21st December 1944
According to Pottetmore I'm a Ravenclaw...
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to react to that...
Can you all guess what house I wanted to belong to?
And what houses are you all in?
Let me know in the comments section.
Much love
"The Serpent's Teeth"
(A Tom Riddle love story)
21st December 1944
Most of the students will be returning to their families for Christmas break tomorrow.
The holidays have officially started today and Slughorn celebrates it with a private party in his chambers.
Jacklyn is standing next to me in front of the mirror, applying mascara on her lashes to accentuate her gray eyes.
Sasha asked her if she wants to be his date for the party.
He finally got up the courage to ask her on a date. Last week, Sunday evening, to be exact.
This also explains his stupid grin.
Jacklyn forces her curly blond locks into a French braid and her slender little figure is accentuated by a red, knee-length dress with black lace top hem and neckline and a matching bow at the waist.
She looks simply adorable.
I quickly throw my reflection fleeting glance.
I'm wearing an emerald green dress, my hair up in its signature bun with a few loose strands that frame my face, and 'm emerald green dress.
The top part is form fitting the hip and swinging far.
It is the figure dress that I own.
Hopefully Tom will like it.
"Miss Hayes! Mister Sparrow and Miss Salyer! What a delightful partner you have Sasha ", Professor Slughorn welcomes us all smiling brightly and leads us further into the room.
"I've been wondering when you would get here...ah, there's our dear Tom!" Beaming from ear to ear he runs to Tom, who acknowledges him with a firm smile.
I follow professor Slughorn while Jacklyn and Sasha discreetly drift away towards the others.
"Did you come alone, my dear boy?"
"Yes, sir."
"Then you can certainly entertain Hazel! Doesn't she look lovely? " Professor Slughorn continues.
"Delightful," says Tom and looks me in the eye.
Cold, not the slightest trace of warmth.
"Well then," Slughorn claps his hands.
"I must go greet the rest of the guests."
And he rushes away.
Nervously, I look at Tom, what's wrong with him?
"Hey," I try to coverup my confusion and smile weakly at him.
My eyes widen in horror. Hayes?
Since when does he call me by my last name?
"Are you okay?" I ask anxiously after.
"I don't see how that's any of your business," he says arrogantly and walks past me to a group of Slytherins.
Startled, I look after him. What on earth is going on with him now?
"Are you okay?" A stranger asks me.
"Yes, I'm just confused," I answer honestly and put on a convincing smile.
"And you are?"
"Alexander", he introduces himself with a charming smile.
Must be a Quidditch player.
"Hazel," I smile at him.
"Can I offer you a glass of punch?"
"Yes please," I accept the glass.
Alcohol is just the thing I need right now.
I empty the glass in one go.
Alexander looks at me with a raised eyebrow.
"Are we getting drunk today?" He asks with a smile.
"If you join me"; I grin and grab two glasses of champagne and offer him one.
"Sure, Slughorn's party is certainly more bearable drunk."
"Cheers," I smile and we make a toast.
My field of vision is blurred.
Alexander doesn't look much better.
He just sits apathetic in his chair.
Sasha and Jacklyn left ages ago.
"I hash tow gow into bed," I slur indistinctly and hardly understand my own words.
I think Alexander nods in agreement, but that could also be my blurred vision playing a prank on me.
I frantically lean on the edge of the small table from where we sit, when I rise from my chair.
I slowly let go of the table and stan up straight.
Why is this place spinning so fast?
Carefully, I lean against the wall and make my way towards the exit.
Just don't stand out.
When I'm out the door, I lean against the wall for support.
Merlin I feel sick!
Annoyed, I take off my shoes.
Far too shaky.
Off to bed.
Confused, I stagger off and keep bumping into the wall.
At the next corner I loose my balance and start to laugh.
What an absurd situation.
I got drunk because of a guy, and am now lying on the floor laughing and don't even know why I'm laughing.
And Tom doesn't even know that I got drunk because of him.
Really great.
As this realization through goes trough my alcohol affected brain, I have to laugh even more.
I got drunk because of a boy!
How deep have I fallen?
Because of Lord Voldemort!
He is going to try to kill me in fifty years anyway, and I'm laying here worrying about why he treated me that way?
I already have all the information I wanted!
"Hazel?" I hear suddenly a horrified voice.
Tom's voice.
What an irony!
"Hazel!" Tom says again his voice now demanding.
Can't he just go?
I won't be pushed around again by him like some sort of toy! First he is really nice and the next he throws me into the next corner.
I start laughing again and turn on my side.
Merlin my head is killing me!
"Hazel," he seems to be really angry, at least he grabs me painfully by the shoulders and shakes me.
Oh, oh, my stomach.
"What do you want?" I slur and try to get his hands off me with jittery movements.
"Just a while ago you wanted me to go away and now you won't go! Go! "
I try to push him away, but he just sighs annoyed and lifts me up.
"Put me down," I slur, punch on his chest and fidget with my legs, but he just holds me closer to him.
"Put me down," I hiss on and forget for a moment that I feel sick.
He doesn't answer and continues to walk normally.
I only realize that he took me to room as he has already crossed half way to the bed.
On his bed he puts me down.
"Can you get changed by yourself ?" He asks abruptly and throws one of his shirts at me.
"I want to leave," I pout and try to appear angry, but I'm not sure which of the three Toms I'm supposed to be looking at.
Abruptly he lifts me up and opens the buttons of my dress.
He swiftly pulls it out of me and awkwardly pulls his T-shirt over my head.
I put my arms trough the sleeves myself not really caring that I stood for a moment only in panties in front of him.
I'm just tired.
Very tired.
Swaying I climb back into bed and lay down.
Before I completely slip into sleep, I notice how he covers me with a blanked.
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