Never again
The Serpent's Teeth:
His Desires
Never again
He just couldn't get her out of his mind!
It was driving him crazy.
How could someone like her take over his mind like that?
What was she?
An insignificant, pretty witch, with some talent.
No more, no less.
What sort of spell had she cast upon him?
He didn't know.
And the little wench had the audacity to think that she possessed power over him.
Who did she think that she was?
But hell, she was right...
His desire for her bordered almost on obsession... It was almost as strong as his feelings for Hazel.
How did he let it come to this point?
It didn't matter anymore, the only thing that did matter was that he had to tear himself away from her.
And there was only one way to do that...
But why shouldn't he have a bit of fun first?
Haylee was sitting on an old chair inside the Ministry Of Magic, she watched the pointers of the clock move slowly.
The ticking went smoothly, as did her breathing.
Tick. Tack. Tick. Tack.
It was a quarter past one, early in the morning.
Haylee tensely fiddled with a strand of hair.
Tick. Tack.
By Merlin's beard, how much longer was this going to take?
"What is going on?! I demand an explanation! " Crabbe's voice thundered angrily through the aisles.
"This is unheard of," came Lucius voice moments later.
"This will have a consequences. That I can assure you of!"
"You will all lose your jobs," Amycus agreed.
"We will personally see to that," Alecto supported her brother.
Haylee retreated into the next best office, they had to be no desire of anyone seen.
"Damn it! How dare you?" Came Barti Crouch jr. Voice.
The whole ministry was in uproar.
Thousands of Aurors had been sent out to arrest the Death Eaters.
They wanted to start as soon as possible with the first processes, they were hoping to start the second part in two days.
"You can't do this!" Screamed Goyle, but the Judge remained unimpressed.
Lifetime in Azkaban, just like the other Death Eater before him.
Murder, torture and use of black magic, those were the crimes that were being held against them.
Haylee was sitting in the back row, next to her sat Dumbledore, who was sitting next to the famous, or rather infamous Mad-Eye 'Moody. The suspicious wizard looked over at her every now and again with his crazy eye.
"Don't worry Mr. Moody. I'm not about to start using the unforgivable curses on people," Haylee said slightly amused.
"One can never be too careful."
"Right. One can never be too careful. But one should at least- "
"Bellatrix Lestrange" Barti Crouch sr.'s voice interrupted their conversation.
Haylee winced at the name and instantaneously clung with one hand on Dumbledore's hand, before she realised what she was doing, and let go of him blushing slightly.
"You are accused of treason, multiple murder, as well as the multiple torture and the practice of black magic. What do you have to say?"
According to Crouch sr.'s face her answer didn't really matter.
Bellatrix would be condemned to a life long stay in Azkaban, just like the other Death Eaters.
Haylee leaned forward slightly.
She was burning with curiosity as to how Bellatrix would respond to these accusations.
"You filthy Mudblood friends! Murder you call it? Murder? We have done you a favour!"
Crouch followed the provisions, but hardly twenty minutes later it was over and the judgement was drawn immediately.
"Traitor! He is as good as dead!" Shrieked the witch. "Snape will wish that he'd never been born!"
"There won't be anymore place in Azkaban if it goes on like this," murmured Moody.
Haylee paid no attention to his words.
"Snape?" She repeated in disbelief, but loud enough for Bellatrix to hear.
"You? It was you!" She tried to break free, but did not make it.
"Blood traitor! Blood traitor! Lousy Blood traitor!"
Some of those present turned to look at Haylee, but she just stared down at Bellatrix.
Bellatrix had chosen this on her own, Haylee told herself.
I don't kneed to feel any guilt.
At the end of the day Haylee apparated back to Rosier Hall.
Her siblings, including Alexander would only come back when this whole thing was over. However, it would still take two to three weeks.
She asked one of the house elves to make her some tea, then took a bath and got ready for sleep. As she went to bed at ten, it was eerily quiet throughout the house and all was dark.
Haylee stirred slightly.
Why had she woken up?
And then she felt it again.
Someone pulled gently at a strand of her hair.
Haylee was startled and had to catch her breath simultaneously.
"Ah, the little Princess has awoken." The Dark Lord's voice sounded as if he was right next to her ear.
Her breathing quickened instantly.
"What do you want?"
"What I want? Let me think..." In the darkness of the room Haylee couldn't see see the expression on The Dark Lord's face as he sat down on her bed.
"What could I want from traitor like you?" He reached out his hand and stroked her breasts.
Hayley's heart skipped a beat.
"I'd be lying if I said that you didn't possess some special qualities and talents."
"You don't say."
Haylee sensed his astonishment at the sudden, change of atmosphere in the dark room.
"And a sharp tongue to top it all of."
"That you have had the privilege of knowing up close."
"How dare you?!" The Dark Lord grabbed her by the shoulders.
"How dare I? It is true nevertheless. You can admit that you liked it."
She could speak to him however she wanted...after all, she had nothing left to lose.
"Why else would you be here?"
"Don't think that you have power over me," the Dark Lord hissed dangerously low.
"We've already had this discussion.." She smiled cruelly.
"And since you brought it up again, it only confirms what I have answered you the last time: yes, I think... no, I know that I have power over you."
"Or else why have you let me live? If it had been Bellatrix, she would have at least gotten one of the unforgivable curses as punishment."
"As you wish." In an instant The Dark Lord had brandished his wand and held it to her chest.
Well done, Haylee, really great.
She sat there in agony, but nothing happened.
Only his wand trembled slightly.
After about a minute had past Haylee made the fire on the candles come back to life.
For a few moments they looked at one another in silence, in the newly won light.
Then Haylee slowly reached for his wand and pushed it to side.
She stretched out her hand towards The Dark Lord and touched his cheek before she leaned forward and - she could hardly believe it herself - kissed him for the second time.
But this time he didn't push her away.
He kissed her back, more violent than expected.
One of his hands went through her wavy hair, the other stroked slightly above her neck.
It half an eternity passed before he gradually moved away from her.
The Dark Lord stared into her eyes, as if searching for something.
No one said a word.
Suddenly he stood up and walked a few steps, not once did he look back at Haylee before apparating.
And it was then that she knew she would never see him again...
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