Little lady
The Serpent's Teeth:
His Desires
Little lady
There is a God, she thought, as Alexander revealed to her that the next meeting would be held at Rosier Manor.
Or not, said a small voice in the back of her head.
If there was one, you wouldn't be in this situation.
The house-elves scurried around the house cleaning every nick and cranny.
Everything had been very neglected and dusty.
Haylee had only had five days to get everything ready.
She prepared what she wanted to say- how she could turn the The Dark Lord's attention to herself without being too direct.
She knew only too well from own experience, that men quickly lost interest if she acted too forward.
Tears threatened to cascade from her eyes, but she pushed them back.
Crying at her own stupidity wouldn't help.
So she couldn't change faith.
"Madam?" Squeaked a small house elf.
"Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy have arrived."
Haylee nodded.
She quickly made her way to greet the Malfoys.
The rest of the Death Eaters filled in to Rosier Manor shortly thereafter.
She was glad that Bellatrix was ignoring her for once.
Haylee forced herself to sashay around the large living area, and exchange a few meaningless words with her guests.
The evening seemed endless to drag on forever.
The Dark Lord did not appear, and Haylee was starting to worry that he wouldn't show up at all.
Why should he?
He could do what he wanted.
He was Voldemort after all...
She stopped dead in her tracks.
Had she just thought his name?
Haylee stifled the urge to shake her head and massaged her temples.
You have to keep a clear head, you're on a mission Rosier! She thought to herself.
Haylee clenched her hands into fists.
The Dark Lord had to show up!
But time passed and passed, and nothing happened.
Suddenly the door opened quietly and to her own dismay, Haylee turned her head around in a flash.
But it wasn't him.
Kathy came running in, looked at her sister and stated solemnly: "I can't sleep..."
"I can see that, little lady," Haylee remarked, took the little girl by the hand and the two walked out of the room.
In the hall she then said with a small smile,
"Go lay down again and try to sleep."
"But why, I know that I can't sleep," complained Kathy.
"You won't know if you don't at least try."
"Tell me a story!"
"No, not now."
"Yes, now please! Please, please! "
Haylee had no desire to have this discussion right now.
"I'll tell you one tomorrow, if you go back to bed now now, I promise."
"But I want you to tell me one now," wailed the girl.
"Katherine, I can't tell you a story now..."
Kathy wanted to say something, but then looked past her sister.
"Haylee, who is that?" She whispered.
Haylee turned around and came face to face with the Dark Lord, who stood there seemingly bored watching the scene taking place.
"Good evening, my lord," Haylee said politely and as calm as she could.
"Go to your room, Katharina, and no contradiction!"
"But I want to hear a story." The little girl wailed.
"Katharina Rosier, you're going to sleep right now, and no argument!"
"I hate you!" Kathy shouted, and ran up the stairs.
"Great, thanks!" Haylee called after her.
She felt the Dark Lord's eyes fixed on her.
Haylee turned around slowly to face him.
An amused smile was playing on his lips.
"I'll show you where the salon is, my lord," she managed to say, and didn't wait to see if he followed her.
The conversations fell silent as they entered and Bellatrix seemed to be cursing Haylee in her mind.
Haylee sat down on a cushioned chair.
She just wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there until everybody was gone.
Well if that little scene didn't get his attention..., she thought bitterly, and found herself thinking of what to say to Kathy.
She wasn't paying attention to what was being said.
Then there was suddenly a loud noise, as if metal hit metal.
Haylee winced, like everyone else.
They looked questioningly at each other.
Again, this noise!
And again?
Haylee jumped up and hurried out of the salon. Where was the noise coming from?
Was that ... Her eyes widened and she started running, she didn't even notice that someone was following her.
She opened the door to her father's former office.
"What the hell" she began, but didn't get any further because someone grabbed her from behind, pulling her back so that she wasn't hit by an incoming sword.
Two knights, or rather only their armor, indulged in a spectacular fight and Kathy watched them defiantly.
In her hand she held the wand of her father.
Haylee waved her wand at the knights and the armors stopped momentarily pause.
"Katharina Rosier!"
She began now and stood in front of her sister, who turned away from her.
"What do you have to say for yourself?"
No answer.
"Katherina! Look at me when I'm talking to you."
Haylees eyes narrowed to slits.
Again, only silence.
Alexander joined her.
"Suit yourself, Katherina," said Haylee.
"Go to your room and don't come out unless you're going to apologize!"
With that she turned and left the room with her head held high.
She didn't feel like talking to anyone, so she immediately took the corridor that led to her quarters.
Haylee could still hear how Alexander said something to the other Death Eaters.
They would probably leave if the Dark Lord didn't mind.
An hour had passed, and Haylee kept pacing restlessly in her room.
She had squandered all her chances, of that she was sure.
And all because of Kathy!
Why was the world so unfair?
God, she had behaved so childish!
"Damn it!" She cursed under her breath, sat down on her bed and stared at the ceiling.
She wasn't a child, she was a woman and too young to die!
But self-pity would not help her.
It was too late for that.
Everything was lost!
Haylee suddenly jumped up.
How did she come to such thoughts?
She had never been pessimistic or melancholic.
Maybe ...
The Dark Lord didn't witness the scene- but he must have at least heard it, right?
She tried to remember whether he had actually been there, but it was surely beneath him to sneak after her like that...,
But, who had pulled her back?
She started pacing around the room again.
No, Alexander wouldn't have been strong enough.
Bellatrix was highly unlikely, she thought, and smiled cynically.
She would have probably pushed me.
She glanced at the wall clock.
Ten o'clock.
The guests had to be gone by now.
With a sigh, she opened her hair.
It was all just too stupid.
She was just about to take off her robe, as nearly silent, the door slid open.
"Well, little princes, did you come to apologize?"
Haylee asked, as she began to unbutton the front of her robe.
Haylee got no answer.
She got an uneasy feeling and glanced in the mirror, and almost screamed when she saw the mirror image of the Dark Lord, who was standing in the doorway.
"My lord," she began somewhat uncertain.
She turned her head, hoping at the same time that her face showed as much indifference, as his own.
"My Lord, did you want something?" She asked cautiously.
He took a step toward her, another, and another, until he stood before her.
This is too easy, it flashed through her head.
Yet the glint in his eyes left no doubt about what she could do for him.
He reached out to her and almost touched her neck- as all of a sudden the door was flung open and a dark curly head with equally dark eyes peaked into the room.
"Haylee" Kathy started reluctantly, but stopped immediately when she saw the Dark Lord.
"Well, Kathy," Haylee walked past Voldemort and put her hands on her hips.
Kathy took an indecisive look towards the Dark Lord, who turned his back to the sisters.
"Sorry," she whispered then.
"Oh? So everything will be alright with just a simple excuse?"
"I know I that I shouldn't take father's wand..."
"Then why did you?"
"You've been a whirlwind, little lady. And one without manners." Haylee took Kathy by the hand, pulled her out into the hallway and back into the little ones bedroom.
Haylee simply left the Dark Lord standing in her room.
What could she have done otherwise?
After she had managed to get her sister to sleep, Hayle returned to her room.
He was no longer there, exactly as she had expected.
And that was good.
She wasn't about to give herself up that easily.
She wanted that he wished nothing more than to spend the night with her, she wanted to have power over him.
In addition, it would make him careless.
But until then it was still a long way...
She just hoped that he would not be too long.
In any case, there was already a foundation that she could continue to expand on.
A cold shiver ran down her spine as she recalled how he gazed at her.
Again she imagined how she would behave.
She knew too little about him and that made the whole thing difficult.
But their goal was clear, she had to be the focal point of his desire, otherwise the whole plan would have been for nothing.
But Haylee Rosier had no idea how far she had already settled in the Dark Lords' mind...
Hillo (:
Are any of my old readers still with me?
What do you all think of this little "inbetween" story?
Let me know if you're still with me!
Much love
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