A start
The Serpent's Teeth:
His Desires
A start
Haylee had managed to persuade Alexander to take her with him to the next Death Eater meeting.
She chose an emerald green dress and had her hair up in a bun.
Haylee wished Cathy and Tim a good night, put a black cloak on and Apparated with her brother to Malfoy manor.
"Haylee" Narcissa squeezed her hand shortly.
"I am pleased to finally see you again."
It was probably true, her and Narcissa had gotten along better than her and Bellatrix.
"It's a pleasure to see you too," Haylee said with a slight smile.
Then she turned to Narcissa's husband. "Lucius," she said.
The cold blue eyes regarded her briefly.
"Haylee." It sounded more like a statement than a greeting.
"Rosier," said Malfoy now addressing her brother.
Haylee knew only to well that Alexander was not sure how he should behave towards Malfoy.
"Who else is attending," she asked.
"Lestrange, Crabbe, Nott, Goyle..."
Haylee bit her lip.
She no longer heard the rest of the names.
What had she though?
That she wouldn't meet Bellatrix here?
Narcissa escorted her to the others in the living room.
Haylee stood a little further away from the rest of the guests, and watched as Alexander was involved in a conversation.
The other Death Eaters might not like to accept Alexander as an equal, because he was just too young and had also never really proved that he belonged to them, but Alexander was a Rosier and the Rosiers were one of the oldest pureblood families, their descendants were all Slytherin.
"What a surprise," Haylee heard a cool, sharp voice right behind her.
She turned around and looked into a pair of dark eyes.
"I haven't seen you in a while Severus."
"That's true."
Severus Snape had always remained a mystery to her.
She was sure that he had more brains and skill than all the Death Eaters here together, but he never showed it.
From her brother, she had heard that the Dark Lord appreciate his skills as a potions brewer what she could understand.
In this field, he was just brilliant.
"How old is your brother? Seventeen? Eighteen?" Asked Snape now.
"He's nineteen and I don't see why you should be interested in that."
"He's quite young."
"You were younger, if I remember it correctly."
"But I was not a spoiled, little rookie."
"Don't push it too far," she rasped.
"It's just the truth," he whispered.
"It amazes me that even you can not stand the truth."
"The truth has often two sides Severus."
"Maybe," he replied.
"I'm sorry about your father. He was a great wizard."
"It happen almost a year ago", she brushed him off.
He was about to say something, but got interrupted by another Death Eater, that Haylee did not know, but inside she thanked the other man, because she did not have to continue to talk to Snape now.
Certainly, she had always found their discussions very stimulating, but she was afraid that he would notice the fact that her eyes flashed with hatred when she thought of her father.
She had never shared the beliefs of her father.
She had nothing against Muggles and Mudbloods. She knew many talented Muggle-born wizards and witches and saw them as equals.
Haylee knew she was the only one in this room who thought so.
Some time went by without anyone approaching her.
Then the salon door opened and a black-clad, pale man stepped inside.
All conversations fell silent instantly.
So that is him.
Although his appearance had changed somewhat, Haylee recognized him.
He wasn't an imposing character, not at all.
But there was something ... a sort of aura of power .... Yes, power and superiority that seemed to radiate from him.
The Death Eaters gathered around him, and he began to speak.
Haylee didn't listen to his words, but simply stared at him.
That's him, she thought over and over again, that's him.
She lost track of time, could not tell how much time had passed.
She saw his lips move, but understood nothing.
Suddenly he looked at her, their eyes met.
Haylee didn't turned away and neither did he.
He kept talking, but looked at her all the while.
Probably because he has never seen me, it flashed through her head.
That would be logical.
She wasn't going to reach her goal this fast, it would be easy...way too easy.
Some Death Eaters now also stared at her.
Including Bellatrix.
It didn't matter.
After a while he sent everyone away.
Only Malfoy should stay.
Haylee was grabbed by the arm.
It was Alexander.
In the hall he hissed at her, "Are you crazy?"
"Why?" She played dumb.
"Haylee, you ..." He sighed.
"Why did I let myself be persuaded by you?"
"Because you can not say no to me," she replied and smiled disarmingly.
Lucius came out of the salon and gave her an indefinable look that certainly did not bode well.
Had she already pushed it too far?
No, absolutely impossible.
But he became aware of her, so much was certain and that was a step forward.
"I've been a fool," Alexander muttered beside her.
"I wont take you with me anymore, you can bet on it."
Haylee wanted to say something, but got jostled from behind.
"Hey! Can't you watch where you're going?"
She looked around for the culprit and discovered it to be Bellatrix.
"You were in my way, Haylee."
The dark-haired answered with a sneer.
Her eyes sparkled dangerously.
"Oh, go play with something Venomous Bellatrix."
Bellatrix was clutching something in her robe pocket, no doubt her wand. "Say that again, you cursed, little..."
"Is something wrong with your ears?" Haylee felt her brother's grip tightening around her arm but she brushed him off.
"Go play with something poisonous."
She cried out in surprise as someone suddenly rushed past her.
Bellatrix had stiffened and looked at the ground, like a child who had been caught stealing.
Haylee looked grimly behind her.
Damn, she thought.
"Couldn't you have somehow warned me that I was about to make a fool of myself?" She asked Alexander.
"As if that would have been of some use." He rolled his eyes.
Alexander didn't keep his word.
At the next meeting, which was held at Malfoy Manor once again, he took Haylee with him.
He stood there nervous and restless and chewed on his lower lip, as if he was keeping something for her.
"OK, what's going on, Alexander?" Haylee called her brother out on it.
"Nothing. Let us Apparate."
"Should I stay there? You just have to say so. It really doesn't bother me." She knew that he would never do that.
"No!" He replied, almost horrified.
Then he said: "But if you're not feeling well ..."
She arched her left eyebrow in surprise.
Alexander looked like he was struggling with himself, as if he wanted that she went along with him, but on the other hand he wanted her to stay home.
"Forget it, Haylee, and come."
In her mind she had already planned what she wanted to say and do.
She had also practiced to close her mind against any unwanted intrusions.
This time she didn't need to weiggle out of any conversation.
The others avoided her, or so it seemed to her, at least.
Only Snape exchanged a few superficial words with her.
As then the Dark Lord appeared she fixed her gaze on him again, but also listen to what he said.
Somehow the conversation, or rather the monologue, (because nobody besides The Dark Lord said anything, the affirmative murmures excluded) about Dumbledore, against whom he seemed hold a grudge.
"I don't think that it was quite such a bad choice, that he became headmaster Dumbledore," she said, loud and clear.
All eyes turned to her.
All color drained from Alexander's face.
Lord Voldemort looked at her looking slightly confused.
"Well, I myself have experienced Dumbledote as Headmaster," she continued.
"And I can say the following ..."
"Blood traitor" hissed Bellatrix.
Haylee continuet undeterred drove: "... he is a deluded, old fool who trusts almost naively in the good in people."
Alexander breathed audibly relieved.
"And these nonsensical beliefs ar beneficial for us... you ... But of course one must not underestimate him. That would be a mistake. "
The silence was deafening.
The eyes of The Dark Lord, pierced at her like daggers, but Haylee did not yield.
Then he continued to speak at once, ignoring what she had said.
She didn't know if she had won a victory or had just been defeated.
The others turned their attention back to the Dark Lord ... and yet he kept stealing glances her way again and again, glances that didn't go unnoticed by Haylee.
When they were back home, Alexander didn't say a word and Haylee assumed that he was mad at her.
Later that evening she sat in her room, letting her thoughts drag on, as Alexander came to her.
"What is it?" She asked when she saw his expression.
"Haylee, listen to me," he began, but broke off again.
"You... this isn't a game."
"What do you mean?"
"Take care of yourself, Haylee."
She saw something like fear in his eyes.
"I only took you there today because..." Elgin took a deep breath.
"Because he wanted it that way."
Haylee said nothing.
The feeling of triumph mingled with disgust.
"Take care of yourself," her brother repeated and left the room.
That's a start, Haylee thought silently to herself.
Whether good or bad I'll know it soon enough.
Sooner than she thought...
Ok those were the first chapters.
I hope you liked them(:
Much love
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