The Prophecy
Finn was enjoying a nice morning. His friends were around, probably doing what they usually did. Charlene would be on a run. Maybeck would be making something artsy. Jess and Amanda would be sparing against each other. Willa would be sitting under a tree reading a book. Philby would be following some poor satyr asking questions. Sure enough, Grover came by, followed by Philby, who was asking him questions. They hurried towards the big house. Finn thought about his friends. Charlene was athletic and beautiful. She cared about what people thought of her more than her looks. Maybeck was an artist. He was the most smug and sarcastic person Finn knew. Jess was a bit mysterious with her ability to dream the future. She was quiet but not afraid to speak out on something she was convinced about. Amanda expressed her opinion and was not someone to mess with because of her ability to push. Willa was extremely shy but very smart. She barely suffered from dyslexia. Philby happened to be very ADHD. He was good with technology and before he'd discovered that he was a demigod, Google was his best friend. Without the internet to learn stuff he didn't know, he asked people questions. Like, a lot of questions. He'd unanimously won most talkative camper five years in a row. The questions were his form of ADHD. Finn and the others were close. They were his best friends and nothing could change that. Suddenly Rachel ran up to him. "You and the Kingdom Keepers are supposed to meet in the big house in four hours. There was a prophecy that concerns you seven," she said. "Ok," Finn told her. She ran back the way she'd come. Finn told his friends and they discussed what it might be. Then they dispersed. About 45 minutes until they were supposed to be there, Philby came up to him. "Where are you going," Finn asked. "Big house," Philby replied. "You still have time," Finn told him. "I'm going early so I can have plenty of negotiation time," Philby stated. "Negotiation time?" Finn asked. Philby looked down at his feet. "Chiron kinda made a rule that I can't go in the big house without duck tape over my mouth," he admitted. "Seriously?!" Finn exclaimed. Philby nodded. Finn laughed. "You have got to stop asking so many questions," Finn told him. "Yeah, I know," Philby muttered. "Anyone else going with you?" Finn asked. "Yeah, Willa. She's the one who suggested I go try to negotiate with Chiron. Hey you wanna come with us? Your diplomatic and might be more likely to convince him," Philby offered. "Sure why not?" Finn agreed. Willa ran up to them. "Lets go," she said a little quietly. The three walked to the big house and after an hour of debating, making them fifteen minutes late for the meeting, they came up with a solution that worked for everyone. Philby still had to have his mouth covered in duck tape but he was allowed to have a notepad and a pencil. He would communicate by writing what he wanted to say and holding it up. As the three of them got settled, Maybeck and the girls came in. At this point, Philby was duck taped. Maybeck started to ask why when Philby held up the notepad saying, "Don't." Maybeck didn't. Chiron started the meeting, "So I'm going to tell you Rachel's prophecy. Here it is:
The keepers of the kingdom will head back to their home,
To get rid of the monsters looking like villains all people know.
Help will come from one you know not.
And one will sacrifice themselves without a second thought."
The keepers were quiet. It wasn't every day someone got a quest. Especially one that said that one person will die. They knew now that this meant them. They were the Kingdom Keepers, like it or not. "So we're going to Orlando," Charlene clarified. "That's what it says," Amanda stated. "How do we get there?" asked Willa. "Coach Hedge will be driving the van," Chiron stated. "When do we leave?" she asked. "Um, tomorrow morning," Chiron said. "How long are we going to be gone?" Willa inquired. "I don't know. And if you ask one more question, I will cover your mouth in duck tape too," Chiron threatened. Willa apparently did not want duck tape over her mouth and stopped asking questions. Philby was laughing under his layer of duck tape. "Gather your things. You leave at dawn," Chiron said. They left to get ready for our first ever quest. Finn was worried. There were over twice as many demigods going than there typically were. Also the group had no experience in quests. Also the prophecy said one of them would die. Also they were bringing an extremely ADHD son of Hephaestus, which was almost never good. Philby didn't have fire power like Leo, but he was still perfectly capable of burning down the camp. He almost did at least seven times. Finn had a lot to be worried about. But he was also excited. He was leaving camp for the first time in five years. The Kingdom Keepers stayed at camp year round because seven demigods in Orlando was a bad idea. Of course now they were seven demigods going to Orlando so they were kinda hypocrites in a way. "Don't let us die," Finn prayed to his mother, Demeter. Demeter did not reply. Finn packed his stuff and then went to bed. Tomorrow was gonna be a long day
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