Legend has it that sometime way back in the mid eighteenth century, an unknown number of crystal-like gemstones fell to Earth during several lengthy meteor showers. All apart from one of these gemstones are identical in size though they do vary in colour. Now these crystals are no ordinary crystals. They have unique properties to say the least.
Each gem gives its holder abilities, abilities such as increased speed and or strength, and each time any of these gems are passed on to someone new, they give the new holder some of the traits of each of the previous holders such as, if one such person to previously hold one of these gems was proficient in the martial arts, then so too would the new holder.
Personality traits and mannerisms would be passed on too. If a previous owner of any such crystal was in any way susceptible to bouts of anger and rage, then this trait would pass onto the new gem holder. How any of this is possible is unknown but possible it is, safe to say that these stone are from a very far off place.
Darkness was falling quickly, and a light rain had begun to fall upon a day which would forever change the life of a young man who either was in the right place at the right time or in the wrong place at the wrong time. As time would progress, it probably felt more like the latter though on retrospection from an end point of view, it would certainly appear to be the former.
Gareth Hutton knew that he really should hurry to get home. The terrain ahead of him was rough enough to cover in broad daylight and in dry conditions, never mind the current conditions he finds himself in, and the rainfall and impending darkness will worsen any possible progress with each passing second.
Mid-way through that journey home, something odd and unusual would become attention grabbing to the point where it would be difficult to ignore. It began with a humming buzzing kind of sound that Gareth couldn't help being distracted by. This sound would become louder despite the fact that he was moving away from it.
Focusing on getting home became more and more difficult. There is something very determined out there, and it wants to have its way. Having stopped and with rain streaming down his face, Gareth turns his head. The sound, the humming buzz was coming from somewhere behind him and he was strangely being drawn to it, so much so that Gareth would indeed find it very difficult just to continue his journey home. Even though he thought it'd be a bad idea to go and investigate this sound, he would go after it anyway.
It was getting darker with each passing minute and the rain showed no signs of letting up, Gareth's intrigue had him change direction. Being on the move and having changed direction, he was beginning to get further and further away from home, a bad idea on most nights like this but the humming buzz was calling for him. It was just as alluring as it was irritating. He was being drawn to this whatever it is, and he had to answer its call.
Having chosen to go investigate, he couldn't turn away now, even if he wanted to. It could be debated at another time as to if he had made a choice at all, let alone a right one. Getting deeper into a wooded area, there were more trees around where he had come to than there were at any other point of his journey and these trees were so dense and close together that they were providing quite an amount of shelter from the rain.
A little more than ten minutes after having first heard the sound to which he was being drawn to, Gareth could see a green glow shine brightly, a glow which soon dimmed to the point there was no longer any light though almost as soon as the glow had completely faded it would begin to brighten once more. This intermittent green glow shone up out of a ditch about two hundred meters or so ahead of him, a ditch so large that if he were to enter it, it would take him below ground level.
Almost feeling like he should leave whatever it is that is glowing and just go home, Gareth continued towards it. Spying its exact location, he knew this was going to cause some difficulty. He had to climb down into the ditch to get to the glowing object. Soon, he pulled an elongated green crystal from out of the mud and almost as soon as he touched the crystal, the glow strengthened just as if Gareth's touch had activated something within it, and just like as if something had indeed been activated, he almost straight away felt a disorientating whooshing sensation.
Everything around Gareth began to spin round and round and soon would do this at an incredibly fast pace. Nausea and dizziness were taking him. Gareth thought he was going to pass out right before everything came to a halt.
Just as the spinning sensation did come to a halt, a bolt of green light shot out from the crystal and seemed to direct itself right up out of the ditch. Gareth was now quite a way down in this ditch, so much so he couldn't see much of anything above ground level and he didn't quite know how he was going to get up and out of where he has come to be. It is mucky, he is not equipped to maneuver out of something like this.
Just at this point, something as unexpected as possible would occur, and despite that unexpectedness, it would oddly feel perfectly normal. An Asian man dressed akin to that of a Buddhist monk from a long time ago, peered into the ditch.
'Hello down there' spoke this stranger.
'Hello yourself' replied Gareth.
'Why are you still down there?'
'Why am I still down here? He asks me' speaks Gareth under his breath without questioning the nature of the arrival of such a man. 'In case you haven't noticed I am stuck in quite a muddy ditch and the rain is making it difficult for me to get out. I would really appreciate it friend ... if you could help me get up out of it.'
'Sorry friend, but I cannot help you for I am not actually here, though you do not need my help; you are more than capable of getting out of this ditch all by yourself.'
'I am, am I?' becoming a little frustrated and slightly weirded out, Gareth tried to remain calm, he had got himself into this mess.
'If you try to get out from the ditch on your own accord, then you may be in for a pleasant surprise.'
Gareth did try to climb out and he was amazed by how easy it was for him to get out. His first attempt brought him up and out of the ditch with the minimum of effort. He had at least expected to slip and fall at least a couple of times though that did not happen, for something seemed to take over, it was as if this wasn't the first ditch he ever tried to get out of.
'Right, what the hell is going on here? Who are you? And why aren't you wet from the rain?'
'My name is Li Hai, but you can call me Lee. I am from China or at least I was from China, Beijing to be a little more precise. As odd as this will sound, I lived a very long time ago. This is partly why I am not getting wet as you see, and as I mentioned already, I am not actually here.'
'What do you mean by not actually here? I don't understand.'
'It is quite simple actually. I am the first protector and as of right now you are the seventh protector.'
'Quite simple, huh? I am the seventh protector of what exactly?'
'That green crystal you went down into the ditch to retrieve.'
'This green thing I am holding? Why does this need to be protected? And why am I the one to protect it?'
'It is a key, a key which holds a secret which in time will be revealed. You heard it call to you; the crystal has chosen you to take on a role which has existed for many years. Beware for the task of protecting this crystal is not an easy one, as there will be those who will come after you looking to take the crystal from you, but you cannot allow that to happen. Do not fear, along with your new responsibility you in turn will receive gifts.'
'Gifts? What gifts?' This is madness, crazy to say the least though Gareth was intrigued to at least hear out what it is he is being told.
'Well for one, everything I am or once was now in you, well ... perhaps not everything. For instance, I have mastered the martial arts, and now since you are the new protector you too are a master of the martial arts'.
'Me? A master of the martial arts? Yeah right, sure I am.'
'There is a chain attached to the crystal, tie it around your neck, and then defend yourself as I attack you.'
'But you said you are not here, so if you are not here then how can you attack me?'
'Don't question, just do' the words came calmly, not judging but informing.
The voice and accent of this Lee fellow was distinctly Asian, as Asian as he looks and dresses though his English is perfect, noticing this Gareth decided not to question it. This is all so odd and strange that if he were not experiencing this then would not believe it. So instead of questioning what he is told he does as is requested and ties the crystal around his neck and strangely enough he felt compelled to take up a defensive stance.
The man before him also took a stance. A moment passes before a demonstration began. This Asian man came at Gareth. Almost in a kind of shock, Gareth was seriously surprised by the fact he could defend himself just as well or maybe even better than how Lee was attacking no matter as to if he felt Lee was taking it easy. Being as equally amused as he was shocked and surprised by his new found ability, Gareth smiled.
'Holy ... wow, what just happened?' he asked.
'I told you, because of the crystal, my abilities are now a part of you, you not only have my abilities and strengths but those of each of the other five protectors too. These may come to you when you least expect it and at times when they may become necessary. Be wise though, with such power, one can become corrupt, the crystal chose you to be its next protector and with it your speed and strength have also been enhanced.'
Having been distracted for a moment, and before Gareth could ask any more questions, he had turned to find that he was no longer in the company of this Li Hai fellow. So, what else is there to do in this moment other than go home? As Gareth does begin to make his way home, he could hear the voice of Li Hai echoing out.
'Many will seek out the crystal, you must protect it with all that you are, though you are a lucky one, you are not alone, for I am always with you. Go home and rest, for tomorrow a journey will begin. The crystal will guide you and lead you to where you need to go.'
'Where do I need to go?' asks Gareth. His question would go without response. 'Did I hear right? He did say that he will always be with me?' he asks himself.
He has dallied too long; it is time to go home and indeed rest. The journey, given the weather conditions, was nowhere near as difficult as he expected ... benefits of the crystal?
When Gareth got home, he ate well and he slept well, for when the following morning came, he left his home to set off on a journey, his new quest as the protector of this mysterious green crystal. What is happening? What is going on? Is any of this real?
Whatever Gareth has let himself in for has a certain feel about it. He leaves home point blank, and without contemplating why. It is as if it all is meant to be. For Gareth is indeed meant to be THE SEVENTH PROTECTOR ...
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