A decision and a plan
The Serpent's Teeth:
His Desires
A decision and a plan
Terminal cancer could not be healed with magic.
Haylee Rosier was all too aware of that as she brushed her fiery red hair.
She looked pale, but who wouldn't?
This wasn't about her.
She would have probably already given up if it only affected her.
But what would become of her siblings?
Her parents were dead.
Her mother had died giving birth to her last child.
There had been no salvation for her.
Her father was killed in battle by Aurors.
Haylee had always taken care of everything.
And now she would have to leave them behind all alone.
There was of course her brother, Alexander, he was only nineteen, but he was a Death Eater.
She was afraid for her siblings.
What would become of the two smaller ones when Alexander died?
She had to do something, she couldn't just leave them like this.
Slowly Haylee rose from her chair and left her room.
She had to do something.
But what?
She opened the door to the library.
If only Alexander wasn't a Death Eater... but on the other hand she couldn't do anything about it now.
The young woman took a book from one of the shelves.
The door opened gently behind her and she heard the pitter-patter of children's feet.
"Shouldn't you be in bed, little lady?" Haylee asked with a smile and turned to her six year-old sister.
"But, I can't fall asleep," announced the little girl.
"Are you trying to negotiate a story again?" Haylee put the book back on the shelf.
"Will you tell me one?"
"If you make your way to bed."
Followed by Haylee the little one went back to her room and into her bed.
"Any requests, sweetheart?"
"Tell me the story of Amalia."
"Amalia?" Haylee didn't know of what story she spoke.
She told her little sister many stories, but an Amalia was not in any of them.
"Tim said, you had written a story about a young noblewoman named Amalia that saves her city by killing the General of a hostile army after spending the night with him", the little girl explained to her.
"But why did she wait until after a night?"
Haylee felt her cheeks turn red.
Of course her sister didn't know what was meant by spending a night with.
"Tim is going to regret this..."
"But you normally don't mind if he reads your stories."
Of course she didn't mind, as long as it was one of those stories that she normally locked away because they weren't meant for young ears and eyes.
"Will you tell me the story now? Please." The little girl asked sweetly.
"Another time."
"Please Lee!"
"Catherine Rosier, you're a little devil," Haylee sighed and relented.
She began to tell the story to her little sister, however, in a child-friendly version, without the words that Amalia got drown at, as she entered the camp, without that one night and without the description of the blood.
And most importantly, without the faint doubts that Amalia had.
Shortly before the end Cathy dozed off.
Haylee stood up silently.
Poor little Cathy.
She knew death too well.
Tired and depressed Haylee dragged herself into her room and fell onto the bed.
It was hopeless.
Finally, she stood again and looked to see if her desk drawer was locked.
It wasn't and Amalia's story was on top of a stack of papers.
"He doesn't even bother to hide it..." Haylee muttered slightly annoyed but interrupted herself.
Amalia had killed General Fernes who had threatened her city!
And Haylee was in almost exactly the same position.
The young womans thoughts were racing and she began to walk back and forth uneasily.
Amalia had managed to get close to Fernes, and he had been blinded by her charms, had perhaps thought he was the one who held the reins in his hands.
Until Amalia cut off his head with a sword and presented it to her people.
Could she, Haylee, not to the same... no, that would never work.
It would also be extremely dangerous.
Life threatening even.
She laughs joyless.
She would die anyway.
And this prospect made her daring...
She would try it.
Just like Amalia.
But how could she do it?
It was impossible to approach him.
She had seen him from a distance, about two years ago.
He radiated power, which she also had to admit.
He had something that made others believe he was better than them.
No doubt that he was a great wizard, but he was also a man.
A man like any other.
Bellatrix LeStrange was probably the best example for that.
Haylee knew Bellatrix from her time at Hogwarts.
The two had never liked each other and one could confidently say that they were rivals in every level.
Nowadays they avoided each other the best they could.
Haylee didn't understand Bellatrix.
Bellatrix liked her husband, perhaps loved him in a rather twisted way, but she still slept with the Dark Lord.
But that didn't matter.
The only important thing was her plan, she had to get close to him.
Close enough so that he noticed and was entranced by her.
The latter would certainly be difficult.
For him, women were just another object.
What does such a man find fascinating in a woman?
She had no idea.
For this she would have to meet him first.
But how would she do that?
Haylee sat down on her bed. The matter would be difficult, and who knew how long she would still have her good looks?
Alexander had told her some of the higher Death Eaters would meet at Malfoy Manor.
She could go along, after all, it was said that the Death Eaters also took their women with them.
So why shouldn't Alexander be allowed to take his sister?
That would at least be a start.
If she was lucky she would meet him there.
Haylee laughed cynically once again.
What should she do when she had him next to her, just like Amalia with Fernes?
She would certainly not use a sword, but she knew the three forbidden curses.
She knew that it wouldn't be easy.
She didn't just need to make him believe that she was harmless, but also had to have power over him so he stayed with her.
And hide it from her siblings.
Haylee threw a glance over her shoulder into the mirror.
Without question, she was beautiful and that without any magic.
Her fiery red hair ran in gentle waves down her back.
There were also her expressive dark blue eyes and sensual mouth.
Yes, she could really be seen, but for how long?
Well, for tonight she had been thinking enough.
Now she should go to sleep at once.
As she lay in her soft bed, her decision had long since fallen.
She would do what had to be done and use all resources that would arise from this contract with the devil to help her brother out.
A cold shiver ran through her body, as she thought of what she would do.
This would be one hell of a ride.
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