8th November 1944
Hello to all my new and old followers alike!
Hope you all like my take on Tom Riddles' character so far.
Enjoy ;)
Much love
Feedback :)
"The Serpent's Teeth"
(A Tom Riddle love story)
8th November 1944
Tom ignored me all of yesterday.
Wednesday as well.
When I was about to speak to him during Arithmancy, he just looked at me blankly and started a conversation with Malfoy.
Bell then took me by the hand and pulled me out of the classroom.
The grass behind me rustles.
I'm sitting in front of an old tree near the Forbidden Forest and staring at the blue water of the lake in the distance.
Carefully, I turn my head a bit to the side.
Sasha found me.
"Can I join you?" He asks with that charming smile that usually makes girls hearts beat faster.
"Sure," I say and slide a bit to the side.
"Also suffering from love-sickness?"
"Also?" I look at him astray.
He's the last person who should be suffering from love-sickness, he would probably even get a Slytherin with some effort.
After all, he is a pure-blood.
He sighs. "I thought you knew."
"Because of Jacklyn?"
"Yes," he nods and I look at him with wide eyes.
"Your love-sickness is because of her?"
" When I talk to her, she gives me one word answers, when I smile at her she looks away and when I sit down beside her she gets all weird and leaves after some time with some flimsy excuse. I just don't know what's wrong with her! Why doesn't she like me? "
He looks really unhappy.
"Who says that she doesn't like you?"
"Oh please! Her body language and behavior speak for itself! It's just frustrating, "he runs his hand trough his short, dark brown hair.
"Have you ever talked to her about your feelings?" I ask him gently.
"Are you crazy? She'll feel sorry, try to tell me as gently as possible that she has no feelings for me whatsoever, and in the end all of Hogwarts will know it!"
"Do you trust her so little?"
"What does that have to do with trust?"
"Well, if you believe that after all of Hogwarts will know what happened ..."
Now it's his time to look thoughtfully at at the lake.
"So, you also think that I should talk to her?"
"Also?" I repeat my earlier question, this time in a different context.
"Tracey has already advised me to talk to her."
"Hmmm ..."
"Yes, Sasha. I think that you should talk to her, but do it slow. Try to be close to her more often. Partner up with her in Defense Against The Dark Arts, Something like that. "
He nods understandingly and smiles slightly.
"And who has got you lovesick?"
"What makes you think that I'm lovesick," I grin at him as natural as possible and box him lightly in the side.
"My instinct whispered it to me."
"Your instinct only wanted you to find someone to talk to."
He laughs at that.
"Which one of us are you trying to fool?"
I smile.
"I don't know."
"In other words, both of us. I'm guessing its because of Riddle, right? "
"Why would you think that?", I ask lightly surprised.
"I knew I was right."
I sigh.
"Riddle's the only boy with whom you have contact with the exception of us Gryffindors, and you don't seem to like any of us in a romantic way."
"Good concluded."
"So, it's Riddle?"
I shrug my shoulders.
"To be honest, I really don't know. I know that I'm sitting here because of him. He ignored me for days, but he a few weeks ago said that we're friends. and we went to Hogsmeade together on Saturday, but ... "I nervously chewin on a strand of hair.
"You don't know why his behaving the way he is, and how you should react to it?"
"Yes," I nod, grateful for his understanding.
"Do you know what the trigger for his behavior is?"
"Not exactly. On Monday I was with him in his room and I said something, that made him laugh. When I called his attention to it, he sent me away... "
"He laughed? Didn't he just smirk? " Sasha says with played horror in his voice.
I lightly punched him in the side again.
"So, you don't know if you're in love with him?"
I nod.
"Not really, we kind of lack the time together."
What would happen if I actually fell in love with him?
I'll have to go back to my own time.
My Tom won't be there anymore.
Only Lord Voldemort and I'm fighting for his destruction.
"So, you like him, at least."
"Yes, definitely."
"Then I'm giving you the same tip that you just gave me. Spend time with him and get to know him better, but give him some time first, so that he gets the feeling of having everything under control. In my opinion, Riddle likes to be in control. "
He is addicted to control.
Control is power.
And he seeks power.
He loves it.
Power over others.
Power over the world.
His fanaticism will be his downfall.
"You're probably right," I smile slightly.
"Let's go in, I'm cold," Sasha says, holding out his hand to pull me up.
"All right," I say even though I don't feel cold.
I used Toms heat spell.
We silently cross the castle grounds and enter the entrance hall.
"Are you coming to the common room?"
"I'll go in a bit. I just have to get something to eat first. "
His footsteps fade away in the other direction of the and when I arrive at the passage leading down to the kitchen, he is already out of sight.
"You've quickly found someone else to entertain you," Tom's voice sounds gently out of the shadows before he breaks away from the dark wall.
My heart makes an unexpected bounce in his sight.
"Tom," I breathe with a sparkle in my eyes.
He's talking to me!
He isn't ignoring me any longer!
"Hazel", his voice doesn't lose its gentleness.
But this very soft tone is ominous.
Like the calm before the storm.
"I was out near the Dark Forest, Sasha found me there. I didn't seek his closeness ", I try to save myself from the situation.
"Yet you didn't send him away."
"Sasha and I are friends. Just Friends. "
"I thought we were friends."
"Are we, Tom," I cautiously walk toward him.
"Are we really?" I raise my head to meet his cold stare.
"You're important to me, Tom," I whisper in a sad voice.
"Don't you know that?"
"It doesn't seem like it."
"You have been ignoring me the last few days. I felt really bad and when I tried to talk to you, you just left. What was I supposed to do?"
He looks at me in silence.
When he still doesn't respond, I start to nervously chew on a strand of my hair. For some reason it helps me when I feel bad or I have to concentrate.
"Stop that," he says rudely, but not as cold as just before and takes my hair out of my mouth and tucks it behind my ear almost tenderly.
As his fingers touch my skin, it spreads goose bumps on my arms and back.
"I want you to always tie your hair together from now on, understood?"
"Yes," I nod.
There's no use in arguing with Tom about his orders.
"Monday at half past six in the library, your Arithmantik homework doesn't do itself."
"I'll be there." I answer him.
Tom nods and starts leaving.
"What?" He stops.
"Why do I have to I tie my hair?"
"I don't like it when other guys look at you." With that, he disappears for good.
I just stand there with my mouth open.
Did I just imagine that?
He doesn't like it when guys look at me?
How should I interpret this?
Confused, I continue on my way.
Now I really need a piece of chocolate pie.
Hopefully there's some left from lunch...
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