· J U D G E S F O R M ·
The judges form is now closed! We are no longer accepting any more judges.
Genre you would like to judge:
Will you commit to judging: (yes or no)
How will you contact us:
Availability: (How often are you on wattpad?)
Action/Adventure 4/4 (FULL)
- kaznav
- Nico610
Chicklit 3/3 (FULL)
Fanfiction 3/3 (FULL)
Fantasy 4/4 (FULL)
Science Fiction 4/4 (FULL)
Historical Fiction 3/3 (FULL)
- Rinkou
Horror/Paranormal 4/4 (FULL)
- silksoft
Humor 3/3 (FULL)
- 18Dragon
Mystery/Thriller 4/4 (FULL)
- kaznav
- Anj0921
Poetry 3/3 (FULL)
Romance 4/4 (FULL)
- Beaner18
Short Story 4/4 (FULL)
- Rinkou
Teen Fiction 4/4 (FULL)
Vampire/Werewolf: 4/4 (FULL)
- Beaner18
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us!
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