17th September 1944
"The Serpent's Teeth"
(A Tom Riddle love story)
17th September 1944
Startled, I look up.
Was there a noise just now, or did I imagine the sound of hard shoe soles knocking on the wooden floor?
After a moment of complete silence, I shrug my shoulders as if to convince myself that it was nothing, and dedicate myself to my homework for the next few hours.
Clack, clack.
This time the noise is right behind me and it's not an illusion.
A dark, gloomy shadow that looks like a striking man's body falls on me and my documents.
Who would be in the library this early in the morning?
Slowly I turn around, and all I can see is a pair of dark brown eyes stabbing right into my soul.
I should have known, after all he is very hardworking and good at school.
He probably appreciates quiet mornings just like I do.
"Hayes, you truly spend every morning in the library," he states, whilst blankly looking at me.
"You have a rather keen perception Riddle. I'm beginning to understand why you're the best in our year. Apparently you can do more then just suck up to people like your housemates," I reply with a haughty smile.
Inwardly, I tremble.
This is risky, very risky.
To challenge Riddle is about as intelligent as to penetrate into the nest of a Hypra.
In other words, it is very...risky.
"Don't exaggerate, Hayes. You don't know what sort of trouble that could get you in," he says coolly.
"You don't have an American accent," he speaks to me again.
"I merely attended school there," I say slowly.
"Why did you transfer?"
"Well aren't we curious Riddle," I say slightly nervous.
Too many questions are bad, very bad.
Silently, he sits down on the chair opposite me.
"I'm the Head Boy, Hayes and you're new here. I have to be interested in you until you're properly settled in."
"Then I can reassure you, Riddle," I snort without looking up.
"I have already settled in and find my way around easily. Thank you for your interest."
"That's...good to know Hayes"
He sits opposite of me for a few minutes and seems to watch me or to be waiting for a response of some kind, but then he rises smoothly and leaves my field of vision.
Later on that morning, Tracey, Casey, Jaclyn and I slowly walk to our Home Economics class.
Today we will be practising the correct magical way of cleaning windows.
However, my thoughts are still swirling around my last meeting with Riddle earlier on.
Actually, that would have been the perfect opportunity to get a step closer in to our nonexistent friendship.
I'm not sure if my answers made him angry or impressed, but I hope clearly for the later, although one can also interpret anger positively.
After all that would mean that he feels something towards.
It is easier to communicate with someone who feels something for you, no matter what kind of feeling that person has towards you.
Wildly gesticulating Tracey tries to clean the window that was assigned to us but nothing happens.
Her movements are becoming more aggressive, so I've already took two steps away from her as not be hit.
I can do without a black eye.
"Damn," she curses and suddenly I see clinking glass shards flying through the classroom.
Startled, I hold my hands to my face for protection.
All I can hear are screaming classmates, and quick steps coming towards us.
"Miss Sparrow", professor Philips snarls at the bleeding student.
"You are a catastrophe! It should be forbidden for you to ever use a wand. Go and and take Miss Hayes to the hospital wing before scars are left behind, "she squeezed out from between clenched teeth.
"I'll cleaning up meanwhile. This will, however, not end with a mere warning, remember that."
Nodding I push Tracey in front of me out of the classroom.
Many eyes followed us with glee, only Jaclyn's eyes express deepest sympathy.
Also Casey gives me a reassuring smile.
At least I have no cuts on my face....unlike Tracey.
The door has hardly fallen into the lock behind us, as Tracey begins to laugh.
"Did you see her face," she giggles indignantly.
"Yes, I did," I reply with a smile.
"What a laugh," she squeaks and mimics our teachers threat, so that I begin to laugh alongside her.
At the same time I pull her further down the corridor.
"Come on, we want to look pretty again as soon as possible," I grin at her.
The nurse lets us go just in time for Transfiguration, shaking her head in disapproval.
I think she has just as little understanding as Professor Phillips for our lack of interest in the subject.
I really don't care, but Tracey lives in this age, this society and can't escape it, like I'll do it.
The young Professor Dumbledore is waiting with a kind smile on his lips.
Apparently, he was born with that expression.
After dinner, I make my way to Astronomy.
Only two other girls, Jean Smithers, an annoying Slytherin, and her best friend Jessica Jones from Gryffindor occupy the classroom, the remainder consisting of even more Slytherins, including Riddle with his closest entourage.
I sit alone in the theoretical part of the subject in the third last row.
I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.
The two girls are the kind of people I like to stay away from,and why would Gryffindor hang around with Slytherins?
I can't think of any reason why a Griffindor would do that to him or herself...
My case being an exemption.
And at that exact moment I catch Riddles' searching look.
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