Chapter 10: A Few Meetings
(Y/n) checked on her schedule as she forced her concerns over her promised outing with the dark haired male, to the back of her mind. As she moved onto the second floor of the building, her ears immediately picked up on bickering exchanges the moment she set foot on the landing. Turning towards the disturbance, she was faced with a pair of squandering boys as either of them tugged on a short statue of a goblin-looking creature.
Padraig irrefutably clung to the stone creation as he attempted to shoo away the hoarder that had seemed to set his sights on the limestone creature. "I told you to get your filthy hands off my work of art before I snap your wrists in half!" The sculptor laboriously dragged the statue to its original spot as Gennai kept acting against his motions.
"Come on, this would look awesome in my room. I'll even put it with the lawn gnomes if that makes you feel better." However, the statue's creator seemed far from pleased at the degrading position his work would be placed at.
"I told you these are specifically for freshening up the corridors. Be honoured I even allowed my precious works of art to grace your presence when you walk around. Now don't taint the beauty with your filthy hands!" With a last haul, Padraig unlatched the stiff creature from its abductor and repositioning it back in its rightful place at the side of the walkway.
Gennai clenched his fists in stubborn refutal before suddenly bolting off in the opposite direction, bypassing the girl in his haste. The sculptor remained confused at the action and stayed still to figure out his foe's next move. Once he realised the possibility of him barricading a stone figure, he immediately began following in pursuit.
"Uhm, excuse me...?" (Y/n) called out to the rushing male, temporarily halting him to stare at the female with an irritated and impatient glare. "I'm sorry Padraig, but on my schedule it says I'm going to have to collect the laundry and put it in the washing machine. I'm...a bit confused how I'm exactly supposed to do that." The girl hopefully watched the male for some insight as he eyed the girl before swiftly turning his head away in a dismissing manner.
"It's 'Master Padraig' to you, and I'm not willing to waste my time with a meaningless commoner like yourself. Go bother someone that's on your pathetic level." The boy began strutting away with gallant motions, preparing to leave the female at the clemency of her own assumptions.
'But...I can't find anyone else to ask...' The female debated in her mind whether it was worth her attempt to persuade the self-regarded boy to demonstrate for her. She wasn't quite sure when she would come across another living being and was hoping to finish her day's duties as soon as possible. So, as she sucked in a deep breath to stiffen her own self-worth, she let her desperate vocals call out, "Oh please, can the great Master Padraig help a poor, lost soul like me. And take mercy on a clueless and lowly cleaner with no guidance..."
Her words froze the boy on the spot as it seemed to have triggered an internal conflict within the male. However, no sooner had her words left her mouth, Padraig spun around with a sparkling glint in his eyes as he approached the bluffing girl. "Damn it woman, you do need me. Come! Let it be known that Padraig did not leave an average maiden in need." He placed his hand on the female's shoulder in a confirming manner, committing to his role as her guide.
'You literally did a minute ago...' She bitterly thought, however held her internal comments in as she allowed herself to be led by the boy towards the rooms under his charge.
The pair stopped before a door the girl recognised to be her instructor's quarters. Padraig stared at the structure as he inwardly battled himself whether to allow the female's insignificant presence to step inside his sacred room. After intently glaring at the door with great hesitation, he resulted in opening the entrance for the cleaner to enter.
The boy entered first while the girl reluctantly followed in suit and stared around the unexplored environment in slight awe. The room was, in theory, clean and relatively tidy. However, the many carving, morphing and moulding tools that were displayed on top of tables and devices used for: sanding, sculpting and shaping, created an illusion of organised chaos as they were randomly assorted in no particular order, throughout the space. Along with the equipment, there were half-done and finished sculptures of various materials placed to the side where their elegance brought a brighter tone to the plain surroundings.
The girl was snapped out of her daze as a satisfied chuckled vibrated through the air, into her perception as the boy noticed her amazed expression. "I know, everything here is a God's gift in all honesty -that including me, of course- but please, save your praises for later. We mustn't get distracted from the main purpose you're here." Padraig approached the side of his bed where he indicated a basket of, what the female made out to be, clothes and other filthied materials ready to be washed. "Each room has a laundry basket near the bed. You will find any laundry in there. Once you take the basket, you can simply put it in the washing machine on the ground floor." The male's pleased smile over his explanation expressed his satisfaction with his demonstration before doubtfully looking back at the girl. "Do you need anything else to be explained in layman's terms for you?"
The female rancorously nodded at the degrading comment before approaching the the bedside to take the basket in hand. "Thank you, I appreciate your help..." The male refused to grace her with a voiced reply, but was courteous enough to give her a regarding nod.
(Y/n) felt her gaze slowly sliding towards the stone works of art and felt her attention entranced by the creations. Her movements were slow as she felt around for the basket handles before progressively lifting the carrier up into a standing position. She began making her distracted way towards the door before she heard a teasing scoff emit from her guide. As she looked over at the smug boy, confusion settled at his sudden change in mood.
"I see you're slowly taking interest in my wonderful masterpieces. As expected of course." His heightened shoulders and straightened spine allowed the male's pride to shine through at his speculation. The girl slightly regretted her impressed curiosity and attempted to walk away without a single regard to his words. Once she set foot towards the open entrance, she felt a hand immediately grasp her shoulder as she was swiftly lead outside the room. "Join me! I will grant you the privilege of seeing all my formations. There are over 34 of my statues and sculptures around the house. And that's not counting the statuettes."
The demanding excitement in the boy's vocals sent a worrying signal to the female's brain. (Y/n)'s feet denyingly skidded as she was pushed out of the entrance by a hyped force. The pair soon stood in front of their first sight: a gargoyle-like creature, sat with its deformed legs tucked up against its stone body, his arms crossed atop his knees as his face was deeply pressed up between the crook of his arms. The female couldn't help but feel a slight sadness towards the mourning creature, as it seemed to be frozen in its own time of endless melancholy. The statue came up to the girl's knees and was no wider than her shoulders, giving his small size a vulnerable appeal.
"This is Gilbert. I finished creating him around the 12th of March and used limestone as the material. The inspiration for him was when I was walking through the city and spotted a crying child in the playground. I used my favourite carving tool to create the details on...-" The girl's mind soon blocked off the male's yammering voice like a selective switched, and instead focused on the suffering statue. She saw a certain level of care and preciseness that went into each sweeping carve and intricate detail that let a certain ambiance of depth and intimacy to shine through. "-and so I chose to place him right in front of my room where I can make sure no one touched him."
The conclusion of the sculptor's explanation led a confused girl to be left out with the centre of his analogy. She emptily nodding at the gloating male before she was taken by the shoulder once more to be guided down the hall.
"Next is Cappy. A Venus Flytrap I created a few months ago from balsa foam." As Padraig remained preoccupied with his thorough clarification, the girl kept giving him desperate attempts in quietly escaping his unwanted tour.
"Padraig, it's quite rude for you to be keeping a young lady from performing her job." The two were forced to put a halt to their sight seeing and turned back to see a certain blond amusingly smiling towards the pair. "How about you let her finish off the tasks for the day and then you can discuss your work." Eban's smooth tone made the other boy cross his arms in annoyed reluctance before turning away from his company.
"Very well, I simply wanted to give her a once in a lifetime opportunity but I guess you had to cut it short. Besides, I've got more important things to do than waste my breath on someone who can't fully appreciate good art." The irritated male turned his sights towards the girl who was simply glad to have been saved from hours worth of exhibitions, before Padraig's eyes widened as his body turned towards the direction of the ground floor as though a signal had been sent around his panicked brain. "Oh no...someone's messing with Lith. Lilito, that better not be you!"
He broke into a sprint towards the stairs, leaving the female unchained from his boasting guidance. (Y/n) turned her gaze back to see the newcomer had approached her with a knowing grin. "You seem relieved so I'm guessing I did something right by taking you out of his target zone." He chuckled while the girl nodded with gratitude at his rescue.
"Thank you, I was worried I might be stuck with looking at statues for the rest of the day. I'll see you around." She started her journey towards the laundry room where she would take the basket be one step closer to ending her tasks, before she felt a slight tugging sensation against the collar of her shirt. Stopping in her tracks, the girl rotated herself around to see the boy lightly holding onto the edge of her clothing. "Can I help you?"
"You seem to be enjoying the company of the others, yet you immediately leave me without a second thought." The male's angled brow and saddened smile brought a guilty throb in the female's heart as she turned around to address his misunderstanding. "Are the others more interesting than me? Or am I simply uncomfortable to be around?"
"No! I'm sorry if you interpreted it in that way, but it's not like that at all. As you said earlier, I have a job to do and I want to finish it as soon as possible. And I can guarantee I was definitely not enjoying Padraig's overbearing company at all. You're really kind but I'm not in a position to really socialise at the moment." Her sincere tone layered with honesty and soothingness, getting the male to deeply analyse her with an unreadable expression that held more knowingness to it than what he led on.
"I'm glad. I'm sorry if I sounded a bit comparative with my complaint. It's a habit I've had for years so please don't take offence." (Y/n)'s heart soon lifted from the acceptance of her excuse and prepared to continue on her route.
"I'll try and talk to you later when I start my break, OK?" She declared to the male, hesitantly departing from her rescuer.
Eban carefully watched the girl as she disappeared down the corridor, towards the stairs in a haste. Once she had fully left his line of sight he tilted his head to the side before closing his eyes to allow all his senses momentary relaxation. "Will she...?" He stood still, feeling his environment slowly disappearing from his perception as he let the words of a déjà vu process in his mind. The emerald eyed boy let out a joyful smirk before turning back in the opposite direction. "Oh she will..."
(Y/n) double checked the organised map to manage her journey towards the laundry room. She had nervously wondered back and forth for the longest time before she realised the map was held at the incorrect angle, and would have promptly hit herself for the incompetence had the basket not occupied her hands.
'I guess it'll take a bit of getting used to to navigate myself around this place...wouldn't really matter in the end, it's not like I'll stay here for too long anyway.' Her thoughts encompassed her senses while she still subconsciously manoeuvred her pacing towards the intended destination. She submerged from her engaged thoughts as she neared the room intended for the laundry, only to find her feet firmly stiffening as she noticed the individual already present within.
She could unmistakingly decipher the boy's identity by his bright scarlet hair. The female felt unnoticed as the male seemed engrossed in activating one of the laundry machines using the many dials and buttons for specifications to control the preferred programming. (Y/n) felt unsure whether to enter his environment as she felt a sense of territorial dominance around him. Along with the inclinations over his soured mood, displayed by the plants potted at the window sill near him slowly decomposing from the noxious aura that poured through him like a protective gas.
"If you're not going to come in then move along." The girl was startled by the boy's regard, unsure how he had even sensed her presence as she was inaudible upon approaching along with the added factor of the buzzing laundry machine. She hesitantly took her first steps inside, instinctively keeping her shoulders stiff and her senses on high alert in anticipation for any sort of conflict with the aggressor.
As she placed the basket atop one of the machines, she silently began trying to interpret the function of each nob and button based purely on the vague illustrations underneath the operations of the large control panel. She vainly studied and guessed on the inference but remained cautious to actually touch and test any of the rings out of fear of damaging the property. Scrutinising the displays, she internally cursed each one of the nobs and joints out of frustration. As she felt on the brink of mentally collapsing, a foreign hand came from the side to turn one of the larger nobs and press on the yellow button on the panel, triggering a click from the front of the machine.
"This dial controls the temperature and this button opens up the detergent drawer, " he proceeded to pull back on the small opening created at the top right corner of the face of the washer, showing the compartments for the different products to be placed in, "you put the powder or washing liquid here, close it, choose how long you want it to run from this dial and just press on the big green button to start. The rest of these buttons are useless, gimmicky c**p that you never need to use." The girl slightly gawked at the male that she had previously witness give a merciless beatdown on one of his housemates.
He seemed less irritant and more composed compared to his aggravated side, slightly relaxing her at his helpful presence. 'I guess he's just dormant if he has no reason to be angry at something.' She silently watched the boy's demonstration until he finished off the explanation to leave her to her new knowledge. He took out a carton of juice from his pocket to poke a hole into the top with a small straw and began sipping it as he prepared to depart from the area. "Thank you...wait, did you already do your laundry." The machine her instructor had previously been tampering with, buzzed with life as it began its first circle of cleaning.
"Well you won't be going into my room, so someone has to do it." The girl watched the boy leave her to her lonesome to sort out her tasks. Once she began adding the cleaning products inside the compartment and soon started up the washing mechanism, she was left with only the humming motions of the machinery to fill the silence.
She sighed heavily once she was reminded there were more fresh stacks of laundry to be taken and brought down to be sorted. The girl grumbled and looked out of the window to see the bright, vibrant weather, wishing to be already finished with her duties to return home waste her time on pointless entertainment. Gathering her moral for the upcoming chores, her feet lead the girl towards the door while her mind remained flowing with thoughts and analysing situations.
As she exited out of the area, she was nearly knocked back as an individual had to stumble to a stop in an act of avoiding colliding with the female. (Y/n) used the wall as a stabiliser as she heard loud shatters and crashes emanating from objects hitting the polished ground. Looking towards the floor to inspect the sudden disturbance, a recognisable male was sitting down, looming over the shattered plates like a guilty destroyer.
"Oh, I'm really sorry Giovanni. Did I bump into you?" (Y/n) crouched down beside the boy to see his dejected features staring at the pieces of shards. He soon slid his orange eyes towards the female that stood beside him to give her an apologetic gaze.
"I'm sorry (Y/n), please don't feel like you have to clean this, it was my fault for running..." The boy feverishly began gathering larger pieces and placing them in a pile before proceeding to organise the smaller chunks as well.
"It's alright, it won't take long to sweep this all up. You don't have to..." After a short moment of assuring the moping boy, she realised his heavy conscience outweighed her words when he progressively began gathering the shards with careful gentleness. "I-it's really no big deal-"
"No, I sorry. I made mistake." (Y/n) tried to rewind his sentences in her head to figure if her mind had somehow taken away a few missing necessary words. His heavily accented vocals and mismatched articulation were the only recollection that emerged from her memory.
"What...? What was that broken English all of a sudden?" She confronted the male, hoping she hadn't imagined the incorrect grammatical annunciation. Giovanni looked over at her with a blank expression and uncertain large eyes before his face quickly glowed into a deeper hue is his skin the moment her words fully processed.
"Ah! I'm sorry, did my Italian come out?!" His frantic voice eluded to an idea that his slip up was to be looked down upon like a disgraceful act. The girl attempted to settle his shamed exterior while the male simply responded with avoiding eye contact while he hastily began picking at the last few scattered remnants of the plates. "Please don't mind that, I was simply stumbling, it only happens when I lose my cool, oh caro, I should be better at controlling this, why-" Amidst his frenzied rambling he abruptly hissed as his hand shot back, retracting from a sharp piece of porcelain.
The male bitterly looked towards his pierced finger to see a small orb of blood submerging from his punctured flesh to slowly ooze down as its volume increased. The girl awkwardly looked at the injury before trying to positively smile her encouragement, "Today's not your day, is it?" Giovanni shakily hummed his agreement as the female took a moment of remembrance before she began feeling around herself to quickly check through her pockets.
After a few seconds of fruitless wandering, she managed to finally earn an item from her scavenge. (Y/n) took out the old, scrunched up packet of an unused bandaid and instantaneously took the boy's hurt hand to tenderly wrap the medical tool over the wound. Once she deemed her job done, she returned the boy's newly fixed finger back to him to inspect if with a gratified smile.
"Good thing my mum religiously makes me carry stuff like this around, haha. Are you ok?" The male watched the girl for a moment, seeming to be inwardly searching for words of gratitude but quickly turned his sights away once he felt his confidence decimating with each passing second. The quietness of the environment returned as all the boy could do was lightly rub his fingers over the bandage in a thoughtful manner. "...You're...quite timid huh?"
Giovanni immediately looked up with a contrary expression as he prepared to defend against the girl's observation, only to find his determined words stopping at his tongue once his vocals denied him the voice he needed to present his eloquence. Defeated by his own lack of self assurance, he slouched back down in surrender.
"You were quite open and eccentric when I first met you, am I scary as a cleaner now?" He humorously smiled at her exaggerated speculation before shrugging his shoulder.
"I feel a bit more comfortable in my room..." The boy carefully pushed the stacked piles of porcelain debris to the side and out of the main path before standing up to dust himself off. "I'll get a bag and put them away later..."
"Why were you so eager to run past here?" Giovanni brought his hands together to fiddle with his joints in habitual anxiousness before quietly voicing his reasoning.
"I was heading towards the kitchen-"
"Can I join you? I need to check if I have something to clean there." (Y/n) eagerly stood up to unite with the stunted boy as his eyes kept flicking between her and his surroundings in speechless wonder. He was further driven into a state of a statue, once his sleeve was taken by the excited female. "Come on, I wanna see if there's anything I'm allowed to eat. I haven't had breakfast and I'm starving." Driven by her natural instinct to consume, the girl was soon coaxing the boy for direction while leading the way.
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