24th December 1944
10 chapters in 1month (o_o)
And we reached 31K!
You guys are AMAZING!
Also I've attached Hazels theme song;
'Who Are You by Fifth Harmony'
The song was suggested by gemstones02 and I couldn't agree more.
YouTube wouldn't let me attach any other video of this song...
Goodnight :)
Much love
"The Serpent's Teeth"
(A Tom Riddle love story)
24th December 1944
Slowly I awake.
Tom's warmth beneath me shows me that it's still early in the day.
When he wakes up before me, he usually gets up straight away.
Cautiously I move, so as not to wake him.
In vain.
He's already awake.
"Good morning, Hazel," I hear his soft gentle voice.
"Morning," I sigh and press my nose into the soft fabric of his shirt.
That however doesn't last for long.
With a jerk he turns me over on my side and does something he has never done before.
Something that completely destroys the image that I have had of him.
Something so...uncharacteristic for Tom Riddle.
He hugs me.
Very carefully, he hugs me from behind, and pulls me against his chest.
After a brief moment of shock I relax in his arms and slide little bit closer.
"Let's stay here a while longer," he suggests with his usual indifference, but I don't get irritated or put off by his tone and just close my eyes again and enjoy the feeling of his presence.
The heat around me and in my chest.
My heart fluttering when he moves.
The electrifying feeling of his touch on my skin.
I can not imagine anything better in the morning of Christmas Eve.
It's even better the anticipation of unpacking my gifts tomorrow.
"It's snowing!"
I realize as I look out the window after some time.
"It has been snowing for a while now," says Tom, sounding anything but enthusiastic.
With joy I straighten up.
"White Christmas," I squeal and jump out of bed to dig warm clothes out of the closet.
"What are you doing?" Tom watches me onfused.
"Breakfast is over already."
"I'm going outside! I want to build a snowman! Get dressed "; I call on him and throw a thick jumper at him.
"I will certainly not build a snowman with you," he snorts arrogantly.
"Why not?"
Slightly hurt I look at him and tie my hair into a bun.
Slowly, he comes up to me twirling his wand in his left hand.
"I don't build snowmen," he says softly and stares into my eyes.
"Come on! It's so much fun!" I try to change his mind.
"No!" He hisses at me and pushes his wand against my throat.
"Do still not accept my opinions?"
His voice has something lurking behind it, hissing.
He seems more similar to his future self than ever before.
The red brightness of his eyes appear animalistic and merciless.
It is as if Voldemort is standing before me.
The Heir of Slytherin, who gathers his followers around himself, to bring about the downfall of the wizarding community.
I wonder if they already have the dark mark...
"I've never not accepted them," I whisper and look him in the eyes anxiously.
"Leave," he abruptly turns away from me and takes away his wand.
I quickly grab my gloves and put my wand into my coat pocket.
When the door of his room slams shut behind me, I lean against the wall and grab my the throat.
How could I forget who he is?
What he can do?
I shaky make my way ou.
The snow and freezing weather are just right for my confused feelings.
The snow crunches under my shoes and under the ball of snow I'm rolling before me.
It's missing the head, I still have the carrot that I got out of the kitchen, I still have to look for a few stones for his eyes and mouth.
Although it has now stopped snowing and my snowman has almost reached gigantic proportions, I don't want to go back into the castle.
I don't want to see Tom yet, so fresh is the frightening experience, if he sees me this way he will know how much he has intimidated me.
Since the ball of snow is too heavy for me, I let it fly up on the body.
I wouldn't be able to reach that far up anyway.
Satisfied, I consider my work and walk down to the frozen lake in search of black pebbles.
Once I have dug enough stones out of the freshly fallen snow, I return to my work, and form the smiling mouth, I need to get on my tiptoes and stretch myself to do that.
Maybe I should make it easier with magic?
I have to move a little to process my thoughts and feelings.
The Only consolation is that I no longer have to put up with all his wishes.
I have achieved what I came here for.
I can leave whenever I want.
But just thinking about leaving him, a feeling of nausea rises in me.
Sighing, I put myself back on my feet.
How am I going to get the nose and eyes up there, for heaven's sake?
I take the point in the hand and reaching as high as possible.
It can not be that my own snowman is too big!
Out of nowhere suddenly slim, warm fingers take the carrot out of my hand.
Surprised, I stand properly again and turn around.
What is Tom doing here?
Tom doesn't look and ataches the nose of my snowman without much effort.
"He has no eyes," he lets me know without sympathy in his voice.
Wordlessly, I get the last two stones out of my coat pocket and show them to him.
"On three," he mutters and grabs me by the waist.
Surprised, I let out a muffled cry as he lifts me up earlier than expected and grab his wrists to steady myself.
As soon as I find my balance, I press first the left and then the right eye in the head of the snowman.
Tom carefully sets me down again.
"Thank you," I whisper, and completely forget that I actually wanted to be mad at him.
"You are freezing. Lets goin and have lunch with the others," he suggests and pulls me by the hand behind him, without to respond to my;
"But I don't want to go in yet! "
Tom and I sit in silence and hardly participate in the conversation of the few others.
Meanwhile, they have all gotten used to us coming and leaving together and, even if a 3rd year Ravenclaw looks at our house emblems irritated. They probably push our friendship on the fact that we are the only remaining 7th years.
Dumbledore gives us every time he sees us together a benevolent smile.
After dessert we say goodbye to the others and after I have awarded myself some courage, I follow Tom back to his room, where I first put on my dry clothes in the bathroom.
"Are you okay?" I ask him carefully from the door frame of the bathroom.
Slowly he raises his hand, as if not to disturb a frightened animal, and sets his finger gently on the blue stain that has formed at the place where he pressed his wand.
I just now noticed it a while ago in the mirror, a miracle that I none of the teachers addressed me because of it, but with good will, it could also pass as a hickey.
As calmly as possible I watch his facial expressions.
For a moment I think that I see remorse flaring up in his eyes, but if so, it disappeared so quickly under his mask, I cannot say it with certainty.
"Let's practice a little Arithmancy?"
Is this a peace offering?
If it is then he should urgently work on it.
"Sure," I agree with a weak smile and follow him to the sofa.
"Do you want to repeat the material of this semester? Or would you prefer to do something else?"
"Repeat, then I'll be automatically practising for my N.E.W.T's in Arithmancy."
"Where as I can tell, you'll rather pass Arithmancy than Home Economics."
Annoyed, I wrinkle my eyebrows what elicits a small smile from Tom.
"Housekeeping is not everything, Hazel. There is much more exciting magic."
"I know it's not all," I sigh.
"And what do you mean by much more exciting magic?"
"I'll explain it some other time," he promises with a mysterious smile that immediately awakens my curiosity.
"Now, first tell me what's on this table."
Sighing, I lean over the book that he has put between us and try to remember what this number tangle means.
"I'm looking forward to the Christmas dinner," I sigh, as we sit by the fireplace in the evening after dinner and I'm attempting to knit a scarf that is in fact the Home Economics homework for the holidays.
Tom watches my struggle with the wool moderately interested.
"I thought you'd be generally pleased about Christmas."
"I am," I smile and throw him a quick glance what turns out to be a mistake, because I promptly lose another mesh.
This is giving me a headache.
"But you don't, so I will not bother."
"That means you won't force me to the general happiness tomorrow?"
"No," I shake my head.
"I can not seem to make you enjoy it, but I would be happy if you at least attend the meal with everyone."
"For you," he growls angrily and throws an unobtrusive glance to my neck.
"I knew that you wouldn't let me near alcohol alone,"
I grin challenging.
"I don't think that you can easily get drunk with the Mead and hot wine," he grins, frowning and throws a searching look at me.
"Want to bet?"
"Better not," he refuses.
"I'm going to bathe and then go to bed."
"I'm going in the tub after you."
He nods and stands with his typical elegance.
In bed I roll onto my side turned away from him.
I can not bring myself to cuddle uo to him.
This morning he has threatened me with his wand and scared me, and now I'm supposed to pretend that nothing happened?
Certainly not.
Exhausted, I close my eyes, fresh air, physical effort and learning with Tom have tired me.
Sighing, pretend to be asleep when Tom finally gets into bed.
I breathe as evenly and deeply as possible, as I realize how he bends over me and strokes with his warm fingers over my neck.
"I told you that I'm bad for you," he whispers to himself and lays back down on his side of the bed.
He's sorry.
Good, that makes it easier to forgive him.
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