Chapter 2 - From Another Land
As the energy of the Tesseract released too suddenly and accumulated for too long in one place, the room was starting to shake, the dome on the ceiling cracking more and more and pieces of the ceiling already starting to fall.
_ "Wendy! We have to get out of here! Everything will fall apart!" Carla cried in panic, shielding her head. However, the young dragonslayer, though overwhelmed by the situation, had approached Fury, whom she had seen being hit by a shot to the chest. The SHIELD boss was moaning heavily, his face contorted in pain. The bullet had been stopped by a bulletproof vest, but the shock had been violent for the man who seemed stunned. Wendy came over and knelt beside him, noting the gunshot wound.
_ "Wendy, what are you doing ?!" Carla said when she saw her do it.
_ "We can't leave him here!" Wendy replied.
_ "But are you crazy? We don't know who it is! Leave him and let's get out of this place!" Carla insisted, trying to take Wendy by the arm, but the latter refused.
_ "Unknown or not, that does not give us the right to let him die! It is not in the values of our guild!" cried Wendy, who immediately put her hands on top of Fury, and let green energy emanate from her hands. Fury, suffering from his wound, then felt the pain subside more and more, and felt as if the bullet was disintegrating and that her wound was closing little by little. Opening his eyes painfully, he then saw this unknown young girl, kneeling beside him and invoking this strange magic with her hands.
_ "Sir? Sir, can you hear me?" Wendy asked in seeing him awakening.
Fury growled lightly, still a little stunned, but said nothing, getting to his feet. Wendy and Carla pulled back, seeing him touch her now healed chest, and looking stunned.
_ "What ... what have you done to me?" Fury asked them.
_ "I ... I healed you ... with my magic ..." Wendy replied shyly. Magic? Fury had heard, but found it hard to believe it.
He wanted to know more, but the creaking of the walls and the gradual collapse of the ceiling brought him back to the urgency of the situation. But not being completely ungrateful, he started running, motioning for Wendy and Carla to follow him.
_ "Come, we must get out of here as soon as possible! Follow me!"
Having no better options, Wendy and Carla followed him. Not being able to run fast because of her small legs, Carla summoned her wings and began to fly. Fury's eyes widened in amazement at this, but he continued to run anyway. Wendy was running right behind him, looking around in awe at this unfamiliar place crumbling in on itself.
As he ran, Fury picked up his walkie-talkie and called Agent Hill.
_ "Hill! Do you copy? Barton has turned. Get the tesseract. Shut them down."
But in the talkie, gunfire began to sound, indicating that Agent Hill was grappling with the fugitives. Hearing this, Fury sped up his run, closely followed by Wendy and Carla, who wondered what this man was talking about? The Tesseract?
Suddenly, a violent tremor shook the hallway and a piece of ceiling was going to crush Fury.
_ "Sky Dragon Roar!" Wendy said as she again spat out a strong torrent of wind, which pushed the block away and blew it to pieces.
_ "Thank you ..." Fury said briefly as he resumed the race.
The trio managed to rise to the surface and reach the airstrip where they waited for the black helicopter, ready to take off. All over the science complex the ground was shaking harder and harder.
_ "Everything has been evacuated, sir. We have to go." Agent Coulson confirmed via walkie-talkie, indicating that he had managed to reach one of the trucks in the convoy.
Fury, Wendy and Carla boarded the helicopter, which rose into the air just in time, the platform collapsing to pieces as the ground slowly swallowed the buildings.
From the helicopter, Wendy and Carla watched in dread as the cube's energy exploded, rocking the entire complex and causing it to explode. Fury showed a serious face.
In the distance, he then saw, unfortunately, one of the vehicles of SHIELD, stolen by Loki and his puppets, slowly moving away in the dark night on a deserted road. Agent Hill had failed to stop them. Loki, standing on the small trailer of the all-terrain vehicle, glanced at the helicopter, a satisfied smile.
_ "Director? Director Fury, do you copy?" Coulson asked over the talkie.
_ "The Tesseract is with the hostile force." Fury replied. "I have men down. Hill?"
Agent Hill had managed to survive too, despite the collapse of the tunnel that nearly killed her and destroyed her vehicle.
_ "A lot of men still under, don't know how many survivors." she said sincerely, managing to extricate herself from the wreckage of the jeep.
_ "Sound the general call. I want every living soul not working rescue looking for that brief case." Fury then ordered into the communicator, to which Hill replied roger.
_ "Coulson, get back to base. This is a LEVEL SEVEN. As of right now, we are at war." Fury added, in a tone more than serious and serious. Sitting in the seats facing the SHIELD boss, Wendy held Carla in her arms. They both watched and listened to this man with some concern, but also, not understanding anything he was saying. what war was he talking about? Fury then returned his gaze to them.
_ "And one last thing ... I have unexpected guests with me." Fury said into the talkie, not taking his eyes off Wendy and Carla.
Several hours had now passed. Wendy and Carla were immediately taken to another unknown location, or on the orders of this man who others called Director Fury, they were both taken to a medium sized room, entirely empty except for a bench. and lit by neon lights. Prior to this, Wendy and Carla were given clean clothes, Wendy now wearing a very simple outfit, a t-shirt, black skirt, socks and shoes. She had been allowed to bathe a bit and had received some minor treatment from doctors in this strange organization.
Sitting on the bench, silent, Wendy and Carla waited, not without always showing a certain anxiety about their situation and where they were now? They weren't dead it's obvious, but in this case, what was this world?
Curled up on the bench, looking sad, Wendy thought of her fellow guildmates. She knew they were facing the Tartaros Guild. What was the situation now for her friends and her guild? Wendy was worried a lot, Carla trying to comfort her a bit.
But what they didn't know was that they were being watched. Behind a tinted window overlooking the room, Agent Coulson watched them with attention, but also a certain curiosity, holding in his hands notes he had taken. Fury came up to him, and watched the two girls for a few seconds before speaking.
_ "So? Did they say something?" he asked.
_ "Yes, they were quite cooperative I must say." Coulson replied, taking his notes to read to his boss, who listened intently.
_ "The human girl said to be called Wendy Marvell, and said to be a member of a guild called Fairy Tail, in a world called Earth Land. She said to be a dragonslayer and to have been raised by a dragon named Grandeeney. She was apparently in full battle with her allies against an enemy guild ... the cat says her name is Carla. I thought I would never say that one day in my life ... anyway, she said to be an Exceed, from a world named Edolas and also be a member of this Fairy Tail guild."
Fury seemed completely taken aback by these revelations. Fairy Tail? Dragonslayer? Exceed? EarthLand? Edolas? All these words mingled in his mind, to form an incomprehensible puzzle. But after seeing what this Wendy and Carla was capable of, he was, deep down, ready to believe it.
_ "And ... do you think they are lying?" Fury asked. Coulson didn't seem categorical about it.
_ "We put them to the lie detector. No reaction. They seem to be telling the truth." replied the agent, putting away the notes. "The question is, what do we do with her?"
Wendy and Carla then saw the door to the room open. A man she didn't know walked in, looking at them with a neutral face, and came over to sit calmly across from them. Carla frowned, being very protective with Wendy.
_ "Who ... who are you?" Wendy asked.
_ "I'm Agent Phil Coulson from SHIELD." the agent replied to put her at ease, showing her her badge. SHIELD? Wendy and Carla looked at each other with the same puzzled gaze.
_ "And what do you want from us?" Carla asked suspiciously.
_ "For now, we just want to know what you're doing here. You say you're from another world, but how did you get here?"
_ "I ... I don't know ..." Wendy explained, confused "... we had managed to deactivate Face ... we were ready to sacrifice ourselves in the blast of the explosion, to save our guild and our comrades ... everything turned white, and we arrived here ..."
Coulson took notes as she spoke, although he didn't understand what that weapon called Face she was talking about was.
_ "Sir, please ..." Wendy asked then "... tell us where we are."
_ "Well ... you are on planet Earth, Milky Way galaxy ... listen, for the moment, and until further notice, you will have to stay with us, until we can clarify this mystery. "
_ "What? But that's impossible! We have to get back to EarthLand! Our friends need help!" Wendy insisted, to which Coulson remained neutral.
_ "I'm sorry, but for now, there is nothing else to do. But since you have been cooperative, you will be able to move around freely, as long as you wear a tracking device at all times. .. we wouldn't want you to stray somewhere in nature ... take it or leave it. I'll let you think about it."
With that, Agent Coulson left the room, closing the door behind him and leaving Wendy and Carla to their thoughts.
_ "What should we do, Carla? I don't know what to do anymore ... I'm completely lost..." Wendy sighed sadly.
_ "We do not know where this world is located. It is very different from that of Edolas ... I believe that for the moment, we have no other choice but to accept their conditions, until what we find a way back home."
_ "Hmmm ..., yes ..." Wendy replied, having nothing better to suggest.
Meanwhile, Fury had returned to lock himself in his office. He kept thinking about the powers that this young girl had demonstrated. On his computer, he had researched possible legends of a world named EarthLand and practitioners of magic named Dragonslayers, but even the SHIELD files did not contain any traces of this, which did not really surprise him. However, the boss of SHIELD seemed to have an idea in mind ... the powers and strength of this Wendy could well be useful to the project that Fury had wanted to set up years ago, but which until then had not. could never be activated ...
_ "I think it's time, finally ..." he said closing his computer.
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