The next two weeks passed by in relative peace. Lucien found himself slowly adjusting to the long voyage ahead, his dwindling sleeping hours no longer affecting him and his magic no longer simmering underneath his blood, begging for rest.
The only view that had accompanied him was the vast sea in front of him, appreciating the light that sparkled on the water's surface during the daytime and the moon's shadow that danced beneath at night.
Though he knew he was not lonely on this trip, it often felt like it. Arsen and Talon were on their separate ship, sailing closely behind with their voices distant enough to hear but too far away to make out each voice. Darren was busying himself with the navigation and scoping, directing Lucien towards a faster path that would hopefully cut their voyage by a few days.
Venix was often below or above deck, researching the kingdoms they traveled past through the books she found. Elinwy trailed her side at all times, finding comfort in his new master. Peace reigned between all of them, perhaps too persistent but nothing that should ever be complained about.
The early morning sun burned him as he took a break from the wheel of the ship, handing over that responsibility to Darren who took pride in navigating them through the rough seas. The siphon climbed up to the top of the sails, balancing on the wooden beams that overlapped each other and grasping on to the rigid ropes that crossed over.
The thick sails were channeled with air, billowing as they provided fuel for the ship to push forward. In front of him, he could see nothing but crystal waters with very few landscapes scattered across the horizon. A low snarl from below caught his attention and his eyes diverted to the deck below him.
Elinwy stalked across the deck, his amber eyes twinkling like pools of honey under the morning sun. Behind him was Venix, her white hair blowing in the wind. Today, she had strayed from her usual dark attire, opting for a grey dress that swayed to her feet. Her arms were covered but he could still make out the satin-covered daggers she hid underneath.
She had abandoned her usual cloak, allowing her neck to be exposed to the sun. Lucien stopped for what seemed like forever, admiring the witch from afar as she flipped through a book in her hand. His intense stare admired the way she curled herself on the deck, numerous books in her hands as she flipped through the yellow pages, her violet eyes focused on the words in front of her.
From his perspective, she looked peaceful. One hand rested on the wolf's black fur as the other flipped through the pages, nothing but her shallow breaths leaving her lips. Smiling to himself, Lucien turned around and began to descend from the sails, sliding down the ropes and wooden beams until he was on the main deck once again.
Venix looked up as he approached her, the hint of a smile on her face. "Done hanging from the ropes?" she asked as he stood before her, his tall stature casting a dark shadow over hers. He shrugged, casting a quick gaze over to Elinwy. "I'm taking a break. Mind if I sit?"
"Help yourself" she answered, scooting to make space for him. He took a seat next to her, making sure not to crush the pile of books that were by her feet. A low growl came from the black wolf, his bright eyes eyeing with suspicion as he bared his teeth.
"He doesn't like me much, does he?" he asked, staring at the fae creature. Venix smiled, casting him a side-eye. "He doesn't like a lot of people. He's been with me since Khara gave him to me so he might have just grown attached" she explained, rubbing his fur. She nudged the wolf over, gently coaxing him with foreign words.
"You can pet him if you want. He looks intimidating but I swear he's a sweetheart" she reassured. Lucien gently reached over, his fingers lingering on the snout of the wolf. It sniffed him twice, still growling even as the siphon delved his fingers through his dark fur, rubbing him gently.
Elinwy's body began to relax, his strong body lowering to the ground as he comforted himself in Lucien's grip. Venix let him go, allowing him to walk over to the siphon and find a place in his lap. His head rested on Lucien's legs, a frown etched on his face as he snarled once again.
"He likes you. Count yourself lucky" Venix said, smiling at her companion. She gestured towards the book in her hand, flipping through the pages. "I've been doing some intense research on different immortal beings this morning and the faes have captured my attention."
She scooched closer to him, pointing towards the page. "I never knew much about faes but I've never read so many positive attributions about an immortal creature. These faes are portrayed as graceful, loyal, and faithful to their kind and nature. The fae animals are known to be blessed with incomprehensible gifts that immortal beings would envy. They are hard to come by since they are so spread out but once you stumble into their lives and they see you as worthy, they are faithful to you."
Venix's eyes lit up in the last few sentences, a smile breaking through her face. She diverted her eyes over to Elinwy, resting a gentle hand on his fur. "You loyal wolf. Khara blessed me with you in every way" she whispered, nuzzling her chin into his fur. He seemed to respond to her touch, a low growl escaping his lips.
"I've never seen you so excited about immortal beings" Lucien commented. Vixen huffed, her eyes meeting his. She shrugged, pulling away from the wolf. "It's intriguing reading about these immortal creatures. I've never even heard of some of them but they are fascinating."
"What sparked your interest?" the siphon asked. The BloodBone witch tucked the current book away by her feet, reaching over to retrieve another book. This one was thick and cladded in red leather, pages falling out of the rotting spine as she opened it. "This book. I decided to research the kingdom of Exben and its history and I was truly blown away by the different immortal beings and magical presence that used to call this kingdom home."
She leaned into him, extending the book out so that both of them could follow along. "Mind channeling, Necromantic, Unweavers, Seers, Borrowers, BlueBlood Witches. The list goes on and on. It used to be a flourishing kingdom but constant invasion of mortals and countless wars have depleted the population to a scarce amount."
Lucien grabbed the book, flipping through the pages. His eyes roamed over the long pages of writing and diagrams, his attention peaking at the last few yellowing pages. He hummed, flipping back to the beginning of the page where it discussed the founding of Exben and how it came to be. "It looks like an interesting read. Something to keep that witchy mind of yours constantly conjuring up new ideas."
"Witchy? I'm offended!" Vixen responded in a breathy, sarcastic tone. She ripped the book from his grip, tucking it close to her chest. A husky laugh escaped Lucien's lips, his eyes watching as Venix settled the book behind her. "Do you prefer scheming?" he questioned.
She turned back to him, her hands reaching over to stroke Elinwy's fur. "What runs in my mind is way beyond scheming, Lucien. Perhaps menacing or downright dangerous would be a more appropriate description" she whispered to him in a low tone, curling the last few words around her tongue.
Lucien swallowed hard, watching as a smirk pulled on her face. "Scared?" she pressed on, her violet eyes flickering to meet his icy gaze. He shook his head, a small smile pulling on his lips. "Intrigued is more of the word. I'm intrigued by you, Venix."
Her teasing smile fell, replaced with a hardened expression. She held his gaze, her hands curling around Elinwy's fur. "Don't bother digging, Lucien. You'll find a mess underneath this concrete exterior" she warned, letting her eyes fall back to the black wolf on his lap. He hummed, his gaze watching her as she coaxed him gently, the faintest hint of a smile reappearing on her face.
"I beg to differ. I bet underneath that concrete exterior of yours is a woman more treasurable than rubies and diamonds" he retaliated in a hushed tone. Venix froze at his words, her cheeks turning bright red as she took in his words. She huffed, refusing to meet his gaze as she spoke.
"I'll take you up on that challenge," she said, pressing her lips together. Lucien nodded, letting his fingers linger on Elinwy's nose as he watched her intently. In front of him watching her companion, her exterior melted away. The ghost of a smile on her face revealed a much more optimistic woman, the radiant beams of the sun shining down on her as if she was their goddess.
"Do you remember anything about your parents?" Lucien asked. Venix tensed at his words, her eyes snapping up to meet his in surprise. "Why do you ask?" she questioned, raising a brow. He shrugged, looking down at his fingers. "Just curious. I faintly remember my parents but those memories contained some of the best moments in my long life."
Venix nodded, pressing her lips together. She shook her head, running a hand through her white locks. "Not really. The people I grew up with always told me that they were good people who were admired immensely. They told me that I looked a lot like my mother but got my personality from my father. They told me that my parents loved each other very much and loved me even more and that their death was a tragedy no one was prepared for."
A sigh escaped her lips as she rested her head against the back of the ship. "Sometimes I find that hard to believe. I find myself wondering 'if they loved me, why would the Gods be so cruel as to take them away?'" she asked, gnawing on her lip.
Her eyes casted a gaze upon the sea in front of them, a frown pulling on her face. "I don't even know what they look like. What or who I would kill to even get a glimpse of their faces. It would put my heart at ease for a while."
She shrugged, drawing her knees close to her chest. "I envy you sometimes, Lucien. Though your parents are gone, you still have your sister and life-long friends to keep their memory alive. I don't have any siblings and Onyx is miles away from me. I have no family except for that scheming witch queen, Yagein who took away my life before it started."
Silence reigned in between them, static awkwardness overtaking their thoughts. Lucien stuttered on his words, finding nothing fitting for the current situation. He watched a ripple of emotions flicker through her eyes. Anger. Sorrow. Loneliness. Pain. They all sat in her conflicting facial expression, her brows furrowing together for one instant before being replaced with heavy eyes and a small frown.
Her violet eyes held too many stories of pain he wished he could erase and ease from her mind. So many memories he wished she didn't have to relive every night. And those same violet eyes turned over to meet his gaze when he reached out for her hand, his warm touch wrapping around her ice-cold skin.
He held her hand in his, squeezing her fingers lightly. "I can't erase the pain you have endured or bring back your parents but I promise you, they are proud of you. If they could see how brilliant and valiant you have become over the years, they would see how blessed they were to have a daughter like you."
Venix's violet eyes watched him cooly, her shoulders sagging at his words. She opened her mouth to whisper words back but nothing but air came out, and her cheeks flushed red with surprise and embarrassment. She casted her gaze down to their joined hands, curling her fingers inside his palm.
"You aren't obligated to make me feel better, Lucien. You don't have to lie to me" she said.
"I'm not lying, Venix. I meant every word I said" he reassured, squeezing her fingers again. This time, a small smile threatened to break on her face, and her brows furrowed once again. She didn't respond to him, instead sitting there as she examined their hands together.
Before he could go on any further, Darren's voice cut through his thoughts. "Sorry to break up your conversation, lovers but I need you guys to observe the sails! I think a storm might be coming!" he yelled from across the deck. His tone held a hint of mockery, turning back to give Lucien an apprehensive nod.
Blushing, Lucien's eyes diverted over to the sails, noticing how they blew furiously. The ship seemed to be threading through the water at a faster speed, cutting through the rigorous waves. "You heard the man. I need to let you go back to your duties" Venix teased, worming her hand away from his grasp.
"Do you want to come?" he asked. "The view up there is quite beautiful." Venix smiled, nodding her head vigorously. Laughing, he gently nudged Elinwy off his lap and helped Venix up. They walked across the deck to the ropes, the siphon helping her balance on the bams and ropes as they climbed high and higher until they were at the observation peak which was situated on the highest point of the ship.
"It's stunning" Venix whispered, looking down at the rippling currents. The waves rose high and crashed against the ship, cool ocean water splashing on her face. The wind was starting to pick up rustling through her hair and slashing at her exposed skin.
Lucien nodded, looking across the sea to see the darkening skies. The winds were more violent, whipping past his face in cold slashes. Lucien squinted his eyes, shielding his eyes from the sun long enough to see the brewing grey clouds that were threatening to break over the horizon.
"Darren!" Lucien shouted over the roar of the wind. He leaned down the sails, his eyes landing on his friend as he turned around to meet his gaze.
"What's wrong? Are your feet tangled in the ropes again?" Darren remarked, causing Lucien to frown. Beside him, Venix chuckled, causing his cheeks to burn red. "There is a storm brewing north of us. I don't how bad it will be but from the looks of it, it's going to be hell."
"Is there any possible way around it?" he asked. Lucien shrugged, directing his gaze back up to the darkening clouds. "I don't think so. I am going to try to contact Arsen and Talon and see if they have a plan" Lucien replied. "How far away are we from Exben?"
"A few days away. We are traveling on the fastest route" Darren responded. Lucien nodded, turning his attention to Venix. "I need you to lower the sails. Anything to block the rough winds out. I need to get in contact with Arsen and Talon. They've traveled the seas more than I have."
"Got it," Venix said, stepping aside to let him walk by. Lucien stopped by her, sliding down the wooden beams and across the deck to the upper deck where he was able to get a good view of the black ship that tailed behind them. The morning fog was slowly fading away but their voices were close enough to hear.
"Arsen!" Lucien yelled. Arsen's head snapped up, his laughing voice replaced with a concerned one. He took a few steps forward, his inky black hair piercing through the grey fog. "What's wrong, Lucien? Need more supplies?" he asked, his voice echoing between the space that held them apart.
Lucien shook his head, pointing towards the brewing storm. "We're heading directly towards a large storm! Is there any way we can navigate around it?" Arsen's confused eyes flickered towards the darkening skies, his furrowed brows arching when he saw just how the darkness crept over the horizon.
"Let me check my maps!" he retorted back, digging through his pocket until he unraveled a folded piece of paper. His fingers were quick, unraveling it to its full potential. His eyes traced over the map, his fingers following along. A frown made its way across his face, his gaze briefly flickering over to the horizon once again.
"There are no islands for miles and by the looks of the sky and currents, this isn't a regular storm! We are heading straight for a vortex!" Arsen warned, fear twinkling in his eyes. We have to prepare for it quickly! This is going to be a nasty storm!"
As his words left his lips, the violet winds ricocheted across both ships, the waves wrecking the outside of the ships. The light ocean waters had turned into a dark vortex, ocean water spraying across the deck. Arsen, turned behind him, shouting a warning to Talon before diverting his attention over to Lucien.
"Secure your ship! NOW!"
Fear ran slick through his bones as Lucien bolted from his position, running down to the main deck where Darren was trying his best to navigate through the rough seas. High waves cracked upon the deck once again, salty pools of water spraying across their faces and soaking them.
"Darren, it's no use! We have to secure the ship and hide now! Lock the steering wheel!" he commanded. His hand braced his friend's shoulders, pulling him aside. Darren cursed under his breath, looking around the ship. "I'm throwing the anchor down!" he warned, heading over to the heavy metal.
"No, don't do that! We are miles into the sea! The depths of the ocean are too deep for the anchor to secure a place! Help me secure the ship then take Venix and Elinwy down to the lower deck! I'll handle everything else!" Lucien commanded, grabbing a thick circle of rope from the ground and circling it around the steering wheel.
"Lucien, are you serious? In this storm, you'll be swept underneath the surface of the waters before you even make it!" Darren warned, grabbing his arm tightly. "You go with Venix and Elinwy! I can take care of everything!"
"No! This is my ship and I know how it works! Just do as I say and make sure everyone is safe!" the siphon commanded, a spark of magic running through his veins. They glowed bright blue under the dark clouds, his eyes an iridescent white. "Just go!" he commanded in a thundering voice that matched the crackling lightning above.
Darren groaned but nodded, walking away. The sun was completely eclipsed by the dark sky, the waves throwing a tantrum as it tossed them around in a vicious attempt to drown them underneath its powerful grasp. Lucien finished his last few knots around the steering wheel, completely stopping its navigation.
The ship sat in one place, allowing itself to be beaten down by the waves that constantly crashed upon the deck. Lucien sputtered and choked on the saltwater that invaded his mouth, lurching over to cough it out of his system. He hurled once again, this time throwing himself across the edge of the ship into the swirling vortex that formed below him.
Taking a sharp breath, he pushed himself off the edge, stomping across the deck. He climbed the upper deck once more, his eyes moving across the ship behind him to spot Arsen and Darren. Their silhouettes were nowhere to be seen, the ship turned on its side in an aggressive pirouette against the waves that tried to consume it.
"Venix, get off the sail now!" Darren's voice cut through his thoughts, his eyes trailing over to see Darren who was pleading with the witch to climb down. Elinwy howled at her, his aggressive growls calling for his master to return by his side.
She shook her head, casting her gaze down to the deck. "No! I think I can control this!" she warned, her eyes diverting back to the storm. Darren scoffed, his voice snapping at her. "Venix what the fuck is wrong with you? We need to hide before the storm kills you! NOW!"
The BloodBone shook his head once again, her voice retorting back to him, "Give me a damn second, Darren! Stars and Gods!"
Lucien's eyes fell from the black ship behind him, his body moving towards the wooden beams and ropes that led to the observation peak Venix currently stood at. He clung to the ropes in a delirious state, his feet weakly stabling on the slick wooden beams. He pulled himself up, balancing on the beams until he was behind the witch.
"Venix, we need to go below deck now! Please, I can't risk you getting hurt!" he yelled over the roar of the storm, reaching out to grab her wrist. The BloodBone witch whipped around, her white hair sticking to her forehead. Mountains of water drenched her body, her clothes sticking to her skin.
"But I can control it! Watch!" she retaliated. Her violet eyes flickered, turning red before his eyes. White streams of magic lit up her veins and eyes, dancing among her fingertips as she extended her arm out. Lucien watched her in a confused daze as the waves below them turned underneath her magical command.
The high waves blew themselves out, widening as if she was splitting the ocean in half. The swirling vortex below them turned to a mere swirl, the violet torrents of the ocean dwindling to small lashes. The sky above them seemed to stop, the black clouds turning grey. Lucien's eyes grew wide, his gaze flickering over to the witch who wore a proud smile on her face.
"I told you I could control it" she whispered, turning over to him. Her red eyes flickered violet once again, the ones he was so used to staring at.
The siphon scoffed, licking his lips. "What the hell? What are you?" he asked in a shaking voice, holding her wrist tightly. "How the fuck did you do that?"
The smile on her face fell, the frown returning. It deepened, her eyes turning red once again. Her hand began to tremble, her jaw locking in place. "I don't know, Lucien! Does it look like I know what I am?" she retaliated in a low tone, her last few words sharp against her tongue.
Her voice hissed with anguish, her hand falling as she turned to face him. The waves combined once again, turning into high peaks that crashed against the ship, drowning them in saltwater. The vortex widened into a hungry abyss, the grey clouds becoming a black blanket that shaded sunlight.
Lightning and thunder lit up the sky, a deep rumble coming from above. The depths of the sea were not so kind, rocking the ship back and forth, allowing the flooding waters to flood the decks, whipping past the sails and wooden beams. "Darren, take Elinwy down with you to the lower deck! I'll be with you guys in a minute!"
"I am not leaving you, Lucien! Both of you!" Darren hissed.
"NOW, DARREN! I SAID NOW AND I AM NOT REPEATING MYSELF!" the siphon commanded through locked teeth. His blue eyes lit up, the veins in his arms glowing bright blue. His voice rumbled beneath his words, watching as fear crossed his friend's face.
With a stern nod, Darren steered Elinwy with him, both of them heading down the stairs to the lower deck. Elinwy's whines died out as he disappeared underneath, the door slamming shut. Lucien turned back to Venix, grasping her by the shoulders and turning her around.
Their eyes clashed in a heavy instant, her frown turning into a snarl. "Let me go, Lucien! I can fix this!"
"No you can't and I need you to come back with me before I lose you!"
Venix opened her mouth to answer but the roar of the storm drowned her voice. The waves rose higher, this time throwing themselves at the observation deck where they stood. Heavy amounts of water crashed into their bodies, slicking the rope they held onto.
Venix's body disappeared from his grip, his fingers grasping onto a nearby rope to keep it balanced. A scream pierced through the air, followed by a grunt before silence settled into the storm. Lucien huffed, pulling himself up. His eyes darted over to the edge of the ship, widening as he saw the swaying body of Venix gripping the edge.
"Venix!" Lucien screamed, watching as the BloodBone struggled to hold on. Her knuckles were white, her fingertips blistering red as she struggled to hold onto the slippery edge. "My fucking stars and Gods!" she roared, attempting to swing her body over the edge.
Her feet managed to hook onto the edge before another torrent of water washed over the ship, knocking her off balance. She screamed and gripped the edge of the ship once again, her face a mask of anguish and agitation. Lucien cursed under his breath, twisting underneath the ropes and beams as he made his way down to the edge of the ship.
"Lucien!" Venix hissed, spurting out seawater. Lucien shook his head as he made his way to the edge, sweeping his wet hair aside. He reached down and grabbed her wrists, trying his best not to go overboard as the wind pressed him against the side of the ship.
He heaved, pulling her up. Her talons sank through the fabric of his shirt, piercing his skin as she clung to him. Her feet found their way toward the lip of the ship, her arms encircling his neck for stability. Lucien's arm encircled her waist, and pulling hard she was over to the other side.
A wave rocked the ship aside, causing Lucien to topple down to the main deck, Venix still in his arms. They hit the deck with a hard thud, sliding sideways until their backs slammed into the hard sides of the ship. Lucien hissed, feeling a thundering headache rock his mind as he struggled to pull himself up.
His vision was hazy, his fingers gripping the bark as he pulled himself up. He searched around the deck, his eyes landing on the unconscious body of Venix. Blood was dripping from a deep cut on her temple, and a groan escaped her lips.
Lucien stumbled his way over to her, encircling his arms around her body in his arms. Another wave flooded the deck, showering them with a salty shower as Lucien made his way down the lower deck. He stumbled down the stairs, kicking the door open.
The dim light of the lower deck welcomed them, the door slamming shut as Lucien made his way over to Venix's room, the door slightly opened. The tight space was contained with Darren and Elinwy, their worried eyes flickering over to see the siphon holding the witch in his arms.
"Fuck Lucien! What happened?" Darren hissed, pulling himself up. Lucien shook his head, turning away. "Stay where you are. We'll be in the next room" the siphon informed, turning away. He was careful as he wiggled his way down the hall, making sure Venix's head did not hit the wall.
The door to his room was already opened as he made his way in, kicking the door closed as the vortex outside sucked them deeper towards its depths. Lucien made his way over to the bed, gently setting Venix down into the unmade sheets. Her wet clothes seeped into the blanket as he adjusted her, taking off her shoes and putting them by the bed.
He pulled the blankets over her body, running his thumb over the gnash in her temple, wiping away the blood. A sigh escaped his lips as he sank to the floor, leaning his head on the side of the bed. He ran his fingers through his wet hair, a groan escaping his lips as he drew his knees closer to his chest.
Amidst the storm outside, the silence in the room began to kill him, a deep pain settling in his chest as he began to shake. Hot tears brimmed in his eyes, his face flushed red as he contemplated, his fingers shaking. "Fuck!" Lucien cursed through locked teeth, throwing his head back recklessly against the hardwood of the bed.
He reached up to grab Venix's dangling hand, her cold fingers pressing into his. He sighed, leaning his head against her arm as he sat there in the dark, heart pounding in his chest, its rhythmic beating rushing in his ears.
He turned around to observe the storm outside, watching as the waves washed over the windows, lightning crackling up the sky. His next words left his lips, his voice shaking when he whispered.
"We're going to make it out of this, Venix. No matter what happens. I won't let you die."
A/N: And that is the end of the fifth chapter.
I wanted to apologize for lacking updating. This month has been hard for me. This whole year has been a tough one. 2020 has been a very difficult year.
I am lost for words by the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man that was killed at the hands of the same people we are supposed to instill our trust in to protect us.
I feel betrayed and appalled by the systematic oppression my people are still forced to live under after all these years. No one should be killed for the color of their skin. No one should be judged based on the color of their skin.
This situation goes far beyond America. This murder symbolizes the pinnacle of oppression black people have faced for centuries. For the fatality of black people in these scenarios to be so astronomically high and prevalent in modern culture and America, a country that was built on the backs of slaves, is unacceptable. I have seen the riots. I have seen people band together. I have seen the spark that has grown into an enormous flame as people fight for justice. I have also seen our law enforcement throw tear gas and our president instruct military forces to shoot at looters. Police brutality has been and will always be an issue. It is a constant problem that needs to be eradicated. Black people continue to be murdered at the hands of police officers and we are tired of this system that insists on pressing down on our necks until we succumb to their efforts.
First, it was Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, two black people who were unarmed and killed at the hands of police officers, and now this. The list goes on and on. While I am grateful to see that Derek Chauvin has been arrested and charged with third-degree and 2nd-degree manslaughter, it is not enough. Three other police officers were involved and they need to be charged as well. Justice needs to be served this time and it will be. This matter should not be swept underneath the rug. It should not be forgotten. His death deserves justice. George Floyd's death will be remembered and justice will be served.
The last few weeks have been so hard for me to digest and feel motivated to write anything. I have been filled with anger and sadness as I fear for my life, my family, and my friends who go out to work and protest every day. I know there will be light at the end of this tunnel but it's still scary to witness what is going on in the world.
To all my followers and Wattpad friends who have checked up on me this past week, thank you. I can't tell you how much your support and caring words mean to me in this unfortunate time in our country. I am eternally grateful for this community and the friends it has given me.
To those who have reached out to me and engaged in educational conversations over PM, thank you for taking some time out of your day to learn about our history and try to understand what we are feeling like as a community. These dark times show me that there are still good people who are supporting us.
And to all the Wattpad authors with huge platforms, thank you for speaking out and supporting us. Your words and actions mean so much to me and a lot of aspiring black writers. We appreciate and love you.
I just wanted to thank everyone who has reached out to me to check if I am okay and everyone who has done as much as they could to help. I appreciate and love you more than words could ever express.
Thank you. I love you.
To support, feel free to sign the petition and fund located in my bio.
Thank you guys for being so patient with me.
Let me know what you guys thought of this chapter! Let me know what you liked and didn't like and what you are excited about!
Thank you guys for all your constant support. It means so much to me that you came back to join me on this crazy journey and read this book. I enjoy writing it and hearing your feedback always makes my day!
Until next time Lovelies!
With love, May
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