The moment Baekhyun woke up the next morning, he instantly knew the day was Sunday; the day he had to go home to Daehyun. He sighed and rolled over onto his side, pecking up at Chanyeol through his lashes. He smiled sadly and scooted closer, wiggling under Chanyeol's arm and slipping his leg through his as an attempt to lock their two bodies together. He sighed again as he buried his face into Chanyeol's T-shirt; inhaling his masculine scent.
He closed his eyes and willed his body to fall back to sleep; his solution to escape the reality that he had to leave.
When Baekhyun woke up the next time, the sunlight peeked through the blinds and shown across the end of the bed. Baekhyun yawned and rubbed his eyes before fully opening them, and gasped when he saw that Chanyeol was awake and watching him.
Chanyeol blushed, knowing he had been caught as he softly muttered to his defense, "Sorry, but you're beautiful when you sleep . . ."
Baekhyun smiled and leaned up to pecking Chanyeol's lips. "It's okay, I like that you're the first thing I see when I wake up," he softly replied.
Chanyeol smiled too and kissed him back. "I'm glad, and now that you're awake, would you mind if we showered together? I'm only asking because I know you have to go back home today and I—-"
Baekhyun quickly kissed Chanyeol again, silencing his babble as he whispered, "I'd love too, and I want to spend every moment with you, as well." Baekhyun smiled; and Chanyeol kissed him.
"Okay . . ." Chanyeol softly muttered as he stood up and reached out for Baekhyun's hand.
Baekhyun happily slipped his hand into Chanyeol's and allowed him to lead them towards the bathroom; he also happily allowed Chanyeol to undress him and himself before guiding him into the shower. Baekhyun didn't have to do much more than lift his arms the whole time, since Chanyeol took charge and bathed Baekhyun himself; a task he did happily.
Once they were both clean, Chanyeol wrapped a towel around Baekhyun and twisted one around his own waist. He grabbed Baekhyun's hand and lead him back to his room where he continued to baby him. Baekhyun stood in the middle of Chanyeol's room as he searched through the clothes Baekhyun brought; tossing aside things he didn't like. Soon enough everything besides what he'd already worn was on the floor and deemed 'unacceptable'.
"Chanyeol, what am I going to wear?" Baekhyun asked as he crouched down to gather together his clothes.
Chanyeol took them again and tossed them onto the bed as he muttered, "One of my T-shirts . . ."
"Because you're mine."
Baekhyun sighed and touched Chanyeol's cheek as he softly muttered, "Chan, you can't turn possessive on me now. I have to go home today and we both know that. Okay?"
Chanyeol sighed and turned his head to kiss Baekhyun's palm, his own hand coming up to gently cup Baekhyun's hand to his cheek as he muttered, "I know, I just wish you didn't have to go . . ."
"I know, me too," Baekhyun whispered as he gestured for Chanyeol to slip one of his too-big shirts over Baekhyun's head. Baekhyun softly laughed when the hem of the shirt reached down to his knees.
Chanyeol grinned and teased, "You look like you're wearing a dress."
Baekhyun laughed again and slipped on a pair of his own boxers as he replied, "Hush! And get dressed already! I want to do things!"
Chanyeol chuckled and muttered, "Okay, okay! Patience, babe."
Once Chanyeol had dressed in a pair of sweatpants and a comfortable hoodie Baekhyun dragged him to the kitchen and started to pull out a glass mixing bowl, flour, and a bag of chocolate chips. Chanyeol smiled when he realized what he was doing and opened the fridge to grab the eggs, milk, and butter.
When everything was set out, Baekhyun pretended to roll his sleeves before asking, "Ready to bake some cookies?"
Chanyeol just smiled in response and kissed his temple.
They sat at the table eating cookie dough as a batch baked in the oven. Baekhyun sucked on his spoon before pulling it out of his mouth as he asked, "Do you want to play a game?"
"What kind of game?" Chanyeol asked as he ate another small bite of cookie dough.
Baekhyun mused to himself for a moment before asking, "How does truth or dare sound? Or maybe we could play hide and seek? Or tag?"
Chanyeol smiled and glanced at Baekhyun from the corner of his eye. He wiped the corner of his mouth before muttering, "All of those options sound like fun . . ." Chanyeol trailed off as he mused. "Hmm? How about we play hide and seek while the cookies bake? They have to bake another half hour . . ."
Baekhyun nodded and took another bite of the dough. He placed his spoon down before standing up and maneuvering onto Chanyeol's lap. He wound his arms around Chanyeol's neck and planted a quick kiss on his lips before softly muttering, "I'll hide first . . ." An then he was pecking Chanyeol's cheek before he ran out of the kitchen, giggling as he did.
Chanyeol smiled to himself and silently counting up to twenty before yelling, "Time's up! Ready or not, here I come!"
"Found you!" Chanyeol cried as he tickled Baekhyun's feet.
Baekhyun happily shrieked and twisted to get away as he cried, "Chanyeol! Stop! Oh my god! I'm begging you! Please, stop!" Baekhyun laughed as tears rolled down his cheeks. An when mercifully the tickling had stopped he was breathing hard from trying to escape; there was only so many places he could go though when he was cornered behind the couch.
The front door clicked open just then, and Taemin walked inside as he heard Chanyeol yell, "Do you surrender?"
"Yes! You win," he heard Baekhyun gasp.
He frowned as he set his bag down by the door and slowly walked into the living room to see the couch pulled out and Chanyeol's body hidden halfway behind it.
"Um . . . What's going on . . .?" Taemin mumbled unsurely.
"Oh! Hey, Taemin!" Chanyeol called. "Here, I'll help you up," Chanyeol muttered to Baekhyun.
"Thanks," Baekhyun mumbled.
They both stood up, and Chanyeol readjusted Baekhyun's shirt as they smiled awkwardly at Chanyeol's brother. "Um, we were just—-"
"Nope! Don't tell me. It's probably best I don't know . . ." Taemin trailed off.
Baekhyun blushed and Chanyeol stuttered, "It–it wasn't like that!"
"Like I said, I don't want to know!" Taemin called as he left the room.
Baekhyun pursed his lips but he wasn't able to hold back anymore and bursted into laughter. Chanyeol laughed too and grabbed Baekhyun's hand as he said, "Oh my god, we should so mess with him!"
Baekhyun's eyes lit up excitedly and he cried, "Yes!" Which then made both of them stiffle more laughter.
Chanyeol held his index finger up to his mouth and whispered, "Shh!" He took Baekhyun's hand and quietly lead him down the hallway to his room. He carefully closed the door before spinning Baekhyun around and tossing him onto the bed. Baekhyun giggled as he lightly bounced, and Chanyeol hopped onto the bed after him.
"How are we going to tease him?" Baekhyun whispered.
"Like this . . ." Chanyeol quietly muttered before bouncing on the bed, causing it to squeak and creak.
Baekhyun slapped a hand over his mouth to hold back his laughter as he quietly hissed, "You're such a child!"
Chanyeol just softly laughed and held his hands out as he whispered, "Bounce with me, Baekkie!"
Baekhyun threw his head back in silently laughter as he reached out to grab Chanyeol's hand. They balanced each other as they stood up on the bed and began to gently jump. Baekhyun had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing when he heard Taemin throw something at the wall.
Chanyeol grinned and yelled, "Oh my god, Baek! You're such a naughty boy!"
Baekhyun bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing and yelled back, "I'll show you naughty!"
Something else hit the wall again, and was soon after followed by Taemin yelling, "Shut the hell up! I'm being scarred for life in here!"
Baekhyun and Chanyeol just fell onto the bed in laughter, tears running down their cheeks from laughing so hard.
Word count: 1,388
~ 🌸 ~
A/N: Hello, lovelies! This chapter is so freaking cute, and I can't help but laugh at their playful and silly behavior. Anyway, thank you for reading, and please, don't forget to vote and comment. Thank you!
Love from,
BunnyBaekkiee ❤️
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