24th November 1944
"The Serpent's Teeth"
(A Tom Riddle love story)
24th November 1944
"Get up! We have things to do, " Toms cold voice calls out to me heartlessly.
The smell of tea, fresh bread and scrambled eggs can just barley make up for the cold way he woke me up.
"Why do I keep oversleeping in your room?"
I sigh annoyed and roll onto my back.
"Its only 7:30am."
"Well, I guess I didn't oversleep then," I sigh and sit up, yawning.
"Can I have my breakfast brought to bed?"
I ask him with an innocent look.
I don't want to get up.
It is much too comfortable and cozy under the covers.
"Just this once," he admits defeat after a quick glance at me.
He walks over to the table, conjures legs on to the tablet, and places it in front of me before siting down beside.
"Give me a sandwich and orange jam!" He orders.
"Here," I hand the jam over to him, I'm about to give him knife when he swings his wand and the bread is cut open crumb-free and the jam gets smeared over it.
Tom is his usual self again. Nothing is left of the nice boy from last night.
Besides that, I think that he manipulated my mind to make me fall asleep.
I should ask him to teach me how he did it, and right now would probably be best.
"How did you get me to sleep last night?"
"How do you know it was me?"
"Are you seriously asking me that?"
I interrupt my breakfast and look at him.
Did he really think that I didn't notice how he manipulated me?
He sighs.
"I don't want you doing that again. I hate it when people invade my mind. "
"I didn't invade your mind. Not directly, at least, "he appeases.
Can't he at least seem interested, he hasn't even made the effort to interrupt his food whilst he talks to me.
"How did you do it?"
"Finish your breakfast! Then I'll show you. "
I quickly act on his command.
My plate is empty in record time, and the tray disappears from the bed.
I'm sitting across from him now and wait for him to start talking.
"You need eye contact for it."
"But you didn't have any" I interrupt him.
"I said that YOU need eye contact, I don't need it. I have been using this type of magic since my childhood."
"Oh," I answer amazed.
What magical potential he has.
"Once again. You need eye contact and concentration. I just gave you the mental command to sleep and the fact that it arrived directly in your brain made you fall asleep."
"That sounds complicated," I sigh.
"With practice you will get it right."
Is he trying to encourage me?
"I don't know anyone on whom I can practice."
"Just do it on anybody. In the common room, during meal times at the Great Hall, wherever you are," Tom suggests.
After a moment's reflection I nod.
Sure, actually that's mean towards my fellow schoolmates, but if I want to get better, I have to act a little selfish and who else can claim to have gotten advice from Lord Voldemort?
"I'm going to the bathroom."
"You do that," Tom mutters.
Once inside the bathroom, I take of the shirt and let the water run in to the sink.
Too bad that I don't have a change of clothes here. Maybe I should just start leaving a few things of my things here.
After all, I don't plan on giving up on these cozy evenings.
Naked I let myself slip into the warm water and blow into the rainbow colored foam, which is so thick that you can't see the water under it.
I dip my head under.
I can hear the water and the foam popping quietly around me.
I wonder where Tom keeps his shampoo...
As I get my had on the surface for some much needed air, I hear a knock at the door.
"Can I come in for a second?"
With a glance to the the foam bubbles I affirm his question.
Shortly thereafter, he enters the bathroom and remains rooted to the spot.
"I thought I heard you say 'yes'."
"You heard right," I smile at him.
"Can you hand me your shampoo?"
"Did you want something in particular?"
"Tracey was here."
"She brought you underwear and a dress."
"How nice of her," I answer pleased.
"I'll bring it to you."
"Thanks," I smile at him and accept the shampoo bottle.
The shampoo is much more watery than in my time.
How much is going to change in the next fifty years is really fascinating.
They don't even have liquid soap.
The bathroom door opens again and Tom comes in.
"Here," he hands me my stuff.
"Thanks," I'm starting to get the feeling that's the only word that I have exchanged with him today.
He has already turned his back to me and now turns back to face me.
"Yes?" He frowns.
"Catch", I smile and squirt water at him.
And he does it really.
The water drops to a stop halfway, to become a big see trough bubble and flies back to me.
Fascinated, I stare at it.
Tom lets it hover above me briefly before it falls on to my head.
Thus, the first bit of shampoo is washed out of my hair.
"When did yo get your wand? You didn't have it on you earlier." I ask Tom.
"It's in the living area, why?" He Returns.
"So you just performed wandless magic?!" I screech hysterically.
"Yes," he grins.
Well, at least I amuse him.
I should be afraid of him now.
What he accomplishes is no longer normal.
It is exceptional.
Just as extraordinary as Tom himself.
"Turn around!"
He throws me a quizzical look.
"I want to rinse my hair and then get out of the tub," I tell him, and he follows my request.
"I'll wait for you outside," he tells me and disappears.
"Okay," I mumble, rinse my hair thoroughly and get out of the tub.
Still drying myself off, I rummage through the pile of clothes that Tom has brought me.
A simple black dress, black underwear and a note.
I unfold it carefully:
'I want to hear everything. Everything !!'
Is written in Tracey's handwriting big and fat on the peace of parchment.
I shake my head and crumple it together.
Somehow I expected it.
I quickly slip into the clothes and try to comb my hair with Toms brush.
Rather unsuccessfully, but when I get out again with wet hair, he is sure to reapply this awesome spell.
I should also ask him to teach me that.
I didn't clean my teeth all day yesterday, I realize horrified when I look in the mirror.
I should leave a toothbrush here.
Toms will have to do for today.
Smiling slightly, I press toothpaste on to the toothbrush and start brushing my teeth.
I wouldn't have thought that I'd be standing here a month ago from today, and would have hexed anybody if they even joked about me being alone with Tom Riddle last year around this time.
But it always comes out differently than expected.
I hear Tom call from outside.
I quickly run to the door and stick my head out.
"Hmmm?" I reply still brushing my teeth.
"Are you done after that?" He asks with a look on his toothbrush.
He sounds amused.
He sounds really amused.
I should start to get worried about him.
Where did the usually reserved Head Boy go?
"Good. Then I'll use the bathroom. We'll meet in the library, "he says matter of fact and I roll my eyes.
"Well, who do we have here?"
Tracey greets me as I enter our room.
"I thought Riddle would have tied you up so that you can't come back," Casey grins as she looks at me.
"Are you okay?" Jacklyn asks.
"Yes, I'm alright," I smile at the three soothingly.
"I want to hear everything. Now!"
"Later Tracey."
"No, now!"
Rolling my eyes I give in.
"I don't much time. Tom has agreed to help me with homework, I'm supposed to meet him in the library in a bit."
"You're writing us off?"
Tracey asks with a raised eyebrow.
"No, but I didn't find the time to do my homework yesterday."
"Did you ... Did you kiss?" Jessica asks hesitantly.
"No," I shake my head.
"We just talked We are simply friends. "
"Who are you trying to fool?," Tracey raised her eyebrow challenging.
I sigh.
"We're just friends. I don't think that he wants anything more than friendship from me.
"But you like him?" Jacklyn questions hesitantly.
"Yes," I admit.
I'm in love for the first time in my life and the boy doesn't reciprocate my feelings.
"By the way thanks for the clothes that you brought me.
"I just wanted to see if you're okay. Riddle said that you were in the bathtub so I left."
"His bathroom is amazing!"
I start raving about it l excitedly at the mention of the bathroom.
"Don't change the subject," Tracey says pinching the bridge of her nose annoyed.
"I didn't change the subject. That subject has ended. There is absolutely nothing else to tell. We just relaxed and and talked about God and the world. Noting happened. Believe me!"
I almost beg her.
"Alright now get going already! Your dearest must be waiting, "Tracey grumbles with her arms crossed over her chest.
I'll take care of her later.
She's right, I notice after looking at the clock.
Tom is waiting.
And he hates to wait.
"Here I am!"
"You're late," he says in a chilling voice.
"I know the girls wanted to know if I'm okay."
He nods.
"Just because I offered to study with you, it doesn't mean that you can show up anytime you want."
"Sorry," I mumble. "
"Sit down and get your stuff out. We have to finish everything that you don't want to do alone today."
"Because I'm going to spend tomorrow and with the Slytherins," he tells me and I frown.
"What do you want me to help you with?"
"Arithmancy at the very first place, I can do the rest by myself. After all I'm the second best in every other subject. "
"You're still worse than me in all of them."
"What do you mean by that?" I ask slightly annoyed.
"That it amazes me that you're almost as good as me."
He raises an eyebrow.
"Can you teach me the hair spell that you used on my hair last time?"
"After Arithmancy."
"All right."
Sorry for the short chapter, it's 5:38am and I'm still awake.
You guys should know the drill by now;
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Much love
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