Chapter Two
It's the big Quidditch game, and I'm sitting with my two friends other than Emma, both Hufflepuffs.
Mina waves a yellow flag.
"Go, Hufflepuff!" yells Jay.
"Oh, wait!" Mina exclaims. "Slytherin is behind by two points!"
She flips her flag around, to reveal a green side.
"Go, Slytherin!" Jay proclaims.
"Woo-hoo, Slytherin!" Mina calls.
Ben Quick passes by us, Adreada Emu close behind, in pursuit of the golden snitch. Ben pauses for a split second to wink at me, then zooms off, leaving Adreada confused.
"What's up with you and Ben?" She asks me.
"Nothing. He's just a big prat. Get going."
This snaps her out of it, and she zooms off behind him.
"Nothing, really?" Mina asks, lowering her flag as she looks at me.
"Yeah, he winked at you," Jay says, sounding slightly protective.
You see, he has several things against the Slytherins (despite rooting for them every time they're behind), and he's one of my oldest friends. We've known each other for a long time, and he's a seventh year, so he has an odd fraternal bond with me.
"It's ok," I say adamantly. "He's a total prat, and that's all that's between us. Promises."
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