The Serpent's Teeth:
His Desires
After an hour, she had finally got up and dressed.
She had promised Cathy that she wouldn't have to stay here, and she would keep her promise.
As good as she could...
Haylee looked around. She was standing in a dark hall.
"Come this way Miss Rosier," Dumbledore said gently and walked toward a double door at the end of the hall.
Haylee who was strangely always somewhat dazed after a side-to-side-Apparation, she stood there for a few seconds to allow the attack of vertigo to pass before she followed after Dumbledore.
"Professor," she began at the same time as the door fell shut behind her. "It's about my brother and sister."
"I thought so already. But please take a seat."
There was a very comfortable-looking chair at the end of the room, but Haylee didn't have time to relax.
"I won't stay long."
"I understand. How can I help you miss Rosier?"
"My sister is afraid."
"That is understandable."
"Yes, that it is. I thought that maybe..." Haylee paused and glanced briefly around the room.
She had no idea where she was.
A security measure, that's what Dumbledore had called it, which meant that he still didn't thrust her completely.
No, she corrected herself, it meant that he knew that Haylee would instantly change sides if it was for a greater advantage for her.
"Maybe?" Dumbledore picked up the thread of conversation.
"Maybe you could bring my siblings to safety. Somewhere, at least until ... that it's all over. "
The Headmaster of Hogwarts had no time to answer, because the door was flung open and two dark-haired men entered.
"Excuse me, Dumbledore, we did5 know..." began the one wearing glasses.
"It's all right, James. Perhaps it would be even advantageous if you two stay here," Dumbledore said.
"Please close the door behind you. Perhaps we should close it magically..."
One of the men whispered something as Haylee who stood with her back facing the two men.
"I hardly think that having Potter and Black here would give us any kind of advantage," said Haylee.
"This arrogance can only come from Haylee Rosier." Sirius sneered in disapproval, as he walked over to Dumbledore and looked closely at Haylee.
"In fact", this coldly.
And without really wanting to, or maybe she did want of Black's thoughts practically threw itself at her.
Haylee had just opened her mouth, as Dumbledore intervened.
"Do not get upset, my dear."
Surprised, she closed her mouth again.
Did he know what...
"It is true, Sirius was the witness."
"Witness? It is because of him, that Alexander is now rotting away in Azkaban", Haylee muttered between clenched teeth.
"Your brother is there because he is a Death Eater," James interjected.
Haylee couldn't say anything against that.
"That however, is not up for debate now." Dumbledore turned to Haylee.
"She spoke of getting her siblings to safety."
"Why?" Sirius and James asked almost simultaneously.
"If one wants to bring someone to safety, that someone is mostly at risk." She spoke with a certain arrogance, which was, however, more of a self-protection mechanism that she had developed throughout the course of her life.
"Well, yes." Sirius retorted slightly annoyed, and brushed a strand of hair from his forehead.
"They could be placed with another wizarding family."
"Certainly, Professor, but ... a friendly environment would be appropriate. Rosier Manor can be quite overwhelming."
"What about the Weasleys?"
"That would be hardly appropriate," snorted Haylee.
"Fancy yourself too good to mingle with blood traitors now?"
"No, Black. It would just be very foolish to leave my siblings with a family that is actively working against the Dark Lord."
"The Dark Lord?" Sirius asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I've only heard Death Eaters address him in that matter."
"Do I detect an undertone of mistrust from you Mr. Black?!" With mock horror she opened her hand to her mouth.
"What if we temporarily accommodated your siblings in St. Mungos?" James intervened and Dumbledore agreed.
"That would certainly be the best solution."
"They seem to have a ... food poisoning," Haylee mumbled, and was now completely in her element: coming up with stories.
"Food poisoning?" Sirius repeated doubtfully.
"I said, apparently. But it will turn out to be something serious. And that's why the two must remain indefinitely in St. Mungos." Haylees expression immediately changed to one of pity.
"That's crazy."
"But convincing, Black."
"I think that the problem is now solved," said Dumbledore.
"Is there anything else that I can do for you, Miss Rosier?"
Haylee glanced at James and Sirius.
"It's almost finished."
"I will get the rest soon enough."
"What is almost finished?" James wanted to know.
"Nothing that you have to worry about."
The two friends stared at them in detail.
"I think that was all? Well, would you kindly wait outside, Miss Rosier?" Dumbledore opened the door with a wave of his wand.
Haylee happily followed his request, she couldn't stand the way that black looked at if he were silently judging her.
Dumbledore joined her in the corridor after a few moments.
The two were just about to apparate as Haylee noticed a little man with mouse-grey hair walking towards them.
Haylee ignored him.
"Hey Peter," she heard James' voice at that moment it made 'click' in her head.
"Peter Pettigrew!" She gasped breathlessly.
"What did you say, dear?" Asked Dumbledore beside her, but instead of answering, Haylee pulled her wand and turned around. "Petrificus Totalus!", Was the next thing the others heard before Peter fell to the ground.
That's probably your favorite spell, Bellatrix, she thought, remembering the duel with Bellatrix with a cynical smile.
"What the hell?" Sirius snapped at Haylee.
"He's a Death Eater," she replied with an annoyed sigh.
"Peter? Oh, come on." James laughed.
James was about to free his friend from the spell, but Dumbledore stopped him.
"Are you sure, Miss Rosier?"
"My brother told me."
"Oh, if that is so, then everything is clear."
"Shut up, Black."
"We should pursue that." Dumbledore looked thoughtfully at the fallen Peter.
"Some Veritas Serum probably wouldn't hurt."
The clock struck eleven.
"What a day," muttered Haylee and stretched extensively.
The house seemed to be even more somber without her siblings.
She thought of Alexander and of what he had said.
It was true that Snape was quite good in the favor of the Dark Lord, that she herself knew.
Snape wouldn't give her those names out of sheer sympathy.
But as Haylee knew sometimes it was better just to throw oneself into a situation without thinking too much about it...
Someday this way of thinking will cost me my life, Haylee was still thinking that as she knocked at Snape's door in the middle of the night.
Snape glanced at the clock.
Shortly after eleven.
He had another two hours, until his meeting with Dumbledore.
There was only one person who would show up at this time.
He wondered why.
"Severus?" He heard Haylees voice.
"Are you there?"
If he would just remain silent, then she would certainly go again.
Wait, what was he thinking? That was childish.
He opened the door and cursed himself right after.
That glance Haylee gave him from her blue-gray eyes...
"Come in." Snape let Haylee enter his home and closed the door behind her.
Haylee went into the living room, where she remained, standing with her back to him.
"May I know the reason of your nocturnal visit?" Snape looked at her from near the door.
"Sometimes people do pretty crazy things," she replied.
"What do you mean by that?"
"You know exactly what I mean." Her voice was barely above a whisper.
"No, I don't." It was too much had happened to know what she meant.
Haylee turned to him, her face was pale and dead serious. "I ..." She trailed off and bit her lip.
"What?" Snape approached her until he stood mere inches from her.
Haylee sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder.
"I need your help."
Hello you guys/girls (:
It's been about two months since my last real update(it feels like half an eternity to me)
My mind is in a much better place than it was the last time that I updated, but I'm still not fully ok...
I will however try to updated this story more often seeing as (if I remember correctly) I had told some people that there would be about 2 to 4 chapters and an epilogue after this, and then we'd get back to Hazel.
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Much love
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