Chapter 82
Rowan does a doubletake at the sight of the river. The ice is completely gone now. Cailean looks shocked as well, reaching a hand to try to pull his sister back. Anabla just waves him off and focuses on the watery construction before her, moving her fingers in small, swift movements. The form of a canoe swiftly takes shape, stretching out to make space for the two merrows.
Cailean climbs in quickly and looks towards his sister, waiting. Anabla turns towards Rowan and clasps her hands together, not speaking. Rowan gives her a small smile and a nod. A silent message passes between them and Anabla turns to climb into the boat. With a flick of Cailean's hand, it begins to move down the river. Rowan turns to see Kyma watching the boat go with a strange expression on her face. Rowan frowns.
"What's wrong?"
Kyma's voice is quiet. "I miss my people. And . . ."
"Anabla and Cailean remind you of that?"
Kyma nods. "Very much. Similar traditions, history, talents. It hurts."
"You'll be back with them soon, won't you? The curse, it might be gone now."
Kyma sighs and shakes her head. "It took Star and I weeks to swim here, even with my ability to use the currents to speed us up."
"I'm sorry."
Kyma's head snaps up and she looks Rowan in the eyes, her gaze hard. "It's not your fault!" Rowan shrinks back and Kyma's tone softens. "Sorry, but it isn't. Don't blame yourself for my choices."
"Do you regret coming?"
"No. I may miss my people, but you needed my help." Kyma tries to smile. "Now, are we going to go to the pocket realm?"
Rowan straightens in interest and beams, striding for the water. She doesn't even check her speed when she reaches the still frigid water, the cold seeping into her skin despite the magic keeping the water from actually touching her skin. Kyma makes a squeaking sound from behind Rowan, reacting more to the cold, or at least caring more than Rowan can bring herself to do so.
She shivers as the water closes over her head, cold tendrils touching her neck for a heartbeat. She wades out of the water on the other side, turning to see Kyma swim through after her. She pauses slightly in shock to see the girl's arm wrapped around a seal and a silver tail flicking through the water behind her.
In seal form, Astrila pushes away from Kyma and darts for the shore in front of Rowan, shifting when the water is knee-high. Kyma shifts when she reaches Rowan, untucking the long mass of her hair from her quick bun. Rowan frowns slightly at Kyma's wrists, empty of the bracelet that allows passage into the pocket realm.
In response, Kyma lifts one leg above the water, revealing her ankle. Rowan smiles slightly, her brow still creased in curiosity.
"It still works when you have your tail?"
Kyma grins. "It would seem so."
Astrila makes a piercing whistle, calling for their attention. Rowan jumps slightly, water splashing around her legs. She clambers out of the water and rushes to Astrila's side, frowning.
"What is it?"
Astrila points ahead, to where a black horse is slumped against a tree. Rowan's eyes widen in shock and she darts forward, crouching at his side. She knows it's Andrian by the slight differences in his coat that are almost impossible to see. She runs one hand down his side, her touch soft. He's breathing, but he doesn't react to her touch. Exhaling, she whispers to him in a crooning voice.
"Andrian? It's Ro. Can you get up?"
He snorts softly but doesn't stir. Panicking, Rowan pulls one of her runestones out and presses it against his flank, healing rune glowing faintly. The rune fades a heartbeat later and Rowan looks back at Astrila, panicked.
"What's wrong with him?"
Astrila crouches to examine Andrian. Her gaze sweeps over his body once, twice, and then she sits back on her heels. "He'll be fine. He's just exhausted."
"If I would guess, he was just as eager to get to you as you were to get to him. But with the ice . . ."
"The passage was closed."
Astrila nods. "That's right. He just needs to rest."
With a sigh, Rowan leans against a tree and rests Andrian's head in her lap, stroking his neck in long, soft movements. Astrila settles down across from them, somehow already knowing that Rowan isn't moving until Andrian wakes.
Love Andrian's determination, but exhausting himself probably wasn't a good plan. How long do you think it will be until he wakes up? Do you think the curse is gone or do they still have more to do? What's going to happen next? Tell me your thoughts!
Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!
~Goddess of Fate, signing out
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