Chapter 57
Before Rowan can cross the threshold, her grandmother grabs onto her arm. "What's happening, Rowan?"
Rowan shakes her head. "We thought it was an eclipse, but Gran. When it said night and day are one, it meant Mabon!"
Her grandmother's grip loosens and Rowan yanks herself free. It takes her a heartbeat to grab her bag and then she is out the door, hurtling through the gate and across the field. She's halfway across by the time her grandmother manages to call out the window.
"But where are you going?!"
Rowan doesn't answer, she just slips into the forest. The trees blur around her as she runs, she can barely make out where the leaves of one tree end and the other begins. There is a flash of gold to the side and Rowan turns her head enough to make out a flicker of the Unseelie King's antlers.
He ducks out of sight again and Rowan pushes forward, sucking in a deep breath. She exhales just as she bursts into the clearing. The clearing is empty, and Rowan ducks into the living dome at its centre. Kyma is there, in a deep sleep. Astrila is nowhere in sight. Rowan curses and winces before she moves to shake Kyma awake. The other girl groans but doesn't move. Rowan shakes her again.
"Wave, get up!"
Kyma grumbles but she does stir, blearily cracking her eyes open. She frowns up at Rowan and rubs her eyes.
"What is it, Ro? What's wrong?"
Rowan's gaze darts around the clearing again. "Where's Star?"
Kyma sits up. "What? She isn't here?"
"No! Where is she?"
"Maybe at the river?"
Rowan nods and pushes to her feet. "I have to find her."
"Ro, what's wrong? Something's bothering you."
Rowan looks at the ground and after a moment, raises her eyes to meet Kyma's. Her voice is soft. "We were wrong."
"About what?"
"Our indicator of when the curse would break isn't an eclipse, it's Mabon."
Kyma frowns. "What is Mabon?"
"The autumn equinox, and . . . also my birthday."
Kyma frowns. "Why didn't we think of that? On an equinox, night and day are the same length, so they would be one, so to speak."
"If it's your birthday, how did you forget?"
Rowan glares at Kyma. "I've been a bit busy the past few weeks. I apologize for forgetting my birthday."
Kyma leans away from Rowan. "Hey, there's no reason to get angry."
Twin spots of red appear on Rowan's cheeks and she mumbles. "Sorry, I'm a wee bit stressed."
Kyma lets out a strained laugh. "Just a bit?"
"Okay, maybe more than that. We have to go find Star now, we have to tell her."
Kyma reaches out to grab Rowan's arm. "I don't think the equinox is today, we have time. Take a breath, Ro."
"I can't just relax!"
Kyma's eyes narrow. "Ro, sit down."
With wide eyes, Rowan sits. She comes back to herself after a moment and her mouth drops open.
"How did you do that?"
Kyma shrugs. "I'm a good mediator. Do you still want to find Star?" At that, Rowan tries to push back onto her feet. Kyma pushes down on Rowan's shoulder. "No, sit. What else do you want to do, besides go after Star?"
Rowan flushes. "I want to hang out with Andrian."
"Oh? Is that all?" Rowan's flush deepens, but she doesn't say anything. Kyma nudges her, grinning. "Come on, tell me!"
Rowan groans. "Can't I just want a break from all this craziness without someone badgering me about it?"
Kyma shrugs. "Maybe, but that doesn't mean you're going to get it."
Rowan sighs. "What do you think of Cáel?"
Kyma's eyes widen. "What?"
"Cáel. You know, Andrian's brother?"
Kyma shakes her head, her cheeks turning pink. Instead of answering Rowan, she gets to her feet and extends a hand. "Come on, let's go find Star."
Rowan laughs and stands with a grin, but it doesn't take long for her smile to fade at the though of the problem at hand. She tries to move towards the river quickly, but Kyma pulls her back.
Rowan sighs and falls back into a walk.
What do you think of this news? What about Rowan's reaction? What do you think is going on with her? Tell me your thoughts!
Happy Reading and I'll see you next chapter!
~Goddess of Fate, signing out.
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