Chapter 25
Astrila watches as Kyma's message disappears into the water, a shimmering orb of water. It slips beneath the surface of the water, resembling a bubble of air as it descends beneath the surface. It vanishes into the darkness below, into the shadows cast by the tower walls. But Astrila doesn't need to keep watching it go, she knows its destination. It'll head out the tower and across the sea to find Kyma's mother, to find her and show her the words of her daughter.
Water sloshes close to Astrila. It's quiet, someone's trying not to pull her attention away. But years and years of training her ears to hear the faintest sound in the arctic climate has strengthened her hearing too much. The sound of the water may have been almost too faint to be noticed, but it was just loud enough. She turns to see Kyma climbing out of the pool, the panels of her clothing fluttering around her feet.
With a few swift movements, she buttons the panels together. It takes her a minute, perhaps two, to connect them all. The water streams off the fabric in sheets, not having the slightest grip on the fabric. It's astonishing how waterproof the cloth is, its as much so as Astrila's own clothing. The one from the selkie community, not her old village. Things there weren't so protected from the water.
Of course, there was no need to enter the water then, no one wanted to freeze to death. So there was no need to protect the material from the water. But even so, there was some form of protection, just in case it was needed. The Inuit did like to prepare for most anything that may come their way. Kyma's watching the other royals, her eyes cautious. The Merrow Queen tilts her head to look at Kyma, curiosity filling her dark green-blue eyes.
"Is something wrong?"
"I was curious about something." The Queen waves her hand in a 'go on' gesture. "Before we came here, we were told to be careful with names. And about thanking too. I was wondering . . ."
"Do those rules apply for merrows?"
Kyma's voice is small, unsure. "Yes."
"You needn't fear. Names don't have that power with us. At least no more than they do with humans. The same with the thanking. The selkies follow similar rules to us, I'm sure you were about to ask that next."
Astrila watches as Kyma's mouth opens and closes in shock. A small bubble of laughter rises in her chest and she pops it, stifling the sound before anyone but herself can hear. Astrila steps closer to her cousin, clutching the folds of her pelt.
"If you don't mind, could you tell me your names?"
The Queen smiles. "I'm sure you already know the names of our children. I am Ciorsdan. My husband is Ellair. And what are yours?"
Astrila gives Queen Ciorsdan a small smile. "I'm Astrila, and this is Kyma."
A light glows in Ciorsdan's eyes. Astrila frowns. "What is it?"
"Do you know what your name means?"
Astrila blinks rapidly for a few moments before she regains control of herself. Her eyes narrow slightly. "Yes, I do. Starlit snow. How did you know?"
"We may not be friendly with the Finfolk," Astrila blinks. Finfolk? Who are they? "But we do know of their prophecy. It speaks of a snowflake made of stars and a blue flower. It must be you two. Were you aware?"
Astrila steps closer to Kyma. Something feels off, like she's missing something. But what is it? Kyma glances at her out of the corner of her eye. She senses it too. She looks up at Ciorsdan.
"How long have you known?"
Ciorsdan steps back slightly. "I-"
Kyma's voice hardens. "Tell me."
"I knew since you were born and your mother sent you away. A lost flower blue, that's what the prophecy said. You were a merrow of the Western Kingdom, you were given a blue larimar flower by your mother." She smiles at Kyma's startled expression. "Yes, I knew about that. The moment she sent you away, you became lost. I just didn't know your cousin was in the prophecy. I didn't know about the half-Seelie, half-" She chokes on the word and shakes her head. "I suppose it isn't for me to say. Well, I didn't think that girl would be in the prophecy either."
Astrila can feel Kyma tense beside her, she can feel the bite in her voice. "What do you know about Ro?"
"I know more about her than she does. But it seems I can't say it."
Ciorsdan's expression is dark, angry. Anabla and Cailen look at their mother with shocked expressions. Even Ellair looks shocked. Kyma steps back toward the pool of water, her feet sliding over the ground. Astrila can hear the sound of flesh sliding over stone, so faint that only she can hear it. Astrila steps backward as well, carefully keeping herself between Ciorsdan and Kyma. Her voice is like iron wrapped in a pelt when she finally speaks, soft on the surface and hard beneath.
"What do you want from her?"
"To keep her from breaking the curse."
"Why? It's wrong, what that Seelie Lord has done!"
Ciorsdan's expression darkens with wrath. "Because if that curse breaks, my world does too."
What do you think Ciorsdan was about to say about Ro? What do you think she knows? Why does she think the curse will harm her/her world if it's broken? What's going to happen next? Tell me your thoughts!
Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!
~Goddess of Fate, signing out.
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