Chapter 24
At school, jughead couldn't help but worry about Betty, all on her own at home. "I hate that she feels the need to stay at home" jug sighed. They were all in the blue and gold, during lunch, but it felt weird without Betty. "I know... I thought it was getting better you know? Like people were finally leaving her alone" Toni said. "I can't imagine what she went through before we got here" jughead added. "Maybe we should show this stuck up kids who they're messing with?" Sweetpea suggested. "No, that won't help Betty" fangs said, shaking his head. "I agree with fangs, I just don't know how to stop her being picked on" jug sighed. Before they could talk about it anymore, the bell rung and they all made their way to class.
Once school was over, jughead and the others walked to the wyrm, where FP was. "Hey son" he greeted when he saw jughead enter the bar. "Hey dad" jug said. "Where's Betty?" FP asked, not used to not seeing the couple together. "She's at home, she didn't come to school today" jug explained and FP furrowed his brow. "How come?" He asked and jughead sighed. "There was an incident yesterday, someone was picking on her and she didn't take it well, and she wanted to stay at home" jug exclaimed. "Poor Betty... why aren't the school doing anything about it?" FP asked. "Well Betty spoke to the guidance counsellor, she said they didn't want to intervene in case it made things worse" jug said, feeling the anger creep up on him. "People are useless" FP sighed. "Let me know if you need anything, either of you" FP said and jug smiled and nodded.
After hanging at the bar for an hour, jug decided to head to Betty's house, he'd grabbed some work for her and took notes so that she wouldn't fall behind in class. When he arrived, he knocked on her door and was surprised when a dark haired boy opened the door. "Erm.. is Betty here?" Jug asked, confused. "B!" The boy called. "You're Handsome boy is here!" He yelled and jugheads eyes widened, before his face softened at the sight of his girlfriend. "Hey juggie" she grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him softly. "Hey baby" he smiled. He stepped into the house, and Betty shut the door behind him. "Oh! Juggie!" Betty chirped. "This is Kevin" Betty smiled and jugheads mind finally clicked, this was bettys best friend who was home schooled. "Kev, this is jughead" Betty introduced. "Nice to meet you, I've heard a lot about you" jug smiled and stuck his hand out, but kevin laughed and pulled him in for a hug. "I'm a hugger! But I've been waiting to meet you ever since my B here phoned me all smitten about you" Kevin beamed and jug chuckled as he caught sight of Betty's blush. "Anyway, im extremely happy you make Betty happy and look after her" Kevin said, seriously. "I'll always look after her" jug said and Kevin nodded, approvingly. "So what are you doing here? Not that I don't mind, obviously" Betty asked. "Well, I wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend, and I have some work for you" he said. "I know you don't like to fall behind" he smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her flush against him. "Thanks jug, I love you" she smiled. "I love you too" he grinned, pecking her lips. "Would you like to stay for dinner?" Betty asked him. "Me and Kev are going to make pasta" she smiled. "I'd love to" jug nodded.
Dinner went well, and Betty was over the moon over the fact that Kevin and jughead got on really well. She hadn't been able to wipe the smile off her face, the whole evening. After dinner, the boys insisted they clear up. "Are you staying?" Betty asked jughead after dinner. "No, I'm going to let you and Kevin have some time" he smiled. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Kev won't mind" she said. "I'm sure, I see you every day baby, I'll let you and Kevin catch up" he said and kissed her softly. "At least stay for a little longer?" She said and he nodded, never turning down the opportunity to spend time with her.
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