whispered, raising her hand to the stars. She let out a stream of white magic into the air, watching as it synced with the radiating energy of the moon and the night stars.
Thunder cracked from the sky, the blinding flash of the lightning following and in the darkness, she whispered a command. "Davkra, come to me."
It didn't take long for the roar of a mighty beast to follow, the sound of heavy, beating wings slicing into the night as the shadow of a wyvern ran through the sky. It flew towards them at an elegant speed, its scaly body winding its way down to where they stood. With a mighty roar, the creature landed before her, its silver eyes piercing through the darkness.
Jodah gasped and stumbled as the creature took cautious steps towards its master, its rough nose meeting her calloused palm as it took in her presence. The ruges on her arm glowed in contact with its scales, almost as bright as the moonlight itself.
"What on earth is that creature?" Jodah whispered as Yagein made her way over to the beast, situating herself on the curve of its back. She grasped on to its neck, running her fingers down the length of its back. The wyvern snarled in response, its leather wings summoning a strong wind that blew through her hair.
"My beast and our way to Velorian" the queen explained in a silky tone, pressing her lips together to hide a smile. She diverted her attention to Roxanne and Alysra, their eyes pleading for her to give the same command to them. This time, her smile did break on her lips as she nodded, waving her hand at them.
"Summon your beasts as well if you must," she said. "We need to carry our extra baggage." Her eyes slid over to Jodah and his attuned siphons at the last whisper of her words, a sense of joy running through her blood as she observed the annoyed, insulting face he made at her remark.
Without wasting any time, her coven witches summoned their beasts as well. The red-eyed wyvern situated itself at Alysra's feet while the dragon with the scales of fire bowed to Roxanne, not hesitating as she climbed on its back.
Jodah begrudgingly settled himself on Yagein's flying beast while his attuned siphons split themselves up, three choosing to sit upon Alysra's wyvern while the remaining two strapped themselves behind Roxanne's dragon.
"Tell me you know how to control this flying contraption of a beast" Jodah whispered to the SilverClaw witch, earning an icy glare from her.
"Don't speak of my Dravka with such insulting words. He knows what he is doing" she hissed at him, eyes narrowing as the beast turned to side-eye him as well. Jodah pressed his lips together as his gaze clashed with the threatening gaze of the creature, its tail shifting behind him just in case he needed to unload unnecessary cargo.
"If you say so" he uttered under his breath, clenching his fists together as the beast turned his attention to the sky.
His leather wings flared up, enveloping them in temporary darkness as they prepared to take off. Yagein frowned, patting his back to stall him.
"Not yet. I need to do one more thing" she communicated with him, her ruges glowing as she spoke.
The beast seemed to acknowledge her words with a growl, lowering his wings as he awaited her next command.
The witch placed a hand on her heart, closing her eyes as she wrapped herself in the temporary darkness of her mind. She traveled deep down to whatever depths her soul went and in the darkness, she called to the ones that were tied to their souls to guide them.
As a shadow. An ally and a weapon.
Whatever shape or form they showed themselves to be, she screamed for them to come.
Their help was warranted.
A beam of light erupted from her soul and Yagein opened her eyes, now an iridescent white as sparks of silver and black smoke rose into the night sky. Thunder and lightning cracked again, the furious roar of the ocean drowning any thoughts in her mind. The howl of the wind was quickly replaced with the cry of a bird as their silhouette streaked through the night sky, and their black wings flared as they flew down to her welcoming hand.
Yagein smiled as the first-night bird landed in her palm, the bird ruffling its black and silver-streaked feathers as two black pits stared back at her. The entire flock of them followed soon after, perching themselves on trees and top of their winged beast, awaiting a command from their shadow counterpart.
"I've never seen a nightbird up close" Jodah whispered behind her as one perched itself on his shoulder, tucking its velvet wings behind its slim body. Yagein smiled, casting him a wry smile before turning back to the creature.
"Because they only come at the command of those they are tethered to" she explained. "Such elegant birds wouldn't bother themselves with others that don't deserve their time or power" she sneered, drawing the creature close to her lips.
She held its beady gaze as she whispered, "Lead us to Velorian, the abandoned city of Exben. There, our quests shall begin."
The bird screeched at her as it flew from her hand, the others following it as they formed themselves into a velvet echelon, directing a path for them. Smiling to herself, Yagein patted her arm against Davkra, commanding its wings.
"Vascri" she whispered and his leather wings flared to life once again, his large body lifting off the ground as it barreled itself through the night sky. Yagein smiled at the feeling of the cold air hitting her face, blowing back her hair so she could see the horizon before her and how the water shimmered with the reflection of the moon.
Behind her, she could hear the howl of Roxanne and Alysra as they commanded their beasts and could feel the wind from their wings as it blew past her, momentarily catching her breath with it.
But she regained it and smiled, clutching onto Dravka as she followed the flock of birds through the night sky to a city once thought to be lost.
Velorian was quiet as they landed in a thicket of trees on the outskirts of the city, just shy of the gates that led to the open markets. Yagein held her breath as Dravska landed on the ground with a heavy thud, the cries of the night birds that had been following her.
Sliding off the winged beast, she watched Jodah follow after her, his face flushed from the journey they had just propelled from. His legs were slightly shaking as he made his way towards her, the color draining from his face.
"Not a fan of heights?" she asked, raising her brow.
He offered her a glare before turning his back to her and taking a deep breath. "Not when I am being thrown around on the back of a winged beast" he hissed back, bracing his hands on his knees. Dravka snarled at his words, whipping his tail at the tribe leader.
Luckily for Jodah, he dodged just in time, its scaly tale barely grazing the top of his head. Yagein smiled, patting the creature's back. Next to him, Alysra and Roxanne landed, the wings of their creatures sweeping through the air before it was tucked behind them, their heads lowering as their masters slid off their backs.
The witch watched as the attuned siphons followed after, some wearing the same emotionless face they had bore when they seated themselves for the journey while others shared the same flustered, pale face as their leader.
"Does everyone have their things?" Yagein asked, looking around the group. Her hand tightened around the bags she carried, a pressing ache forming on the cut of her shoulder blade. "I will not be summoning these creatures back just to retrieve an abandoned back."
"Everything is secured" Roxanne confirmed, looking around one more time. "They can disperse."
"If you say so," Yagein said, turning to her wyvern. The creature crouched its head down, twining its tail around her as it awaited a command. The gesture almost made her laugh as she rested her forehead against the long plane of his nose, patting him reassuringly.
"Be safe, Dravka. Vascri krae'mere."
Dravka roared at her words, spreading his leather wings high as he obeyed his master's words. Nodding his head at her, he bowed his head at the witch queen before lifting himself into the night, the other two winged creatures following him closely. Yagein stood back and watched as their silhouettes grew smaller in the sky until they were no longer traceable.
Letting out a deep breath, Yagein turned to Alysra, pointing her cobra staff at her. "Where now?" she asked, gesturing towards the empty city. "Do we just stay here until sunrise?"
"No. There is an inn close by. They shall provide us temporary shelter" Alysra explained, leading the way out of the thicket and into the empty city. The witch pushed past the gates as they welcomed themselves into the abandoned kingdom, their footsteps echoing in the emptiness as they passed by bars and tailoring stores.
Yagein pressed her lips together as she looked around the empty sidewalks, taking in her time to truly admire the city. Even though the streets were dead and the quietness of the night was daunting, there was a particular beauty about Exben that she couldn't quite put her hands on.
Maybe it was the long stretch of roads or the sprawling mountains that lay beyond the bridges. Perhaps it was the flow of the main river that poured through each region and the tall trees that shaded the quaint houses that sat atop the hill.
Whatever it was, it lingered through every dark crevice of the main city, as if the ancient powers that were rooted throughout the kingdom centuries ago were still alive. Its presence was nothing but a mere whisper in comparison to what it could be and the uncertainty of what powers this kingdom held ran a chill down Yagein's spine.
"We're here." Alysra's voice pulled her out of her thoughts as they approached a quaint cottage with a sign that had been weathered by years of harsh climates and neglect. The cottage seemed to be a two-story house with a ceiling hidden underneath a small botanical garden and windows illuminated by the faint light. It smelled of a river as they came closer, the witch queen sneering as they approached the foot of the door.
Using the end of her staff, she knocked and pushed the door against its hinges. It flew open without much of a fight, revealing a middle-aged woman on the other end. Her hand rested on the doorknob, a perplexed look on her face as her eyes traced those of Yagein's before gradually moving towards the other members of the book.
"Are you lost?" she asked in a tired voice, brushing a lock of black hair aside. Yagein furrowed her brows as she took in the scars crossed on the woman's arms, humming to herself as she pressed her lips together.
"We seek residence in this quaint home of yours," the witch said through tight teeth as she slid her eyes back to the woman, gesturing a hand towards her house. "I assume no one is taking up space in the spare rooms you have left?" she asked, casting a look to the windows that revealed the barren room upstairs.
The woman frowned, tucking an arm behind her back as she shifted her gaze between the members of the group. Her dark brows wove together as she gnawed on her lips, pondering on whatever thought was lingering in her mind.
After a silent while, she whispered, "I'm not taking any new customers. Sorry to disappoint you." The words came out fast and sharp as she began to close the door, still holding the witch's gaze. "I'm sure there are other inns available. They'll be more than happy to offer you shelter."
A spark of anger ran through the queen's blood as she felt all the heat in her body rush to her head. All her other thoughts dissolved at that moment and the only thing that came to her mind was how futile an obstacle this woman was and how clean her blood would run through her fingers if she tore her talons through her thin flesh.
The thought sent a chill of pleasure down her spine that had her shiver, her hands tightening around her staff. Yagein took a step forward but Alysra cut her off, wedging her feet between the crack of the door. She cocked her foot to the side and kicked it open, the door slamming against the wall with a harsh thud. She took a threatening step towards the woman as she plastered herself against the door, swallowing hard.
A cold look was still on her face as Alysra wrapped a hand around her throat, drawing her closer until they were face to face. The rings around her amber eyes seemed to pulse as they locked with the woman's unscathed gaze, a taunting smirk pulling on her lips. "Listen to me carefully" she started, tightening her hold around her neck. "We have traveled very far and sought a place to rest for the night. We don't have time to negotiate and settle with you, trivial mortals."
Alysra paused between her words, flickering her eyes toward the woman's throat before she continued. "I'm not in the mood to shed blood tonight but I will not hesitate. Let us in before I force my request upon you."
Yagein raised her brows in pride as she watched the woman struggle in Alysra's grip. Her face was slowly turning a sickening shade of blue even as she used both hands to pry the witch's hand away from her throat but it was no use. A breathy sigh escaped her lips as she hissed through locked teeth.
"Your compulsions don't work on me, insufferable immortals" she taunted with a dark glare. "I can deny you if I see it fit."
Alysra stepped back in surprise as she observed the woman in her grasp, letting her eyes travel her up and down. Then she threw her head back and let out a dry laugh, slamming her head against the wall.
"I don't believe it," she said, scoffing. "I thought unweavers were extinct amongst mortals but it seems I am wrong. Nothing I say or do will work against you will it?" she asked, cracking the woman's neck to the side. She winced in pain, squeezing her eyes shut.
With a huff, the witch reached inside the pocket of her cloak, pulling out a dagger. She flipped the blade open, pressing the cold steel against her throat. "How about now?" she asked, sinking her talons into her skin. "Or do you prefer death at my hands?"
The woman inhaled a sharp breath, her lips quivering. Snarling at the witch, the woman simply whispered, "Burn in hell" before she aimed a kick at the witch's chest. Alysra cursed under her breath as she flew back, her back hitting the opposite wall as she crumbled to the floor. Her blade slid across the room, landing in the woman's grip as she reached down and grasped it, holding it to the witch.
Yagein stepped in without a second thought and with immense speed, grasping the woman's wrist as she whispered a spell under her breath. White light illuminated underneath her grip, burning into the woman's skin as she screamed in pain, her body slumping to the floor as she twisted her arm and held her there with her foot pressed against her back and the tip of her staff to her arm.
"It would have been easier to let us in. Perhaps, you would have lived longer" Yagein whispered, digging her heel into her spine. She turned around to see Roxanne helping Alysra to her feet as Jodah stepped into the room, stooping down to pry the blade from the woman's arm.
Yagein grabbed it, twirling the blade around her hand as she looked around the cottage. "Is anyone else here? Guests? Family? Friends?" she asked sharply.
The woman stayed silent, only swallowing hard in response.
With an exasperated sigh, she turned to Jodah who had been watching patiently, his arms crossed over his chest as the rest of his attuned siphons looked on. His grey eyes met hers and she raised her brow at him, gesturing her head towards the stairs.
Understanding, he turned to his siphons, snapping his fingers at them. "Survey the building. If there is anyone in sight, kill them."
The woman cursed under her breath, fighting underneath Yagein's foot but the witch pushed down on her spine, effectively holding her in place. Jodah's attuned siphons brushed past her, blades dancing against their fingertips as they clambered up the stairs. The sound of doors opening echoed through the house and screams followed seconds later as they begged for their lives.
"Don't you dare hurt them!" the woman pleaded but Yagein paid her no mind, only listening as the blade ripped through their skin and the cries for help were cut off, an uncomfortable silence settling in once again.
Smiling to herself, the witch queen reached down to pick up the woman's head by her hair, gripping it tightly in her hand. "What did you say your name was?' she asked.
"You didn't ask for my name," the woman retorted in a cold tone. Yagein sneered, back-handing her, her talons scratching across her face. The woman growled under her breath as her head whipped to the side, blood pooling from the three scratches that were indented on her face.
"Sauda. My name is Sauda" she rasped, swallowing hard.
Smiling, Yagein turned to Roxanne and Alysra, throwing the dagger in her hand to the rightful owner. Alysra caught it swiftly, tucking it into her pocket. "You two. Go upstairs and help the attuned siphons discard the body" she ordered, snapping her fingers toward the stairs.
They nodded and quickly disappeared up the steps, leaving only Jodah untasked in the room. "Need my help?" he asked, gesturing towards the woman who lay beneath her feet. "I am quite excelled in execution myself. Especially when it comes to futile mortals like her."
A sadistic smile turned on his face and she raised her brow at him, briefly turning her gaze to the woman that struggled underneath her feet. Reaching down, she grabbed her by the hair again, this time pulling her up. "Let's see what tricks you know" she taunted, tossing the woman into his arms as she stepped outside.
The cool wind hit her face as she made her way to the back of the inn, using her staff to navigate through the darkness. Jodah's footsteps followed behind her, the sound of the woman cursing at him ringing through the night air.
She stopped at the entrance of a forest, looking up at the tall sycamore trees that never seemed to stop growing. Jodah found his way next to her, throwing the woman onto the floor. She hissed, pulling her head up as she faced her murderers, a scowl on her face.
"Killing me in the darkness? Are you too afraid to spill blood during the daytime?" she taunted, snarling at the witch. "I hope you are well aware that you are not as terrifying as you make yourself seem. Your kind is supposed to be feared, but I see a woman running away from her fears. What is so terrifying about that?"
Yagein cocked her head to the side, raising her brows at her. She stooped down to meet the woman's eyes, taking in her wide doe-eyes, flushed brown skin, and the ever-present scowl on her lips as she held her glare. Her eyes held a fire, her face set in determination and for a second, Yagein could see the reflection of the woman she used to be inside her eyes.
Determined. Strong. Too stubborn for her good.
Inside her chest, she felt a present ache begin to spread and skitter down her body, holding her paralyzed in place. But anger and denial flooded through her veins like a hot storm and whatever warmth she was feeling disappeared as quickly as it came, leaving only an empty and confused witch that continued to glare at Sauda.
"There is no need for me to run away from my fears, Sauda" Yagein corrected in a gritty tone, her knuckles turning white as she tightened her grip on the snake staff. This time, she grasped Sauda by the jaw, drawing her close enough to see the white sparks of determination that set root in her eyes
"I am already the full embodiment of fear itself."
She threw the woman back on the ground, turning her attention to Jodah. "Show me your worst" she instructed, stepping aside from her. Jodah stepped forward, stooping down to the woman's face. She hissed at him as he grabbed her by the neck, forcing her onto her knees. He walked behind her, bending her back to his body and crossing another arm across her body to hold her in place.
"Any last words?" Yagein asked her, raising a brow.
Sauda only scowled at her, furrowing her brows. "Damn you and your kind. You'll burn for what you've done. For what you are"
Yagein simply shrugged, waving a hand at Jodah. "Go on."
Jodah nodded, taking a deep breath as he closed his eyes. The wind picked up speed, turning into a cold, violent storm. Debris batted across her face, leaving tiny knicks across her skin as she watched on. Flickers of brilliant blue embers sparked from his fingers that circled her neck. A hiss escaped Sauda's lips as she shut her eyes, letting out a groan.
The embers continued to grow, eventually turning into full flames that engulfed Jodah's body. They traveled down the length of his arm, creating a cold path of ice and wind as they burned themselves against Sauda's neck. This time she let out a blood-curdling scream as the flames engulfed her, turning her once brandished skin to grey, cracking stone.
She continued to scream even as her eyes withered and her fingers began to crack and bleed. The fire was now a blanket that began to burn her from the inside out, her screams growing fainter as blood and ash pooled from every orifice of her body. Yagein took a step forward in intriguement, her eyes widening as she took in her statue-like stance.
Batting her eyes towards Jodah, she stepped past Sauda and approached him. She stopped an inch or two away from him, feeling the pull of her magic run down her body as her veins began to glow a faint white. Her eyes briefly turned to the stars and moon, seeing how they beamed down at her, filling her with an abundance of power and light.
Taking a deep breath, the witch reached out and clutched Jodah's wrist tightly, syncing her powers with his. She felt him flinch but he didn't open his eyes as he utilized the extra power source, driving the flames further. Yagein watched on as beams of light shined through the cracks of Sauda's skin, tearing her apart from the inside out as she began to crumble to dust.
She closed her eyes as blood shattered from Sauda's wounds, relishing in their warm touch as the woman finally succumbed and returned to the dust she was created from, leaving only ashes and blood behind. It was only when she couldn't feel her presence anymore did Yagein finally open her eyes to the puddle before her, observing the blood on her clothes and face.
Jodah opened his eyes as well, turning to the witch with a stunned look on his face. "That was amazing. I've never utilized the powers of a SilverClaw before" he mused, earning a smirk from her. She shrugged, stepping over the puddle as she made her way toward the house.
"Thank the Balki and the Vaures. You'll see more of that tomorrow" she simply said, rolling the sleeves of her dress.
Together, they made their way back to the house where they stumbled upon the attuned siphons and the coven witches as they dragged the rest of the guests down the stairs, throwing their lifeless bodies on the floor.
Fifteen minutes and five promptly burned and disintegrated bodies later, Yagein finally felt herself breathe in a sigh of relief as she settled into one of the rooms, throwing her bags on the floor and locking the doors. She threw her staff on the floor and stripped from her dress, smearing the blood on her arms and face in the process.
She made her way to the bathroom, leaving the lights off as she ran and bath and opened the curtains to allow the moonlight in. The night birds she had summoned flew past the window, disappearing into the night along with her omen of death that would follow into the following days.
It was only when the moon was at its highest peak did she sink herself into the water, watching as it ran red as she steeped herself in the blood of her enemies.
A/N: And that is the end of the fourteenth chapter.
Let me know what you guys thought of this chapter! Let me know what you liked and didn't like and what you are excited about!
Thank you guys for all your constant support. It means so much to me that you came back to join me on this crazy journey and read this book. I enjoy writing it and hearing your feedback always makes my day!
Until next time Lovelies!
With love, May
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