Chapter 73
Rowan takes a breath and then another step down the path. Astrila follows behind her, Rowan can almost feel how tense the other girl is. She reaches a hand back and Astrila lets her fingers brush against Rowan's. But then she darts forward, taking the lead into the clearing. With another deep breath, Rowan takes the last step into the clearing.
She quickly moves to the side to let Kyma in, pulling a flame to one hand and slipping a runestone into the other. A woman is in the center of the clearing, pacing back and forth. She looks up as they enter, her gaze narrowing in on Astrila. She smiles sweetly, her brown hair highlighting the silver band across her brow. The red of her cap stands out as well, and Rowan has to forcer herself not to panic.
This woman is the queen of the merrows here, this woman is her great-aunt. The woman continues smiling at Astrila and Kyma, not even looking once towards Rowan. That must mean that the protection charms only work on Rowan and not the other two. But why is the Merrow Queen smiling at them? The Queen opens her mouth, still smiling. There is an edge to that smile, Rowan doesn't trust it.
"Well hello, what are you doing here?"
Astrila stares blankly at the Queen, but Kyma hasn't caught on to what is happening yet. "Umm, we were-"
Astrila hits Kyma on the arm. "Hush!"
Kyma gapes at her. "What was that for?"
Astrila nods toward the Queen, who hums in curiosity at the sight. She lifts an eyebrow at Astrila, her mouth slipping into a tiny frown.
"What, you meet someone new and you won't talk to them?"
"I've met you before and there is no possible way I will let her just tell you anything you want."
Rowan finally remembers that the Queen's name is Ciorsdan just as her eyes light up. "So you remember?"
"Yes, I do."
"How, Astrila? How do you remember? I used your name."
Astrila's trying to fight it, but Rowan knows that she won't be able to for long. In a few moments, the power of her name will force an answer out of Astrila. They can't risk that, especially not with Ciorsdan being able to use the names again and again. Rowan is the only one safe from the names and if Ciorsdan does it the right way, she could learn Rowan's too.
Astrila does know it. So Rowan darts forward towards Ciorsdan, one of her runestones clutched tightly in her burned hand. She can feel a rune swirling up to the surface, the faint heat of the active stone seeping into her hands. She doesn't need to actively think of which rune to use anymore, it just follows her thoughts now.
It's a good thing too, otherwise she doesn't think she could pull this off. But she can do it, so the runestone is ready as she hurtles towards Ciorsdan. Astrila's eyes widen and Ciorsdan starts to turn, clued in by Astrila's reaction. Almost screaming inside her head, Rowan reaches Ciorsdan and presses the stone to her skin as hard as she can.
Ciorsdan cries out in shock and whirls, reaching out towards Rowan. Frost is blooming in her palms instinctively, so Rowan lets fire flare up beneath her skin. Steam hisses at Ciorsdan's touch and Rowan pulls away, taking Ciorsdan's memories with her. Released, the merrow Queen stumbles backward, her eyes momentarily blank.
But she comes back to awareness quickly, her gaze filling with rage. Rowan steps back towards her friends, swallowing hard against the lump of fear forming in her throat. Her protection is gone now, she gave it up to stop the power of Astrila's name. Ciorsdan glares at her, so enraged that if it was possible, Rowan would be dust on the winds from her gaze.
Ciorsdan snarls, "You! What did you do to me?!"
There is no point in lying, especially when doing so would just cause her harm. So Rowan lifts her chin up and speaks. "I took your memories of their names."
Ciorsdan makes a choking sound. "You- you. How dare you! You had no right, half-breed!"
Rowan clicks her tongue and puts on a mask of courage. "Half-breed? That's the best you could come up with? There isn't anything wrong with being half-human."
Ciorsdan spits on the ground. "Half-human, yes, but you're also an Unseelie brat."
Rowan chokes. "How in the world do you know that?!"
Ciorsdan just gives her a grim smile, dark eyes glowing with revulsion. Frost spreads out from her feet, creeping towards Rowan. With a thought, the fire begins to run beneath her skin once more, sending the ground hissing with steam at the clash of ice and fire. Rowan raises an eyebrow.
"What, that's the best you've got?"
Ciorsdan snarls again and lunges. Rowan sidesteps and shoots an arrow of fire towards the Queen, whirling out of the path of the icy shard the Queen sends spearing towards her. But she steps right into the path of another, the Queen anticipating her movement.
Oh no! What's going to happen to Rowan? What do you think of her removing Ciorsdan's memories? What do you think is going to happen next? Tell me your thoughts!
Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!
~ Goddess of Fate, signing out
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