Chapter 26
The next day, Betty and jughead woke up, and made their way to school. They went into the blue and gold and as soon as they sat down, Betty pulled her textbooks out and started to study. Jughead looked over at her and sighed. "Betts?" He said. "Hmm?" She said, not looking up at him. "Don't you think you should take a break from the studying? You're going to be learning in class all day, maybe let your brain rest?" He said, gently. "I can't juggie. I need to get good grades!" She told him. "Babe, you're the smartest person I know, you'll do fine" he said. Apparently though, that was the wrong thing to say, and his girlfriend slammed her book shut, and stormed out the room in a huff, leaving jughead left staring in shock as she walked to class...
Betty managed to avoid jughead and their friends that whole day, and when he messaged her, she just told him she was going home to study and would call him later that night. Jughead on the other hand, was still confused as to why she acted like that. Of course he knew that she was stressed but he knew there was something else that was bothering her. After school that day, jughead was laying on the couch in his trailer when FP say opposite him. "Alright boy, I've watched you mope around since you've walked through the door, what's up?" He asked. "It's Betty..." jughead sighed and began to explain what had happened earlier that day. "Son, I don't know Betty as well as you but even I know that she doesn't act like that, so go round there and see what's going on" FP advised. "I... i wanted to give her space" jug protested. "I know, but maybe she needs you" FP said and that's all it took for jughead to get on his bike and drive all the way to Betty's house.
When he got there, he used the key Betty had given him recently, and let himself in. He didn't see her in the kitchen, in the living room all at the table, so he climbed the stairs to her room. He knocked on the door, and let himself in. The sight that greeted him, was not what he expected; he saw Betty, surrounded by her textbooks, and sobbing into her hands. "Betts?" He said, rushing over to her and wrapping her up in his arms. "Baby? What happened? Are you okay?" He asked, frantically. "I..." she started but couldn't get any words out. Jughead just held her, rocking her gently as he waited for her to calm down. Once she was calmer, he asked her again what was wrong. "I'm so stressed" she cried. "About the SATs?" He questioned and she nodded. "Baby, you're so smart, you'll do amazingly" he assured her. "But you don't get it jug!" She said, exhausted. "Get What betts?" He asked, still confused. "I need good grades! My mother gave away my college fund before everything in my life went to shit!" She said, the tears still falling. "Oh betts... you don't need to worry about that, I told you how smart you are, you will get scholarships" he said, wiping her tears. "All this stressing isn't good for you baby" he said, softly. "I know I can't help it" she sighed. "I know hon" he smiled. "Now, you need to calm down and rest so how about I run you a bath, and then we get an early night?" He suggested and she nodded. "Okay" she said. "But... can we just stay here for a moment?" She asked, snuggling closer into him. "Of course we can" jug smiled, wrapping his arms around her and holding her to him.
Jughead had run Betty and bath, and while she was relaxing in it, he cleaned up all her textbooks so her room was tidy. After about half an hour, jughead was lounging on her bed when he heard her. "Jug?" She called. "Yeah?" He asked, moving over to the door. "Can you come here please?" She called. "Are you sure?" Jug asked, placing his hand on the door handle. "Yeah... I... i need a towel" she said. "Okay" jug said and opened the door. He walked in and saw Betty, still in the bath, but she was all covered by the bubbles. "You look cute" jug smiled and Betty blushed. "Where are your towels?" He asked and Betty pointed to a shelf. "Here you go betts" jug smiled, Handing her a towel. "Thank you" she smiled. "I'll leave you to get out" he smirked and he heard Betty giggled as he left the room.
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