Please makes sure to read the new summary of; 'The Serpent's Teeth' and the sumary for 'The Serpent's Teeth: His Desires (Edited on the 24th July 2015)
Also, there will be some explicit scenes in the last point of view change, hope you don't mind...
Enjoy the chapter(:
Much love
The Serpent's Teeth:
His Desires
Haylee had set out to talk to Snape right after breakfast. She knew that he had a house in Spinner's End.
Alexander was still fast asleep and the house-elves had the instruction not to wake him until eleven o'clock, because he had gotten back very late last night.
Her brother had looked shaken up, and when she then discovered blood on his robes, that only made her worry even more.
After Haylee had assured herself that Alexander was fine- and that the blood did not come from him, she went back to sleep once more, the possibility that the Dark Lord could visit her, not once crossing her mind.
She had told Kathy and Tim that she would be back later, and left a short letter for Alexander.
Haylee walked slowly on an uneven pathway eventually arriving at Snape's house.
She stood in front of the door for a few minutes- going through all the possible excused that she could tell Snape if he asked for the reason of her visit, steadied her quickened heartbeat and knocked.
Seconds went by, but the door wasn't opened.
Haylee knocked again.
She then heard a muffled curse before the door was unceremoniously wrenched open- by a tired looking, Severus Snape.
"Come in," said Snape, his tone of voice indicating that he was in a pretty bad mood.
Haylee almost wondered why he knew that it was her knocking at his door, then quickly reminded herself that they were indeed wizards!
He must have some sort of spell that lets him know who's on the other side of the door.
How silly of her!
"Did you sleep well?" Asked Haylee frankly before she looked at Snape more closely.
He led her into a room- with bookshelves for walls, that were overflowing with books.
She sat down on the sofa, Snape in the chair opposite her. Then the young woman looked at him more closely.
From his complexion Snape reminded her of Alexander.
With the dark shadows under his eyes and messy hair, he made a battered impression, which was completed by the crusted wound on his forehead.
Haylee looked down.
"Oh, I apologise for not having cleaned myself up for you," he growled and ran his hand through his hair.
"I'm sorry that I just showed up like this," she murmured.
"After Alexander came home that late- I should have known..."
Haylee trailed off.
He must be extremely exhausted.
His clothes looked as if he had slept in them, and since he hadn't even taken care of his wound yet...
"What do you want?" He asked her- his voice had lost its sharpness.
"I just want to know what-" Haylee paused abruptly.
She couldn't stop staring at Snape's wound!
Haylee sighed, got up and walked toward him.
She reached out to touch his wound, but Snape grabbed her wrist and glared at her.
It became increasingly harder to believe to what Tim thought to have heard, she thought.
Haylee shook Snape's hand off, pushed his dark hair back and looked at his wound shortly.
"That doesn't look good," she said.
She reached into the pocket of her cloak and took out a handkerchief and a small bottle with a pinkish liquid that she carried with her at all times, since a Alexander had become a Death Eater.
Haylee dripped some of the potion on the white cloth and dabbed at Snape's wound.
"So," she said finally, let the things disappear into her pocket once again, and sat back on the sofa.
Snape gave her an indefinable look. "And?"
"What and?"
"What did you want to know?"
"When you told me to watch out for Bella... you still wanted to say something."
"No," he replied curtly, as Haylee's gray-blue eyes briefly met his pitch-black ones.
Suddenly he stood up abruptly and turned away.
"What did you want to tell me?" Even Haylee rose up again.
The two stood there silently for a few minutes.
"Severus?" She tried again.
Again, nothing.
Haylee gave up.
"I'll see myself out, you can go back to sleep." The witch was going on almost since she heard his voice.
"Put it this way: someone is interested in you."
Her heart skipped a beat as his words sank in.
Should she therefore make sure to wait for the Dark Lord?
"Don't thank me yet, Haylee."
She frowned.
Was he mad at her?
"What makes you think that?"
"Severus!" She gasped at him.
She had just been careless for a moment, and he took the chance to read her mind!
Strangely, she had a feeling that he was smiling. But when he turned to her, his expression was adamant and closed.
"Why..." He paused and looked at her more closely.
"Why what?" Surprised, she raised an eyebrow.
"Nothing. Forget it. "
"Why?" Haylee smiled, Snape however, only turned more serious.
"You should go now."
"Didn't I say the same thing to you, too?"
"It's possible. Would you please go now?"
"Am I so unwelcome? Oh well, never mind. You should go back to sleep anyway." She held out her hand in farewell, and he took it.
"Strange," Snape said quietly.
"This is the first time that you've given me your hand."
Haylee laughed and let his hand go.
"Don't be ridiculous." Then she Apparated.
Back in Rosier Hall, Haylee walked through the marble hall, thinking about Snape's words.
She had never given him her hand in greeting?
Nonsense ... but she didn't remember ever having done it before.
A slanted smile spread on her lips.
Who in their right state of mind kept track of such a thing?
Did Snape maybe think that she thought she was better than him?
Haylee shook her head in order to finally get rid of those thoughts.
What's the matter with you?
Haylee thought quietly to herself, as she entered the dining room- to find Alexander sitting at the dining table, looking suspiciously at an- black feathered, blue eyed owl.
"Did you get a letter?" She asked her brother.
"Not me. I'm guessing that it's intended for you."
"Why didn't you take the letter and read it? It could be something important."
It had never bother her when Alexander read her mail.
There was hardly anything that he didn't know about her. She didn't hide anything from him.
That is until now.
She swallowed all bitterness.
The secrets were slowly piling up.
"I would have done it, if this damn creature wouldn't hack at anyone who reaches a hand out towards it."
Haylee stroked the midnight-black owl slightly over its head and then took her the letter from it.
"Went quite easily," she said.
When Haylee saw the seal, a cold shiver ran down her spine.
"How was it with Snape?" Asked Alexander and dedicated his attention to the Daily Prophet.
"Very nice," muttered Haylee and disappeared without another word into her room.
With trembling hands, she tore open the envelope and read the few impersonal lines.
All in all, it sounded like a command, she should go to him at once.
Haylee grimaced.
Who did he think that she was?
A common whore?
Almost defiantly Haylee pulled on a silky black nightgown, got in to bed at nine, and banished all thoughts of Snape and the Dark Lord from her head.
The Dark Lord had been- impatiently waiting for quite a while know, but no matter how long he waited she just didn't show up.
Lord Voldemort stared determinedly out the window and finally came to a decision.
He was not going to let this situation continue like this any longer.
Who did Haylee Rosier think that she was?
Did she think that she's too good for him?
Did she think that there weren't more beautiful women than her?
He should punish her with coldness, simply pretend that he couldn't see her, as if she were air, that would be the worst thing for her.
And yet ... damn, she reminded him so much of Hazel, that had to have her!
Her hair, those eyes, her plump lips... and the air of tragedy around her, like a sphere of evil.
The Dark Lord fell back into the armchair.
He would give her ten minutes and if she didn't come to him, this time he would just go to her!
Of course, they didn't show up.
So he Apparated to her bedroom.
Haylee was sleeping peacefully, and for a second The Dark Lord almost thought of leaving-but her beauty seemed like it was calling out to him- as if it was reeling him in.
For a moment Haylee didn't know why she had woken up, but then she became aware of the hand that slowly pushed her nightgown up.
She sat up in a flash- her hand automatically wanted to grab her wand, but was held back by another hand.
"I assume that you received my letter."
The Dark Lord hissed close to her ear.
"I don't salute at command" she replied boldly.
"What a pity."
The hem of nightgown was pushed up to her hips.
"Is that so?" She tried to sound calm, but wasn't really succeeding at it.
"Such a pity indeed." And with a final tug, he pulled the cloth over her head so that she now sat stark naked in front of him.
With his long, cold fingers he drove üb her breasts.
"How much of a pity?"
She could have slapped her hand over her mouth!
How could she just say?
But then again, it wasn't it exactly what she wanted?
"Shall I show you?"
Such strange red eyes, thought Haylee, as he pressed her back against the pillows.
She hoped that he couldn't hear her wildly pounding heart.
A slight smile played on his lips, for whatever reason.
Perhaps she should have to defended herself, now it was too late for that anyway.
She would have indeed fought if she could, but something held her back.
She watched him as he stripped off his clothes and came back to her.
Her chest rose and fell quickly and noisily, her disgust and excitement towards herself, and what was happening were expressed by a low moan that escaped her throat as he entered her.
His violent trusts did not surprise her, in complete contrast to her feelings.
She had thought that she would have to feign feelings, but now... it was amazing.
Haylee sighed deeply when she felt his teeth on her neck.
She had never felt passion so hot and glowing.
She squirmed under him, clawing at his back in between pants.
Suppressing a groan she came and lost herself in a swirl of indefinable feelings...
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