The Snake and Bomb Fight (Part 1)
After the gang watched Charlie's performance, they're amazed by how there was so much loving and caring Charlie is. But then, they saw her citizens continue to laugh at her. Then they saw her running off with a girl with a X over her right eye and a bow. And now they're both gone.
Katie: *laughing* Ahh. Well, that a bunch of shit. Now back to the fight with the slutty Cherri Bomb and the sexy Sir Pentious.*purrs*
Tom: Oh brother. If you love him, why not you have sex with him?
Katie: Hmm...
Tom: That was sarcasm.
Katie: *low growl* Anyways, back to the fight.
Tom: You're thinking about it, are you?
Katie: Nooo~
Raymond: Wow. That was terrible. Why would they make fun of that sweet young lady for making a perfect way to make perfect kingdom for her people?
Twilight: Right? I mean, other me is a princess, and no one made fun of her.
Mavis, Raymond, Leo, Chris: Other you?!
Twilight: I'll explain later.
Mavis: Anyways...*sees Charlie from a limo from the other side of the street*. *gasp* Oh my god, it's her! *points at her direction*
Leo: Oh my god, you're right!
The gang ran near the limo
Raymond: *knocks on the window* Hello? Miss Magne?
Charlie: *puts the window down with a sad look on her face* *sadly* Yes?
Raymond: Oh my word, what happened to you? Your hair is messed up and you have a ripped mark on your sleeve.
Vaggie: Some bitches messed her up when we trying to leave the 666 News studio. But I was able to kick their asses. Like going to do to this dumb ass if he STOPS MESSING WITH THE GOD DAMN SWITCH!!! I mean, come on! I threw a knife at it!
Leo: Oh my god, she's terrifying. And, I don't want to be rude, but what happened to her eye?
Charlie: In the year 2014, she got shot in the eye by a murderer. So that's how she ends up down here. Plus, she loves to stab people.
Leo: Ah.
Charlie: *blushes* Plus, she's my girlfriend.
The gang: Uh. Ok then.
Charlie: Hey, it's ok on what type of sexuality you enjoy. It's nothing to be ashamed of.
Raymond: Anyways, uh, we're here to talk to you.
Charlie: About what? *getting her scents* Oh. Are you...
*hears a major explosion from the west side of her kingdom*
Charlie: What the...Oh no. Not these two.
Twilight: Is that suppose to be the king cobra demon and the cherry bomb demon from the news?
Vaggie: Ugh. Yup. Sir Pentious and Angel's friend, Cherri Bomb.
Raymond: Who's Angel?
Angel Dust: *Rolls the window down* Hey, hottie. What's going on?
The guys: Uh...
Vaggie: He's gay we know.
Raymond: Ok, then.
*hears cackling from the distance*
Chris: Look, anyways, we still need to talk to you!
Charlie: What a minute. How did you five get down here by the way?
Twilight: We'll talk about that later, right now, we still need to...*explosion interrupts her*
Charlie: Aaaand, they are here.
Vaggie: Run! We'll meet you at Charlie's hotel. Here's the location. *gives Leo a piece of paper with the address on it*
Leo: We'll meet you there. *sees the limo leave* Does any of you know how to fight?
All: *Raised
Leo: Ok then. So Raymond, Chris, Twilight, Mavis, let me ask you something. How do you fight?
All: *😏*
Chris: *geared up* I need an animal to touch to activate my suit.
Leo: Mavis, can you turn into anything other then a bat?
Mavis: Of course. *turns into a cheetah*
Chris: Thanks M. Activate, Creature Power Suit! *his vest, gloves, and disc turns him into a green cheetah*
Raymond: Impressive. How about some gun power? *Ray's arms turned into puck blasters*
Leo: Huh, my friend Casey uses pucks to attack.
Raymond: Oh really?
Leo: Yup. Twilight?
Twilight: Since I've been noticing some friendship around me, I think I can be able to transform. *pendent started to glow and then her body*
Everyone: 🤩WHOA!!🤩
Twilight: Right?
Leo: Alright. Is everybody geared up?
Gang: Hmm.
Leo: Alright. Let's kick some snake butt. Well, no offense to my sister Karai, who became a a snake accidentally.
Gang: 😐?!
Leo: I'll explain later.
Then the gang ran towards the explosion sight. Raymond, Twilight, and Mavis flew, Chris and Leo ran along side each other. When the made it, they were all surprised to see the serpent and the bomb lady up close. They even saw a bunch of egg demons that looked like the snake.
Twilight: Am I the only seeing egg creatures down there on that fight?
Leo: Nope, you're definitely not the only one. Let's move.
Cherri: Give it up, old man. This turf is mine. So get your dumb asses out of here.
Pentious: Ha! I like to you make us, Blondie. Minions!
Egg Bois: Roar! *attacks her with more gun blasters, but then gotten blasted in the face by Raymond*
Pentious and Cherri: Huh?!
Leo: Need a hand Cherri Bomb?
Cherri: *chuckled* Now this is getting interesting.
Pentious: Huh? A robot, a purple girl, a ninja turtle, a vampire, and a huge robotic bat? How interesting indeed.
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