It's been a few weeks since the Slytherins started searching for Severus's selkie coat, but they had no luck so far and Viper was really worried about her mom.
The rest of the staff noticed the white stripes in his hair and were growing concerned. Severus was growing weaker and weaker, and he was about to have his babies.
May 16th, at breakfast, Severus was having a conversation with Minerva about who'll win the next Quidditch game, (Severus was writing on paper), when he started harshly coughing. "Severus, are you alright?!" Minerva asked her colleague, then gasped when the black in his hair turned grey.
"It's getting worse, Professor. And the next full moon is only 3 weeks away," Marvolo said to the Transfiguration professor as he looked at Severus, who was unconsciouson his shoulder. "We really need to find his coat before it's too late. Without his coat and song, him, the babies, and Viper will die,"
All of the students gasped in shock. They loved Viper because she was brave, loyal, and not afraid to speak her mind.
Over the next three weeks, the school searched for Severus's selkie coat, but no luck. Now, it was the day of the full moon. Severus was so weak that he couldn't stand without support. His eyes were now white, and his grey hair was edging on white.
It was dinner time in the Great Hall, well, the deserts were arriving, but.. Severus tried to walk to the Slytherin table, but his knees gave out and he collapsed onto his side, hair fully white and pale as a ghost.
Viper gasped and ran to her mother, not caring about her reputation right now. "Mom! Wake up! Please..wake up..." she whispered to her unconscious mother with tearful eyes.
Just then, Draco ran into the Hall with Severus's selkie coat, which he foubd in Dumbledore's office. Marvolo placed Severus in the coat and told him to sing.
Idir ann is idir as
Idir thuaidh is idir theas
Idir thier is idir thoir
Idir ann is idir ait
Casann si dhom
Amrhan ná farraige
Suimneach no ciun
Cuardu go damanta
Mo ghra
Tame idir ghra
Between the here, between the now
Between the north, between the south
From the shell
The song of the sea
Neither calm nor the quiet
Searching for love again
Ta me idir dtuin
Just after he finished singing, he looked at Marvolo and said, "The babies are coming,"
Marvolo quickly rushed him to the Hospital Wing and told Viper and the rest of the Slytherins. Finally, after what seemed like hours of waiting, Marvolo poked his head out and told Viper that she could come in as there were two little ones who wanted to meet her.
Inside the Hospital Wing, Severus laid in a bed, sweaty, sore, and exhausted, but elated as he smiled at the bundles in his arms. They were perfect in every way possible. "Hi, sweetie. Come on in, there's two people who want to meet you,"
Viper walked up to her mother and looked at the babies. "Say hello to your new baby brother and sister, Viper. This is Lucius Draconis Riddle-Snape and Aquarius Lilith Riddle-Snape," Marvolo whispered, so as not to wake the sleeping babies.
(Lucius and Aquarius as newborn babies)
"They're perfect," Viper whispered, then she noticed that the babies were opening their eyes. Aquarius has green eyes with the Gemini symbol and wisps of red hair while Lucius had grey eyes with the Draco constellation outlined in gold and black hair on one side and silver blonde hair on the other side.
"Hi there, Lucy, Aqua. I'm your big sister, Viper. Welcome to the Snake Pit, " the redhead whispered to the twins, who tried to reach for her hair.
A few weeks later, it was time for Severus to return to teaching and to bring the babies home. Lucius and Aquarius, now 9 weeks old, were attached to their big sister.
(Lucius and Aquarius dressed up as panda bears)
"Do you need any help, Mum?" Viper asked as she held Aquarius and Lucius in her arms.
Severus smiled. "No, sweetie. Thank you for offering though. Now, let's go. I have a feeling the Snakes want to meet the newest additions."
In the Slytherin common room, Draco was pacing around while the others were looking bored. Just then, the portrait door swung open and everyone laid eyes to the babies in Viper's arms.
"Mother! You're alright! Are they boys or girls? And what are their names?" Draco asked, coming up to his godfather.
"I'm alright, Draco. The babies are both, a girl and a boy. Their names are Lucius Draconis and Aquarius Lilith Riddle-Snape, " Severus announced to the common room loud enough for them to hear.
Draco was shocked. "You named one of them after me and Father?"
"You're family, Dragon. It was only fitting," Severus answered.
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