Chapter 62
Cáel smiles at her, but then he frowns. "You said that this is why your friends would say that your role as Princess in the community is a real job. Why would you say otherwise?"
Kyma shrugs. "Because I didn't do it for the community." She frowns. "No, that's not true. I did, but that was because I knew what he was like. I wouldn't have let him hurt anyone else, no matter who I was."
"If there was someone else like him threatening the kingdom, would you have protected it?"
"Of course I would have!"
Cáel's smile widens into a grin. "Why can't you see that what you are isn't just a title. It may not be a job as you would think they would be, but it seems you are taking on the responsibility regardless."
Kyma sighs. "But I didn't choose it."
"If you could choose something else, would you?"
"I'm allowed to choose a profession and earn a second token, but I don't know what I would choose. I only spent a few months in the Kingdom before I came here."
"Yet you miss it?"
Kyma nods. "Yes, very much. It's the first real home I've ever had, at least that I can remember. It's permanent."
Cáel gives her a reassuring smile. "Perhaps you'll learn what you want to do in your Kingdom while you are here."
Kyma glances around them at the trees. Everything is silent, there is just the faintest sounds of leaves rustling in the wind. She looks back at Cáel to see him watching her. He catches her glancing look and flushes, causing her to redden in embarrassment as well. She tries to distract them both from that awkward moment.
"What do we do now?"
Cáel frowns, chewing on his lip. "I don't- Oh, I'm an idiot."
He motions at her and gets to his feet. Kyma scrambles upright, looking at him in confusion. He reaches a hand toward her and she stares at it, frowning. Cáel snorts.
"I'm not going to bite. I don't have teeth on my hand either. Just take it."
Hesitantly, Kyma takes hold of Cáel's hand. He grins at her with a flash of teeth and darts off into the trees, pulling her with him. Kyma cries out in alarm, her voice already becoming tinged with breathless laughter.
"Where are we going?"
"You don't have a way to go back and forth through the passage yet, so we're going to get you one."
"How are we going to do that?"
Cáel looks back at her, grinning. "Wait and see."
So Kyma lets him drag her through the trees, waving at other kelpies as they emerge into yet another clearing full of houses. Those that wave back pause and stare at Kyma, confused by the lack of color to her skin and hair. She flushes red and averts her eyes, not wanting to see all the staring. Cáel slows for a moment, sensing her discomfort.
"Don't let them bother you."
Kyma raises an eyebrow at him. Her voice is dry. "Ever since I've entered the magical side of the world, my being albino has caused problems. Forgive me if I'm apprehensive."
"I'll forgive you, but I'm not going to turn a blind eye."
Kyma sighs. "I wish you would."
"Too bad. Now come on."
Kyma lets him drag her deeper into the forest. He finally stops at a place that looks different from the rest, full of shadows and very rocky. She frowns down at the ground, bending to finger the pebbly ground. She lifts one of the rough stones and turns it over. It glimmers lightly, gold sparkling from fragments embedded in the stone.
"Where are we?"
"The glen."
Kyma narrows her eyes at him. "Thanks. That was so helpful."
"I don't know what to call it other than the glen. There is old magic here, in the stones."
"What kind of magic?"
"Most of these stones act like lodestones, amplifying focus on the passage. They also serve as a warning system."
"Can they just work for the passage?"
Cáel shakes his head, laughing. "No, but they certainly help." he crouches, his gaze sweeping across the ground.
"What are you looking for?"
"A stone, shining with gold flecks."
Kyma extends her hand to one, showing the rock sitting in her palm. "Like this?"
He pauses to look at it. "Close, but not quite. I'm looking for one with a lot more gold than that."
"Is it for aesthetics, or for some other purpose?"
Cáel breaks out into laughter. "Both, I suppose. The gold looks nice, but in truth, the more flecks there are in the stones, the stronger the effect."
Kyma kneels on the ground and scans it, searching for the golden stones. She manages to find a few small ones and gathers them into a small pile. She glances over at Cáel and grimaces at herself. He's a lot better than she is at finding the stones, his pile is easily twice the size of hers. After a few more minutes of this, he stands, seemingly satisfied with their collection.
I love Cáel. This book is a lot nicer to be in terms of favorite characters than Frosted Dreams is(not really up yet, sorry). What do you think is going to happen next? Tell me your thoughts!
Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!
~Goddess of Fate, signing out.
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