I was tagged by LukeSkywalkerFan5! And it's Star Wars, ssssooooo I JUST MUST DEW IT!
1: Just ONE favorite character!? 😱 AGH! Okay, so I guess I should go with the character who's been my favorite since I was six... who would be DARTH VADER! Seriously, I adored him when I was six... maybe younger... odd that such an evil character would be my favorite, aye? Heh...
'Heh' made 66 words by the way. 😏 EXECUTE ORDER SIXTY SIX. 😈
Anyways, Anakin is now tied with Vader, because he IS Vader, or a part of him. Obi-Wan is DEFINITELY one of them. Han is a newer favorite, as are Luke and Leia... and let's not even get started with characters from The Clone Wars and The Old Republic and such... it'll take way too long! 😅
2: FAVORITE JEDI!? JUST ONE!? AGH! BUT— BUT ANAKIN! OKAY, FINE! Obi-Wan Kenobi is my favorite Jedi and Luke is next!
Darth Vader: ...
Anakin: You said it...
4: JUST ONE!? AGH! Okay, when I was six, my favorite quote was any quote by Vader. 😐 ANY quote— any word spoken by him, any action by him, and then I discovered that there are books in the EU... growing up it was always "I find your lack of faith disturbing", and I still use that one a LOT! 😂😅 And pretend to Force choke my brother... ANYWHO! Another favorite is "I am a Jedi, like my father before me", and I reference that quote when I talk about things my own dad and I have/had in common! Next one... Okay, I don't think I can do anymore, too many from Old Republic and Clone Wars! ACK!
Darth Vader: Just choose one.
Uuuuuhhhhhh... any quote by Vader... or this quote by Sidious:
"This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker, forever:
The first dawn of light in your universe brings pain.
The light burns you. It will always burn you. Part of you will always lie upon black glass sand beside a lake of fire while flames chew upon your flesh.
You can hear yourself breathing. It comes hard, and harsh, and it scrapes nerves already raw, but you cannot stop it. You can never stop it. You cannot even slow it down.
You don't even have lungs anymore.
Mechanisms hardwired into your chest breathe for you. They will pump oxygen into your bloodstream forever.
Lord Vader? Lord Vader, can you hear me?
And you can't, not in the way you once did. Sensors in the shell that prisons your head trickle meaning directly into your brain.
You open your scorched-pale eyes; optical sensors integrate light and shadow into a hideous simulacrum of the world around you.
Or perhaps the simulacrum is perfect, and it is the world that is hideous.
Padme? Are you here? Are you all right? you try to say, but another voice speaks for you, out from the vocabulator that serves you for burned-away lips and tongue and throat.
"Padme? Are you here? Are you all right?"
I'm very sorry, Lord Vader. I'm afraid she died. It seems in your anger, you killed her.
This burns hotter than the lava had.
"No... no, it is not possible!"
You loved her. You will always love her. You could never will her death.
But you remember...
You remember all of it.
You remember the dragon that you brought Vader forth from your heart to slay. You remember the cold venom in Vader's blood. You remember the furnace of Vader's fury, and the black hatred of seizing her throat to silence her lying mouth—
And there is one blazing moment in which you finally understand that there was no dragon. That there was no Vader. That there was only you. Only Anakin Skywalker.
That it was all you. Is you.
Only you.
You did it.
You killed her.
You killed her because, finally, when you could have saved her, when you could have gone away with her, when you could have been thinking about her, you were thinking about yourself...
It is in this blazing moment that you finally understand the trap of the dark side, the final cruelty of the Sith—because now yourself is all you will ever have.
And you rage and scream and reach through the Force to crush the shadow who has destroyed you, but you are so far less now than what you were, you are more than half machine, you are like a painter gone blind, a composer gone deaf, you can remember where the power was but the power you can touch is only a memory, and so with all your world-destroying fury it is only droids around you that implode, and equipment, and the table on which you were strapped shatters, and in the end, you cannot touch the shadow.
In the end, you do not even want to.
In the end, the shadow is all you have left. Because the shadow understands you, the shadow forgives you, the shadow gathers you unto itself—and within your furnace heart, you burn in your own flame.
This is how it feels to be Anakin Skywalker...
~Sidious in the Revenge of the Sith Novelization
Darth Vader: ... I'm your favorite character, yet this is one of your favorite quotes?
I also enjoy sadness... sssssoooooooo... MOVING ON!
5: THE IMPERIAL MARCH! I have many more, but I'm getting tired of making long lists and being indecisive so I'll just do the ones I've always loved ever since I was, like, six! 😂
6: Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi!
Darth Vader: That's two.
7: Any Star Wars movie or TV show that Disney has done. But especially The Last Jedi.
8: My favorite scene? I have too many! Let's go with my two favorite scenes from ROTS and ROTJ. My favorite scene in ROTS has ALWAYS been when Vader rises, and I've loved it since I was six! 😂 Vader's first breath is just so majestic... 😍
Darth Vader: ....
Next favorite scene, which is only a new favorite because I used to HATE it, is the scene from Vader saving Luke all the way up to Luke and Anakin's touching moment before Anakin dies... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Especially in the book! AGH!
Darth Vader: ... Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy, side by side.
I may adore you, but that's not gonna work, sorry... there could only be one Sith ruling the galaxy, and I'd be that Sith. 😈 JUST KIDDING! 😇
10: Favorite lightsaber color, aye? When I was six, it was always red, because Vader had a red lightsaber! And Maul's lightsaber was just SO epic! Buuuuut now it would have to be blue (even though I really love purple, too— and some of the other colors not seen in the movies!), because— OBI-WAN AND ANAKIN!
Anywho... yeah... that's it... even though I could ramble on and on about all of what I adore about Star Wars... 😂
I tag:
KaitoDetective1412 (if you have time!)
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